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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Responsibility for public assistance and care in a county social services district
Social Services (SOS) CHAPTER 55, ARTICLE 3, TITLE 3
§ 69. Responsibility for public assistance and care in a county social
services district. The responsibility for the administration of public
assistance and care in a county social services district and the expense
thereof may either be borne by the county social services district or
be divided between such district and the towns and cities therein as
hereinafter provided.

1. Unless otherwise determined by the board of supervisors as
hereinafter provided, each town shall be responsible for the expense of
providing safety net assistance for persons residing or found in such

2. Unless otherwise determined by the board of supervisors as
hereinafter provided, a city forming a part of a county social services
district shall be responsible for the expense of providing safety net
assistance for any person residing or found in its territory.

3. A county social services district shall be responsible for the
expense of providing all assistance and care for persons residing or
found in a town or city in its territory for which such town or city is
not responsible under the provisions of subdivisions one and two of this
section. The expense of such assistance and care granted by a county
social services district shall be subject to reimbursement by the state
in the cases provided for by section sixty-two or by any other provision
of this chapter.