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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Transfers of appropriations
State Finance (STF) CHAPTER 56, ARTICLE 4
§ 50. Transfers of appropriations. Notwithstanding any other
provisions of law, in order to better coordinate and reorient the
administration of programs which help to reduce, eliminate or avoid
financial dependency, in order to assure that services provided under
such programs are delivered in the most economical and efficient
fashion, and in order to fully qualify such programs for federal
assistance, the director of the budget may approve contracts between the
state department of social services and other state departments and
agencies which may be providing such services to individuals and
families who are receiving or who are former or potential recipients of
public assistance and care, as defined by the rules and regulations of
the state department of social services. Such contracts may provide for
the delivery of such services on behalf of the state department of
social services and the social services districts of the state, to the
extent feasible, upon a finding by the director of the budget that such
contractual arrangements would be to the advantage of the state in
respect to Federal reimbursement and the orderly and effective provision
of such services. The fiscal benefit of any federal financial assistance
realized by the state pursuant to such contracts will be shared with any
localities which contribute to the costs of providing the contractual
services, according to the proportion by which such costs are shared
between the state and localities pursuant to law, on the day immediately
preceding the execution date of such contracts. Notwithstanding any
other provisions of law, the director of the budget is hereby authorized
to transfer such funds as may be necessary to give effect to any such
contractual arrangements authorized under this section to the state
department of social services from funds appropriated to any such other
state departments and agencies to the extent that such transfers may be
necessary to obtain federal reimbursements for the provision of services
of the same nature as those for which such funds were appropriated and
any funds so transferred shall be deemed to have been appropriated to
the state department of social services for the purposes of providing
for such services and obtaining federal reimbursement for their support.
No such transfer shall take effect until a certificate of transfer shall
have been issued by the director of the budget and copies filed with the
state comptroller, the chairman of the senate finance committee and the
chairman of the assembly ways and means committee. Amendments to such
certificates may be made by filing revised copies with the same
officers. Every such certificate shall clearly show (1) the items and
amounts of appropriations which are to be transferred, (2) the chapter
of the laws in which they were originally appropriated, and (3) the
department or agency from which they are being transferred.