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This entry was published on 2019-11-15
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Gift for the William B
* § 630-g. Gift for the William B. Hoyt Memorial children and family
trust fund. Effective for any tax year commencing on or after January
first, two thousand twenty-one, an individual in any taxable year may
elect to contribute to the William B. Hoyt Memorial children and family
trust fund established pursuant to section four hundred eighty-one-f of
the social services law. Such contribution shall be in any whole dollar
amount and shall not reduce the amount of state tax owed by such
individual. The tax commission shall include space on the personal
income tax return to enable a taxpayer to make such contribution.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law all revenues collected
pursuant to this section shall be credited to the William B. Hoyt
Memorial children and family trust fund and used only for those purposes
enumerated in article ten-A of the social services law.

* NB There are 3 § 630-g's