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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Contracts by water districts or town water storage and distribution districts with water authorities
§ 197-a. Contracts by water districts or town water storage and
distribution districts with water authorities. The town board may enter
into an agreement with a public water authority which possesses express
reciprocal powers whereby the award of contracts or orders for
engineering services, and for work performed, or materials or supplies
furnished in connection with the construction, development, extension or
improvement of a water supply or distribution system, or any part or
parts thereof, for or on behalf of a water district or a town water
storage and distribution district may be made by such public water
authority, and such an agreement may contain provisions equitably
allocating costs. If such agreement shall authorize a public water
authority to purchase supplies or equipment or to construct public
works, such authority shall be subject to all provisions of law to which
a town would be subject in relation to advertising and awarding any such
contracts for supplies, equipment or public works. The town board, where
a water district exists, may enter into an agreement with a public water
authority which possesses express reciprocal powers whereby the award of
contracts or orders for engineering services, and for work performed, or
materials or supplies furnished in connection with the construction,
development, extension or improvement of a water supply or distribution
system, or any part or parts thereof, for or on behalf of such public
water authority may be made by such town, and such an agreement may
contain provisions equitably allocating costs.