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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Districts and number of judges therein
Uniform District Court Act (UDC) CHAPTER 565, ARTICLE 24, TITLE 1
§ 2403. Districts and number of judges therein. The county district
court system shall be divided into judicial districts as follows: The
entire district court system shall constitute the first judicial
district in which one district court judge shall be elected. Each town
electing to become part of the district court system, including the
three or more towns establishing the system, shall constitute another
judicial district, provided, however, that any two or more contiguous
towns electing to become part of the district court system which have a
combined total population of less than sixty thousand according to the
last census, shall constitute one judicial district, but provided
further, that if any of such towns shall thereafter attain a population
greater than thirty thousand, such town shall constitute another
judicial district. In each judicial district there shall be elected one
district court judge. The supervisors elected in the towns comprising
the first judicial district may, upon the recommendation of the board of
judges of the district courts, increase the number of judges in all or
any one of the districts provided that such new judicial post or posts
shall be filled for a full term at the next general election held not
less than three months after the creation thereof. For the purpose of
electing such judges and for the purpose of determining the boundaries
of such districts, any city hereafter created from the territory of any
town shall be considered to be part of that town.