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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Court clerks; duties
Uniform District Court Act (UDC) CHAPTER 565, ARTICLE 24, TITLE 1
§ 2414. Court clerks; duties. The court clerk in each district shall:

1. Exercise the powers conferred and perform the duties imposed upon
him by this act and the rules and the resolutions of the board of
judges, and those usually appertaining to his offices; and, in the
exercise of such powers and the performance of such duties, conform to
the direction of the court.

2. Keep the seal of the court and affix it to such papers and
documents as he may be required to certify.

3. Keep a docket book in such manner as the rules may prescribe, and
all other records and proceedings of the court, and act as custodian of
all documents, books and records.

4. Keep the office open for the transaction of business during the
hours designated by the rules and resolutions of the board of judges.

5. Attend the sittings of the court, administer oaths and take
acknowledgments in the same manner and with like effect as clerks in
courts of records, receive verdicts of juries, and, in a proper case,
adjourn causes, or, when no judge appears, adjourn causes to the next
judicial day; deputy court clerks and clerks other than the court clerk
shall have like power and authority by designation of the president of
the board of judges.

6. Assume charge and control of, and be responsible for, the general
conduct of the business of his office and for the faithful discharge of
the duties of deputy and assistant clerks and other officers connected
with the court.

7. Collect and receive all the fees, and account for and pay the same
into the county treasury at such times as the county treasurer may
prescribe, which account shall contain the title of each case and the
amount of fees received therein; and the salary of such clerk shall not
be paid until he shall have so accounted and paid. He shall perform no
service until he shall have received the legal fees therefor.

8. Deliver to his successor in office the official seal and all
papers, books and records on file in his office.