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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Regulation of traffic on the grounds of state departments, institutions of the state university, state hospitals and other state institut...
Vehicle & Traffic (VAT) CHAPTER 71, TITLE 8, ARTICLE 37
§ 1623. Regulation of traffic on the grounds of state departments,
institutions of the state university, state hospitals and other state
institutions. (a) Upon the application of the head of any state
department, upon the application of the board of trustees of the state
university of New York and upon the application of the board of visitors
or other similar board or body of a state hospital or state institution,
the department of transportation may by order, rule or regulation
prohibit, restrict or regulate traffic on or pedestrian use of any
highway on the grounds of the department, institution or institutions
over which the department head, board or body making such applications
has jurisdiction. (b) This section shall not apply to any of the grounds
referred to in section fifty-seven hundred eight of the education law.