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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Limitation on scope of local speed limits; reports of local speeding convictions to department of transportation
Vehicle & Traffic (VAT) CHAPTER 71, TITLE 8, ARTICLE 37
§ 1624. Limitation on scope of local speed limits; reports of local
speeding convictions to department of transportation. (a) On any state
highway maintained by the state within any city, village or suburban
town governed pursuant to article three-A of the town law, the
department of transportation may designate any such state highway or
section of such highway on which any such city, village or suburban town
shall not by local law, ordinance, order, rule or regulation establish
any maximum speed limits at which vehicles may proceed on or along such
state highway. Such designation shall be made by an order in writing of
the department of transportation and served by mail on the mayor or
supervisor or a member of the governing board of such city, village or
suburban town ten days before the same shall take effect. At the
expiration of ten days after service of such order upon any city,
village or suburban town the speed of any vehicle upon such state
highway or section of such highway shall not be subject to any such
maximum speed limit established by such city, village or suburban town.

(b) The department of transportation may in its discretion at any time
make a written order requiring any city, village or suburban town to
report to the department of transportation the punishment inflicted upon
conviction of exceeding the lawful maximum speed limit in such city,
village or suburban town. Such order shall be in writing and shall be
served in like manner as the order provided for in subdivision (a) of
this section. Any city, village or suburban town upon which such order
is served shall thereafter, at the close of each month and before the
fifth day of the following month, make a report to the department of
transportation showing the name and residence of each person fined or
otherwise punished during the month, and the fines or punishment
imposed. Such report shall be duly verified by the officer or officers,
or magistrate or magistrates imposing the fines or punishment. The
department of transportation may at any time suspend or rescind the
order requiring such reports. If any city, village or suburban town
fail to make any such report as required by the order of the department
of transportation within the time prescribed by law, the right or power
of such city, village or suburban town to impose any punishment upon
conviction of exceeding the lawful maximum speed limit within such city,
village or suburban town shall be suspended until the report is made as