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Traffic regulations on restricted highways
Vehicle & Traffic (VAT) CHAPTER 71, TITLE 8, ARTICLE 37
§ 1625. Traffic regulations on restricted highways. (a) The
department of transportation, a county superintendent of highways, or a
town superintendent of highways, with respect to any restricted highway,
as defined in section one hundred four-a of the highway law, may
prohibit, restrict or regulate traffic on, or pedestrian use of any such
highway. The provisions of section sixteen hundred shall be applicable
provided, however, that any action taken pursuant to this section shall
supersede the provisions of this chapter where inconsistent with or in
conflict with respect to the following enumerated subjects.

1. Establishment of maximum and minimum speed limits at which vehicles
may proceed along any such restricted highway.

2. Weights and dimensions of vehicles.

3. Use of such restricted highway by pedestrians, equestrians and

4. Parking, standing, stopping and backing of vehicles.

5. Control of persons and equipment engaged in work on such highway.

(b) the provisions of this chapter with respect to registration shall
not apply to vehicles and equipment engaged in work on such restricted

(c) When used on such restricted highways, all traffic control devices
shall be considered as official traffic control devices and shall
conform to the manual and specifications for a uniform system of traffic
control devices adopted by the department of transportation.