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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Vehicle & Traffic (VAT) CHAPTER 71, TITLE 10, ARTICLE 46
§ 2127. Hearings. A person aggrieved by an act or omission to act of
the commissioner under this article is entitled to a hearing. The
commissioner shall grant a hearing to an applicant therefor as soon as
practicable, except that if a certificate of title is temporarily
suspended, within ten days after receipt of a written request for such
hearing. No hearing shall be required because of the refusal of the
commissioner to issue a certificate of title in a case where the
commissioner determines that a request for such hearing is frivolous or
based upon sham. The applicant may be heard in person or by counsel. The
hearing shall be at such time and place as the commissioner shall
prescribe. The commissioner acting by such officer or person in the
department of motor vehicles as he may designate, shall have the power
to temporarily omit to take any action under this article pending a
hearing and to subpoena and bring before the officer or person so
designated any person in this state and administer an oath to and take
testimony of any person or cause his deposition to be taken with the
same fees and mileage in the same manner as prescribed by law in
judicial procedure in courts of this state in civil cases.