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This entry was published on 2024-02-02
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Right to election
§ 2-212 Right to election. 1. An election to determine the question of
incorporation shall be held no later than one hundred eighty days and no
earlier than ninety days after the first occurring of either of the
following two events:

a. The expiration of thirty days from the filing of the original of a
decision by the commission to proceed to a village incorporation
election pursuant to section 2-208 of this article and no proceeding
having been instituted to review same, or

b. The filing of a final order affirming the decision of the
commission to proceed to a village incorporation election pursuant to
section 2-208 of this article or reversing the decision of the
commission not to proceed to a village incorporation election pursuant
to section 2-208 of this article after such a proceeding to review.

2. The procedure for conducting said election shall be pursuant to the
election law.