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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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§ 7-708 Changes. Such regulations, restrictions and boundaries may
from time to time be amended. An amendment shall be effected by a simple
majority vote of the board of trustees, except that an amendment shall
require the approval of at least two-thirds of the members of the board
of trustees in villages having three members on such board, and
three-fourths of the members of the board of trustees in all the other
villages in the event such amendment is the subject of a written
protest, presented to the board and signed by:

1. the owners of twenty percent or more of the area of land included
in such proposed change; or

2. the owners of twenty percent or more of the area of land
immediately adjacent to that land included in such proposed change,
extending one hundred feet therefrom; or

3. the owners of twenty percent or more of the area of land directly
opposite thereto, extending one hundred feet from the street frontage of
such opposite land.

The provisions of the previous section relative to public hearings
shall apply equally to all proposed amendments.