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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Insurance against liability to volunteer firefighters and ambulance workers
Workers' Compensation (WKC) CHAPTER 67, ARTICLE 6
§ 100. Insurance against liability to volunteer firefighters and
ambulance workers. Insurance contracts issued by the state insurance
fund to insure political subdivisions against liability in relation to
volunteer firefighters or volunteer ambulance workers under the
volunteer firefighters' benefit law or the volunteer ambulance workers'
benefit law shall be designated "volunteer firefighters' benefit
insurance" or "volunteer ambulance workers' benefit insurance". The
provisions of this article which are not inconsistent with such laws
shall be applicable in relation to such insurance. The following terms
used in this article, unless inconsistent with the volunteer
firefighters' benefit law or the volunteer ambulance workers' benefit
law, are hereby enlarged as follows:

1. "Employer" includes any political subdivision liable for benefits
pursuant to the volunteer firefighters' benefit law or the volunteer
ambulance workers' benefit law.

2. "Employee" includes a volunteer firefighter or volunteer ambulance
worker who has been or might be injured in line of duty or who dies or
might die from such an injury. When a political subdivision or a
district or area thereof is responsible for the payment of benefits
pursuant to the volunteer firefighters' benefit law or the volunteer
ambulance workers' benefit law, it shall be deemed the "employer" of
such "employee."

3. "Workers' compensation" and "compensation" include the benefits in
relation to volunteer firefighters or volunteer ambulance workers
pursuant to the volunteer firefighters' benefit law or the volunteer
ambulance workers' benefit law.

4. "This chapter" includes the volunteer firefighters' benefit law and
the volunteer ambulance workers' benefit law, except when such a meaning
is inconsistent with this article.