Improving Parks In Every Borough: Update On Conservancy Commitments To Community Parks
February 27, 2017

NEW YORK—In November 2015, Mayor Bill de Blasio and NYC Parks Commissioner Mitchell J. Silver, FAICP, announced a $15-million package of conservancy engagements to improve parks in Community Parks Initiative neighborhoods. Just over a year later, the Mayor and Commissioner announced eight major conservancies involved are on track to meet or exceed their commitments.
See the original announcement – with Genius annotations detailing each updated commitment (click on the yellow highlights) – here.
“Public spaces that serve all New Yorkers are elemental to a strong, just city. Through the Community Parks Initiative, and the support and continued commitment of our conservancy partners, thousands of New Yorkers are seeing substantive improvements in parks that have been neglected for decades,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio.
“Parks are shared spaces – and supporting them is a shared responsibility. Over the past year, our conservancy partners generously stepped up and extended their expertise beyond their bases. By collaborating with NYC Parks and neighborhood volunteer groups, these eight conservancies are helping to bring world-class parks to all New Yorkers,” said Parks Commissioner Mitchell J. Silver.
“Our system of parks is strengthened by its conservancies – especially when our conservancies are an active part of our parks system. That’s why I proposed the Neighborhood Parks Alliance, and why I am so excited by the partnerships that have grown out of that proposal,” said State Senator Daniel Squadron. “Participating conservancies deserve big credit for voluntarily stepping up to help neighborhood parks, and Commissioner Silver and Mayor de Blasio deserve big credit for making the Community Parks Initiative and these partnerships a reality. Thank you to Mayor de Blasio, Commissioner Silver, and all the participating conservancies.”