Senator May's Statement on Nascentia Layoffs
February 20, 2020
- Long-Term Care
- Aging

“As one of the largest managed long-term care programs in the state -- and the only nonprofit to provide these services to many of our Upstate counties -- Nascentia serves as a critical safety net for some of our most vulnerable and marginalized seniors. With about 65% of Nascentia’s members residing in skilled nursing facilities, the most of any program in the state, cuts to Nascentia’s services will have a negative impact on patients in our region.
“The senior care industry already faces workforce shortages, and with our state population aging at an unprecedented rate, these layoffs will only exacerbate the challenge of meeting the growing need. I stand ready to work with the Governor toward budget solutions to avoid future layoffs at Nascentia and to maintain its capacity to manage the care of vulnerable seniors well into the future.”
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