Westchester Reopening Update: 6-25-2020
June 25, 2020
- Aid and Incentives to Municipalities
- Coronavirus Pandemic
- federal aid
- reopening
- grants for nonprofits

Dear Friends:
As the Mid-Hudson Region and New York State move forward through the reopening phases, we cannot escape the desperate financial situation that New York State, our cities, towns, villages and schools now face. With significant drops in revenue due to the pandemic, the state announced that it would be withholding Aid and Incentives for Municipalities (AIM) payments to 12 major cities, including the cities of White Plains and Yonkers. In response, my NYS Senate colleagues and I who represent these cities sent a letter to U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell urging him to provide federal funding for local governments. Read more about this effort in a section below.
- The Mid-Hudson Region and Westchester County entered Phase Three of reopening on Tuesday, June 23rd. Phase Three includes indoor dining at restaurants at 50% capacity and the reopening of professional services. For industry guidance on Phase Three, click here.
- Governor Andrew Cuomo, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy and Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont announced a joint incoming travel advisory that effective Thursday, June 25th, all individuals traveling from states with significant community spread of the coronavirus must quarantine for a period of 14-days from the time of last contact within the identified state. Click here to read Executive Order 205: Quarantine Restrictions on Travelers Arriving in New York.
- $65 million in federal CARES Act funding is available for child care providers statewide through the New York Forward Child Care Expansion Incentive program. Throughout the pandemic, 65% of OCFS-licensed & registered child care programs remained open serving families of essential workers and others. The federal CARES Act funding will assist the remaining programs in reopening as families return to the workplace.
County Executive George Latimer announced the creation of the Westchester Food Security Initiative (FSI) to provide $3 million in additional support to food pantries, restaurants and food delivery programs serving seniors & other vulnerable populations. Approximately 1 in 5 Westchester residents were living with food insecurity before the pandemic. In the wake of the crisis, that need more than doubled, and Feeding Westchester & local food pantries have been working hard to meet the demand. Click here to read more about the FSI. Local food pantries can contact Carla Prioleau at CDPM@westchestergov.com to apply for grants.
This past month, the New York State Education Department (NYSED) and the New York Board of Regents held four virtual Regional School Reopening Task Force meetings throughout the state. I was pleased to view the Hudson Valley Regional meeting. The meetings gathered input from parents, teachers, school and district leaders, school board members, staff, health experts and other interested parties that will inform guidance for New York's schools this fall. For more information, or to stream the Regional School Reopening Task Force meetings, click here.
A Conversation about LGBTQ Rights & Quality
Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins and I are proud to co-host Commemorating Pride 2020: A Conversation about LGBTQ Rights and Equality. We will discuss the most recent legal victories for the LGBTQ+ community, as well as what still needs to be done moving forward.
Tonight, Thursday, June 25, 2020
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Click here to RSVP.
RSVP is requested but not required.
Special Guests:
- The Hon. Selwyn Walters, President of The Board, The LOFT: LGBT Community Services Center
- The Hon. Michael Sabatino, Member, LGBT Advisory Board, Westchester County
- Shary Sanchez, Esq, Attorney-in-Charge Peekskill Office, Legal Services of the Hudson Valley
- Robert Voorheis, Liaison to the LGBT Community, City of Yonkers
The event will be livestreamed on my Facebook Page. You do not need a Facebook account to watch. Please email me with any questions you have for the panelists at smayer@nysenate.gov or ask the questions live in the comments.
Summer reading is an essential part of students’ summer plans, and this summer, reading is more important than ever. I am pleased to support NYSL & NYSED’s Summer Reading Program to help our students learn and grow. Even in the face of the Coronavirus Pandemic, our public libraries helped residents of all ages remain connected, read new books and find resources. As our libraries reimagine The Summer Reading Program with new virtual programs, I encourage children to lose themselves in books, explore new ideas, and imagine their own stories. Check with your local library about how to participate in this year's Summer Reading Program.
The Yonkers Philharmonic Orchestra launched an online program, YPO@Home, to help seniors in the community join the Yonkers Philharmonic from the security and comfort of their own home. All online events are available on demand on the YPO@Home website on the day of the event. Click here for the schedule of events. To keep the music playing, free-of-charge and offset their costs, the Yonkers Philharmonic Orchestra accepts donations. Click here to donate.
My office has been delivering hand sanitizer to religious institutions, senior buildings, public housing and community groups throughout the 37th district who have requested it. Please complete a request form here if you would like to sign-up to receive a two gallon bottle once more inventory becomes available. As of now, we are prioritizing institutions in the 37th Senate District, but we are also coordinating with our regional Senate partners to accommodate as many requests as possible.
As always, feel free to contact my office at (914) 934-5250 or smayer@nysenate.gov if there is an issue with which we can offer assistance or if you have questions about reopening for yourself or your business.
Kind regards,
Shelley B. Mayer
State Senator
37th District