Senator Kavanagh's 2022 Summer Newsletter
July 19, 2022

Please see the links above to view the Senator's Summer newsletter. This newsletter was sent to households throughout the district, by mail, in late July. As always, if you have questions for our office, want to express concern about an issue, or need support or resources, please feel free to reach out by email at kavanagh@nysenate.gov, or by phone at either 212-298-5565 or 718-875-1517.
Dear Friends and Constituents:
I want to give you an update on some of the key issues I have been working on over the past several months.
The State budget we enacted in April reflects our priorities as New Yorkers. It includes big investments to address the housing affordability crisis, take action on climate change, protect the environment, and ensure other basic needs like education, childcare, and healthcare are well-funded and more affordable.
By the time the session wrapped up in June, we passed over 1000 bills, including legislation to prevent gun violence and keep our communities safe, promote housing stability and affordability, and protect reproductive rights.
With many New Yorkers experiencing growing concerns about crime and public safety, the continuing effects of COVID-19, and rising costs of just about everything, I know we have a lot more work to do. My staff and I will continue to do everything we can to serve the communities we represent and make New York a safe, affordable, fair, and livable place.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of assistance or if you have suggestions on ways that I, as your voice in Albany, can better represent you!
Senator Brian Kavanagh