New York Daily News Highlights Senator Hamilton's Black History Month Message

Jesse Hamilton

Reviewing celebrations in honor Black History Month, the New York Daily News highlighted Senator Hamilton's message on recognizing the many contributions of African-Americans:

My great-grandparents migrated to New York City from St. Thomas parish in Barbados for a better life. My great-grandfather worked double shifts as a janitor in order to provide for his family. Growing up as a third generation Barbadian, they taught me the value of hard work and advocating for the people. My 99 year old great-uncle Robert and 98 year old great-aunt Ruby, who migrated to New York City with my great-grandparents, continue to share stories with my family about our history.

For far too long in American history, African-Americans have had to suffer the agony of countless untold stories. Stories of heroism and obstacles overcome like that of the Tuskegee Airmen, stories of innovation and invention like that of George Washington Carver, stories of outstanding oratory and poetic rhetoric like that of Sojourner Truth. And many more stories from aunts and uncles, grandmothers and grandfathers, friends and neighbors, stories passed down through generations that did not make their way into the history books. Altogether, stories of what it has meant to live our lives in America.

African-American History Month offers an opportunity to highlight these stories, to widely share our experience, and to celebrate the manifold contributions African-Americans have made to the American family, with the American family. I encourage all New Yorkers to take in some of the many exhibits, performances, and events on offer in celebration of African-American History Month. Help lift up these stories and ensure that they never go untold again.