Don’t betray NY workers who braved pandemic

Nelson Eusebio

Originally published in New York Post on .

The state faced a crisis four years ago as the COVID pandemic wreaked havoc.

While many could work from home, a group of New Yorkers had to confront the perilous unknown to keep New York alive: mom-and-pop workers in supermarkets, bodegas and other essential places

These essential workers were hailed every night for months as New York teetered on the edge

These same workers are in dire need of our assistance, this time due to persistent retail theft

Composed of 10,000 diverse stores, we have supported a slate of legislation and policies that will help us, including legislation by state Sen. Jessica Scarcella-Spanton and Assemblymember Manny De Los Santos that makes assaulting a retail employee or owner a class-D felony.

We also back legislation that creates the offense of fostering the sale of stolen goods and legislation raising a subsequent offense to grand larceny in the fourth degree.

Read the full article here.