Senator Martins: Final State Budget Agreement Will Include Over $517 Million for Local Highway Repairs

Jack M. Martins

March 27, 2014

     Senator Jack Martins (R-7th Senate District) announced that the final state budget agreement will include over $517 million in state aid for local governments to repair and maintain their roads. The funding includes an additional $40 million in aid over last year’s total to help local governments repair the significant road damage caused by this winter’s harsher than normal weather. Senator Martins, Chairman of the Senate’s Local Government Committee, fought for the aid increase to be included in this year’s state budget. 

     “This winter’s harsh weather caused so many potholes that many local roads now resemble the lunar surface. Local governments maintain the overwhelming majority of roads in New York, and they need additional resources to help them repair the damage and improve their infrastructure for residents. This year’s state budget will deliver that to them,” said Senator Martins. 

     87 percent of the roads in New York State and 50 percent of the bridges in New York State are maintained by local governments, according to the New York State County Highway Superintendents Association.