Statement From Senator Krueger On Assembly Passage Of Comprehensive Contraceptive Coverage Act
January 25, 2016
New York – State Senator Liz Krueger, Co-Chair of the 89-member Bipartisan Pro-Choice Legislative Caucus (BPCLC), released the following statement today after the Assembly passed the Comprehensive Contraceptive Coverage Act (S6013/A8135). The CCCA, co-sponsored by Assembly Member Kevin Cahill, Senator John Bonacic, and Senator Krueger, provides insurance coverage for FDA-approved contraception, improves access to emergency contraceptives, allows for a 12 month supply of birth control, and covers sterilization for men and women:
"Ensuring that all New Yorkers, regardless of income, have access to contraceptive options is good for our families and a vital step toward women's equality. Lack of coverage and high co-pays prevent many women and men from being able to make their own decisions about starting a family. Contraceptive equity reduces unintended pregnancies, and leads to families that are planned, safe and healthy. I congratulate Assembly Member Cahill and his colleagues for passing this bill today, I thank Senator Bonacic for his leadership, and I encourage my fellow Senators to take swift action and put this bill on the Governor's desk."
-"A.G. Schneiderman Proposes Comprehensive Contraception Coverage Act": http://www.ag.ny.gov/press-release/ag-schneiderman-proposes-comprehensive-contraception-coverage-act
-"HHS: Insurers must cover all birth control": http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/241617-obama-admin-all-approved-types-of-birth-control-must-be-free-under