Statement from Senator Kathy Marchione (R,C,I,Reform-Halfmoon) on breast cancer screening expansion

For Release: Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Statement from Senator Kathy Marchione (R,C,I,Reform-Halfmoon) on breast cancer screening expansion announced today:

 “In the fight against breast cancer, early detection saves lives. Today, New York State provided a critical tool to help more women win their fight. The announcement of a new state requirement for health insurers to provide medically necessary coverage for 3-D mammograms without co-pays, coinsurance, or deductibles is positively great news and represents a major step forward. The Governor’s action closely mirrors legislation that I sponsor, Senate Bill S.1709, which would include 3-D mammograms, also known as tomosynthesis imaging, in procedures covered under insurance. I introduced my legislation after hearing from a constituent who was told by her health insurer that her 3-D mammogram was not covered. The fact of the matter is that 3-D mammograms are known to be more accurate in detecting breast cancer than current standard equipment, require less patient tests and yield higher detection rates in fewer tests. 3-D mammography is no longer ‘investigational.’ 3-D mammography is proven, works and saves lives. I applaud the Governor for embracing this great idea which will give millions of women a critical new tool to win the most important fight of their lives. I was proud to advance this issue and am thrilled that this necessary coverage will now be provided.”  


