October 25, 2018

Senator Kemp Hannon, Chair of the Senate Standing Committee on Health, is calling on Governor Cuomo to sign into law the Living Donor Protection Act (S2496B), which unanimously passed both houses of the legislature back in June of this year.
“The Living Donor Protection Act supports those who give a living organ donation and encourages others to consider being a donor,” explained Senator Hannon the legislations prime sponsor. “This new law will make sure insurers do not discriminate against an individual based on their status as an organ donor, and they are covered by New York’s strong paid family leave laws.”
The statistics are staggering: roughly 500 New Yorkers on the organ recipient waiting list die every year due to a shortage of organs. There are nearly 9,500 New Yorkers currently on the wait list for an organ donor. Kidneys are among the most common living organ donations. Of the 1,048 donated and transplanted kidneys in New York last year, half were from living donors.
Senator Hannon stated, “This legislation makes sure that when a New Yorker literally gives the gift of life, they are supported. These individuals should not be saddled with associated health care costs, face insurance discrimination and/or risk losing a job because they or their family member needs time off after a donation. “
The Living Donor Protection Act was sent to Governor Cuomo on October 24th.