Senator Larkin Announces Bill Signing To Designate A Portion Of State Route 300 In The Town Of Newburgh “Gold Star Families Memorial Highway”
October 4, 2018
- Veterans
Senator Bill Larkin (R,C, I-39th District) announced today that his bill (S8861) was signed by Governor Cuomo and has become law. This bill designates a portion of State Route 300 in the Town of Newburgh as “Gold Star Families Memorial Highway.”
“Families who have lost a loved one in service to our Nation have made the ultimate sacrifice and I am proud to honor them with the dedication of State Route 300 in Newburgh as “Gold Stars Families Memorial Highway,” said Senator Larkin. “The signing of this legislation will show that these families and the sacrifices they have made will never be forgotten.”
“I am thankful that this bill has been signed into law and I very much appreciate the effort made by Senator Larkin,” said Renate DeAngelis, a Gold Star Mother and Orange County resident. “Having this very busy State Highway honor the memory of my son and millions of other men and women we have lost is a very special and appropriate gesture.” ET2 Christopher W. DeAngelis had been assigned to the U.S.S. Stark, when he was killed in action in the Persian Gulf on May 17, 1987.
“I am happy to see Governor Cuomo sign this bill and cement another effort made by our Senator Bill Larkin to honor our Gold Star families and service members,” said Gil Piaquadio, Supervisor of the Town of Newburgh. “Our Town Board was proud to request this legislation and we are proud to now be the home of Gold Star Families Memorial Highway.”
The Gold Star first made an appearance during World War I by being placed over a service flag’s blue star when a service member was killed in combat. The Gold Star served to honor the service members and their families for their sacrifice.