Senator Thomas Introduces NY Privacy Act

Jerry Barmash

May 15, 2019

(Garden City, NY) – Senator Kevin Thomas is introducing the NY Privacy Act (S5642) to protect the privacy of New York’s social media users. The legislation will improve transparency and strengthen protections over consumers’ personal data.

Social media companies routinely capture users’ personal information, which can be shared or sold to external parties without the user’s consent. The NY Privacy Act would require social media companies to disclose their methods for gathering personal information and allow consumers to find out what companies have access to their personal data. 

“In this technology-based world that we live in, consumers should have the right to know how their personal information is being used,” Senator Kevin Thomas said. “These large social media platforms continue to compromise our personal data. The time has come for properly regulating Facebook and other social media sites.”

In addition to increased transparency, the legislation calls for additional safeguards around data sharing, and the creation of a special account to fund a new office of privacy and data protection.

The bill advances to the Consumer Protection Committee, which Senator Thomas chairs. 

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