Statement Regarding 2019 Legislative Session

Sen. Robert Antonacci

June 25, 2019

This year’s legislative session concluded without addressing the needs of upstate residents. New York City Senators continue to ignore the state’s high cost of living, which has led to the increasing exodus of families from upstate.

Instead, the new Senate majority opted for a liberal agenda that included $1B in new taxes just this year. They also approved new mandates on our local governments, businesses and struggling agricultural industry which will result in job loss and farm closures.

Earlier this year these same individuals turned away 25,000 good paying jobs in New York City, while it has become increasingly difficult to retain jobs upstate.

My colleagues and I proposed several amendments to facilitate upstate economic growth including accelerating the middle class tax cuts, making the property tax rebate checks permanent and enacting a State spending cap so Albany cannot spend more than taxpayers can afford. These proposals would have also created equity so that all regions of the State would be treated fairly in the allocation of transportation and other vital funding. All of these amendments were rejected by the Senate Democrats.

I was pleased my continued advocacy resulted in $65M in funding for the Extreme Winter Recovery Program for vital road repairs. I was also proud to have advocated for our New York Gold Star military families to ensure they receive college tuition assistance.

It has becoming increasingly clear what happens when one party predominantly located in New York City controls state government. More importantly, it reinforces we must stand up for the needs and challenges impacting our upstate communities. Be assured, I am and will remain committed to do so.
