A Statement From NYS Senate Republican Leader Rob Ortt & Senator Tom O'Mara
Robert G. Ortt & Tom O'Mara
March 31, 2021
- New York State Parole Board

The appointment of NYPD cop killer Richard Rivera to one of Governor Cuomo’s so-called “Police Reform” boards in Ithaca and Tompkins County is a punch in the gut to police officers around New York State and their families. We understand the importance of second chances. But a second chance should never include giving power over police reform to a cold-blooded criminal who killed a member of our law enforcement community execution-style. It is completely inappropriate, and he should be removed immediately.
Mr. Rivera never should have been appointed to this police reform board. The only value he brings is a shock factor to appease anti-police activists. We proudly support our men and women in law enforcement. These attacks against our police must stop.