State Senate Republican Leader Rob Ortt, Assemblyman Morinello and Congressman Brian Higgins Call for an End to the ArriveCAN APP
July 14, 2022
- northern border; canada

New York State Senate Republican Leader Robert Ortt, New York State Assemblyman Angelo J. Morinello and Congressman Brian Higgins sent a letter to the Canadian Ambassador, calling for an end to the “ArriveCAN” app requirements for Americans crossing the northern border.
“Americans and Canadians are frustrated and confused by Canada’s preclearance policy, especially the use of the new ‘ArriveCan’ app. Many Americans and Canadians have realized crossing the border is too difficult due to these policies, and have ultimately decided not to do so. This is evident from the number of border crossings over the Peace Bridge which have dropped precipitously from 171,000 in May of 2019, to a meager 101,000 in May 2022,” said Senate Republican Leader Rob Ortt and Assemblyman Morinello in their joint letter.
In conjunction with the Senator and the Assemblyman, Congressman Brian Higgins issued a Federal letter to Canada’s Ambassador to the United States as well, citing how communities along the US-Canada border are struggling economically.
Higgins, Ortt & Morinello argue ArriveCAN – the Canadian government’s system which requires both Americans and Canadians crossing the border into Canada to input mandatory information within 72-hours prior to travel – is a burdensome visa-like prerequisite never-before imposed between the two friendly nations.
The leaders note the impact this has on the Niagara region’s economy: “According to the Buffalo Niagara Partnership, more than 650,000 jobs in New York State depend on trade investment with Canada. This is especially critical in Western New York, where our economy is strongly tied to our strong partnership with our Canadian neighbors. The border restrictions implemented by the Canadian government put that economic activity at risk.”