Sen. John Mannion tours areas of Cross Lake impacted by recent flooding
MEMPHIS, N.Y. (WSYR-TV) — Daniel Andrews has owned a home in the Cross Lake community for ten years. He says flooding is always top of mind.
“Everyday I have to worry about am I going to lose my property,” Andrews explained. “The water comes up quick. This water came up three feet in 24 hours.”
He’s not alone.
“To see this, it’s awful for the people that live here,” said New York State Senator John Mannion.
Thursday, Andrews showed Senator Mannion some of the hardest hit areas. Neighbors and Mannion’s office say they’ve reached out to the canal corporation.
“I’m not going to pretend to be an engineer, but I know we have dams that are outputting a certain amount of water in certain areas,” Mannion said. “It’s happening in Cayuga, there’s a dam in Baldwinsville.”
Senator Mannion is calling on the Upstate Flood Mitigation Taskforce to convene. He said it was created in 2017.
“They need to see what is happening here,” Mannion said. “They need to understand, listen to the people, make sure they communicate with the Canal Corp and any other agencies that can be helpful.”
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