Senator Panepinto Calls on Senate Republicans to Get Serious on SAFE Act

Marc Panepinto

May 13, 2015

Panepinto: “Senate Republicans should immediately enact crucial SAFE Act reforms in order to be taken seriously.”

ALBANY, N.Y. – Senator Marc Panepinto (D-Buffalo) issued the following statement calling out Senate Republicans on their broken promises regarding commonsense SAFE Act reforms:

“Senate Republicans should immediately enact crucial SAFE Act reforms in order to be taken seriously by the people of New York. For two years, they have danced around addressing any commonsense provisions within this flawed legislation that they brought to the Senate floor and passed under their majority in the Senate. That is unacceptable given the growing level of discontent and concern that honest law abiding citizens and gun owners across this state have displayed. Instead of making empty promises, they should realize that they can no longer have it both ways with their doublespeak. While I have cosponsored numerous bills to address these issues, it is no secret that only the Senate Republicans can allow these reforms to come to the Senate floor for an actual vote. That is why I am calling on Senate Republicans to get serious on reforming the SAFE Act and allow these meaningful proposals to be debated and addressed by the end of this session.”

Senator Panepinto has cosponsored the following pieces of SAFE Act reform legislation:

  • S.612 BOYLE – “Defend Our Homes Act”
  • S.3373 GALLIVAN – Authorizes the transfer of legally possessed and validly registered weapons to stay in families through estate planning.
  • S.3377 GALLIVAN – Expands “immediate family” language in SAFE Act to include siblings, grandparents, and grandchildren.
  • S3378 GALLIVAN – Makes all personal information regarding pistol permit applications and supporting records confidential except to law enforcement.


Senator Panepinto also previously voted against S.2050 which would have unconstitutionally stripped away a resident's rights to own a long rifle. The bill was defeated 9-7 in the Codes Committee.