Senate Bill S6357D

Signed By Governor
2013-2014 Legislative Session

Enacts into law major components of legislation necessary to implement the transportation, economic development and environmental conservation budget for the 2014-2015 state fiscal year

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Archive: Last Bill Status - Signed by Governor

  • Introduced
    • In Committee Assembly
    • In Committee Senate
    • On Floor Calendar Assembly
    • On Floor Calendar Senate
    • Passed Assembly
    • Passed Senate
  • Delivered to Governor
  • Signed By Governor

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Bill Amendments

2013-S6357 - Details

See Assembly Version of this Bill:
Law Section:
Budget Bills
Laws Affected:
Amd Various Laws, generally

2013-S6357 - Summary

Enacts into law major components of legislation necessary to implement the transportation, economic development and environmental conservation budget for the 2014-2015 state fiscal year; amends the highway law and chapter 329 of the laws of 1991, amending the state finance law and other laws relating to the establishment of the dedicated highway and bridge trust fund, in relation to the consolidated local street and highway improvement program (CHIPS), suburban highway improvement program (SHIPS), multi-modal and Marchiselli programs; repeals certain provisions of chapter 329 of the laws of 1991 relating thereto (Part A); amends part U1 of chapter 62 of the laws of 2003 amending the vehicle and traffic law and other laws relating to increasing certain motor vehicle transaction fees, in relation to the effectiveness thereof

2013-S6357 - Sponsor Memo

2013-S6357 - Bill Text download pdf

                    S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K

    S. 6357                                                  A. 8557

                      S E N A T E - A S S E M B L Y

                            January 21, 2014

IN  SENATE -- A BUDGET BILL, submitted by the Governor pursuant to arti-
  cle seven of the Constitution -- read twice and ordered  printed,  and
  when printed to be committed to the Committee on Finance

IN  ASSEMBLY  --  A  BUDGET  BILL, submitted by the Governor pursuant to
  article seven of the Constitution -- read once  and  referred  to  the
  Committee on Ways and Means

AN  ACT to amend the highway law and to amend chapter 329 of the laws of
  1991, amending the state finance law and other laws  relating  to  the
  establishment  of  the  dedicated  highway  and  bridge trust fund, in
  relation to the consolidated  local  street  and  highway  improvement
  program  (CHIPS), suburban highway improvement program (SHIPS), multi-
  modal and Marchiselli programs; and to repeal  certain  provisions  of
  chapter  329  of  the laws of 1991 relating thereto (Part A); to amend
  part F of chapter 56 of the laws of 2011 permitting  authorized  state
  entities   to  utilize  the  design-build  method  for  infrastructure
  projects, in relation to allowing authorized local entities to utilize
  the design-build method for infrastructure projects, and  in  relation
  to  the effectiveness thereof (Part B); to amend part U1 of chapter 62
  of the laws of 2003 amending the vehicle and  traffic  law  and  other
  laws relating to increasing certain motor vehicle transaction fees, in
  relation to the effectiveness thereof; to amend chapter 84 of the laws
  of  2002,  amending the state finance law relating to the costs of the
  department of motor vehicles, in relation to  permanently  authorizing
  payment  of department of motor vehicle costs from the dedicated high-
  way and bridge  trust  fund;  to  amend  the  transportation  law,  in
  relation  to  disposition  of  revenues;  to amend the highway law, in
  relation to disposition of fees charged  in  connection  with  outdoor
  advertising  on  highways;  and  to  amend  the  state finance law, in
  relation to the dedication of revenues and the costs of rail and truck
  regulation (Part C); to amend chapter 58 of the laws of 2013, relating
  to the hours of operation of the  department  of  motor  vehicles  and
  providing  for  the repeal of such provisions upon expiration thereof,
  in relation to the effectiveness thereof (Part D); to amend the  vehi-
  cle  and  traffic  law  and  the state finance law, in relation to the
  authorization of the department of motor vehicles to provide the acci-
  dent prevention course internet program; to amend chapter 751  of  the

 EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets

2013-S6357A - Details

See Assembly Version of this Bill:
Law Section:
Budget Bills
Laws Affected:
Amd Various Laws, generally

2013-S6357A - Summary

Enacts into law major components of legislation necessary to implement the transportation, economic development and environmental conservation budget for the 2014-2015 state fiscal year; amends the highway law and chapter 329 of the laws of 1991, amending the state finance law and other laws relating to the establishment of the dedicated highway and bridge trust fund, in relation to the consolidated local street and highway improvement program (CHIPS), suburban highway improvement program (SHIPS), multi-modal and Marchiselli programs; repeals certain provisions of chapter 329 of the laws of 1991 relating thereto (Part A); amends part U1 of chapter 62 of the laws of 2003 amending the vehicle and traffic law and other laws relating to increasing certain motor vehicle transaction fees, in relation to the effectiveness thereof

2013-S6357A - Bill Text download pdf

                    S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K

    S. 6357--A                                            A. 8557--A

                      S E N A T E - A S S E M B L Y

                            January 21, 2014

IN  SENATE -- A BUDGET BILL, submitted by the Governor pursuant to arti-
  cle seven of the Constitution -- read twice and ordered  printed,  and
  when  printed to be committed to the Committee on Finance -- committee
  discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted
  to said committee

IN ASSEMBLY -- A BUDGET BILL, submitted  by  the  Governor  pursuant  to
  article  seven  of  the  Constitution -- read once and referred to the
  Committee on Ways and Means --  committee  discharged,  bill  amended,
  ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee

AN  ACT to amend the highway law and to amend chapter 329 of the laws of
  1991, amending the state finance law and other laws  relating  to  the
  establishment  of  the  dedicated  highway  and  bridge trust fund, in
  relation to the consolidated  local  street  and  highway  improvement
  program  (CHIPS), suburban highway improvement program (SHIPS), multi-
  modal and Marchiselli programs; and to repeal  certain  provisions  of
  chapter  329  of  the laws of 1991 relating thereto (Part A); to amend
  part F of chapter 56 of the laws of 2011 permitting  authorized  state
  entities   to  utilize  the  design-build  method  for  infrastructure
  projects, in relation to allowing authorized local entities to utilize
  the design-build method for infrastructure projects, and  in  relation
  to  the effectiveness thereof (Part B); to amend part U1 of chapter 62
  of the laws of 2003 amending the vehicle and  traffic  law  and  other
  laws relating to increasing certain motor vehicle transaction fees, in
  relation to the effectiveness thereof; to amend chapter 84 of the laws
  of  2002,  amending the state finance law relating to the costs of the
  department of motor vehicles, in relation to  permanently  authorizing
  payment  of department of motor vehicle costs from the dedicated high-
  way and bridge  trust  fund;  to  amend  the  transportation  law,  in
  relation  to  disposition  of  revenues;  to amend the highway law, in
  relation to disposition of fees charged  in  connection  with  outdoor
  advertising  on  highways;  and  to  amend  the  state finance law, in
  relation to the dedication of revenues and the costs of rail and truck
  regulation (Part C); to amend chapter 58 of the laws of 2013, relating
  to the hours of operation of the  department  of  motor  vehicles  and
  providing  for  the repeal of such provisions upon expiration thereof,
  in relation to the effectiveness thereof (Part D); to amend the  vehi-

 EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets

2013-S6357B - Details

See Assembly Version of this Bill:
Law Section:
Budget Bills
Laws Affected:
Amd Various Laws, generally

2013-S6357B - Summary

Enacts into law major components of legislation necessary to implement the transportation, economic development and environmental conservation budget for the 2014-2015 state fiscal year; amends the highway law and chapter 329 of the laws of 1991, amending the state finance law and other laws relating to the establishment of the dedicated highway and bridge trust fund, in relation to the consolidated local street and highway improvement program (CHIPS), suburban highway improvement program (SHIPS), multi-modal and Marchiselli programs; repeals certain provisions of chapter 329 of the laws of 1991 relating thereto (Part A); amends part U1 of chapter 62 of the laws of 2003 amending the vehicle and traffic law and other laws relating to increasing certain motor vehicle transaction fees, in relation to the effectiveness thereof

2013-S6357B - Bill Text download pdf

                    S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K

    S. 6357--B                                            A. 8557--B

                      S E N A T E - A S S E M B L Y

                            January 21, 2014

IN  SENATE -- A BUDGET BILL, submitted by the Governor pursuant to arti-
  cle seven of the Constitution -- read twice and ordered  printed,  and
  when  printed to be committed to the Committee on Finance -- committee
  discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted
  to said committee  --  committee  discharged,  bill  amended,  ordered
  reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee

IN  ASSEMBLY  --  A  BUDGET  BILL, submitted by the Governor pursuant to
  article seven of the Constitution -- read once  and  referred  to  the
  Committee  on  Ways  and  Means -- committee discharged, bill amended,
  ordered reprinted as amended and  recommitted  to  said  committee  --
  again  reported from said committee with amendments, ordered reprinted
  as amended and recommitted to said committee

AN ACT to amend the highway law and to amend chapter 329 of the laws  of
  1991,  amending  the  state finance law and other laws relating to the
  establishment of the dedicated  highway  and  bridge  trust  fund,  in
  relation  to  the  consolidated  local  street and highway improvement
  program (CHIPS), suburban highway improvement program (SHIPS),  multi-
  modal  and  Marchiselli  programs; and to repeal certain provisions of
  chapter 329 of the laws of 1991 relating thereto (Part  A);  to  amend
  part  F  of chapter 56 of the laws of 2011 permitting authorized state
  entities  to  utilize  the  design-build  method  for   infrastructure
  projects,  in  relation to utilizing labor agreements, and in relation
  to the effectiveness thereof (Part B); to amend part U1 of chapter  62
  of  the  laws  of  2003 amending the vehicle and traffic law and other
  laws relating to increasing certain motor vehicle transaction fees, in
  relation to the effectiveness thereof; to amend chapter 84 of the laws
  of 2002, amending the state finance law relating to the costs  of  the
  department  of  motor vehicles, in relation to permanently authorizing
  payment of department of motor vehicle costs from the dedicated  high-
  way  and  bridge  trust  fund;  to  amend  the  transportation law, in
  relation to disposition of revenues; to  amend  the  highway  law,  in
  relation  to  disposition  of  fees charged in connection with outdoor
  advertising on highways; and  to  amend  the  state  finance  law,  in
  relation to the dedication of revenues and the costs of rail and truck
  regulation (Part C); to amend chapter 58 of the laws of 2013, relating
  to  the  hours  of  operation  of the department of motor vehicles and

 EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets