[ ] is old law to be omitted.
2 12650-03-0
underscores for additions, the purposes, amounts, funding source and all
other aspects pertinent to each item of appropriation shall be as last
For the purpose of complying with the state finance law, the year,
chapter and section of the last act reappropriating a former original
appropriation or any part thereof is, unless otherwise indicated, chap-
ter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019.
d) No moneys appropriated by this chapter shall be available for
payment until a certificate of approval has been issued by the director
of the budget, who shall file such certificate with the department of
audit and control, the chairperson of the senate finance committee and
the chairperson of the assembly ways and means committee.
e) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, because the funds for
certain appropriations specified in this chapter are to be used by the
state education department, department of health, office of children and
family services, office of temporary and disability assistance, office
of addiction services and supports, office of mental health, office for
people with developmental disabilities, department of environmental
conservation, and the office of parks, recreation and historic preserva-
tion for the administration, oversight or alternative delivery of those
programs within those agencies' budgets set forth in the aid to locali-
ties budget bill submitted by the governor on January 21, 2020 pursuant
to article VII of the New York constitution, no funds under those speci-
fied appropriations in this chapter shall be available for certification
or payment until (i) the legislature has finally acted upon the appro-
priations for the aforementioned agencies contained in the aforemen-
tioned aid to localities budget bill, and (ii) the director of the budg-
et has determined that those aid to localities appropriations as finally
acted on by the legislature are sufficient for the ensuing fiscal year.
f) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, for purposes
of any appropriation made by this chapter which authorizes spending in
an amount net of refunds, rebates, reimbursements, credits, repayments,
and/or disallowances, "refunds" shall mean funds received to the state
resulting from the overpayment of monies, "rebates" shall mean funds
received to the state resulting from a return of a full or partial
amount previously paid, as for goods or services, serving as a
reduction, discount or rebate to the original payment amount,
"reimbursements" shall mean funds received to the state as repayment in
an equivalent amount for goods or services, including but not limited to
personal service costs, incurred by the state in the first instance
being provided to a third party for their benefit and partially or in
full financed by such third party, "credit" shall mean monies made
available to the state that reduce the amount owed to a third party,
including but not limited to billing errors, rebates, and prior overpay-
ments, "repayment" shall mean the return of monies as pay back for
expenses incurred, and "disallowance" shall mean monies made available
to the state that were not allowed or accepted officially by the
intended recipient, based on a determination the payment is not accepta-
ble and/or valid. When the office of the state comptroller receives any
such refunds, rebates, reimbursements, credits, repayments, and/or
disallowances, he or she shall credit the refunded, rebated, reimbursed,
credited, repaid, and disallowed amount back to the original appropri-
ation and reduce expenditures in the year which such credit is received
regardless of the timing of the initial expenditure.
g) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, upon enact-
ment of this chapter of the laws of 2020 containing the state operations
3 12650-03-0
budget bill for the state fiscal year 2020-2021, all appropriations and
reappropriations contained in chapter 50 of the laws of 2019, which
would otherwise lapse by operation of law on March 31, 2021 are hereby
h) The appropriations contained in this chapter shall be available for
the fiscal year beginning on April 1, 2020.
4 12650-03-0
For payment according to the following schedule:
General Fund ....................... 5,034,000 0
Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 0 700,000
---------------- ----------------
All Funds ........................ 5,034,000 700,000
================ ================
ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ....................................... 5,034,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses related to the
administration program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (81001).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 4,418,000
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 100,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 88,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 37,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 178,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 213,000
Program account subtotal ................... 5,034,000
5 12650-03-0
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
APA-Wetlands Mapping Account - 25327
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses including wetlands mapping within the
Adirondack Park (10002).
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 200,000 ............... (re. $200,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For services and expenses including wetlands mapping within the
Adirondack Park (10002).
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 500,000 ............... (re. $500,000)
6 12650-03-0
For payment according to the following schedule:
General Fund ....................... 1,967,000 0
Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 9,754,000 12,259,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 250,000 0
Enterprise Funds ................... 100,000 0
---------------- ----------------
All Funds ........................ 12,071,000 12,259,000
================ ================
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
For services and expenses related to the
administration and grants management
program (10310).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 1,861,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 15,600
Travel (54000) .................................... 29,400
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 53,000
Equipment (56000) .................................. 8,000
Program account subtotal ................... 1,967,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
FHHS State Operations Account - 25177
For programs provided under the titles of
the federal older Americans act and other
health and human services programs
7 12650-03-0
Personal service (50000) ....................... 6,422,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) .................... 1,739,000
Program account subtotal ................... 8,161,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Office for the Aging Federal Grants Account - 25300
For services and expenses related to the
provision of aging services programs
Personal service (50000) ......................... 960,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) ...................... 240,000
Program account subtotal ................... 1,200,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Senior Community Service Employment Account - 25444
For the senior community service employment
program provided under title V of the
federal older Americans act (10314).
Personal service (50000) ......................... 343,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) ....................... 50,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 393,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Combined Expendable Trust Fund
Aging Grants and Bequest Account - 20196
For services and expenses of the state
office for the aging (10310).
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 50,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 50,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 150,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 250,000
Enterprise Funds
Agencies Enterprise Fund
Aging Enterprises Account - 50303
8 12650-03-0
For services and expenses related to video
and other media (10310).
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 100,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 100,000
9 12650-03-0
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
FHHS State Operations Account - 25177
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For programs provided under the titles of the federal older Americans
act and other health and human services programs (10311).
Personal service (50000) ... 6,422,000 .............. (re. $6,185,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 1,739,000 ........... (re. $1,652,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For programs provided under the titles of the federal older Americans
act and other health and human services programs (10311).
Personal service (50000) ... 6,422,000 ................ (re. $799,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 1,739,000 ........... (re. $1,494,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For programs provided under the titles of the federal older Americans
act and other health and human services programs (10311).
Personal service (50000) ... 6,422,000 ................ (re. $695,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 1,739,000 ............. (re. $995,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Senior Community Service Employment Account - 25444
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For the senior community service employment program provided under
title V of the federal older Americans act (10314).
Personal service (50000) ... 343,000 .................. (re. $256,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 50,000 ................. (re. $50,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For the senior community service employment program provided under
title V of the federal older Americans act (10314).
Personal service (50000) ... 343,000 ................... (re. $85,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 50,000 ................. (re. $48,000)
10 12650-03-0
For payment according to the following schedule:
General Fund ....................... 41,310,000 36,107,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 30,922,000 53,383,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 23,573,000 18,707,000
Enterprise Funds ................... 26,630,000 25,390,000
Fiduciary Funds .................... 1,836,000 0
---------------- ----------------
All Funds ........................ 124,271,000 133,587,000
================ ================
ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ....................................... 8,335,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses related to the
administration program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority, and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (81001).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 5,785,000
Temporary service (50200) ......................... 60,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 45,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 186,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 247,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,974,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 38,000
11 12650-03-0
AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS SERVICES PROGRAM ...................... 51,943,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses related to the
agricultural business services program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority, and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (10901).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 12,000,000
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 598,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 60,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 637,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 175,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,622,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 19,000
Program account subtotal .................. 15,111,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund
Federal Food and Nutrition Services Account - 25021
For services and expenses related to federal
food and nutrition services including
suballocation to other state departments
and agencies. Notwithstanding section 51
of the state finance law and any other
provision of law to the contrary, the
funds appropriated herein may be increased
or decreased by transfer between state
12 12650-03-0
operations and aid to localities and
from/to appropriations for any prior or
subsequent grant period within the same
federal fund/program to accomplish the
intent of this appropriation, as long as
such corresponding prior/subsequent grant
periods within such appropriations have
been reappropriated as necessary (10911).
Personal service (50000) ......................... 762,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) .................... 6,275,000
Fringe benefits (60090) .......................... 476,000
Indirect costs (58850) ......................... 1,290,000
Program account subtotal ................... 8,803,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund
Miscellaneous Federal Operating Grants Account - 25006
For services and expenses related to federal
operating grants including suballocation
to other state departments and agencies.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state
finance law and any other provision of law
to the contrary, the funds appropriated
herein may be increased or decreased by
transfer from/to appropriations for any
prior or subsequent grant period within
the same federal fund/program and between
state operations and aid to localities to
accomplish the intent of this appropri-
ation, as long as such corresponding
prior/subsequent grant periods within such
appropriations have been reappropriated as
necessary (10912).
Personal service (50000) ....................... 1,135,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) .................... 9,550,000
Fringe benefits (60090) .......................... 709,000
Indirect costs (58850) ......................... 1,722,000
Program account subtotal .................. 13,116,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Combined Expendable Trust Fund
Miscellaneous Gifts Account - 20105
13 12650-03-0
For services and expenses related to the
agricultural business services program
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 500,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 500,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Animal Population Control Account - 22118
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the director of the budg-
et is hereby authorized to transfer up to
$1,000,000 to local assistance for the
purpose of providing funding to a not for
profit entity chosen to administer a state
animal population control program pursuant
to section 117-a of the agriculture and
markets law, and for the purpose of
providing funding to the city of New York
equal to the amount of spay/neuter reven-
ues remitted to this account from such
city, as determined by the commissioner of
agriculture and markets (10901).
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,000,000
Program account subtotal ................... 1,000,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Pet Dealer License Account - 22137
For services and expenses related to the
agricultural business services program
Personal service--regular (50100) ................. 50,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 10,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 12,000
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 12,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................... 31,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................. 2,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 117,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
14 12650-03-0
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Plant Industry Account - 22029
For services and expenses including liabil-
ities incurred prior to April 1, 2020.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law,
the money hereby appropriated may be
increased or decreased by interchange,
transfer or suballocation between these
appropriated amounts and appropriations of
any department, agency or public authority
for expenditures incurred in the operation
of this program with the approval of the
director of the budget, who shall file
such approval with the department of audit
and control and copies thereof with the
chairman of the senate finance committee
and the chairman of the assembly ways and
means committee.
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 824,000
Temporary service (50200) .......................... 7,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .............. 6,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 145,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 70,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 322,000
Equipment (56000) .................................. 6,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 486,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 28,000
Program account subtotal ................... 1,894,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Public Service Account - 22011
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, direct and indirect
expenses relating to the department of
agriculture and markets' participation in
general ratemaking proceedings pursuant to
section 65 of the public service law or
certification proceedings pursuant to
articles 7 or 10 of the public service
law, shall be deemed expenses of the
department of public service within the
meaning of section 18-a of the public
service law (10901).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 255,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ..................... 5,000
15 12650-03-0
Travel (54000) .................................... 10,000
Contractual services (51000) ....................... 5,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 157,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................. 3,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 435,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Special Agricultural Inspecting and Marketing Account -
For services and expenses related to the
agricultural business services program
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 1,145,000
Temporary service (50200) ......................... 72,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 15,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................. 1,404,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 339,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 4,449,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 878,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 788,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 41,000
Program account subtotal ................... 9,131,000
Fiduciary Funds
Agriculture Producers' Security Fund
Agriculture Producers' Security Fund Account - 66001
For services and expenses of the agriculture
producers' security fund account pursuant
to article 20 of the agriculture and
markets law. Notwithstanding any other
provision of law to the contrary, this
appropriation may be used to support the
expenses of administering this fund up to
the amount of the actual costs incurred
for such purpose (10901).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 103,000
Temporary service (50200) ......................... 10,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .............. 1,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 133,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 26,000
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 77,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 80,000
16 12650-03-0
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................... 54,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................. 4,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 488,000
Fiduciary Funds
Milk Producers' Security Fund
Milk Producers' Security Fund Account - 66051
For services and expenses of the milk
producers' security fund account pursuant
to section 258-b of the agriculture and
markets law. Notwithstanding any other
provision of law to the contrary, this
appropriation may be used to support the
expenses of administering this fund up to
the amount of the actual costs incurred
for such purpose (10901).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 254,000
Temporary service (50200) ......................... 55,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .............. 4,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 877,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 146,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 12,000
Program account subtotal ................... 1,348,000
CONSUMER FOOD SERVICES PROGRAM .............................. 37,363,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses related to the
consumer food services program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority, and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
17 12650-03-0
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (10910).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 13,346,000
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 296,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 552,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 539,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 240,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 2,885,000
Equipment (56000) .................................. 6,000
Program account subtotal .................. 17,864,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
Federal Health and Human Services Account - 25125
For services and expenses related to federal
health and human services including subal-
location to other state departments and
agencies. Notwithstanding section 51 of
the state finance law and any other
provision of law to the contrary, the
funds appropriated herein may be increased
or decreased by transfer from/to appropri-
ations for any prior or subsequent grant
period within the same federal fund/
program and between state operations and
aid to localities to accomplish the intent
of this appropriation, as long as such
corresponding prior/subsequent grant peri-
ods within such appropriations have been
reappropriated as necessary (10910).
Personal service (50000) ....................... 1,122,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) ...................... 750,000
Fringe benefits (60090) .......................... 700,000
Indirect costs (58850) ........................... 428,000
Program account subtotal ................... 3,000,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund
Consumer Food Service Account - 25006
18 12650-03-0
For services and expenses related to consum-
er food services including suballocation
to other state departments and agencies.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state
finance law and any other provision of law
to the contrary, the funds appropriated
herein may be increased or decreased by
transfer from/to appropriations for any
prior or subsequent grant period within
the same federal fund/program and between
state operations and aid to localities to
accomplish the intent of this appropri-
ation, as long as such corresponding
prior/subsequent grant periods within such
appropriations have been reappropriated as
necessary (10910).
Personal service (50000) ......................... 446,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) ...................... 100,000
Fringe benefits (60090) .......................... 279,000
Indirect costs (58850) ........................... 125,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 950,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund
Food Monitoring Program Account - 25006
For services and expenses related to food
testing including suballocation to other
state departments and agencies, including
but not limited to pesticide residue moni-
toring and microbiological data
collection. Notwithstanding section 51 of
the state finance law and any other
provision of law to the contrary, the
funds appropriated herein may be increased
or decreased by transfer from/to appropri-
ations for any prior or subsequent grant
period within the same federal
fund/program and between state operations
and aid to localities to accomplish the
intent of this appropriation, as long as
such corresponding prior/subsequent grant
periods within such appropriations have
been reappropriated as necessary (11488).
Personal service (50000) ....................... 2,375,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) .................... 2,021,000
19 12650-03-0
Fringe benefits (60090) .......................... 606,000
Indirect costs (58850) ............................ 51,000
Program account subtotal ................... 5,053,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Clean Air Fund
Consumer Food - Mobile Source Account - 21452
For services and expenses related to the
consumer food services program (10910).
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,224,000
Program account subtotal ................... 1,224,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Farm Products Inspection Account - 21948
For services and expenses related to the
consumer food services program (10910).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 877,000
Temporary service (50200) ...................... 1,105,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 128,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 72,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 221,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 345,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 1,348,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 70,000
Program account subtotal ................... 4,166,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Motor Fuel Quality Account - 22149
For services and expenses related to the
consumer food services program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law,
the director of the budget is hereby
authorized to transfer up to $150,000 of
this appropriation to capital projects for
motor fuel quality equipment (10910).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 1,740,000
Temporary service (50200) .......................... 6,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .............. 5,000
20 12650-03-0
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 148,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 82,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,222,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 97,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 1,114,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 61,000
Program account subtotal ................... 4,475,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Weights and Measures Account - 22150
For services and expenses related to the
consumer food services program (10910).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 215,000
Temporary service (50200) ......................... 12,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 10,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 27,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 35,000
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 98,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 74,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 152,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................. 8,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 631,000
STATE FAIR PROGRAM .......................................... 26,630,000
Enterprise Funds
State Exposition Special Account
State Fair Account - 50051
For services and expenses related to the
state fair program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority, and the IT Interchange
21 12650-03-0
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, the amounts appropriated herein
shall be net of refunds, rebates,
reimbursements, credits, repayments,
disallowances, and deductions taken by
contractors for fees associated with oper-
ating the state fairground facilities
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 4,532,000
Temporary service (50200) ...................... 4,600,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 481,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................. 3,467,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 320,000
Contractual services (51000) .................. 13,180,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 50,000
22 12650-03-0
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the administration program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, and the IT Interchange and
Transfer Authority as defined in the 2019-20 state fiscal year state
operations appropriation for the budget division program of the
division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully stated (81001).
Personal service--regular (50100) ... 5,135,000 ..... (re. $2,345,000)
Temporary service (50200) ... 60,000 .................... (re. $2,000)
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ... 45,000 ....... (re. $43,000)
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 136,000 ............. (re. $35,000)
Travel (54000) ... 207,000 ............................. (re. $50,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 1,974,000 .......... (re. $1,969,000)
Equipment (56000) ... 38,000 ........................... (re. $27,000)
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
The appropriation made by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019, is
hereby amended and reappropriated to read:
For services and expenses related to the agricultural business
services program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, and the IT Interchange and
Transfer Authority as defined in the 2019-20 state fiscal year state
operations appropriation for the budget division program of the
division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully stated (10901).
Personal service--regular (50100) ... 12,000,000 .... (re. $6,333,000)
Temporary service (50200) ... 598,000 .................. (re. $75,000)
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ... 60,000 ....... (re. $34,000)
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 637,000 ............ (re. $536,000)
Travel (54000) ... 175,000 ............................. (re. $30,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 1,622,000 .......... (re. $1,337,000)
Equipment (56000) ... 19,000 ........................... (re. $16,000)
For services, expenses and grants, including but not limited to
marketing, advertising, and retail operations to promote local agri-
tourism and New York produced food and beverage goods and products,
including but not limited to up to $125,000 for the city of Geneva,
and up to $200,000 for the Thousand Islands bridge authority[,
provided that moneys hereby appropriated shall be available to the
program net of refunds, rebates, credits, and deductions]. NOTWITH-
23 12650-03-0
ITS, REPAYMENTS, AND/OR DISALLOWANCES taken by contractors for fees
associated with marketing advertising, and retail operations to
promote local agritourism and New York produced food and beverage
goods and products. All or a portion of this appropriation may be
suballocated to any department, agency, or public authority (11419).
Contractual services (51000) ... 1,125,000 ............ (re. $998,000)
The appropriation made by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018, as
amended by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019, is hereby
amended and reappropriated to read:
For services, expenses and grants, including but not limited to
marketing, advertising, and retail operations to promote local agri-
tourism and New York produced food and beverage goods and products,
including but not limited to up to $125,000 for the city of Geneva,
and up to $150,000 for the Thousand Islands bridge authority[,
provided that moneys hereby appropriated shall be available to the
program net of refunds, rebates, reimbursements and credits].
of this appropriation may be suballocated to any department, agency,
or public authority (11419).
Contractual services (51000) ... 1,125,000 ............ (re. $784,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 1991:
Amount available for payment to the milk producers security fund
consistent with and for the purposes set forth in paragraph (b) of
subdivision 11 of section 258-b of the agriculture and markets law
(10901) ... 6,500,000 ............................. (re. $6,250,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund
Federal Food and Nutrition Services Account - 25021
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to federal food and nutrition
services including suballocation to other state departments and
agencies. Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and
any other provision of law to the contrary, the funds appropriated
herein may be increased or decreased by transfer between state oper-
ations and aid to localities and from/to appropriations for any
prior or subsequent grant period within the same federal
fund/program to accomplish the intent of this appropriation, as long
as such corresponding prior/subsequent grant periods within such
appropriations have been reappropriated as necessary (10911).
Personal service (50000) ... 762,000 .................. (re. $762,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 6,275,000 ........... (re. $6,275,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 476,000 ................... (re. $476,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 1,290,000 ................ (re. $1,290,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
24 12650-03-0
For services and expenses related to federal food and nutrition
services including suballocation to other state departments and
agencies. Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and
any other provision of law to the contrary, the funds appropriated
herein may be increased or decreased by transfer between state oper-
ations and aid to localities and from/to appropriations for any
prior or subsequent grant period within the same federal
fund/program to accomplish the intent of this appropriation, as long
as such corresponding prior/subsequent grant periods within such
appropriations have been reappropriated as necessary (10911).
Personal service (50000) ... 762,000 .................. (re. $762,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 7,748,000 ........... (re. $4,226,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 260,000 ................... (re. $260,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 33,000 ...................... (re. $33,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund
Miscellaneous Federal Operating Grants Account - 25006
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to federal operating grants includ-
ing suballocation to other state departments and agencies.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other
provision of law to the contrary, the funds appropriated herein may
be increased or decreased by transfer from/to appropriations for any
prior or subsequent grant period within the same federal
fund/program and between state operations and aid to localities to
accomplish the intent of this appropriation, as long as such corre-
sponding prior/subsequent grant periods within such appropriations
have been reappropriated as necessary (10912).
Personal service (50000) ... 1,135,000 .............. (re. $1,017,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 9,550,000 ........... (re. $9,441,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 709,000 ................... (re. $637,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 1,722,000 ................ (re. $1,713,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses related to federal operating grants includ-
ing suballocation to other state departments and agencies.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other
provision of law to the contrary, the funds appropriated herein may
be increased or decreased by transfer from/to appropriations for any
prior or subsequent grant period within the same federal
fund/program and between state operations and aid to localities to
accomplish the intent of this appropriation, as long as such corre-
sponding prior/subsequent grant periods within such appropriations
have been reappropriated as necessary (10912).
Personal service (50000) ... 1,135,000 ................ (re. $572,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 11,544,000 .......... (re. $6,314,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 387,000 ................... (re. $499,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 50,000 ...................... (re. $43,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
25 12650-03-0
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Animal Population Control Account - 22118
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the direc-
tor of the budget is hereby authorized to transfer up to $1,000,000
to local assistance for the purpose of providing funding to a not
for profit entity chosen to administer a state animal population
control program pursuant to section 117-a of the agriculture and
markets law, and for the purpose of providing funding to the city of
New York equal to the amount of spay/neuter revenues remitted to
this account from such city, as determined by the commissioner of
agriculture and markets (10901).
Contractual services (51000) ... 1,000,000 .......... (re. $1,000,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Pet Dealer License Account - 22137
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the agricultural business
services program (10901).
Personal service--regular (50100) ... 50,000 ........... (re. $50,000)
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 10,000 .............. (re. $10,000)
Travel (54000) ... 12,000 .............................. (re. $12,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 12,000 ................ (re. $12,000)
Fringe benefits (60000) ... 31,000 ..................... (re. $31,000)
Indirect costs (58800) ... 2,000 ........................ (re. $2,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Plant Industry Account - 22029
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses including liabilities incurred prior to
April 1, 2019.
Personal service--regular (50100) ... 363,000 ......... (re. $363,000)
Temporary service (50200) ... 7,000 ..................... (re. $7,000)
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ... 6,000 ......... (re. $6,000)
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 115,000 ............ (re. $115,000)
Travel (54000) ... 40,000 .............................. (re. $40,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 322,000 .............. (re. $322,000)
Equipment (56000) ... 6,000 ............................. (re. $6,000)
Fringe benefits (60000) ... 182,000 ................... (re. $182,000)
Indirect costs (58800) ... 12,000 ...................... (re. $12,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Public Service Account - 22011
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
26 12650-03-0
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, direct and
indirect expenses relating to the department of agriculture and
markets' participation in general ratemaking proceedings pursuant to
section 65 of the public service law or certification proceedings
pursuant to articles 7 or 10 of the public service law, shall be
deemed expenses of the department of public service within the mean-
ing of section 18-a of the public service law (10901).
Personal service--regular (50100) ... 255,000 ......... (re. $255,000)
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 5,000 ................ (re. $5,000)
Travel (54000) ... 10,000 .............................. (re. $10,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 5,000 .................. (re. $5,000)
Fringe benefits (60000) ... 157,000 ................... (re. $157,000)
Indirect costs (58800) ... 3,000 ........................ (re. $3,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Special Agricultural Inspecting and Marketing Account - 21955
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the agricultural business
services program (10901).
Personal service--regular (50100) ... 1,145,000 ....... (re. $849,000)
Temporary service (50200) ... 72,000 ................... (re. $72,000)
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ... 15,000 ....... (re. $15,000)
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 1,404,000 ........ (re. $1,404,000)
Travel (54000) ... 339,000 ............................ (re. $333,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 4,449,000 .......... (re. $4,444,000)
Equipment (56000) ... 878,000 ......................... (re. $778,000)
Fringe benefits (60000) ... 788,000 ................... (re. $599,000)
Indirect costs (58800) ... 41,000 ...................... (re. $31,000)
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the consumer food services
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, and the IT Interchange and
Transfer Authority as defined in the 2019-20 state fiscal year state
operations appropriation for the budget division program of the
division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully stated (10910).
Personal service--regular (50100) ... 13,079,000 .... (re. $8,707,000)
Temporary service (50200) ... 296,000 ................. (re. $285,000)
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ... 552,000 ..... (re. $549,000)
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 499,000 ............ (re. $165,000)
Travel (54000) ... 240,000 ............................ (re. $139,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 2,885,000 .......... (re. $2,745,000)
Equipment (56000) ... 6,000 ............................. (re. $6,000)
27 12650-03-0
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the consumer food services
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, and the IT Interchange and
Transfer Authority as defined in the 2018-19 state fiscal year state
operations appropriation for the budget division program of the
division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully stated (10910).
Contractual services (51000) ... 2,885,000 .......... (re. $2,647,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
Federal Health and Human Services Account - 25125
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to federal health and human services
including suballocation to other state departments and agencies.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other
provision of law to the contrary, the funds appropriated herein may
be increased or decreased by transfer from/to appropriations for any
prior or subsequent grant period within the same federal fund/
program and between state operations and aid to localities to accom-
plish the intent of this appropriation, as long as such correspond-
ing prior/subsequent grant periods within such appropriations have
been reappropriated as necessary (10910).
Personal service (50000) ... 1,122,000 ................ (re. $970,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 750,000 ............... (re. $718,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 700,000 ................... (re. $608,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 428,000 .................... (re. $416,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses related to federal health and human services
including suballocation to other state departments and agencies.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other
provision of law to the contrary, the funds appropriated herein may
be increased or decreased by transfer from/to appropriations for any
prior or subsequent grant period within the same federal fund/
program and between state operations and aid to localities to accom-
plish the intent of this appropriation, as long as such correspond-
ing prior/subsequent grant periods within such appropriations have
been reappropriated as necessary (10910).
Personal service (50000) ... 1,122,000 ................ (re. $508,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 1,517,000 ............. (re. $718,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 327,000 ................... (re. $199,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 34,000 ...................... (re. $28,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund
Consumer Food Service Account - 25006
28 12650-03-0
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to consumer food services including
suballocation to other state departments and agencies. Notwithstand-
ing section 51 of the state finance law and any other provision of
law to the contrary, the funds appropriated herein may be increased
or decreased by transfer from/to appropriations for any prior or
subsequent grant period within the same federal fund/program and
between state operations and aid to localities to accomplish the
intent of this appropriation, as long as such corresponding
prior/subsequent grant periods within such appropriations have been
reappropriated as necessary (10910).
Personal service (50000) ... 446,000 .................. (re. $446,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 100,000 ............... (re. $100,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 279,000 ................... (re. $279,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 125,000 .................... (re. $125,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses related to consumer food services including
suballocation to other state departments and agencies. Notwith-
standing section 51 of the state finance law and any other provision
of law to the contrary, the funds appropriated herein may be
increased or decreased by transfer from/to appropriations for any
prior or subsequent grant period within the same federal
fund/program and between state operations and aid to localities to
accomplish the intent of this appropriation, as long as such corre-
sponding prior/subsequent grant periods within such appropriations
have been reappropriated as necessary (10910).
Personal service (50000) ... 446,000 .................. (re. $446,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 380,000 ............... (re. $380,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 114,000 ................... (re. $114,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 10,000 ...................... (re. $10,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses related to consumer food services including
suballocation to other state departments and agencies. Notwith-
standing section 51 of the state finance law and any other provision
of law to the contrary, the funds appropriated herein may be
increased or decreased by transfer from/to appropriations for any
prior or subsequent grant period within the same federal
fund/program and between state operations and aid to localities to
accomplish the intent of this appropriation, as long as such corre-
sponding prior/subsequent grant periods within such appropriations
have been reappropriated as necessary (10910).
Personal service (50000) ... 446,000 .................. (re. $446,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 380,000 ............... (re. $380,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 114,000 ................... (re. $114,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 10,000 ...................... (re. $10,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund
Food Monitoring Program Account - 25006
29 12650-03-0
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to food testing including suballo-
cation to other state departments and agencies, including but not
limited to pesticide residue monitoring and microbiological data
collection. Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and
any other provision of law to the contrary, the funds appropriated
herein may be increased or decreased by transfer from/to appropri-
ations for any prior or subsequent grant period within the same
federal fund/program and between state operations and aid to locali-
ties to accomplish the intent of this appropriation, as long as such
corresponding prior/subsequent grant periods within such appropri-
ations have been reappropriated as necessary (11488).
Personal service (50000) ... 2,375,000 .............. (re. $2,375,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 2,021,000 ........... (re. $2,021,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 606,000 ................... (re. $606,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 51,000 ...................... (re. $51,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses related to food testing including suballo-
cation to other state departments and agencies, including but not
limited to pesticide residue monitoring and microbiological data
collection. Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and
any other provision of law to the contrary, the funds appropriated
herein may be increased or decreased by transfer from/to appropri-
ations for any prior or subsequent grant period within the same
federal fund/program and between state operations and aid to locali-
ties to accomplish the intent of this appropriation, as long as such
corresponding prior/subsequent grant periods within such appropri-
ations have been reappropriated as necessary (11488).
Personal service (50000) ... 2,375,000 .............. (re. $1,903,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 2,021,000 ........... (re. $1,745,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 606,000 ................... (re. $318,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 51,000 ...................... (re. $13,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses related to food testing including suballo-
cation to other state departments and agencies, including but not
limited to pesticide residue monitoring and microbiological data
collection. Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and
any other provision of law to the contrary, the funds appropriated
herein may be increased or decreased by transfer from/to appropri-
ations for any prior or subsequent grant period within the same
federal fund/program and between state operations and aid to locali-
ties to accomplish the intent of this appropriation, as long as such
corresponding prior/subsequent grant periods within such appropri-
ations have been reappropriated as necessary (11488).
Personal service (50000) ... 2,375,000 .............. (re. $1,368,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 2,021,000 ........... (re. $1,432,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 606,000 ................... (re. $165,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 51,000 ...................... (re. $51,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
30 12650-03-0
Clean Air Fund
Consumer Food - Mobile Source Account - 21452
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the consumer food services
program (10910).
Contractual services (51000) ... 1,224,000 .......... (re. $1,224,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Farm Products Inspection Account - 21948
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the consumer food services
program (10910).
Personal service--regular (50100) ... 877,000 ......... (re. $571,000)
Temporary service (50200) ... 1,105,000 ............. (re. $1,086,000)
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ... 128,000 ..... (re. $115,000)
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 72,000 .............. (re. $71,000)
Travel (54000) ... 221,000 ............................ (re. $205,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 345,000 .............. (re. $334,000)
Fringe benefits (60000) ... 1,348,000 ............... (re. $1,311,000)
Indirect costs (58800) ... 70,000 ...................... (re. $70,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Motor Fuel Quality Account - 22149
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the consumer food services
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the director of the budget
is hereby authorized to transfer up to $150,000 of this appropri-
ation to capital projects for motor fuel quality equipment (10910).
Personal service--regular (50100) ... 1,173,000 ....... (re. $330,000)
Temporary service (50200) ... 6,000 ..................... (re. $6,000)
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ... 5,000 ......... (re. $5,000)
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 148,000 ............ (re. $146,000)
Travel (54000) ... 82,000 .............................. (re. $62,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 1,222,000 .......... (re. $1,158,000)
Equipment (56000) ... 97,000 ........................... (re. $97,000)
Fringe benefits (60000) ... 755,000 ................... (re. $251,000)
Indirect costs (58800) ... 39,000 ...................... (re. $12,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Weights and Measures Account - 22150
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the consumer food services
program (10910).
Personal service--regular (50100) ... 215,000 ......... (re. $166,000)
31 12650-03-0
Temporary service (50200) ... 12,000 ................... (re. $12,000)
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ... 10,000 ....... (re. $10,000)
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 27,000 .............. (re. $24,000)
Travel (54000) ... 35,000 .............................. (re. $24,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 98,000 ................ (re. $83,000)
Equipment (56000) ... 74,000 ........................... (re. $74,000)
Fringe benefits (60000) ... 152,000 ................... (re. $123,000)
Indirect costs (58800) ... 8,000 ........................ (re. $7,000)
Enterprise Funds
State Exposition Special Account
State Fair Account - 50051
The appropriation made By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019, is
hereby amended and reappropriated to read:
For services and expenses related to the state fair program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, and the IT Interchange and
Transfer Authority as defined in the 2019-20 state fiscal year state
operations appropriation for the budget division program of the
division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully stated.
[Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, moneys
hereby appropriated shall be available to the program net of
refunds, rebates, reimbursements and credits] NOTWITHSTANDING ANY
Personal service--regular (50100) ... 3,287,000 ..... (re. $2,280,000)
Temporary service (50200) ... 3,100,000 ............... (re. $158,000)
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ... 381,000 ...... (re. $81,000)
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 1,620,000 .......... (re. $613,000)
Travel (54000) ... 320,000 ............................ (re. $136,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 10,200,000 ........ (re. $5,332,000)
Equipment (56000) ... 50,000 ........................... (re. $50,000)
Fringe benefits (60000) ... 2,165,000 ............... (re. $2,165,000)
Indirect costs (58800) ... 138,000 .................... (re. $138,000)
The appropriation made By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018, as
amended by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019, is hereby
amended and reappropriated to read:
For services and expenses related to the state fair program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, and the IT Interchange and
Transfer Authority as defined in the 2018-19 state fiscal year state
operations appropriation for the budget division program of the
division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully stated.
[Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, moneys
hereby appropriated shall be available to the program net of
32 12650-03-0
refunds, rebates, reimbursements and credits] NOTWITHSTANDING ANY
Personal service--regular (50100) ... 3,287,000 ..... (re. $1,726,000)
Temporary service (50200) ... 3,100,000 ............... (re. $313,000)
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ... 381,000 ...... (re. $95,000)
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 1,620,000 .......... (re. $197,000)
Travel (54000) ... 320,000 ............................ (re. $102,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 10,200,000 ......... (re. $1,739,000)
Equipment (56000) ... 50,000 ........................... (re. $50,000)
Fringe benefits (60000) ... 2,165,000 ............... (re. $2,165,000)
Indirect costs (58800) ... 138,000 .................... (re. $138,000)
The appropriation made By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017, as
amended by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019, is hereby
amended and reappropriated to read:
For services and expenses related to the state fair program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, and the IT Interchange and
Transfer Authority as defined in the 2017-18 state fiscal year state
operations appropriation for the budget division program of the
division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully stated.
[Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, moneys
hereby appropriated shall be available to the program net of
refunds, rebates, reimbursements and credits] NOTWITHSTANDING ANY
Personal service--regular (50100) ... 3,287,000 ..... (re. $1,509,000)
Temporary service (50200) ... 3,100,000 ............... (re. $754,000)
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ... 381,000 ..... (re. $108,000)
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 1,620,000 .......... (re. $341,000)
Travel (54000) ... 320,000 ............................ (re. $117,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 10,200,000 ......... (re. $2,740,000)
Equipment (56000) ... 50,000 ........................... (re. $47,000)
Fringe benefits (60000) ... 2,165,000 ............... (re. $2,165,000)
Indirect costs (58800) ... 138,000 .................... (re. $131,000)
33 12650-03-0
For payment according to the following schedule:
General Fund ....................... 13,313,000 0
Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 34,309,000 0
---------------- ----------------
All Funds ........................ 47,622,000 0
================ ================
ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ....................................... 3,846,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses related to the
administration program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority, and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (81001).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 1,362,000
Temporary service (50200) .......................... 5,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 10,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 176,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 27,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 2,214,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 52,000
CANNABIS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ................................. 34,309,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Dedicated Miscellaneous Special Revenue Account
New York State Cannabis Revenue Fund Account
For services and expenses of the office of
cannabis management, created pursuant to a
chapter of the laws of 2020.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law,
the money hereby appropriated may be
34 12650-03-0
increased or decreased by interchange,
transfer or suballocation between these
appropriated amounts and appropriations of
any department, agency or public authority
for expenditures incurred in the operation
of this program with the approval of the
director of the budget, who shall file
such approval with the department of audit
and control and copies thereof with the
chairman of the senate finance committee
and the chairman of the assembly ways and
means committee.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority, and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 6,500,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................. 6,260,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 50,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 4,700,000
Equipment (56000) .............................. 1,660,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 4,151,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 210,000
Total amount available ...................... 23,531,000
For services and expenses of Cornell univer-
sity, including but not limited to, work-
force development and education for the
hemp industry, including the extraction of
cannabidiol; and the research and develop-
ment for the growth of hemp and varietal
Notwithstanding any other provision of law,
the money hereby appropriated may be
increased or decreased by interchange,
transfer or suballocation between these
appropriated amounts and appropriations of
any department, agency or public authority
for expenditures incurred in the operation
of this program with the approval of the
director of the budget, who shall file
such approval with the department of audit
and control and copies thereof with the
35 12650-03-0
chairman of the senate finance committee
and the chairman of the assembly ways and
means committee.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority, and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
Contractual services ........................... 1,000,000
Program account subtotal .................. 24,531,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Medical Marihuana Trust Fund
Health Operation and Oversight Account - 23755
For services and expenses related to chapter
90 of the laws of 2014, establishing the
medical marihuana program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law,
the money hereby appropriated may be
increased or decreased by interchange,
transfer or suballocation between these
appropriated amounts and appropriations of
any department, agency or public authority
for expenditures incurred in the operation
of this program with the approval of the
director of the budget, who shall file
such approval with the department of audit
and control and copies thereof with the
chairman of the senate finance committee
and the chairman of the assembly ways and
means committee.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority, and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
36 12650-03-0
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 3,670,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 85,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 25,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 3,559,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 142,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 2,241,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 56,000
Program account subtotal ................... 9,778,000
COMPLIANCE PROGRAM ........................................... 4,589,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses related to the
compliance program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority, and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (11504).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 3,529,000
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 500,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 15,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 108,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 32,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 232,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 173,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses related to the
licensing and wholesaler services program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
37 12650-03-0
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority, and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (11505).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 2,694,000
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 151,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 50,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 60,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 20,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,848,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 55,000
38 12650-03-0
For payment according to the following schedule:
General Fund ....................... 4,319,000 0
Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 100,000 500,000
---------------- ----------------
All Funds ........................ 4,419,000 500,000
================ ================
ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ....................................... 4,419,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses related to the
administration program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (81001).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 2,549,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .............. 1,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 53,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 189,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,473,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 54,000
Program account subtotal ................... 4,319,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Council on the Arts Account - 25376
For administration of programs funded from
the national endowment for the arts feder-
al grant award (81001).
Nonpersonal service (57050) ...................... 100,000
39 12650-03-0
Program account subtotal ..................... 100,000
40 12650-03-0
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Council on the Arts Account - 25376
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For administration of programs funded from the national endowment for
the arts federal grant award (81001).
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 100,000 ............... (re. $100,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For administration of programs funded from the national endowment for
the arts federal grant award (81001).
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 100,000 ............... (re. $100,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For administration of programs funded from the national endowment for
the arts federal grant award (81001).
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 100,000 ............... (re. $100,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For administration of programs funded from the national endowment for
the arts federal grant award (81001).
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 100,000 ............... (re. $100,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2015:
For administration of programs funded from the national endowment for
the arts federal grant award (81001).
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 100,000 ............... (re. $100,000)
41 12650-03-0
For payment according to the following schedule:
General Fund ....................... 141,263,000 0
Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 22,841,000 0
Internal Service Funds ............. 36,994,000 0
Fiduciary Funds .................... 141,564,000 0
---------------- ----------------
All Funds ........................ 342,662,000 0
================ ================
AUDIT AND CONTROL PROGRAM .................................. 141,382,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses related to the
audit and control program.
A portion of this appropriation must be used
for services and expenses related to the
achieving a better life experience
program. The total amount used for such
purpose must be at least $394,000.
A portion of this appropriation must be used
to conduct audits of preschool special
education programs as required by chapter
545 of the laws of 2013. The total amount
used for such purpose must be at least
$2,000,000 higher than the amount dedi-
cated to this purpose during the 2013-14
fiscal year.
Up to $780,000 of this appropriation shall
be made available for homeless shelter
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the
amounts herein appropriated may be inter-
changed or transferred without limit to
any other appropriation in any other
program or fund within the department of
audit and control, with the approval of
the director of the budget.
Personal service--regular (50100) ............ 110,805,000
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 922,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 155,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................. 2,091,000
Travel (54000) ................................. 2,845,000
42 12650-03-0
Contractual services (51000) .................. 22,922,000
Equipment (56000) .............................. 1,523,000
Program account subtotal ................. 141,263,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Combined Expendable Trust Fund
Grants Account - 20100
For services and expenses related to the
state and local accountability program.
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the
amounts herein appropriated may be inter-
changed or transferred without limit to
any other appropriation in any other
program or fund within the department of
audit and control, with the approval of
the director of the budget.
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 119,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 119,000
CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICE PROGRAM ............................ 28,890,000
Internal Service Funds
Audit and Control Revolving Account
CIO Information Technology Centralized Services Account
- 55252
For services and expenses related to the
chief information office program.
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the
amounts herein appropriated may be inter-
changed or transferred without limit to
any other appropriation in any other
program or fund within the department of
audit and control, with the approval of
the director of the budget (12716).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 3,455,000
Temporary service (50200) ......................... 73,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 72,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 533,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 11,000
Contractual services (51000) .................. 11,722,000
Equipment (56000) .............................. 5,400,000
43 12650-03-0
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 7,235,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 389,000
COLLEGE CHOICE TUITION SAVINGS PROGRAM ......................... 372,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
College Savings Fund
College Savings Account - 22022
For services and expenses related to the
college choice tuition savings program.
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the
amounts herein appropriated may be inter-
changed or transferred without limit to
any other appropriation in any other
program or fund within the department of
audit and control, with the approval of
the director of the budget.
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 224,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 140,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................. 8,000
EXECUTIVE DIRECTION PROGRAM .................................. 2,948,000
Internal Service Funds
Audit and Control Revolving Account
Executive Direction Internal Audit Account - 55251
For services and expenses related to the
executive direction program.
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the
amounts herein appropriated may be inter-
changed or transferred without limit to
any other appropriation in any other
program or fund within the department of
audit and control, with the approval of
the director of the budget (81031).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 1,655,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300)............... 1,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ..................... 3,000
Travel (54000) :.................................... 8,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 165,000
Equipment (56000) .................................. 1,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 1,058,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 57,000
44 12650-03-0
ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ..................................... 1,175,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Environmental Protection and Oil Spill Compensation Fund
Department of Audit and Control Account - 21201
For services and expenses related to the New
York environmental protection and spill
compensation administration program.
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the
amounts herein appropriated may be inter-
changed or transferred without limit to
any other appropriation in any other
program or fund within the department of
audit and control, with the approval of
the director of the budget (12718).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 639,000
Temporary service (50200) ......................... 26,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .............. 2,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ..................... 5,000
Travel (54000) ..................................... 3,000
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 50,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 427,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 23,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Financial Oversight Account - 22039
For services and expenses related to the
office of the state deputy comptroller for
New York city.
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the
amounts herein appropriated may be inter-
changed or transferred without limit to
any other appropriation in any other
program or fund within the department of
audit and control, with the approval of
the director of the budget (12719).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 2,861,000
Temporary service (50200) ......................... 15,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .............. 1,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 31,000
Travel (54000) ..................................... 4,000
45 12650-03-0
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 70,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 20,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 1,769,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 77,000
RETIREMENT SERVICES PROGRAM ................................ 141,564,000
Fiduciary Funds
Common Retirement Fund
Common Retirement Fund Account - 65000
For services and expenses related to the
retirement services program (12721).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 73,837,000
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 177,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .......... 2,000,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................. 2,550,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 930,000
Contractual services (51000) .................. 20,764,000
Equipment (56000) .............................. 1,615,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ....................... 37,792,000
Indirect costs (58800) ......................... 1,899,000
STATE AND LOCAL ACCOUNTABILITY PROGRAM ....................... 2,266,000
Internal Service Funds
Audit and Control Revolving Account
Executive Direction Internal Audit Account - 55251
For services and expenses related to the
state and local accountability program.
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the
amounts herein appropriated may be inter-
changed or transferred without limit to
any other appropriation in any other
program or fund within the department of
audit and control, with the approval of
the director of the budget (12720).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 1,351,000
Temporary service (50200) .......................... 1,000
Contractual services (51000) ....................... 3,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 864,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 47,000
46 12650-03-0
STATE OPERATIONS PROGRAM .................................... 19,217,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Child Performers Protection Fund
Child Performers Protection Account - 20401
For services and expenses related to the
state operations program.
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the
amounts herein appropriated may be inter-
changed or transferred without limit to
any other appropriation in any other
program or fund within the department of
audit and control, with the approval of
the director of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other law to the contra-
ry, for accounting services provided in
connection with the administration of the
child performer's holding fund created
pursuant to section 99-k of the state
finance law (81003).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................. 74,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................... 47,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................. 3,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 124,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Abandoned Property Audit Account - 21985
For services and expenses related to the
state operations program.
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the
amounts herein appropriated may be inter-
changed or transferred without limit to
any other appropriation in any other
program or fund within the department of
audit and control, with the approval of
the director of the budget (81003).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 11,923,000
Temporary service (50200) ......................... 32,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 208,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 840,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 170,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 3,000,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 30,000
47 12650-03-0
Program account subtotal .................. 16,203,000
Internal Service Funds
Agencies Internal Service Fund
Banking Services Account - 55057
For services and expenses related to the
state operations program.
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the
amounts herein appropriated may be inter-
changed or transferred without limit to
any other appropriation in any other
program or fund within the department of
audit and control, with the approval of
the director of the budget (81003).
Supplies and materials (57000) ................. 1,230,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,510,000
Program account subtotal ................... 2,740,000
Internal Service Funds
Agencies Internal Service Fund
Statewide Training Account - 55068
For services and expenses related to the
state operations program.
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the
amounts herein appropriated may be inter-
changed or transferred without limit to
any other appropriation in any other
program or fund within the department of
audit and control, with the approval of
the director of the budget (81003).
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 150,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 150,000
48 12650-03-0
For payment according to the following schedule:
General Fund ....................... 28,251,000 0
Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 19,283,000 0
Internal Service Funds ............. 1,650,000 0
---------------- ----------------
All Funds ........................ 49,184,000 0
================ ================
BUDGET DIVISION PROGRAM ..................................... 47,684,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses of the budget
division program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, and subject to the condi-
tions set forth herein, for the purpose of
planning, developing and/or implementing
the consolidation of procurement, real
estate and facility management, fleet
management, business and financial
services, administrative services, payroll
administration, time and attendance, bene-
fits administration and other transaction-
al human resources functions, contract
management, and grants management, the
amounts appropriated for state operations
may be (i) interchanged, (ii) transferred
from this state operations appropriation
within this agency to the office of gener-
al services, and/or (iii) suballocated to
the office of general services with the
approval of the director of the budget who
shall file such approval with the depart-
ment of audit and control and copies ther-
49 12650-03-0
eof with the chairman of the senate
finance committee and the chairman of the
assembly ways and means committee. With
respect only to such interchanges, trans-
fers and suballocations for the purpose of
planning, developing and/or implementing
the consolidation of procurement, real
estate and facility management, fleet
management, business and financial
services, administrative services, payroll
administration, time and attendance, bene-
fits administration and other transaction-
al human resources functions, contract
management, and grants management that
exceed any interchange, transfer or subal-
location authorized under any other
provision of law, the amounts inter-
changed, transferred or suballocated may
only be used for state operations and
fringe benefits purposes. The foregoing
interchange, transfer and suballocation
authority is defined as the "OGS Inter-
change and Transfer Authority."
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, and subject to the condi-
tions set forth herein, for the purpose of
planning, developing and/or implementing
measures to reduce and eliminate duplica-
tive, outdated, and inefficient informa-
tion technology infrastructure and proc-
esses to achieve better, cost-effective,
information technology services for state
agencies, the amounts appropriated for
state operations may be (i) interchanged,
(ii) transferred from this state oper-
ations appropriation within this agency to
any other state operations appropriations
of any state department or agency, and/or
(iii) suballocated to any state department
or agency with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget who shall file such
approval with the department of audit and
control and copies thereof with the chair-
man of the senate finance committee and
the chairman of the assembly ways and
means committee. With respect only to such
interchanges, transfers and suballocations
for the purpose of planning, developing
and/or implementing the transformation of
information technology services that
exceed any interchange, transfer or subal-
location authorized under any other
50 12650-03-0
provision of law, the amounts inter-
changed, transferred or suballocated may
only be used for state operations and
fringe benefits purposes. The foregoing
interchange, transfer and suballocation
authority is defined as the "IT Inter-
change and Transfer Authority (13603)."
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 21,391,000
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 450,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 180,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 180,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 167,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 3,839,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 270,000
Total amount available ...................... 26,477,000
For services and expenses related to member-
ship dues in various organizations
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 274,000
Program account subtotal .................. 26,751,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Revenue Arrearage Account - 22024
For services and expenses related to enter-
prise, administrative, intergovernmental,
and technological services including those
associated with the collection and maximi-
zation of overdue non-tax revenues owed to
the state, including liabilities incurred
in prior years. Funds herein appropriated
may be suballocated, subject to the
approval of the director of the budget, to
any state department, agency or public
benefit corporation.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
51 12650-03-0
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (13603).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 3,155,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 10,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 54,000
Contractual services (51000) .................. 10,961,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 946,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 1,410,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 114,000
Program account subtotal .................. 16,650,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Systems and Technology Account - 22162
For services and expenses for the modifica-
tion of statewide personnel, accounting,
financial management, budgeting and
related information systems to accommodate
the unique management and information
needs of the division of the budget,
including liabilities incurred in prior
years. Funds herein appropriated may be
suballocated, subject to the approval of
the director of the budget, to any state
department, agency or public benefit
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
52 12650-03-0
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (13603).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 1,584,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 20,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 47,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 160,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 587,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 85,000
Program account subtotal ................... 2,483,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Not-For-Profit Short-Term Revolving Loan Fund
Not-For-Profit Loan Account - 20651
For the purpose of making loans from the
not-for-profit short-term revolving loan
fund to eligible not-for-profit organiza-
tions (13603).
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 150,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 150,000
Internal Service Funds
Agencies Internal Service Fund
Federal Single Audit Account - 55053
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
For services and expenses associated with
the conduct of the annual independent
audit of federal programs as required by
the federal single audit act of 1984
53 12650-03-0
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,650,000
Program account subtotal ................... 1,650,000
CASH MANAGEMENT IMPROVEMENT ACT PROGRAM ...................... 1,500,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
For services and expenses related to cash
management activities of the state and the
federal cash management improvement act of
1990, including required payment of inter-
est to the federal government and includ-
ing liabilities incurred in prior years.
Funds herein appropriated may be suballo-
cated, subject to the approval of the
director of the budget, to any state
department, agency or public benefit
corporation (13608).
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,500,000
54 12650-03-0
For payment according to the following schedule:
Fiduciary Funds .................... 2,853,489,900 0
Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 110,000,000 0
---------------- ----------------
All Funds ........................ 2,963,489,900 0
================ ================
SENIOR COLLEGES .......................................... 1,557,208,400
Fiduciary Funds
CUNY Senior College Operating Fund
CUNY Senior College Operating Account - 60851
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, for the purpose of para-
graph a of subdivision 14 of section 6206
of the education law, the separate amounts
appropriated herein for senior colleges
and central administration shall be deemed
to be amounts appropriated to senior
colleges and amounts appropriated to indi-
vidual senior colleges shall be deemed to
be amounts appropriated for programs or
Provided further, that a portion of the
funds appropriated herein shall be used to
implement a plan to improve educator
effectiveness by:
(1) increasing admissions requirements for
all city university teacher preparation
programs; and
(2) upgrading the curriculum and require-
ments for these programs, which includes
increasing opportunities for in-school
experience to better prepare aspiring
teachers to enter the classroom upon grad-
uation (15475).
For services and expenses for Baruch college . 147,728,300
For services and expenses for Brooklyn
college .................................... 161,178,300
For services and expenses for city college,
including sophie b. davis biomedical
program, school of medicine and worker
education .................................. 185,289,600
55 12650-03-0
For services and expenses for Hunter college . 183,673,200
For services and expenses for John Jay
college .................................... 104,505,000
For services and expenses for Lehman college . 105,122,900
For services and expenses for William E.
Macaulay honors college ........................ 318,200
For services and expenses for Medgar Evers
college ..................................... 61,061,700
For services and expenses for New York city
college of technology ...................... 104,154,800
For services and expenses for Queens
college, including the John D. Calandra
Italian American Institute ................. 166,937,500
For services and expenses for the college of
Staten Island .............................. 110,790,300
For services and expenses for York college .... 62,706,900
For services and expenses for the graduate
school and university center ............... 128,218,500
For services and expenses for the school of
professional studies ......................... 2,837,000
For services and expenses of the school of
labor and urban studies ...................... 2,183,300
For services and expenses for the graduate
school of journalism ......................... 7,685,500
For services and expenses of CUNY law school .. 17,812,600
For services and expenses of the CUNY gradu-
ate school of public health and policy ....... 5,004,800
Program account subtotal ............... 1,557,208,400
INITIATIVES AND MANAGEMENT .................................. 66,467,200
Fiduciary Funds
CUNY Senior College Operating Fund
CUNY Senior College Operating Account - 60851
For services and expenses of central admin-
istration and shared service centers,
provided however, $12,000,000 of this
appropriation shall be made available for
services and expenses of senior colleges
to be distributed according to a plan
approved by the city university board of
trustees a portion of which may be used to
support new classroom faculty.
Provided further, $4,000,000 of the appro-
priation shall be made available for
services and expenses of expanding open
educational resources at the city univer-
sity of New York senior and community
56 12650-03-0
colleges targeting high-enrollment courses
including general education courses with
the highest cost-savings potential for
students (15484) ............................ 52,300,300
For services and expenses for information
services and library/technology systems
(15485) ..................................... 12,166,900
For services and expenses related to the
expansion of nursing programs. A portion
of the funds herein appropriated may be
transferred to the general fund-local
assistance account of the city university
of New York to accomplish the purposes of
this appropriation, in accordance with a
plan approved by the director of the budg-
et (15532) ................................... 2,000,000
PROGRAMS .................................................. 28,077,000
Fiduciary Funds
CUNY Senior College Operating Fund
CUNY Senior College Operating Account - 60851
For services and expenses to expand opportu-
nities in institutions of higher learning
for the educationally and economically
disadvantaged in accordance with section
6452 of the education law, for SEEK
programs on senior college campuses,
including $1,000,000 which shall be
utilized to increase employment opportu-
nities for SEEK students and meet the
matching requirements of the federal
college work study program for SEEK
students (15421) ............................ 28,077,000
UNIVERSITY OPERATIONS ...................................... 973,224,300
Fiduciary Funds
CUNY Senior College Operating Fund
CUNY Senior College Operating Account - 60851
For services and expenses of building
rentals (15487) ............................. 52,842,400
For services and expenses for utilities
costs (15488) ............................... 78,627,900
57 12650-03-0
For expenses of fringe benefits including
social security payments (15489) ........... 841,754,000
UNIVERSITY PROGRAMS ........................................ 178,513,000
Fiduciary Funds
CUNY Senior College Operating Fund
CUNY Senior College Operating Account - 60851
For services and expenses, not to exceed 65
percent of total services and expenses,
related to the operation of child care
centers at the senior colleges for the
benefit of city university senior college
students, to be available for expenditure
upon submission to the director of the
budget of satisfactory evidence of the
required matching funds (15491) .............. 1,430,000
For services and expenses of providing
student services, including advising &
counseling, athletics, career services,
health services, international student
services, veterans' support, and student
activities & leadership development
(15492) ...................................... 1,700,000
For the payment of city university supple-
mental tuition assistance to certain cate-
gories of full-time students of senior
colleges of the city university who are
residents of the state of New York (15533) ... 1,060,000
For services and expenses of matching
student financial aid (15534) ................ 1,444,000
For services and expenses of existing
language immersion programs (15493) .......... 1,070,000
For services and expenses of PSC awards
(15535) ...................................... 3,309,000
For payment of tuition reimbursement (15494) ... 9,000,000
For services and expenses of CUNY LEADS
(15540) ...................................... 1,500,000
For services and expenses of existing New
York city funded programs (15412) ........... 21,000,000
For services and expenses of activities
supported in whole or in part by user fees
and other charges including dormitory
operations at Hunter college, including
liabilities incurred prior to July 1, 2020 . 137,000,000
Total gross senior college operating budget 2,803,489,900
58 12650-03-0
Less: senior college tuition and fee revenue
offset ................................... 1,356,219,000
Less: central administration and university
wide programs offset ........................ 32,275,000
Less: existing New York city funded programs .. 21,000,000
Total net operating expense, notwithstanding
any law, rule, or regulation to the
contrary, if certain city university of
New York property is sold during academic
year 2020-21, up to $60,000,000 of such
property sale proceeds, if available, may
be used to support senior college expenses
already accrued or to accrue during the
2020-21 academic year, provided further
that such sale proceeds used to support
senior college expenses shall reduce the
state's net operating expense liability
pursuant to paragraphs 3 and 4 of subdivi-
sion A of section 6221 of the education
law in an equal amount during the 2020-21
academic year ............................ 1,393,995,900
Fiduciary Funds
CUNY Senior College Operating Fund
CUNY Senior College Operating Account - 60851
Notwithstanding paragraphs 3 and 4 of subdi-
vision A of section 6221 of the education
law, the amount appropriated herein shall
be made available for services and
expenses of senior college operations
during the 2019-20 academic year, provided
further, that such appropriation shall in
no way increase the net operating expense
liability of the state (15408) .............. 50,000,000
SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - OTHER .............................. 110,000,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
IFR/City University Tuition Fund
City University Income Reimbursable Account - 23250
For services and expenses of activities
supported in whole or in part by user fees
and other charges including dormitory
operations at Hunter college, including
liabilities incurred prior to July 1, 2020
(15417) ..................................... 50,000,000
59 12650-03-0
Program account subtotal .................. 50,000,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
IFR/City University Tuition Fund
City University Stabilization Account - 23267
For services and expenses at various campus-
es (15417) .................................. 10,000,000
Program account subtotal .................. 10,000,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
IFR/City University Tuition Fund
City University Tuition Reimbursable Account - 23264
For services and expenses of activities
supported in whole or in part by tuition
and related academic fees, including
liabilities incurred prior to July 1, 2020
to be available for expenditure upon
approval by the director of the budget of
an annual plan submitted by the university
to the director of the budget and chairs
of the senate finance committee and the
assembly ways and means committee on or
before August 1, 2020 (15417) ............... 50,000,000
Program account subtotal .................. 50,000,000
60 12650-03-0
For payment according to the following schedule:
General Fund ....................... 15,840,000 0
Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 1,140,000 0
Internal Service Funds ............. 39,761,000 0
---------------- ----------------
All Funds ........................ 56,741,000 0
================ ================
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses related to the
administration and information management
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (16604).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 3,279,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 12,000
Program account subtotal ................... 3,291,000
Internal Service Funds
Health Insurance Revolving Account
Civil Service Employee Benefits Division Administration
Account - 55301
For services and expenses related to the
administration and information management
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
61 12650-03-0
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (16604).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 1,816,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .............. 3,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 25,000
Travel (54000) ..................................... 3,000
Contractual services (51000) ....................... 7,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 324,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 1,006,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 62,000
Program account subtotal ................... 3,246,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses related to the
commission operations and municipal
assistance program (16605).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 716,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .............. 1,000
PERSONNEL BENEFIT SERVICES PROGRAM .......................... 26,092,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses related to the
personnel benefit services program
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 1,524,000
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 115,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 11,000
Program account subtotal ................... 1,650,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Combined Expendable Trust Fund
Grants Account - 20100
62 12650-03-0
For payments to the civil service department
from private foundations, corporations and
individuals (16606).
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 150,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 150,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 300,000
Internal Service Funds
Health Insurance Revolving Account
Health Insurance Internal Services Account - 55300
For services and expenses related to the
personnel benefit services program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (16606).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 8,325,000
Temporary service (50200) ......................... 30,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 129,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 373,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 145,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 8,161,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 164,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 4,800,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 317,000
Total amount available ...................... 22,444,000
For suballocation to the department of audit
and control for services and expenses for
auditors in order to achieve administra-
tive savings in the health insurance
program (16607).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 1,013,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .............. 1,000
Travel (54000) ..................................... 2,000
Contractual services (51000) ....................... 1,000
63 12650-03-0
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 647,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 34,000
Total amount available ....................... 1,698,000
Program account subtotal .................. 24,142,000
PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT SERVICES PROGRAM ....................... 23,395,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any provision of law, rule
or regulation to the contrary, of the
amounts appropriated herein, $500,000
shall be made available for services and
expenses related to implementing efficien-
cies in the recruitment, testing and
retention of employees in up to five
selected agencies; provided however, (i)
such services shall include, but not be
limited to: development of computer based
tests, skills development, knowledge
transfer, succession planning activities;
and (ii) such funds shall be available
pursuant to a spending plan, subject to
approval by the director of the budget,
which shall include but not be limited to:
program activities, deliverables and asso-
ciated completion dates (16609).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 9,502,000
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 670,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 10,000
Program account subtotal .................. 10,182,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
64 12650-03-0
Examination and Miscellaneous Revenue Account - 22065
For services and expenses related to New
York state personnel management services
provided by the department (16609).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 520,000
Temporary service (50200) ......................... 10,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 294,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 16,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 840,000
Internal Service Funds
Agencies Internal Service Fund
Department of Civil Service Administration Account -
For services and expenses related to section
11 of the civil service law.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (16609).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 3,835,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 476,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 715,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 259,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 3,542,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 379,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 3,007,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 160,000
Program account subtotal .................. 12,373,000
65 12650-03-0
For payment according to the following schedule:
General Fund ....................... 2,955,000 0
---------------- ----------------
All Funds ........................ 2,955,000 0
================ ================
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses related to the
improvement of correctional facilities
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (17201).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 2,494,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 20,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 21,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 170,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 242,000
Equipment (56000) .................................. 8,000
66 12650-03-0
For payment according to the following schedule:
General Fund ....................... 2,732,555,000 0
Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 40,500,000 123,216,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 33,855,000 0
Enterprise Funds ................... 53,443,000 0
Internal Service Funds ............. 74,895,000 0
---------------- ----------------
All Funds ........................ 2,935,248,000 123,216,000
================ ================
ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ...................................... 82,465,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses related to the
administration program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (81001).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 11,779,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 102,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 338,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 214,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,018,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 113,000
Program account subtotal .................. 13,564,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Correctional Services-NIC Grants Account - 25306
For services and expenses incurred by the
department of corrections and community
supervision for the incarceration of ille-
gal aliens (17559).
67 12650-03-0
Personal service (50000) ...................... 34,000,000
Program account subtotal .................. 34,000,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Substance Abuse Treatment State Prisons Account - 25408
For services and expenses related to
substance abuse treatment in state prisons
Personal service (50000) ....................... 1,500,000
Program account subtotal ................... 1,500,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Unanticipated Federal Grants Account - 25371
Funds herein appropriated may be used to
disburse unanticipated federal grants in
support of various purposes and programs
Nonpersonal service (57050) .................... 5,000,000
Program account subtotal ................... 5,000,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Capacity Contracting Account - 22016
For services and expenses incurred by the
department of corrections and community
supervision for the housing of inmates
from other jurisdictions under contracts
entered into under the direction of the
commissioner (17562).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 12,855,000
Temporary service (50200) ......................... 94,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .......... 1,051,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................. 1,406,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 36,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,840,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 91,000
68 12650-03-0
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 7,280,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 347,000
Program account subtotal .................. 25,000,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Correctional Services Asset Forfeiture Account - 22189
For services and expenses related to asset
forfeiture (17563).
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 100,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 600,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 700,000
Enterprise Funds
Agencies Enterprise Fund
Employee Mess Correctional Services Account - 50300
For services and expenses related to the
operation of employee mess programs
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 400,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................. 1,021,000
Travel (54000) ..................................... 5,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,007,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 50,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 207,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 11,000
Program account subtotal ................... 2,701,000
COMMUNITY SUPERVISION PROGRAM .............................. 136,039,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses related to the
community supervision program.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, the money hereby appropriated may
be used for the payment of prior year
liabilities and may be increased or
decreased by interchange with any other
appropriation within the department of
69 12650-03-0
corrections and community supervision
general fund - state purposes account with
the approval of the director of the budg-
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (17569).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............ 101,939,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .......... 7,400,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................. 1,600,000
Travel (54000) ................................. 2,258,000
Contractual services (51000) .................. 20,812,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 605,000
Program account subtotal ................. 134,614,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Combined Expendable Trust Fund
Parole Officers' Memorial Fund Account - 20182
For services and expenses of the parole
officers' memorial fund established pursu-
ant to chapter 654 of the laws of 1996
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 50,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 300,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 75,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 425,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Asset Forfeiture Account - 21999
For services and expenses related to the
community supervision program (17569).
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 100,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 300,000
70 12650-03-0
Program account subtotal ..................... 400,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Offender Programming Account - 22208
For services and expenses of offender
programs awarded through grant applica-
tions funded by private entities (17569).
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 600,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 600,000
CORRECTIONAL INDUSTRIES PROGRAM ............................. 75,637,000
Enterprise Funds
Agencies Enterprise Fund
Correctional - Recycling Fund Account - 50325
For services and expenses related to the
operation and maintenance of the correc-
tional recycling programs (17505).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 195,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .............. 5,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 200,000
Travel (54000) ..................................... 2,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 160,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 60,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 113,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................. 7,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 742,000
Internal Service Funds
Correctional Industries Revolving Account
Correctional Industries Account - 55350
For services and expenses related to the
correctional industries program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
71 12650-03-0
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (17505).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 24,648,000
Temporary service (50200) ......................... 15,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 700,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................ 29,082,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 300,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 7,300,000
Equipment (56000) .............................. 2,050,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ....................... 10,200,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 600,000
Program account subtotal .................. 74,895,000
HEALTH SERVICES PROGRAM .................................... 396,500,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses related to the
health services program.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, the money hereby appropriated may
be used for the payment of prior year
liabilities and may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer with
any other general fund appropriation with-
in the department of corrections and
community supervision with the approval of
the director of the budget. A portion of
these funds may be transferred or suballo-
cated to the department of health or other
state agencies.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (17503).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............ 125,660,000
Temporary service (50200) ...................... 7,053,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ......... 10,400,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ............... 122,676,000
72 12650-03-0
Travel (54000) ................................... 271,000
Contractual services (51000) ................. 125,578,000
Equipment (56000) .............................. 4,862,000
PAROLE BOARD PROGRAM ......................................... 7,100,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses related to the
parole board program.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state
finance law or any other provision of law
to the contrary, the amounts herein appro-
priated shall not be decreased by inter-
change with any other appropriation
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 6,507,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 60,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 43,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 390,000
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 87,000
Equipment (56000) .................................. 3,000
Fringe Benefits (60000) ........................... 10,000
PROGRAM SERVICES PROGRAM ................................... 275,675,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses related to the
program services program.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, the money hereby appropriated may
be used for the payment of prior year
liabilities and may be increased or
decreased by interchange with any other
appropriation within the department of
corrections and community supervision
general fund - state purposes account with
the approval of the director of the budg-
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
73 12650-03-0
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (17504).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............ 188,824,000
Temporary service (50200) ...................... 4,413,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .......... 1,341,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................. 6,140,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 368,000
Contractual services (51000) .................. 20,839,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 750,000
Program account subtotal ................. 222,675,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Combined Expendable Trust Fund
Correctional Services Account - 20107
For services and expenses of various activ-
ities funded through gifts and donations
Contractual services (51000) ................... 2,000,000
Program account subtotal ................... 2,000,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Offender Programming Account - 22208
For services and expenses of offender
programs awarded through grant applica-
tions funded by private entities (17504).
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,000,000
Program account subtotal ................... 1,000,000
Enterprise Funds
Correctional Services Commissary Account
Central Office Account - 50101
For services and expenses of operating self
sustaining facility commissaries (17504).
74 12650-03-0
Supplies and materials (57000) ................ 48,000,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 2,000,000
Program account subtotal .................. 50,000,000
SUPERVISION OF INMATES PROGRAM ........................... 1,611,993,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses related to the
supervision of inmates program.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, the money hereby appropriated may
be used for the payment of prior year
liabilities and may be increased or
decreased by interchange with any other
appropriation within the department of
corrections and community supervision
general fund - state purposes account with
the approval of the director of the budg-
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (17502).
Personal service--regular (50100) .......... 1,352,491,000
Temporary service (50200) ..................... 13,890,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ........ 225,755,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................ 10,242,000
Travel (54000) ................................. 2,400,000
75 12650-03-0
Contractual services (51000) ................... 5,420,000
Equipment (56000) .............................. 1,795,000
SUPPORT SERVICES PROGRAM ................................... 349,839,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, the money hereby appropriated may
be available for services and expenses
including lease payments to the dormitory
authority, as successor to the facilities
development corporation pursuant to chap-
ter 83 of the laws of 1995, pursuant to an
agreement entered into between the facili-
ties development corporation and the
department of corrections and community
supervision for the rental of correctional
facilities and may be used for the payment
of prior year liabilities and may be
increased or decreased by interchange with
any other appropriation within the depart-
ment of corrections and community super-
vision general fund - state purposes
account with the approval of the director
of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (17501).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 97,145,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .......... 6,197,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ............... 176,143,000
Travel (54000) ................................. 2,050,000
Contractual services (51000) .................. 52,498,000
Equipment (56000) ............................. 11,976,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 100,000
Program account subtotal ................. 346,109,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
76 12650-03-0
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Food Production Center Account - 22136
For services and expenses related to the
food production center (17565).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 214,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................. 2,121,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 590,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 305,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 374,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 120,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................. 6,000
Program account subtotal ................... 3,730,000
77 12650-03-0
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Correctional Services-NIC Grants Account - 25306
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses incurred by the department of corrections
and community supervision for the incarceration of illegal aliens
Personal service (50000) ... 34,000,000 ............ (re. $34,000,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses incurred by the department of corrections
and community supervision for the incarceration of illegal aliens
Personal service (50000) ... 34,000,000 ............ (re. $34,000,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses incurred by the department of corrections
and community supervision for the incarceration of illegal aliens
Personal service (50000) ... 34,000,000 ............ (re. $34,000,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Substance Abuse Treatment State Prisons Account - 25408
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to substance abuse treatment in
state prisons (17560).
Personal service (50000) ... 1,500,000 .............. (re. $1,500,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses related to substance abuse treatment in
state prisons (17560).
Personal service (50000) ... 1,500,000 .............. (re. $1,323,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Unanticipated Federal Grants Account - 25371
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
Funds herein appropriated may be used to disburse unanticipated feder-
al grants in support of various purposes and programs (17561).
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 5,000,000 ........... (re. $4,875,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
Funds herein appropriated may be used to disburse unanticipated feder-
al grants in support of various purposes and programs (17561).
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 5,000,000 ........... (re. $4,791,000)
78 12650-03-0
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
Funds herein appropriated may be used to disburse unanticipated feder-
al grants in support of various purposes and programs (17561).
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 5,000,000 ........... (re. $4,201,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
Funds herein appropriated may be used to disburse unanticipated feder-
al grants in support of various purposes and programs (17561).
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 5,000,000 ........... (re. $4,526,000)
79 12650-03-0
For payment according to the following schedule:
General Fund ....................... 38,309,000 0
Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 21,451,000 76,582,100
Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 24,516,000 0
---------------- ----------------
All Funds ........................ 84,276,000 76,582,100
================ ================
ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ...................................... 10,305,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses related to the
administration program.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, the money hereby appropriated may
be available for program expenses, includ-
ing the payment of liabilities incurred
prior to April 1, 2020 or hereafter to
accrue, and may be increased or decreased
by interchange with any other appropri-
ation within the division of criminal
justice services general fund - state
purposes account with the approval of the
director of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (81001).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 7,093,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .............. 4,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 500,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 77,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 2,000,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 631,000
80 12650-03-0
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses related to the
crime prevention and reduction strategies
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, the money hereby appropriated may
be available for program expenses, includ-
ing the payment of liabilities incurred
prior to April 1, 2020 or hereafter to
accrue, and may be increased or decreased
by interchange with any other appropri-
ation within the division of criminal
justice services general fund - state
purposes account with the approval of the
director of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (20235).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 22,335,000
Temporary service (50200) ......................... 15,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 69,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 740,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 500,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 4,041,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 304,000
Program account subtotal .................. 28,004,000
81 12650-03-0
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Crime Identification and Technology Account - 25475
For services and expenses related to crime
identification technologies, pursuant to
an expenditure plan developed by the
commissioner of the division of criminal
justice services. A portion of these funds
may be transferred to aid to localities
and may be suballocated to other state
agencies (20204).
Personal service (50000) ....................... 2,000,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) .................... 6,000,000
Fringe benefits (60090)............................. 1,000
Program account subtotal ................... 8,001,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
DCJS Miscellaneous Discretionary Account - 25470
Funds herein appropriated may be used to
disburse unanticipated federal grants in
support of state and local programs to
prevent crime, support law enforcement,
improve the administration of justice, and
assist victims. A portion of these funds
may be transferred to aid to localities
and may be suballocated to other state
agencies (20202).
Personal service (50000) ....................... 1,000,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) .................... 5,000,000
Fringe benefits (60090) ........................ 1,000,000
Program account subtotal ................... 7,000,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Edward Byrne Memorial Grant Account - 25540
For services and expenses related to the
federal Edward Byrne memorial justice
assistance formula program. A portion of
these funds may be transferred to aid to
localities and/or suballocated to other
state agencies (20209).
82 12650-03-0
Personal service (50000) ....................... 3,900,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) ...................... 100,000
Program account subtotal ................... 4,000,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Formula
Account - 25436
For services and expenses associated with
the juvenile justice and delinquency
prevention formula account in accordance
with a distribution plan determined by the
juvenile justice advisory group and
affirmed by the commissioner of the divi-
sion of criminal justice services. A
portion of these funds may be transferred
to aid to localities and may be suballo-
cated to other state agencies (20213).
Personal service (50000) ......................... 625,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) ...................... 325,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 950,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Violence Against Women Account - 25477
For services and expenses related to the
federal violence against women program
pursuant to an expenditure plan developed
by the commissioner of the division of
criminal justice services. A portion of
these funds may be transferred to aid to
localities and may be suballocated to
other state agencies (20216).
Personal service (50000) ......................... 800,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) ...................... 700,000
Program account subtotal ................... 1,500,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Combined Expendable Trust Fund
Grants Account - 20197
83 12650-03-0
For services and expenses associated with
gifts, grants and bequests to the division
of criminal justice services (20235).
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 100,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 100,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 200,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Combined Expendable Trust Fund
Missing Children's Clearinghouse Account - 20192
For services and expenses associated with
grants, gifts and bequests to the division
of criminal justice services for missing
children (20235).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 300,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 100,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 50,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 510,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 290,000
Program account subtotal ................... 1,250,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
CJS - Conference and Signs Account - 22190
For services and expenses related to the
crime prevention and reduction strategies
program (20235).
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 100,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 100,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 100,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 300,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
DCJS Equitable Sharing Agreement - Justice Account -
For moneys to the division of criminal
justice services for the justice depart-
ment federal equitable sharing agreement
to be used for law enforcement purposes
84 12650-03-0
distributed pursuant to a plan prepared by
the division of criminal justice services
and approved by the division of budget. A
portion of these funds may be transferred
to aid to localities and may be suballo-
cated to other state agencies (20235).
Contractual services (51000) ................... 8,000,000
Program account subtotal ................... 8,000,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
DCJS Equitable Sharing Agreement - Treasury Account -
For moneys to the division of criminal
justice services for the treasury depart-
ment federal equitable sharing agreement
to be used for law enforcement purposes
distributed pursuant to a plan prepared by
the division of criminal justice services
and approved by the division of budget. A
portion of these funds may be transferred
to aid to localities and may be suballo-
cated to other state agencies (20235).
Contractual services (51000) ................... 8,000,000
Program account subtotal ................... 8,000,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Fingerprint Identification and Technology Account -
For services and expenses associated with
the development of technology solutions
that advance the detection and prevention
of crime, according to a plan developed by
the commissioner of the division of crimi-
nal justice services and approved by the
director of the budget. Amounts may be
transferred to other state agencies or may
be used to make grants to local govern-
ments in support of this purpose. A
portion of these funds may be suballocated
to other state agencies.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
85 12650-03-0
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (20235).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 400,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 6,037,000
Program account subtotal ................... 6,437,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
State Police Motor Vehicle Law Enforcement and Motor
Vehicle Theft and Insurance Fraud Prevention Fund
Motor Vehicle Theft and Insurance Fraud Account - 22801
Notwithstanding any other provision of law,
for services and expenses associated with
local anti-auto theft programs (20235).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 200,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ..................... 2,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 33,000
Contractual services (51000) ....................... 2,000
Equipment (56000) .................................. 2,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................... 80,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 10,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 329,000
86 12650-03-0
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Crime Identification and Technology Account - 25475
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to crime identification technolo-
gies, pursuant to an expenditure plan developed by the commissioner
of the division of criminal justice services. A portion of these
funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be suballo-
cated to other state agencies (20204).
Personal service (50000) ... 2,000,000 .............. (re. $2,000,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 6,000,000 ........... (re. $6,000,000)
The appropriation made by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018, is
hereby amended and reappropriated to read:
For services and expenses related to crime identification technolo-
gies, pursuant to an expenditure plan developed by the commissioner
of the division of criminal justice services. A portion of these
funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be suballo-
cated to other state agencies (20204).
Personal service (50000) ... 2,000,000 .............. (re. $1,851,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ..........................................
[6,000,000] 5,567,000 ............................. (re. $5,551,000)
FRINGE BENEFITS (60090) ... 433,000 .................... (re. 354,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to crime identification technolo-
gies, pursuant to an expenditure plan developed by the commissioner
of the division of criminal justice services. A portion of these
funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be suballo-
cated to other state agencies (20204).
Personal service (50000) ... 2,000,000 .............. (re. $1,735,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 5,872,000 ........... (re. $5,246,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 128,000 ................... (re. $128,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to crime identification technolo-
gies, pursuant to an expenditure plan developed by the commissioner
of the division of criminal justice services. A portion of these
funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be suballo-
cated to other state agencies (20204).
Personal service (50000) ... 2,000,000 .............. (re. $1,611,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 5,942,000 ........... (re. $3,336,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 58,000 ..................... (re. $58,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2015, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2019:
87 12650-03-0
For services and expenses related to crime identification technolo-
gies, pursuant to an expenditure plan developed by the commissioner
of the division of criminal justice services. A portion of these
funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be suballo-
cated to other state agencies (20204).
Personal service (50000) ... 2,000,000 .............. (re. $1,471,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 5,999,000 ............. (re. $802,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 1,000 ....................... (re. $1,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
DCJS Miscellaneous Discretionary Account - 25470
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
Funds herein appropriated may be used to disburse unanticipated feder-
al grants in support of state and local programs to prevent crime,
support law enforcement, improve the administration of justice, and
assist victims. A portion of these funds may be transferred to aid
to localities and may be suballocated to other state agencies
Personal service (50000) ... 1,000,000 .............. (re. $1,000,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 5,000,000 ........... (re. $5,000,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 1,000,000 ............... (re. $1,000,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
Funds herein appropriated may be used to disburse unanticipated feder-
al grants in support of state and local programs to prevent crime,
support law enforcement, improve the administration of justice, and
assist victims. A portion of these funds may be transferred to aid
to localities and may be suballocated to other state agencies
Personal service (50000) ... 1,000,000 .............. (re. $1,000,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 5,000,000 ........... (re. $4,978,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 1,000,000 ............... (re. $1,000,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
Funds herein appropriated may be used to disburse unanticipated feder-
al grants in support of state and local programs to prevent crime,
support law enforcement, improve the administration of justice, and
assist victims. A portion of these funds may be transferred to aid
to localities and may be suballocated to other state agencies
Personal service (50000) ... 1,000,000 .............. (re. $1,000,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 5,000,000 ........... (re. $4,500,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 1,000,000 ............... (re. $1,000,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
Funds herein appropriated may be used to disburse unanticipated feder-
al grants in support of state and local programs to prevent crime,
support law enforcement, improve the administration of justice, and
assist victims. A portion of these funds may be transferred to aid
88 12650-03-0
to localities and may be suballocated to other state agencies
Personal service (50000) ... 1,000,000 ................ (re. $998,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 5,000,000 ........... (re. $4,511,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 1,000,000 ................. (re. $999,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2015:
Funds herein appropriated may be used to disburse unanticipated feder-
al grants in support of state and local programs to prevent crime,
support law enforcement, improve the administration of justice, and
assist victims. A portion of these funds may be transferred to aid
to localities and may be suballocated to other state agencies
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 5,000,000 ............. (re. $369,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Edward Byrne Memorial Grant Account - 25540
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the federal Edward Byrne memorial
justice assistance formula program. Funds appropriated herein shall
be expended pursuant to a plan developed by the commissioner of
criminal justice services and approved by the director of the budg-
et. A portion of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities
and/or suballocated to other state agencies (20209).
Personal service (50000) ... 3,900,000 .............. (re. $3,900,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 100,000 ............... (re. $100,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses related to the federal Edward Byrne memorial
justice assistance formula program. Funds appropriated herein shall
be expended pursuant to a plan developed by the commissioner of
criminal justice services and approved by the director of the budg-
et. A portion of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities
and/or suballocated to other state agencies (20209).
Personal service (50000) ... 3,900,000 .............. (re. $3,900,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 100,000 ............... (re. $100,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Edward Byrne Memorial Grant Account - 25300(M)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses related to the federal Edward Byrne memorial
justice assistance formula program. Funds appropriated herein shall
be expended pursuant to a plan developed by the commissioner of
criminal justice services and approved by the director of the budg-
et. A portion of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities
and/or suballocated to other state agencies (20209).
Personal service (50000) ... 3,900,000 .............. (re. $2,016,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 100,000 ............... (re. $100,000)
89 12650-03-0
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For services and expenses related to the federal Edward Byrne memorial
justice assistance formula program. Funds appropriated herein shall
be expended pursuant to a plan developed by the commissioner of
criminal justice services and approved by the director of the budg-
et. A portion of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities
and/or suballocated to other state agencies (20209).
Personal service (50000) ... 3,900,000 ................ (re. $598,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 100,000 ............... (re. $100,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2015:
For services and expenses related to the federal Edward Byrne memorial
justice assistance formula program. Funds appropriated herein shall
be expended pursuant to a plan developed by the commissioner of
criminal justice services and approved by the director of the budg-
et. A portion of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities
and/or suballocated to other state agencies (20209).
Personal service (50000) ... 3,900,000 ................ (re. $135,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 100,000 ................ (re. $50,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Formula Account - 25436
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses associated with the juvenile justice and
delinquency prevention formula account in accordance with a distrib-
ution plan determined by the juvenile justice advisory group and
affirmed by the commissioner of the division of criminal justice
services. A portion of these funds may be transferred to aid to
localities and may be suballocated to other state agencies (20213).
Personal service (50000) ... 625,000 .................. (re. $625,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 325,000 ............... (re. $325,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses associated with the juvenile justice and
delinquency prevention formula account in accordance with a distrib-
ution plan determined by the juvenile justice advisory group and
affirmed by the commissioner of the division of criminal justice
services. A portion of these funds may be transferred to aid to
localities and may be suballocated to other state agencies (20213).
Personal service (50000) ... 625,000 .................. (re. $625,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 325,000 ............... (re. $325,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses associated with the juvenile justice and
delinquency prevention formula account in accordance with a distrib-
ution plan determined by the juvenile justice advisory group and
affirmed by the commissioner of the division of criminal justice
services. A portion of these funds may be transferred to aid to
localities and may be suballocated to other state agencies (20213).
Personal service (50000) ... 625,000 .................. (re. $625,000)
90 12650-03-0
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 325,000 ............... (re. $325,000)
The appropriation made by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016, as
amended by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019, is hereby
amended and reappropriated to read:
For services and expenses associated with the juvenile justice and
delinquency prevention formula account in accordance with a distrib-
ution plan determined by the juvenile justice advisory group and
affirmed by the commissioner of the division of criminal justice
services. A portion of these funds may be transferred to aid to
localities and may be suballocated to other state agencies (20213).
Personal service (50000) ... [625,000] 624,000 ........ (re. $308,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 295,000 ............... (re. $295,000)
Fringe Benefits (60090) ... [30,000] 25,000 ............ (re. $25,000)
INDIRECT COSTS (58850) ... 6,000 ........................ (re. $6,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2015, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses associated with the juvenile justice and
delinquency prevention formula account in accordance with a distrib-
ution plan determined by the juvenile justice advisory group and
affirmed by the commissioner of the division of criminal justice
services. A portion of these funds may be transferred to aid to
localities and may be suballocated to other state agencies (20213).
Personal service (50000) ... 625,000 .................. (re. $293,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 317,900 ............... (re. $222,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 7,100 ....................... (re. $7,100)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Violence Against Women Account - 25477
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the federal violence against
women program pursuant to an expenditure plan developed by the
commissioner of the division of criminal justice services. A portion
of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be
suballocated to other state agencies (20216).
Personal service (50000) ... 800,000 .................. (re. $800,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 700,000 ............... (re. $700,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses related to the federal violence against
women program pursuant to an expenditure plan developed by the
commissioner of the division of criminal justice services. A portion
of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be
suballocated to other state agencies (20216).
Personal service (50000) ... 800,000 .................. (re. $774,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 700,000 ............... (re. $673,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
91 12650-03-0
For services and expenses related to the federal violence against
women program pursuant to an expenditure plan developed by the
commissioner of the division of criminal justice services. A portion
of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be
suballocated to other state agencies (20216).
Personal service (50000) ... 800,000 .................. (re. $448,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 700,000 ............... (re. $361,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses related to the federal violence against
women program pursuant to an expenditure plan developed by the
commissioner of the division of criminal justice services. A portion
of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be
suballocated to other state agencies (20216).
Personal service (50000) ... 800,000 .................. (re. $122,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 562,000 ................. (re. $2,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2015, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses related to the federal violence against
women program pursuant to an expenditure plan developed by the
commissioner of the division of criminal justice services. A portion
of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be
suballocated to other state agencies (20216).
Personal service (50000) ... 800,000 .................. (re. $146,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 689,100 ................ (re. $48,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 10,900 ...................... (re. $4,000)
92 12650-03-0
For payment according to the following schedule:
Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 4,750,000 9,884,000
Enterprise Funds ................... 10,000 0
---------------- ----------------
All Funds ........................ 4,760,000 9,884,000
================ ================
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
DD Planning Council Account - 25143
For services and expenses related to the
provision of services to the develop-
mentally disabled under the provisions of
the federal developmental disabilities
bill of rights act of nineteen hundred
seventy-five (21100).
Personal service (50000) ....................... 1,141,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) .................... 2,822,000
Fringe benefits (60090) .......................... 729,000
Indirect costs (58850) ............................ 58,000
Program account subtotal ................... 4,750,000
Enterprise Funds
Agencies Enterprise Fund
DDPC Publications Account - 50324
For services and expenses incurred by the
developmental disabilities planning coun-
cil related to producing, reproducing,
distributing, and mailing printed,
recorded and electronic media (21100).
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 10,000
Program account subtotal ...................... 10,000
93 12650-03-0
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
DD Planning Council Account - 25143
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the provision of services to the
develop mentally disabled under the provisions of the federal devel-
opmental disabilities bill of rights act of nineteen hundred seven-
ty-five (21100).
Personal service (50000) ... 1,188,000 .............. (re. $1,188,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 2,708,000 ........... (re. $2,700,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 759,000 ................... (re. $759,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 95,000 ...................... (re. $95,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses related to the provision of services to the
developmentally disabled under the provisions of the federal devel-
opmental disabilities bill of rights act of nineteen hundred seven-
ty-five (21100).
Personal service (50000) ... 1,210,000 ................ (re. $730,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 2,782,000 ........... (re. $2,396,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 726,000 ................... (re. $416,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 32,000 ...................... (re. $32,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses related to the provision of services to the
developmentally disabled under the provisions of the federal devel-
opmental disabilities bill of rights act of nineteen hundred seven-
ty-five (21100).
Personal service (50000) ... 1,198,000 ................ (re. $351,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 2,817,000 ............. (re. $894,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 703,000 ................... (re. $311,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 32,000 ...................... (re. $12,000)
94 12650-03-0
For payment according to the following schedule:
General Fund ....................... 20,235,000 6,929,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 2,000,000 14,846,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 6,460,000 0
---------------- ----------------
All Funds ........................ 28,695,000 21,775,000
================ ================
ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ....................................... 3,207,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses related to the
administration program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority, and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (81001).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 1,698,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 39,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 64,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 86,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,279,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 41,000
CLEAN AIR PROGRAM .............................................. 387,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Clean Air Fund
Clean Air Account - 21451
For services and expenses related to the
clean air program (81016).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 195,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ..................... 4,000
95 12650-03-0
Travel (54000) .................................... 25,000
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 88,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 12,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................... 59,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................. 4,000
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ................................ 17,076,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses related to the
economic development program.
Up to $1,000,000 of the funds appropriated
hereby may be suballocated or transferred
to any department, agency, or public
authority (81018).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 10,086,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .............. 6,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 176,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 136,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,728,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 59,000
Program account subtotal .................. 12,191,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Federal Miscellaneous Grants Account - 25340
For services and expenses related to the
economic development program (81018).
Nonpersonal service (57050) .................... 2,000,000
Program account subtotal ................... 2,000,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Empire State Entertainment Diversity Job Training Devel-
opment Fund
Empire State Entertainment Diversity Job Training Devel-
opment Account
For services and expenses related to the
empire state entertainment diversity job
training development fund, up to
$2,000,000 of the funds appropriated may
96 12650-03-0
be suballocated or transferred to any
department, agency or public authority,
including the New York state urban devel-
opment corporation d/b/a empire state
development to allocate grants for job
creation and training programs that
support efforts to recruit, hire, promote,
retain, develop and train a diverse and
inclusive workforce as production company
employees in the motion picture and tele-
vision industry within the state ............. 2,000,000
Program account subtotal ................... 2,000,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Procurement Opportunities Newsletter Account - 22133
For services and expenses of a procurement
contract newsletter pursuant to article
4-C of the economic development law.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority, and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (81018).
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 875,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 10,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 885,000
MARKETING AND ADVERTISING PROGRAM ............................ 8,025,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses related to the
marketing and advertising program (21401).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 1,942,000
Temporary service (50200) .......................... 7,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 52,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 10,000
97 12650-03-0
Travel (54000) .................................... 15,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 305,000
Equipment (56000) .................................. 6,000
Total amount available ....................... 2,337,000
For services and expenses of tourism market-
ing. Notwithstanding any inconsistent
provision of law, all or a portion of this
appropriation may, subject to the approval
of the director of the budget, be trans-
ferred to the general fund, local assist-
ance account, for a local tourism
promotion matching grants program pursuant
to article 5-A of the economic development
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority, and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (21417).
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 655,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,190,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 655,000
Total amount available ....................... 2,500,000
Program account subtotal ................... 4,837,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Commerce Economic Development Assistance Account - 22042
For services and expenses related to the
marketing and advertising program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
98 12650-03-0
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (21401).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................. 84,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ..................... 3,000
Travel (54000) ..................................... 3,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 3,057,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................... 38,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................. 3,000
Program account subtotal ................... 3,188,000
99 12650-03-0
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses for programs and activities to promote
international trade (21411).
Contractual services (51000) ... 700,000 .............. (re. $700,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For services and expenses for programs and activities to promote
international trade (21411).
Contractual services (51000) ... 700,000 .............. (re. $692,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013:
For services and expenses for programs and activities to promote
international trade (21411).
Contractual services (51000) ... 700,000 .............. (re. $127,000)
The appropriation made by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013, is
hereby amended and reappropriated to read:
Contractual services [(81018)] (51000) ... 4,701,000 .. (re. $716,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Federal Miscellaneous Grants Account - 25340
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the economic development program
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 2,000,000 ........... (re. $2,000,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the economic development program
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 2,000,000 ........... (re. $2,000,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the economic development program
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 2,000,000 ........... (re. $2,000,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the economic development program
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 2,000,000 ........... (re. $2,000,000)
100 12650-03-0
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2015, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the economic development program
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 2,000,000 ........... (re. $2,000,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the economic development program
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 2,000,000 ........... (re. $2,000,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the economic development program
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 2,000,000 ........... (re. $2,000,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the economic development program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (81018).
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 2,000,000 ............. (re. $790,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the economic development program
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 2,000,000 .............. (re. $56,000)
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses of tourism marketing. Notwithstanding any
inconsistent provision of law, all or a portion of this appropri-
ation may, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, be
transferred to the general fund, local assistance account, for a
local tourism promotion matching grants program pursuant to article
5-A of the economic development law.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, and the IT Interchange and
Transfer Authority as defined in the 2019-20 state fiscal year state
operations appropriation for the budget division program of the
101 12650-03-0
division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully stated (21417).
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 655,000 ............ (re. $655,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 1,190,000 ............ (re. $923,000)
Equipment (56000) ... 655,000 ......................... (re. $624,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses of tourism marketing. Notwithstanding any
inconsistent provision of law, all or a portion of this appropri-
ation may, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, be
transferred to the general fund, local assistance account, for a
local tourism promotion matching grants program pursuant to article
5-A of the economic development law.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, and the IT Interchange and
Transfer Authority as defined in the 2018-19 state fiscal year state
operations appropriation for the budget division program of the
division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully stated (21417).
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 655,000 ............ (re. $653,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 1,190,000 ............ (re. $726,000)
Equipment (56000) ... 655,000 ......................... (re. $607,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses of tourism marketing. Notwithstanding any
inconsistent provision of law, all or a portion of this appropri-
ation may, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, be
transferred to the general fund, local assistance account, for a
local tourism promotion matching grants program pursuant to article
5-A of the economic development law.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, and the IT Interchange and
Transfer Authority as defined in the 2017-18 state fiscal year state
operations appropriation for the budget division program of the
division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully stated (21417).
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 655,000 ............. (re. $46,000)
Equipment (56000) ... 655,000 ......................... (re. $137,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For services and expenses of tourism marketing. Notwithstanding any
inconsistent provision of law, all or a portion of this appropri-
ation may, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, be
transferred to the general fund, local assistance account, for a
local tourism promotion matching grants program pursuant to article
5-A of the economic development law.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, and the IT Interchange and
Transfer Authority as defined in the 2016-17 state fiscal year state
operations appropriation for the budget division program of the
division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully stated (21417).
102 12650-03-0
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 655,000 .............. (re. $9,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 1,190,000 .............. (re. $7,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014:
For services and expenses of tourism marketing. Notwithstanding any
inconsistent provision of law, all or a portion of this appropri-
ation may, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, be
transferred to the general fund, local assistance account, for a
local tourism promotion matching grants program pursuant to article
5-A of the economic development law.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans-
fer Authority as defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state
operations appropriation for the budget division program of the
division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully stated (21417).
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 655,000 .............. (re. $7,000)
By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2008:
For services and expenses of an upstate business marketing program to
attract and return businesses pursuant to a plan submitted by the
commissioner of economic development and approved by the director of
the budget (21424).
Contractual services (51000) ... 1,750,000 ............ (re. $300,000)
103 12650-03-0
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, for
payment according to the following schedule, net of
refunds, rebates, reimbursements, credits, repayments,
and/or disallowances:
General Fund ....................... 58,737,000 10,081,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 364,089,000 603,241,987
Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 155,301,000 2,048,341
Internal Service Funds ............. 33,663,000 0
---------------- ----------------
All Funds ........................ 611,790,000 615,371,328
================ ================
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
education department contained in the aid
to localities budget bill, and (ii) the
director of the budget has determined that
those aid to localities appropriations as
finally acted on by the legislature are
sufficient for the ensuing fiscal year.
For services and expenses related to the
administration of the high school equiv-
alency diploma exam (21852).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 614,000
Temporary service (50200) ......................... 53,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 33,000
Travel (54000) ..................................... 5,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 3,480,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 21,000
Program account subtotal ................... 4,206,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Education Fund
Federal Department of Education Account - 25210
104 12650-03-0
For the administration of grants for specif-
ic programs including, but not limited to,
vocational rehabilitation and supported
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, a portion of this appropriation
may be suballocated to other state depart-
ments and agencies, subject to the
approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this
appropriation (21713).
Personal service (50000) ...................... 60,384,525
Nonpersonal service (57050) ................... 14,949,492
Fringe benefits (60090) ....................... 30,672,287
Indirect costs (58850) ........................ 16,673,176
Total amount available ..................... 122,679,480
For the administration of grants for specif-
ic programs including, but not limited to,
independent living centers.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, a portion of this appropriation
may be suballocated to other state depart-
ments and agencies, subject to the
approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this
appropriation (21856).
Personal service (50000) ......................... 300,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) ...................... 500,000
Fringe benefits (60090) .......................... 161,520
Indirect costs (58850) ............................. 9,000
Total amount available ......................... 970,520
For the administration of grants for specif-
ic programs including, but not limited to,
in service training.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, a portion of this appropriation
may be suballocated to other state depart-
ments and agencies, subject to the
approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this
appropriation (21859).
Personal service (50000) ......................... 120,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) ...................... 428,040
105 12650-03-0
Fringe benefits (60090) ........................... 60,972
Indirect costs (58850) ............................ 32,988
Total amount available ......................... 642,000
For the administration of grants for specif-
ic programs including, but not limited to,
the workforce investment act.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, a portion of this appropriation
may be suballocated to other state depart-
ments and agencies, subject to the
approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this
appropriation (21734).
Personal service (50000) ....................... 2,719,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) .................... 3,253,023
Fringe benefits (60090) ........................ 1,381,524
Indirect costs (58850) ........................... 747,453
Total amount available ....................... 8,101,000
Program account subtotal ................. 132,393,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
High School Equivalency Account - 21979
Notwithstanding section 97-hhh of the state
finance law or any other provision of law
to the contrary, funds appropriated herein
shall be available for services and
expenses related to the administration of
the high school equivalency diploma exam
Supplies and materials (57000) ..................... 3,000
Travel (54000) ..................................... 3,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 949,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 955,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
VESID Social Security Account - 22001
106 12650-03-0
For expenses of contractual services for the
rehabilitation of social security disabil-
ity beneficiaries (21852).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 308,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 35,000
Travel (54000) ..................................... 2,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 262,659
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 327,866
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 59,475
Program account subtotal ..................... 995,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Tuition Reimbursement Fund
Tuition Reimbursement Account - 20451
For reimbursement of tuition payments made
by or on behalf of students at proprietary
institutions registered or licensed pursu-
ant to section 5001 of the education law,
including liabilities incurred prior to
April 1, 2020 (21852).
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 200,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 1,309,000
Program account subtotal ................... 1,509,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Tuition Reimbursement Fund
Vocational School Supervision Account - 20452
For services and expenses for the super-
vision of institutions registered pursuant
to section 5001 of the education law, and
for services and expenses of supervisory
programs and payment of associated indi-
rect costs and general state charges
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 1,747,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .............. 8,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 12,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 40,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,165,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 12,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 1,121,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 60,000
107 12650-03-0
Program account subtotal ................... 4,165,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Vocational Rehabilitation Fund
Vocational Rehabilitation Account - 23051
For services and expenses of the special
workers' compensation program (21852).
Supplies and materials (57000) ..................... 2,000
Travel (54000) ..................................... 4,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 146,000
Equipment (56000) .................................. 5,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 157,000
CULTURAL EDUCATION PROGRAM .................................. 72,322,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
education department contained in the aid
to localities budget bill, and (ii) the
director of the budget has determined that
those aid to localities appropriations as
finally acted on by the legislature are
sufficient for the ensuing fiscal year.
For services and expenses related to conser-
vation and preservation of library materi-
als and the talking book and braille
library (21711).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 388,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 21,000
Travel (54000) ..................................... 2,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 278,000
Equipment (56000) .................................. 4,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 693,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Federal Operating Grants Account - 25456
108 12650-03-0
For administration of federal grants pursu-
ant to various federal laws including
funds from the national endowment of
humanities, the institute of museum and
library services, the United States
geological survey, the United States
department of energy, and the United
States department of the interior.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, a portion of this appropriation
may be suballocated to other state depart-
ments and agencies or transferred to any
other federal fund, subject to the
approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this
appropriation (21739).
Personal service (50000) ....................... 3,157,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) .................... 2,995,000
Fringe benefits (60090) ........................ 1,095,000
Indirect costs (58850) ........................... 511,000
Total amount available ....................... 7,758,000
For the administration of federal grants
pursuant to various federal laws includ-
ing: the library services technology act
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, a portion of this appropriation
may be suballocated to other state depart-
ments and agencies, subject to the
approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this
appropriation (21851).
Personal service (50000) ....................... 3,570,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) .................... 1,250,000
Fringe benefits (60090) ........................ 2,100,000
Indirect costs (58850) ........................... 700,000
Total amount available ....................... 7,620,000
Program account subtotal .................. 15,378,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Cultural Education Account - 22063
109 12650-03-0
For services and expenses of the office of
cultural education, including but not
limited to the state museum, state
library, and state archives. Notwithstand-
ing any inconsistent provision of law, a
portion of this appropriation may be
suballocated to other state departments
and agencies, as needed to accomplish the
intent of this appropriation (21711).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 14,225,000
Temporary service (50200) ...................... 1,009,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 303,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................. 2,333,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 298,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 4,319,000
Equipment (56000) .............................. 1,854,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 7,618,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 674,000
Program account subtotal .................. 32,633,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Education Archives Account - 22077
For services and expenses of the state
archives (21711).
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 171,000
Travel (54000) ..................................... 9,000
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 13,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 64,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 257,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Education Library Account - 21968
For services and expenses of the state
library (21711).
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 66,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 28,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 600,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 35,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 729,000
110 12650-03-0
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Education Museum Account - 21924
For services and expenses of the state muse-
um (21711).
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 660,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 100,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 245,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 109,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,074,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 738,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 372,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 24,000
Program account subtotal ................... 3,322,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Summer School of Arts Account - 21929
For services and expenses of the summer
school of the arts. Notwithstanding any
inconsistent provision of law, a portion
of this appropriation may be suballocated
to other state departments and agencies,
as needed, to accomplish the intent of
this appropriation (21711).
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 160,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 60,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 45,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,181,500
Equipment (56000) ................................. 15,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................... 15,500
Indirect costs (58800) ............................. 4,000
Program account subtotal ................... 1,481,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
NYS Archives Partnership Trust Fund
NYS Archives Partnership Trust Account - 20351
For services and expenses of the archives
partnership trust (21711).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 485,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 13,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 22,000
111 12650-03-0
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 151,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 13,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 212,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 25,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 921,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
New York State Local Government Records Management
Improvement Fund
Local Government Records Management Account - 20501
For payment of necessary and reasonable
expenses incurred by the commissioner of
education in carrying out the advisory
services required in subdivision 1 of
section 57.23 of the arts and cultural
affairs law and to implement sections
57.21, 57.35 and 57.37 of the arts and
cultural affairs law (21845).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 2,158,000
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 117,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 49,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 169,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 425,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 114,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 1,000,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 127,000
Program account subtotal ................... 4,159,000
Internal Service Funds
Agencies Internal Service Fund
Archives Records Management Account - 55052
For services and expenses of archives
records management (21711).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 1,111,000
Temporary service (50200) ......................... 22,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 40,000
Travel (54000) ..................................... 7,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 247,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 101,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 543,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 53,000
Program account subtotal ................... 2,124,000
112 12650-03-0
Internal Service Funds
Agencies Internal Service Fund
Cultural Resource Survey Account - 55058
For services and expenses related to
cultural resource surveys (21711).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 1,190,000
Temporary service (50200) ...................... 1,170,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 400,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 139,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 454,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 5,729,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 139,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 1,219,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 185,000
Program account subtotal .................. 10,625,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
education department contained in the aid
to localities budget bill, and (ii) the
director of the budget has determined that
those aid to localities appropriations as
finally acted on by the legislature are
sufficient for the ensuing fiscal year.
For services and expenses of the office of
higher education and the professions
program, including up to $5,700,000 for
services and expenses related to tenured
teacher hearings pursuant to sections
3020-a and 3020-b of the education law
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 2,445,000
Temporary service (50200) ......................... 18,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .............. 1,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 52,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 152,000
113 12650-03-0
Contractual services (51000) ................... 5,441,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 52,000
Program account subtotal ................... 8,161,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Education Fund
Federal Department of Education Account - 25210
For administration of federal grants pursu-
ant to various federal laws including Carl
D. Perkins vocational and applied technol-
ogy education act (VTEA).
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, a portion of this appropriation
may be suballocated to other state depart-
ments and agencies, subject to the
approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this
appropriation (21710).
Personal service (50000) ......................... 275,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) ....................... 50,000
Fringe benefits (60090) .......................... 120,000
Indirect costs (58850) ............................ 55,000
Total amount available ......................... 500,000
For administration of federal grants pursu-
ant to various federal laws including, but
not limited to: title II supporting effec-
tive instruction. Provided further that,
notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, the commissioner of education
shall provide to the director of the budg-
et, the chairperson of the senate finance
committee and the chairperson of the
assembly ways and means committee copies
of any spending plans and/or budgets
submitted to the federal government with
respect to the use of any funds appropri-
ated by the federal government including
state grants administered by the depart-
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, a portion of this appropriation
may be suballocated to other state depart-
ments and agencies, subject to the
approval of the director of the budget, as
114 12650-03-0
needed to accomplish the intent of this
appropriation (23419).
Personal service (50000) ......................... 731,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) ....................... 78,000
Fringe benefits (60090) .......................... 286,000
Indirect costs (58850) ........................... 176,000
Total amount available ....................... 1,271,000
Program account subtotal ................... 1,771,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Federal Operating Grants Account - 25456
For administration of federal grants pursu-
ant to various federal laws including the
national community service act and the
transition to teaching program (21710).
Personal service (50000) ......................... 387,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) ...................... 549,000
Fringe benefits (60090) .......................... 156,000
Indirect costs (58850) ............................ 89,000
Program account subtotal ................... 1,181,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Dedicated Miscellaneous Special Revenue Account
Interstate Reciprocity for Post-secondary Distance
Education Account - 23800
For services and expenses related to the
office of higher education and the
professions program (21710).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 435,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ..................... 5,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 21,500
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 444,500
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 278,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 15,000
Program account subtotal ................... 1,199,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Institutional Accreditation Account - 22235
115 12650-03-0
For services and expenses of institutional
accreditation activities (21710).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 290,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 10,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 35,000
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 11,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 171,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 53,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 570,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Office of Professions Account - 22051
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer with-
out limit, with any appropriation of any
other department, agency or public author-
ity or by transfer or suballocation to any
department, agency or public authority
with the approval of the director of the
For services and expenses related to licen-
sure and disciplining programs for the
professions, and foreign and out-of-state
medical school evaluations (21710).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 22,570,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 200,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 700,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 300,000
Contractual services (51000) .................. 10,183,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 100,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ....................... 14,541,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 781,000
Program account subtotal .................. 49,375,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Teacher Certification Program Account - 21969
For services and expenses related to the
administration of the teacher certif-
ication program (21710).
116 12650-03-0
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 2,982,000
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 282,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 140,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 71,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 71,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,949,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 71,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 1,495,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 204,000
Program account subtotal ................... 7,265,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Teacher Education Accreditation Account - 22166
For services and expenses of teacher educa-
tion accreditation activities, pursuant to
section 212-c of the education law
Personal service--regular (50100) ................. 50,000
Temporary service (50200) ......................... 22,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ..................... 2,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 40,000
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 73,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................... 26,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 10,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 223,000
OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES PROGRAM ....................... 55,060,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
education department contained in the aid
to localities budget bill, and (ii) the
director of the budget has determined that
those aid to localities appropriations as
finally acted on by the legislature are
sufficient for the ensuing fiscal year.
117 12650-03-0
For services and expenses related to the
office of management services program
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 6,161,000
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 114,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 114,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 187,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 95,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,314,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 656,000
Program account subtotal ................... 8,641,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Combined Expendable Trust Fund
Grants Account - 20115
For services and expenses related to the
administration of funds paid to the educa-
tion department from private foundations,
corporations and individuals and from
public or private funds received as
payment in lieu of honorarium for services
rendered by employees which are related to
such employees' official duties or respon-
sibilities. Provided further that,
notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, funds appropriated herein may be
transferred to any other combined expenda-
ble trust fund, subject to the approval of
the director of the budget, as needed to
accomplish the intent of this appropri-
ation (21744).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 284,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 40,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 234,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,663,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 141,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 124,000
Program account subtotal ................... 2,486,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Indirect Cost Recovery Account - 21978
For services and expenses related to the
administration of special revenue funds -
118 12650-03-0
other and internal service funds and for
services provided to other state agencies,
governmental bodies and other entities
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 11,465,000
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 224,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 447,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................. 1,070,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 123,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 2,962,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 491,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 6,237,000
Program account subtotal................... 23,019,000
Internal Service Funds
Agencies Internal Service Fund
Automation and Printing Chargeback Account - 55060
For services and expenses associated with
centralized electronic data processing and
printing (21744).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 10,056,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 175,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................. 1,505,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 3,832,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 348,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 4,998,000
Program account subtotal .................. 20,914,000
PROGRAM .................................................. 250,552,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
education department contained in the aid
to localities budget bill, and (ii) the
director of the budget has determined that
those aid to localities appropriations as
119 12650-03-0
finally acted on by the legislature are
sufficient for the ensuing fiscal year.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer with-
out limit, with any appropriation of any
other department, agency or public author-
ity or by transfer or suballocation to any
department, agency or public authority
with the approval of the director of the
For services and expenses of the office of
prekindergarten through grade twelve
education program, including but not
limited to accountability activities
including but not limited to the develop-
ment of a school performance management
system that will streamline school
district reporting and increase fiscal and
programmatic transparency and accountabil-
ity, provided further that expenditures
for accountability activities shall be
pursuant to a plan developed by the
commissioner of education and approved by
the director of the budget (21700).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 14,345,000
Temporary service (50200) ...................... 2,129,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 127,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 83,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 113,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 9,807,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 207,000
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
education department contained in the aid
to localities budget bill, and (ii) the
director of the budget has determined that
those aid to localities appropriations as
finally acted on by the legislature are
sufficient for the ensuing fiscal year.
For the purpose of carrying out the
provisions of subdivision 51-a of section
305 of the education law and in order to
create and print more forms of state
standardized assessments in order to elim-
inate stand-alone multiple choice field
120 12650-03-0
tests and release a significant amount of
test questions pursuant to a plan prepared
by the commissioner of education and
approved by the director of the budget
Contractual services (51000) ................... 8,400,000
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
education department contained in the aid
to localities budget bill, and (ii) the
director of the budget has determined that
those aid to localities appropriations as
finally acted on by the legislature are
sufficient for the ensuing fiscal year.
For services and expenses of the office of
family and community engagement (55928).
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 800,000
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
education department contained in the aid
to localities budget bill, and (ii) the
director of the budget has determined that
those aid to localities appropriations as
finally acted on by the legislature are
sufficient for the ensuing fiscal year.
For services and expenses of the state
office of religious and independent
schools (55929).
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 800,000
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
education department contained in the aid
to localities budget bill, and (ii) the
director of the budget has determined that
those aid to localities appropriations as
finally acted on by the legislature are
sufficient for the ensuing fiscal year.
121 12650-03-0
For continued support of state monitors
appointed by the commissioner of education
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 225,000
Program account subtotal .................. 37,036,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Education Fund
Federal Department of Education Account - 25210
For the administration of grants for specif-
ic programs including, but not limited to,
grants for purposes under title I of the
elementary and secondary education act.
Provided further that, notwithstanding any
inconsistent provision of law, the commis-
sioner of education shall provide to the
director of the budget, the chairperson of
the senate finance committee and the
chairperson of the assembly ways and means
committee copies of any spending plans
and/or budgets submitted to the federal
government with respect to the use of any
funds appropriated by the federal govern-
ment including state grants administered
by the department.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer with-
out limit, with any appropriation of any
other department, agency or public author-
ity or by transfer or suballocation to any
department, agency or public authority
with the approval of the director of the
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, a portion of this appropriation
may be suballocated to other state depart-
ments and agencies, subject to the
approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this
appropriation (23443).
Personal service (50000) ...................... 21,610,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) ................... 12,300,000
Fringe benefits (60090) ........................ 9,046,000
Indirect costs (58850) ......................... 4,944,000
122 12650-03-0
Total amount available ...................... 47,900,000
For the administration of grants for specif-
ic programs including, but not limited to,
supporting effective instruction pursuant
to title II of the elementary and second-
ary education act provided, however, that
a portion of the funds appropriated herein
shall be used to implement a plan to
improve educator effectiveness by (1)
requiring longer, more intensive and high
quality student-teaching experience in a
school setting as a prerequisite for
certification as a teacher and (2) creat-
ing standards for a teacher and principal
bar exam certification program that would
include a common set of professionally
rigorous assessments to ensure the best
prepared educators are entering the public
school system. Provided further that,
notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, the commissioner of education
shall provide to the director of the budg-
et, the chairperson of the senate finance
committee and the chairperson of the
assembly ways and means committee copies
of any spending plans and/or budgets
submitted to the federal government with
respect to the use of any funds appropri-
ated by the federal government including
state grants administered by the depart-
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, a portion of this appropriation
may be suballocated to other state depart-
ments and agencies, subject to the
approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this
appropriation (23418).
Personal service (50000) ....................... 5,300,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) .................... 6,300,000
Fringe benefits (60090) ........................ 1,845,000
Indirect costs (58850) ......................... 1,225,000
Total amount available ...................... 14,670,000
For the administration of grants for specif-
ic programs including, but not limited to,
English language acquisition program
123 12650-03-0
pursuant to title III of the elementary
and secondary education act. Provided
further that, notwithstanding any incon-
sistent provision of law, the commissioner
of education shall provide to the director
of the budget, the chairperson of the
senate finance committee and the chair-
person of the assembly ways and means
committee copies of any spending plans
and/or budgets submitted to the federal
government with respect to the use of any
funds appropriated by the federal govern-
ment including state grants administered
by the department.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, a portion of this appropriation
may be suballocated to other state depart-
ments and agencies, subject to the
approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this
appropriation (23417).
Personal service (50000) ....................... 3,000,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) .................... 2,000,000
Fringe benefits (60090) ........................ 1,200,000
Indirect costs (58850) ........................... 800,000
Total amount available ....................... 7,000,000
For the administration of grants for specif-
ic programs including, but not limited to,
21st century community learning centers
and student support and academic enrich-
ment pursuant to title IV of the elementa-
ry and secondary education act. Provided
further that, notwithstanding any incon-
sistent provision of law, the commissioner
of education shall provide to the director
of the budget, the chairperson of the
senate finance committee and the chair-
person of the assembly ways and means
committee copies of any spending plans
and/or budgets submitted to the federal
government with respect to the use of any
funds appropriated by the federal govern-
ment including state grants administered
by the department.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, a portion of this appropriation
may be suballocated to other state depart-
ments and agencies, subject to the
124 12650-03-0
approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this
appropriation (23416).
Personal service (50000) ....................... 3,601,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) .................... 6,800,000
Fringe benefits (60090) ........................ 2,550,000
Indirect costs (58850) ......................... 1,014,000
Total amount available ...................... 13,965,000
For the administration of grants for specif-
ic programs including, but not limited to,
public charter schools pursuant to title
IV of the elementary and secondary educa-
tion act. Provided further that, notwith-
standing any inconsistent provision of
law, the commissioner of education shall
provide to the director of the budget, the
chairperson of the senate finance commit-
tee and the chairperson of the assembly
ways and means committee copies of any
spending plans and/or budgets submitted to
the federal government with respect to the
use of any funds appropriated by the
federal government including state grants
administered by the department.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, a portion of this appropriation
may be suballocated to other state depart-
ments and agencies, subject to the
approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this
appropriation (23415).
Personal service (50000) ....................... 1,500,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) .................... 1,870,000
Fringe benefits (60090) .......................... 510,000
Indirect costs (58850) ........................... 320,000
Total amount available ....................... 4,200,000
For the administration of grants for specif-
ic programs including, but not limited to,
improving academic achievement, pursuant
to title I of the elementary and secondary
education act, and the rural education
initiative pursuant to title V of the
elementary and secondary education act.
Provided further that, notwithstanding any
125 12650-03-0
inconsistent provision of law, the commis-
sioner of education shall provide to the
director of the budget, the chairperson of
the senate finance committee and the
chairperson of the assembly ways and means
committee copies of any spending plans
and/or budgets submitted to the federal
government with respect to the use of any
funds appropriated by the federal govern-
ment including state grants administered
by the department.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, a portion of this appropriation
may be suballocated to other state depart-
ments and agencies, subject to the
approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this
appropriation (23414).
Personal service (50000) ....................... 7,000,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) ................... 13,500,000
Fringe benefits (60090) ........................ 3,500,000
Indirect costs (58850) ......................... 1,300,000
Total amount available ...................... 25,300,000
For the administration of grants for specif-
ic programs including, but not limited to,
homeless education pursuant to title VII
of the McKinney-Vento homeless assistance
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, a portion of this appropriation
may be suballocated to other state depart-
ments and agencies, subject to the
approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this
appropriation (23413).
Personal service (50000) ......................... 400,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) ...................... 600,000
Fringe benefits (60090) .......................... 250,000
Indirect costs (58850) ........................... 150,000
Total amount available ....................... 1,400,000
For the administration of grants for specif-
ic programs including, but not limited to,
the Carl D. Perkins vocational and applied
technology education act (VTEA).
126 12650-03-0
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, a portion of this appropriation
may be suballocated to other state depart-
ments and agencies, subject to the
approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this
appropriation (23477).
Personal service (50000) ....................... 5,000,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) .................... 4,000,000
Fringe benefits (60090) ........................ 2,000,000
Indirect costs (58850) ......................... 1,000,000
Total amount available ...................... 12,000,000
For the administration of various grants.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, a portion of this appropriation
may be suballocated to other state depart-
ments and agencies, subject to the
approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this
appropriation (21809).
Personal service (50000) ....................... 3,000,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) .................... 4,589,000
Fringe benefits (60090) ........................ 1,500,000
Indirect costs (58850) ........................... 750,000
Total amount available ....................... 9,839,000
For services and expenses for school age
children and preschool children pursuant
to the individuals with disabilities
education act of 1991. Notwithstanding any
inconsistent provision of law, a portion
of this appropriation may be suballocated
to other state departments and agencies,
as needed to accomplish the intent of this
appropriation (21737).
Personal service (50000) ...................... 20,502,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) ................... 17,211,000
Fringe benefits (60090) ....................... 10,940,000
Indirect costs (58850) ......................... 6,317,000
Total amount available ...................... 54,970,000
Program account subtotal ................. 191,244,000
127 12650-03-0
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
Federal Health and Human Services Account - 25122
For the administration of federal grants for
health education including HIV/AIDS educa-
tion. Notwithstanding any inconsistent
provision of law, a portion of this appro-
priation, subject to the approval of the
director of the budget, may be suballo-
cated to other state departments and agen-
cies, as needed to accomplish the intent
of this appropriation (21742).
Personal service (50000) ......................... 500,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) ...................... 450,000
Fringe benefits (60090) .......................... 370,000
Indirect costs (58850) ........................... 200,000
Program account subtotal ................... 1,520,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund
Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Account - 25026
For administration of programs funded
through the national school lunch act.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, a portion of this appropriation,
subject to the approval of the director of
the budget, may be suballocated to other
state departments and agencies, as needed
to accomplish the intent of this appropri-
ation (21703).
Personal service (50000) ....................... 5,974,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) .................... 8,486,000
Fringe benefits (60090) ........................ 3,308,000
Indirect costs (58850) ......................... 2,834,000
Program account subtotal .................. 20,602,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Miscellaneous United States Department of Education
Contracts Account - 22153
For services and expenses of miscellaneous
United States department of education
contracts (21700).
128 12650-03-0
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 150,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 150,000
SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND PROGRAM ................................ 10,070,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Combined Expendable Trust Fund
Expendable Trust Account - 20151
For services and expenses in fulfillment of
donor bequests and gifts (21828).
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 28,400
Travel (54000) ..................................... 1,000
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 18,600
Equipment (56000) .................................. 2,000
Program account subtotal ...................... 50,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Batavia School for the Blind Account - 22032
For services and expenses related to the
operation of the school for the blind
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 5,349,000
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 576,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 31,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 571,000
Travel (54000) ..................................... 7,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 240,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 17,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 3,068,784
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 160,216
Program account subtotal .................. 10,020,000
SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF PROGRAM .................................. 9,661,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Combined Expendable Trust Fund
Expendable Trust Account - 20152
129 12650-03-0
For services and expenses in fulfillment of
donor bequests and gifts (21829).
Supplies and materials (57000) ..................... 1,000
Travel (54000) ..................................... 1,000
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 15,000
Equipment (56000) .................................. 3,000
Program account subtotal ...................... 20,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Rome School for the Deaf Account - 22053
For services and expenses related to the
operation of the school for the deaf
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 4,900,000
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 557,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 25,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 537,000
Travel (54000) ..................................... 8,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 583,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 43,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 2,840,534
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 147,466
Program account subtotal ................... 9,641,000
130 12650-03-0
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Education Fund
Federal Department of Education Account - 25210
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but
not limited to, vocational rehabilitation and supported employment.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (21713).
Personal service (50000) ... 60,384,525 ............ (re. $60,384,525)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 14,949,492 ......... (re. $14,949,492)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 30,672,287 ............. (re. $30,672,287)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 16,673,176 .............. (re. $16,673,176)
For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but
not limited to, independent living centers.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (21856).
Personal service (50000) ... 300,000 .................. (re. $300,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 500,000 ............... (re. $500,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 161,520 ................... (re. $161,520)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 9,000 ........................ (re. $9,000)
For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but
not limited to, in service training.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (21859).
Personal service (50000) ... 120,000 .................. (re. $120,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 428,040 ............... (re. $428,040)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 60,972 ..................... (re. $60,972)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 32,988 ...................... (re. $32,988)
For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but
not limited to, the workforce investment act.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (21734).
Personal service (50000) ... 2,719,000 .............. (re. $2,719,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 3,253,023 ........... (re. $2,842,970)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 1,381,524 ............... (re. $1,381,524)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 747,453 .................... (re. $747,453)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but
not limited to, vocational rehabilitation and supported employment.
131 12650-03-0
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (21713).
Personal service (50000) ... 60,384,525 ............ (re. $13,928,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 14,949,492 .......... (re. $7,530,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 30,672,287 .............. (re. $4,221,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 16,673,176 ............... (re. $9,664,000)
For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but
not limited to, independent living centers.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (21856).
Personal service (50000) ... 300,000 .................. (re. $300,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 500,000 ............... (re. $327,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 161,520 ................... (re. $161,520)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 9,000 ........................ (re. $9,000)
For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but
not limited to, in service training.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (21859).
Personal service (50000) ... 120,000 .................. (re. $120,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 428,040 ............... (re. $428,040)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 60,972 ..................... (re. $60,972)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 32,988 ...................... (re. $32,988)
For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but
not limited to, the workforce investment act.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (21734).
Personal service (50000) ... 2,719,000 .............. (re. $2,496,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 3,253,023 ........... (re. $1,224,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 1,381,524 ............... (re. $1,336,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 747,453 .................... (re. $743,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but
not limited to, vocational rehabilitation and supported employment.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (21713).
Personal service (50000) ... 60,384,525 ............ (re. $15,890,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 14,949,492 ............ (re. $589,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 30,672,287 .............. (re. $2,137,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 16,673,176 .............. (re. $12,801,000)
For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but
not limited to, independent living centers.
132 12650-03-0
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (21856).
Personal service (50000) ... 300,000 .................. (re. $150,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 500,000 ................ (re. $22,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 161,520 ................... (re. $161,520)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 9,000 ........................ (re. $9,000)
For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but
not limited to, in service training.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (21859).
Personal service (50000) ... 120,000 .................. (re. $120,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 428,040 ............... (re. $428,040)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 60,972 ..................... (re. $60,972)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 32,988 ...................... (re. $32,988)
For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but
not limited to, the workforce investment act.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (21734).
Personal service (50000) ... 2,719,000 .............. (re. $1,299,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 3,253,023 .............. (re. $86,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 1,381,524 ................. (re. $960,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 747,453 .................... (re. $705,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
VESID Social Security Account - 22001
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For expenses of contractual services for the rehabilitation of social
security disability beneficiaries (21852).
Personal service--regular (50100) ... 308,000 ......... (re. $308,000)
Fringe benefits (60000) ... 327,866 ................... (re. $327,866)
Indirect costs (58800) ... 59,475 ...................... (re. $59,475)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For expenses of contractual services for the rehabilitation of social
security disability beneficiaries.
Personal service--regular (50100) ... 308,000 ......... (re. $210,000)
Fringe benefits (60000) ... 327,866 ................... (re. $266,000)
Indirect costs (58800) ... 59,475 ...................... (re. $56,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For expenses of contractual services for the rehabilitation of social
security disability beneficiaries (21852).
Personal service--regular (50100) ... 308,000 ......... (re. $287,000)
Fringe benefits (60000) ... 327,866 ................... (re. $229,000)
133 12650-03-0
Indirect costs (58800) ... 59,475 ...................... (re. $55,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Federal Operating Grants Account - 25456
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For administration of federal grants pursuant to various federal laws
including funds from the national endowment of humanities, the
institute of museum and library services, the United States geologi-
cal survey, the United States department of energy, and the United
States department of the interior.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies or transferred to any other federal fund, subject to the
approval of the director of the budget, as needed to accomplish the
intent of this appropriation (21739).
Personal service (50000) ... 3,157,000 .............. (re. $3,109,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 2,995,000 ........... (re. $2,924,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 1,095,000 ............... (re. $1,066,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 511,000 .................... (re. $508,000)
For the administration of federal grants pursuant to various federal
laws including: the library services technology act (LSTA).
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (21851).
Personal service (50000) ... 3,570,000 .............. (re. $3,570,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 1,250,000 ........... (re. $1,250,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 2,100,000 ............... (re. $2,100,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 700,000 .................... (re. $700,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For administration of federal grants pursuant to various federal laws
including funds from the national endowment of humanities, the
institute of museum and library services, the United States geologi-
cal survey, the United States department of energy, and the United
States department of the interior.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies or transferred to any other federal fund, subject to the
approval of the director of the budget, as needed to accomplish the
intent of this appropriation (21739).
Personal service (50000) ... 3,157,000 .............. (re. $3,112,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 2,995,000 ........... (re. $2,888,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 1,095,000 ............... (re. $1,067,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 511,000 .................... (re. $508,000)
For the administration of federal grants pursuant to various federal
laws including: the library services technology act (LSTA).
134 12650-03-0
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (21851).
Personal service (50000) ... 3,570,000 ................ (re. $885,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 1,250,000 ........... (re. $1,087,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 2,100,000 ................. (re. $852,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 700,000 .................... (re. $568,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For administration of federal grants pursuant to various federal laws
including funds from the national endowment of humanities, the
institute of museum and library services, the United States geologi-
cal survey, the United States department of energy, and the United
States department of the interior.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies or transferred to any other federal fund, subject to the
approval of the director of the budget, as needed to accomplish the
intent of this appropriation (21739).
Personal service (50000) ... 3,157,000 .............. (re. $3,054,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 2,995,000 ........... (re. $2,855,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 1,095,000 ............... (re. $1,033,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 511,000 .................... (re. $504,000)
For the administration of federal grants pursuant to various federal
laws including: the library services technology act (LSTA).
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (21851).
Personal service (50000) ... 3,570,000 ................ (re. $847,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 1,250,000 ............. (re. $318,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 2,100,000 ................. (re. $396,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 700,000 .................... (re. $523,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For the administration of federal grants pursuant to various federal
laws including: the library services technology act (LSTA).
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (21851).
Personal service (50000) ... 3,570,000 .............. (re. $1,039,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 1,250,000 ............. (re. $350,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 2,100,000 ................. (re. $578,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 700,000 .................... (re. $562,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Education Fund
Federal Department of Education Account - 25210
135 12650-03-0
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For administration of federal grants pursuant to various federal laws
including Carl D. Perkins vocational and applied technology educa-
tion act (VTEA).
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (21710).
Personal service (50000) ... 275,000 .................. (re. $225,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 50,000 ................. (re. $50,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 120,000 .................... (re. $96,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 55,000 ...................... (re. $53,000)
For administration of federal grants pursuant to various federal laws
including, but not limited to: title II supporting effective
instruction. Provided further that, notwithstanding any inconsistent
provision of law, the commissioner of education shall provide to the
director of the budget, the chairperson of the senate finance
committee and the chairperson of the assembly ways and means commit-
tee copies of any spending plans and/or budgets submitted to the
federal government with respect to the use of any funds appropriated
by the federal government including state grants administered by the
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (23419).
Personal service (50000) ... 731,000 .................. (re. $731,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 78,000 ................. (re. $78,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 286,000 ................... (re. $286,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 176,000 .................... (re. $176,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For administration of federal grants pursuant to various federal laws
including Carl D. Perkins vocational and applied technology educa-
tion act (VTEA).
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (21710).
Personal service (50000) ... 275,000 ................... (re. $30,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 50,000 .................. (re. $9,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 120,000 ..................... (re. $7,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 55,000 ...................... (re. $39,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Federal Operating Grants Account - 25456
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For administration of federal grants pursuant to various federal laws
including the national community service act and the transition to
teaching program (21710).
136 12650-03-0
Personal service (50000) ... 387,000 .................. (re. $387,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 549,000 ............... (re. $549,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 156,000 ................... (re. $156,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 89,000 ...................... (re. $89,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Indirect Cost Recovery Account - 21978
The appropriation made by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019, as
supplemented by a certificate of transfer in accordance with state
finance law, is hereby amended and reappropriated to read:
For services and expenses related to the administration of special
revenue funds - other and internal service funds and for services
provided to other state agencies, governmental bodies and other
Contractual services (51000) .........................................
[1,336,000] 2,712,000 ............................... (re. $250,000)
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of subdivision 51-a of
section 305 of the education law and in order to create and print
more forms of state standardized assessments in order to eliminate
stand-alone multiple choice field tests and release a significant
amount of test questions pursuant to a plan prepared by the commis-
sioner of education and approved by the director of the budget
(55915) ... 8,400,000 ............................. (re. $8,400,000)
The appropriation made by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019, is
hereby amended and reappropriated to read:
For services and expenses to support the development and implementa-
tion of the translation of grades 3-8 English language arts and math
state assessments and the regents examinations (23315)
[ ... 1,000,000].
PERSONAL SERVICE--REGULAR (50100) ... 16,000 ........... (re. $16,000)
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (51000) ... 984,000 .............. (re. $984,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For service and expenses of professional development for teachers and
principals to help improve the quality of instruction across the
state (55930) ... 833,000 ........................... (re. $155,000)
Travel ... 167,000 ..................................... (re. $85,000)
137 12650-03-0
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2015, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For additional services and expenses related to implementing section
3012-d of the education law, pursuant to a plan approved by the
director of the budget. Funds appropriated herein may be used to
acquire the services of experts including educators, testing
experts, psychometricians and economists to support the design of
additional state measures, the development of growth models and all
other aspects of the teacher and principal evaluation system (55901)
... 256,000 .......................................... (re. $30,000)
Personal service--regular (50100) ... 89,000 ........... (re. $89,000)
Travel (54000) ... 52,000 .............................. (re. $45,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 574,000 .............. (re. $258,000)
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 29,000 .............. (re. $19,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Education Fund
Federal Department of Education Account - 25210
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but
not limited to, grants for purposes under title I of the elementary
and secondary education act. Provided further that, notwithstanding
any inconsistent provision of law, the commissioner of education
shall provide to the director of the budget, the chairperson of the
senate finance committee and the chairperson of the assembly ways
and means committee copies of any spending plans and/or budgets
submitted to the federal government with respect to the use of any
funds appropriated by the federal government including state grants
administered by the department.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (23443).
Personal service (50000) ... 21,610,000 ............ (re. $17,462,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 12,300,000 ......... (re. $12,289,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 9,046,000 ............... (re. $7,789,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 4,944,000 ................ (re. $4,814,000)
For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but
not limited to, supporting effective instruction pursuant to title
II of the elementary and secondary education act provided, however,
that a portion of the funds appropriated herein shall be used to
implement a plan to improve educator effectiveness by (1) requiring
longer, more intensive and high quality student-teaching experience
in a school setting as a prerequisite for certification as a teacher
and (2) creating standards for a teacher and principal bar exam
certification program that would include a common set of profes-
sionally rigorous assessments to ensure the best prepared educators
are entering the public school system. Provided further that,
notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the commissioner
of education shall provide to the director of the budget, the chair-
person of the senate finance committee and the chairperson of the
138 12650-03-0
assembly ways and means committee copies of any spending plans
and/or budgets submitted to the federal government with respect to
the use of any funds appropriated by the federal government includ-
ing state grants administered by the department.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (23418).
Personal service (50000) ... 5,300,000 .............. (re. $4,822,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 6,300,000 ........... (re. $6,300,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 1,845,000 ............... (re. $1,606,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 1,225,000 ................ (re. $1,200,000)
For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but
not limited to, English language acquisition program pursuant to
title III of the elementary and secondary education act. Provided
further that, notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the
commissioner of education shall provide to the director of the budg-
et, the chairperson of the senate finance committee and the chair-
person of the assembly ways and means committee copies of any spend-
ing plans and/or budgets submitted to the federal government with
respect to the use of any funds appropriated by the federal govern-
ment including state grants administered by the department.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (23417).
Personal service (50000) ... 3,000,000 .............. (re. $2,732,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 2,000,000 ........... (re. $1,978,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 1,200,000 ............... (re. $1,063,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 800,000 .................... (re. $786,000)
For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but
not limited to, 21st century community learning centers and student
support and academic enrichment pursuant to title IV of the elemen-
tary and secondary education act. Provided further that, notwith-
standing any inconsistent provision of law, the commissioner of
education shall provide to the director of the budget, the chair-
person of the senate finance committee and the chairperson of the
assembly ways and means committee copies of any spending plans
and/or budgets submitted to the federal government with respect to
the use of any funds appropriated by the federal government includ-
ing state grants administered by the department.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (23416).
Personal service (50000) ... 3,500,000 .............. (re. $3,361,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 6,700,000 ........... (re. $6,698,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 2,500,000 ............... (re. $2,429,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 1,000,000 .................. (re. $993,000)
For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but
not limited to, public charter schools pursuant to title IV of the
elementary and secondary education act. Provided further that,
139 12650-03-0
notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the commissioner
of education shall provide to the director of the budget, the chair-
person of the senate finance committee and the chairperson of the
assembly ways and means committee copies of any spending plans
and/or budgets submitted to the federal government with respect to
the use of any funds appropriated by the federal government includ-
ing state grants administered by the department.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (23415).
Personal service (50000) ... 1,500,000 .............. (re. $1,500,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 1,870,000 ........... (re. $1,870,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 510,000 ................... (re. $510,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 320,000 .................... (re. $320,000)
For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but
not limited to, improving academic achievement, pursuant to title I
of the elementary and secondary education act, and the rural educa-
tion initiative pursuant to title V of the elementary and secondary
education act. Provided further that, notwithstanding any inconsist-
ent provision of law, the commissioner of education shall provide to
the director of the budget, the chairperson of the senate finance
committee and the chairperson of the assembly ways and means commit-
tee copies of any spending plans and/or budgets submitted to the
federal government with respect to the use of any funds appropriated
by the federal government including state grants administered by the
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (23414).
Personal service (50000) ... 7,000,000 .............. (re. $6,365,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 13,500,000 ......... (re. $12,130,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 3,500,000 ............... (re. $3,157,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 1,300,000 ................ (re. $1,265,000)
For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but
not limited to, homeless education pursuant to title VII of the
McKinney-Vento homeless assistance act.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (23413).
Personal service (50000) ... 400,000 .................. (re. $376,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 600,000 ............... (re. $600,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 250,000 ................... (re. $238,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 150,000 .................... (re. $149,000)
For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but
not limited to, the Carl D. Perkins vocational and applied technolo-
gy education act (VTEA).
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
140 12650-03-0
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (23477).
Personal service (50000) ... 5,000,000 .............. (re. $4,787,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 4,000,000 ........... (re. $3,998,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 2,000,000 ............... (re. $1,890,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 1,000,000 .................. (re. $989,000)
For the administration of various grants.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (21809).
Personal service (50000) ... 3,000,000 .............. (re. $3,000,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 4,589,000 ........... (re. $4,589,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 1,500,000 ............... (re. $1,500,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 750,000 .................... (re. $750,000)
For services and expenses for school age children and preschool chil-
dren pursuant to the individuals with disabilities education act of
1991. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion
of this appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments
and agencies, as needed to accomplish the intent of this appropri-
ation (21737).
Personal service (50000) ... 20,502,000 ............ (re. $17,426,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 17,211,000 ......... (re. $16,667,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 10,940,000 .............. (re. $9,536,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 6,317,000 ................ (re. $5,772,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but
not limited to, grants for purposes under title I of the elementary
and secondary education act. Provided further that, notwithstanding
any inconsistent provision of law, the commissioner of education
shall provide to the director of the budget, the chairperson of the
senate finance committee and the chairperson of the assembly ways
and means committee copies of any spending plans and/or budgets
submitted to the federal government with respect to the use of any
funds appropriated by the federal government including state grants
administered by the department.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (23443).
Personal service (50000) ... 21,610,000 ............ (re. $11,238,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 12,300,000 ......... (re. $10,279,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 9,046,000 ............... (re. $5,013,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 4,944,000 ................ (re. $4,549,000)
For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but
not limited to, supporting effective instruction pursuant to title
II of the elementary and secondary education act provided, however,
that a portion of the funds appropriated herein shall be used to
implement a plan to improve educator effectiveness by (1) requiring
longer, more intensive and high quality student-teaching experience
in a school setting as a prerequisite for certification as a teacher
141 12650-03-0
and (2) creating standards for a teacher and principal bar exam
certification program that would include a common set of profes-
sionally rigorous assessments to ensure the best prepared educators
are entering the public school system. Provided further that,
notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the commissioner
of education shall provide to the director of the budget, the chair-
person of the senate finance committee and the chairperson of the
assembly ways and means committee copies of any spending plans
and/or budgets submitted to the federal government with respect to
the use of any funds appropriated by the federal government includ-
ing state grants administered by the department.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (23418).
Personal service (50000) ... 5,300,000 .............. (re. $2,985,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 6,300,000 ........... (re. $4,748,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 1,845,000 ................. (re. $428,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 1,225,000 ................ (re. $1,075,000)
For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but
not limited to, English language acquisition program pursuant to
title III of the elementary and secondary education act. Provided
further that, notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the
commissioner of education shall provide to the director of the budg-
et, the chairperson of the senate finance committee and the chair-
person of the assembly ways and means committee copies of any spend-
ing plans and/or budgets submitted to the federal government with
respect to the use of any funds appropriated by the federal govern-
ment including state grants administered by the department.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (23417).
Personal service (50000) ... 3,000,000 .............. (re. $2,713,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 2,000,000 ............. (re. $654,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 1,200,000 ................. (re. $702,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 800,000 .................... (re. $733,000)
For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but
not limited to, 21st century community learning centers and student
support and academic enrichment pursuant to title IV of the elemen-
tary and secondary education act. Provided further that, notwith-
standing any inconsistent provision of law, the commissioner of
education shall provide to the director of the budget, the chair-
person of the senate finance committee and the chairperson of the
assembly ways and means committee copies of any spending plans
and/or budgets submitted to the federal government with respect to
the use of any funds appropriated by the federal government includ-
ing state grants administered by the department.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (23416).
142 12650-03-0
Personal service (50000) ... 4,000,000 .............. (re. $3,668,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 4,100,000 ........... (re. $1,885,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 2,200,000 ............... (re. $1,508,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 850,000 .................... (re. $839,000)
For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but
not limited to, public charter schools pursuant to title IV of the
elementary and secondary education act. Provided further that,
notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the commissioner
of education shall provide to the director of the budget, the chair-
person of the senate finance committee and the chairperson of the
assembly ways and means committee copies of any spending plans
and/or budgets submitted to the federal government with respect to
the use of any funds appropriated by the federal government includ-
ing state grants administered by the department.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (23415).
Personal service (50000) ... 1,500,000 .............. (re. $1,500,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 770,000 ............... (re. $770,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 510,000 ................... (re. $510,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 320,000 .................... (re. $320,000)
For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but
not limited to, improving academic achievement, pursuant to title I
of the elementary and secondary education act, and the rural educa-
tion initiative pursuant to title V of the elementary and secondary
education act. Provided further that, notwithstanding any inconsist-
ent provision of law, the commissioner of education shall provide to
the director of the budget, the chairperson of the senate finance
committee and the chairperson of the assembly ways and means commit-
tee copies of any spending plans and/or budgets submitted to the
federal government with respect to the use of any funds appropriated
by the federal government including state grants administered by the
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (23414).
Personal service (50000) ... 7,000,000 .............. (re. $5,509,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 13,500,000 .......... (re. $1,827,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 3,500,000 ............... (re. $2,572,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 1,300,000 ................ (re. $1,222,000)
For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but
not limited to, homeless education pursuant to title VII of the
McKinney-Vento homeless assistance act.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (23413).
Personal service (50000) ... 400,000 .................. (re. $121,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 600,000 ............... (re. $456,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 250,000 .................... (re. $91,000)
143 12650-03-0
Indirect costs (58850) ... 150,000 .................... (re. $133,000)
For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but
not limited to, the Carl D. Perkins vocational and applied technolo-
gy education act (VTEA).
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (23477).
Personal service (50000) ... 5,000,000 .............. (re. $4,378,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 4,000,000 ........... (re. $3,388,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 2,000,000 ............... (re. $1,718,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 1,000,000 .................. (re. $960,000)
For services and expenses for school age children and preschool chil-
dren pursuant to the individuals with disabilities education act of
1991. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion
of this appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments
and agencies, as needed to accomplish the intent of this appropri-
ation (21737).
Personal service (50000) ... 20,502,000 ............... (re. $356,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 17,211,000 .......... (re. $9,759,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 10,940,000 .............. (re. $1,294,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 6,317,000 ................ (re. $1,188,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but
not limited to, grants for purposes under title I of the elementary
and secondary education act. Provided further that, notwithstanding
any inconsistent provision of law, the commissioner of education
shall provide to the director of the budget, the chairperson of the
senate finance committee and the chairperson of the assembly ways
and means committee copies of any spending plans and/or budgets
submitted to the federal government with respect to the use of any
funds appropriated by the federal government including state grants
administered by the department.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (23443).
Personal service (50000) ... 21,610,000 ............ (re. $11,371,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 12,300,000 .......... (re. $8,207,000)
For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but
not limited to, supporting effective instruction pursuant to title
II of the elementary and secondary education act provided, however,
that a portion of the funds appropriated herein shall be used to
implement a plan to improve educator effectiveness by (1) requiring
longer, more intensive and high quality student-teaching experience
in a school setting as a prerequisite for certification as a teacher
and (2) creating standards for a teacher and principal bar exam
certification program that would include a common set of profes-
sionally rigorous assessments to ensure the best prepared educators
are entering the public school system. Provided further that,
notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the commissioner
144 12650-03-0
of education shall provide to the director of the budget, the chair-
person of the senate finance committee and the chairperson of the
assembly ways and means committee copies of any spending plans
and/or budgets submitted to the federal government with respect to
the use of any funds appropriated by the federal government includ-
ing state grants administered by the department.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (23418).
Personal service (50000) ... 5,300,000 .............. (re. $2,178,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 6,300,000 ........... (re. $4,108,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 1,845,000 ................. (re. $820,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 1,225,000 ................ (re. $1,052,000)
For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but
not limited to, 21st century community learning centers and student
support and academic enrichment pursuant to title IV of the elemen-
tary and secondary education act. Provided further that, notwith-
standing any inconsistent provision of law, the commissioner of
education shall provide to the director of the budget, the chair-
person of the senate finance committee and the chairperson of the
assembly ways and means committee copies of any spending plans
and/or budgets submitted to the federal government with respect to
the use of any funds appropriated by the federal government includ-
ing state grants administered by the department.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (23416).
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 4,100,000 ............. (re. $839,000)
For the administration of various grants.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (21809).
Personal service (50000) ... 3,000,000 .............. (re. $2,763,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 4,589,000 ........... (re. $2,981,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 1,500,000 ............... (re. $1,388,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 750,000 .................... (re. $741,000)
For services and expenses for school age children and preschool chil-
dren pursuant to the individuals with disabilities education act of
1991. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion
of this appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments
and agencies, as needed to accomplish the intent of this appropri-
ation (21737).
Personal service (50000) ... 20,502,000 ............. (re. $1,314,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 17,211,000 .......... (re. $5,450,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 10,940,000 ................ (re. $715,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 6,317,000 ................ (re. $2,770,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For the administration of various grants.
145 12650-03-0
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (21809).
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 4,589,000 ........... (re. $3,700,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
Federal Health and Human Services Account - 25122
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For the administration of federal grants for health education includ-
ing HIV/AIDS education. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, a portion of this appropriation, subject to the approval of
the director of the budget, may be suballocated to other state
departments and agencies, as needed to accomplish the intent of this
appropriation (21742).
Personal service (50000) ... 500,000 .................. (re. $500,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 450,000 ............... (re. $450,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 370,000 ................... (re. $370,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 200,000 .................... (re. $200,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For the administration of federal grants for health education includ-
ing HIV/AIDS education. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, a portion of this appropriation, subject to the approval of
the director of the budget, may be suballocated to other state
departments and agencies, as needed to accomplish the intent of this
appropriation (21742).
Personal service (50000) ... 500,000 .................. (re. $500,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 450,000 ............... (re. $440,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 370,000 ................... (re. $370,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 200,000 .................... (re. $200,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund
Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Account - 25026
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For administration of programs funded through the national school
lunch act.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation, subject to the approval of the director of the budg-
et, may be suballocated to other state departments and agencies, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (21703).
Personal service (50000) ... 5,800,000 .............. (re. $5,782,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 8,238,000 ........... (re. $8,238,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 3,211,000 ............... (re. $3,211,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 2,751,000 ................ (re. $2,751,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
146 12650-03-0
For administration of programs funded through the national school
lunch act.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation, subject to the approval of the director of the budg-
et, may be suballocated to other state departments and agencies, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (21703).
Personal service (50000) ... 5,768,000 .............. (re. $1,745,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 7,931,000 ........... (re. $6,911,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 3,193,000 ................. (re. $987,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 2,678,000 ................ (re. $2,165,000)
147 12650-03-0
For payment according to the following schedule:
General Fund ....................... 8,559,000 5,059,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 21,839,000 23,988,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 0 4,614,000
---------------- ----------------
All Funds ........................ 30,398,000 33,661,000
================ ================
ELECTION ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM ................................. 3,960,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses related to compli-
ance, including but not limited to over-
sight of campaign receipts and expendi-
tures, and educational efforts to increase
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (23514).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 1,089,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 421,000
Total amount available ....................... 1,510,000
For services and expenses related to
enforcement of the election law, including
but not limited to the investigation of
violations and referral for prosecution.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
148 12650-03-0
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (23515).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 1,046,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 404,000
Total amount available ....................... 1,450,000
For the purchase of software and/or the
development of technology related to
compliance and enforcement (23516).
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,000,000
REGULATION OF ELECTIONS PROGRAM ............................. 26,438,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses related to the
regulation of elections program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (23504).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 2,976,000
Temporary service (50200) ......................... 45,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .............. 4,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 128,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 26,000
149 12650-03-0
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,343,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 77,000
Program account subtotal ................... 4,599,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
HAVA Election Security Grant Account - 25541
Funds appropriated shall be used to disburse
federal grants in support of improvements
to the administration of elections,
including enhanced election technology and
election security improvements. Expendi-
tures shall be made from this appropri-
ation only pursuant to a contract, or
modified contract, approved by a vote of
the state board of elections pursuant to
subdivision 4 of section 3-100 of the
election law, or, absent a contract,
pursuant to a vote of the state board of
elections for expenditure pursuant to
subdivision 4 of section 3-100 of the
election law.
Nonpersonal service (57050) ................... 21,839,000
150 12650-03-0
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For the purchase of software and/or the development of technology
related to compliance and enforcement (23516).
Contractual services (51000) ... 1,000,000 ............ (re. $831,000)
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to campaign finance compliance
training and compilance reviews, national voter registration act
training and compliance reviews, election technology systems oper-
ations and securing election systems infrastructure and operations
from cyber-related threats including, but not limited to the
creation of an election support center, development of an elections
cyber security support toolkit, and providing cyber risk vulnerabil-
ity assessments and support for local boards of elections. Funds
appropriated herein securing election infrastructure from cyber-re-
lated threats shall be distributed pursuant to a plan developed by
the state board of elections based on consultation with appropriate
state, local and federal stakeholders to ensure that the development
and implementation of election cyber security measures utilize and
leverage, to the greatest extent practicable, existing security
resources and expertise. The plan shall also address the use of such
spending as a match for associated federal grants. Expenditures
shall be made from this appropriation only pursuant to a contract,
or modified contract, approved by a vote of the state board of
elections pursuant to subdivision 4 of section 3-100 of the election
law, or, absent a contract, pursuant to a vote of the state board of
elections for expenditure pursuant to subdivision 4 of section 3-100
of the election law (23520).
Contractual Services (51000) ... 5,000,000 .......... (re. $4,228,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
HAVA Election Security Grant Account - 25541
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
Funds appropriated shall be used to disburse federal grants in support
of improvements to the administration of elections, including
enhanced election technology and election security improvements.
Expenditures shall be made from this appropriation only pursuant to
a contract, or modified contract, approved by a vote of the state
board of elections pursuant to subdivision 4 of section 3-100 of the
151 12650-03-0
election law, or, absent a contract, pursuant to a vote of the state
board of elections for expenditure pursuant to subdivision 4 of
section 3-100 of the election law (23504) ..........................
23,000,000 ....................................... (re. $16,001,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Help America Vote Act Implementation Account - 25497
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011:
For services and expenses related to the implementation of federal
election requirements including the help America vote act of 2002
and the military and overseas voter empowerment act of 2009 (23508).
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 6,500,000 ........... (re. $3,694,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2010:
For services and expenses related to the implementation of the mili-
tary and overseas voter empowerment act of 2009 (23508) ............
6,500,000 ......................................... (re. $1,336,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2009, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2011:
For HAVA related expenditures (23511) ................................
6,000,000 ......................................... (re. $1,119,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Help America Vote Act Implementation Account - 25496
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2005, as added by chapter 62,
section 1, of the laws of 2005:
For services and expenses related to the help America vote act of
2002; provided however, expenditures shall be made from this appro-
priation only pursuant to a contract, or modified contract, approved
by a vote of the state board of elections pursuant to subdivision 4
of section 3-100 of the election law, or, absent a contract, pursu-
ant to a vote of the state board of elections for expenditure pursu-
ant to subdivision 4 of section 3-100 of the election law. The
amounts hereby appropriated may be increased or decreased through
interchange with any other special revenue funds - federal, federal
operating grants fund - 290 appropriation in the board or trans-
ferred to any other eligible state agency for the purpose of imple-
menting the help America vote act of 2002, provided that any such
interchange or transfer shall be approved by the state board of
elections pursuant to subdivision 4 of section 3-100 of the election
law and, in addition, any such interchange or transfer shall be
approved by the director of the budget who shall file copies thereof
with the state comptroller and the chairman of the senate finance
and assembly ways and means committees.
For services and expenses incurred prior to April 1, 2005 (23508) ....
5,000,000 ........................................... (re. $919,000)
152 12650-03-0
For services and expenses incurred on or after April 1, 2005 (23508)
... 15,000,000 ...................................... (re. $919,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Help America Vote Act Matching Funds Account - 22174
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For expenses including prior year liabilities related to satisfying
the matching fund requirements of section 253(b) (5) of the help
America vote act of 2002; provided however, expenditures shall be
made from this appropriation only pursuant to a contract, or modi-
fied contract, approved by a vote of the state board of elections
pursuant to subdivision 4 of section 3-100 of the election law, or,
absent a contract, pursuant to a vote of the state board of
elections for expenditure pursuant to subdivision 4 of section 3-100
of the election law (23504).
Contractual services (51000) ... 1,000,000 ............ (re. $845,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2009:
For expenses including prior year liabilities related to satisfying
the matching fund requirements of section 253(b) (5) of the help
America vote act of 2002; provided however, expenditures shall be
made from this appropriation only pursuant to a contract, or modi-
fied contract, approved by a vote of the state board of elections
pursuant to subdivision 4 of section 3-100 of the election law, or,
absent a contract, pursuant to a vote of the state board of
elections for expenditure pursuant to subdivision 4 of section 3-100
of the election law (23504).
Contractual services (51000) ... 1,000,000 ........... (re. $816,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Voting Machine Examinations Account - 22099
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
Contractual services (51000) ... 3,000,000 .......... (re. $2,953,000)
153 12650-03-0
For payment according to the following schedule:
General Fund ....................... 6,736,000 0
Internal Service Funds ............. 1,947,000 0
---------------- ----------------
All Funds ........................ 8,683,000 0
================ ================
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
For services and expenses related to the
contract negotiation and administration
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (23836).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 6,423,000
Temporary service (50200) ......................... 10,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .............. 1,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 71,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 134,000
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 97,000
Program account subtotal ................... 6,736,000
154 12650-03-0
Internal Service Funds
Joint Labor/Management Administration Fund
Joint Labor Management Administration Account - 55201
For services and expenses related to the
contract negotiation and administration
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (23836).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 990,000
Temporary service (50200) ......................... 10,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 60,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 10,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 247,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 600,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 30,000
Program account subtotal ................... 1,947,000
155 12650-03-0
For payment according to the following schedule:
General Fund ....................... 136,447,000 9,875,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 81,198,000 311,741,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 246,977,000 40,008,000
Internal Service Funds ............. 95,000 0
---------------- ----------------
All Funds ........................ 464,717,000 361,624,000
================ ================
ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ...................................... 30,302,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses of the adminis-
tration program, including suballocation
to other state departments and agencies.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
department of environmental conservation
contained in the aid to localities budget
bill, and (ii) the director of the budget
has determined that those aid to locali-
ties appropriations as finally acted on by
the legislature are sufficient for the
ensuing fiscal year.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
156 12650-03-0
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (81001).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 11,209,000
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 254,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 58,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 300,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 89,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 990,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 79,000
Program account subtotal .................. 12,979,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Conservation Fund
Conservation Fund Account - 21150
For services and expenses related to the
administration program (81001).
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 52,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 30,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 250,000
Equipment (56000) .................................. 3,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 335,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund
ENCON Magazine Account - 21080
For services and expenses related to the
administration program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (81001).
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 219,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 10,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 463,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 12,000
157 12650-03-0
Program account subtotal ..................... 704,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund
Federal Grant Indirect Cost Recovery Account - 21065
For services and expenses related to the
administration of special revenue funds -
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (81001).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 9,057,000
Temporary service (50200) .......................... 5,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 17,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 176,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 12,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 753,000
Equipment (56000) .................................. 4,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 5,665,000
Program account subtotal .................. 15,689,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund
Miscellaneous Gifts Account - 21089
For services and expenses related to the
department of environmental conservation.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
158 12650-03-0
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (81001).
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 500,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 500,000
Internal Service Funds
Agencies Internal Service Fund
Banking Services Account - 55057
For services and expenses related to the
lockbox collection of regulatory fees.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (81001).
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 95,000
Program account subtotal ...................... 95,000
AIR AND WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ................... 114,575,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses of the air and
water quality management program, includ-
ing suballocation to other state depart-
ments and agencies.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
159 12650-03-0
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
department of environmental conservation
contained in the aid to localities budget
bill, and (ii) the director of the budget
has determined that those aid to locali-
ties appropriations as finally acted on by
the legislature are sufficient for the
ensuing fiscal year.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (24779).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 15,683,000
Temporary service (50200) ......................... 71,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 74,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 540,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 109,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,152,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 74,000
Program account subtotal .................. 17,703,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Federal Environmental Conservation Air Resources Grants
Account - 25334
For services and expenses related to air
resources purposes. A portion of these
funds may be transferred to aid to locali-
ties and may be suballocated to other
state departments and agencies (24780).
Personal service (50000) ....................... 4,742,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) .................... 1,520,000
Fringe benefits (60090) ........................ 2,738,000
160 12650-03-0
Program account subtotal ................... 9,000,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Federal Environmental Conservation Spills Management
Grant Account - 25334
For services and expenses related to spills
management purposes. A portion of these
funds may be transferred to aid to locali-
ties and may be suballocated to other
state departments and agencies (24782).
Personal service (50000) ....................... 2,295,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) .................... 3,381,000
Fringe benefits (60090) ........................ 1,324,000
Program account subtotal ................... 7,000,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Federal Environmental Conservation Water Grants Account
- 25334
For services and expenses related to water
resource purposes. A portion of these
funds may be transferred to aid to locali-
ties and may be suballocated to other
state departments and agencies (24784).
Personal service (50000) ....................... 9,581,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) .................... 9,759,000
Fringe benefits (60090) ........................ 5,558,000
Program account subtotal .................. 24,898,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Clean Air Fund
Mobile Source Account - 21452
For the direct and indirect costs of the
department of environmental conservation
associated with developing, implementing
and administering the mobile source
program, including suballocation to other
state departments and agencies.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
161 12650-03-0
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (24779).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 5,304,000
Temporary service (50200) ......................... 87,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 271,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 660,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 188,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,778,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 553,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 3,533,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 195,000
Program account subtotal .................. 12,569,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Clean Air Fund
Operating Permit Program Account - 21451
For the direct and indirect costs of the
department of environmental conservation
associated with developing, implementing
and administering the operating permit
program, including suballocation to other
state departments and agencies.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
162 12650-03-0
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (24779).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 3,656,000
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 160,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 44,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 317,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 116,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,922,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 224,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 2,409,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 133,000
Program account subtotal ................... 8,981,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund
Environmental Regulatory Account - 21081
For services and expenses related to facili-
ty compliance and monitoring including for
concentrated animal feeding operations and
dam safety.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (24779).
163 12650-03-0
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 1,446,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .............. 4,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 74,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 70,000
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 47,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 83,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 905,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 50,000
Program account subtotal ................... 2,679,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Account - 21087
For services and expenses related to the
Great Lakes restoration initiative for the
purpose of sustainability and restoration
projects in the Great Lakes basin. Pursu-
ant to section 11 of the state finance
law, the department is authorized to
accept any monies from public corpo-
rations, not-for-profit corporations and
other non-governmental organizations for
purposes of Great Lakes restoration,
including suballocation to other state
departments and agencies.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (24779).
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,000,000
164 12650-03-0
Program account subtotal ................... 1,000,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund
Hazardous Substances Bulk Storage Account - 21061
For services and expenses related to article
40 of the environmental conservation law.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (24779).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................. 82,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 15,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 20,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 15,000
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 32,000
Equipment (56000) .................................. 4,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................... 61,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................. 4,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 233,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund
UST Trust Recovery Account - 21083
For services and expenses related to the
spills program including suballocation to
other state departments and agencies.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
165 12650-03-0
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (24779).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 1,180,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .............. 3,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 738,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 41,000
Program account subtotal ................... 1,962,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund
Utility Environmental Regulation Account - 21064
For services and expenses related to utility
regulatory work.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, direct and indirect
expenses relating to the department of
environmental conservation's participation
in state energy policy proceedings, or
certification proceedings pursuant to
articles 7 or 10 of the public service
law, shall be deemed expenses of the
department of public service within the
meaning of section 18-a of the public
service law (24779).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 300,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 188,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 11,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 499,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
166 12650-03-0
Environmental Protection and Oil Spill Compensation Fund
Department of Environmental Conservation Account - 21203
For services and expenses for cleanup and
removal of oil and chemical spills pursu-
ant to chapter 845 of the laws of 1977.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (24779).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 11,185,000
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 146,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 276,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 619,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 69,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,545,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 681,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 7,242,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 399,000
Total amount available ...................... 22,162,000
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the
funds authorized in subparagraph (i) of
paragraph (a) of subdivision 1 of section
186 of the navigation law related to oil
spill prevention and training necessary to
implement the oil spill prevention and
training provisions of subdivision 3 of
section 186 of the navigation law shall be
administered by the department of environ-
mental conservation.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
167 12650-03-0
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
For services and expenses related to petro-
leum spill prevention, including but not
limited to response or personal safety
equipment and supplies; identification,
mapping, and analysis of populations,
environmentally sensitive areas, and
resources at risk from spills of petroleum
and related impacts; the development,
implementation, and updating of contingen-
cy plans, including geographic response
plans; including personal service, nonper-
sonal service and fringe benefits, includ-
ing suballocation to other state depart-
ments and agencies (25750).
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 150,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 100,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 730,000
Equipment (56000) .............................. 1,120,000
Total amount available ....................... 2,100,000
For services and expenses related to the oil
spill program, including suballocation to
other state departments and agencies.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
168 12650-03-0
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (24792).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 1,180,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 780,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 40,000
Total amount available ....................... 2,000,000
Program account subtotal .................. 26,262,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
New York Great Lakes Protection Fund
Great Lakes Protection Account - 22851
For services and expenses funded by the
Great Lakes protection fund, pursuant to
chapter 148 of the laws of 1990 and
section 97-ee of the state finance law,
including suballocation to other state
departments and agencies including the
state university of New York.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (24779).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 109,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .............. 4,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ..................... 7,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 43,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 762,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................... 71,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................. 4,000
169 12650-03-0
Program account subtotal ................... 1,000,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Sewage Treatment Program Management and Administration
ENCON Administration Account - 21002
For services and expenses for administration
of the water pollution control revolving
fund and related water quality activities
as permitted by law, including suballo-
cation to the environmental facilities
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (24779).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 441,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 25,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 32,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 291,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 789,000
ENVIRONMENTAL ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM ........................... 73,171,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses of the enforcement
program, including suballocation to other
state departments and agencies.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
170 12650-03-0
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
department of environmental conservation
contained in the aid to localities budget
bill, and (ii) the director of the budget
has determined that those aid to locali-
ties appropriations as finally acted on by
the legislature are sufficient for the
ensuing fiscal year.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (24793).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 31,763,000
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 369,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .......... 5,604,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 344,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 31,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 614,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 34,000
Total amount available ...................... 38,759,000
For services and expenses of the implementa-
tion of the New York city watershed agree-
ment for activities including, but not
limited to enforcement, water quality
monitoring, technical assistance, estab-
lishing a master plan and zoning incentive
award program, providing grants to munici-
palities for reimbursement of planning and
zoning activities, and establishing a
watershed inspector general's office,
including suballocation to the departments
of health, state and law. Notwithstanding
any other provision of law to the contra-
ry, the director of the budget is hereby
authorized to transfer up to $800,000 of
this appropriation to local assistance to
the department of state for water quality
planning and implementation of competitive
171 12650-03-0
grants to municipalities within the New
York City watershed for the purpose of
maintaining the filtration avoidance
determination issued by the United States
environmental protection agency.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
department of environmental conservation
contained in the aid to localities budget
bill, and (ii) the director of the budget
has determined that those aid to locali-
ties appropriations as finally acted on by
the legislature are sufficient for the
ensuing fiscal year.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (24794).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 3,885,000
Temporary service (50200) ......................... 76,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .............. 4,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 33,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 20,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 555,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 10,000
Total amount available ....................... 4,583,000
Program account subtotal .................. 43,342,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
172 12650-03-0
Conservation Fund
Conservation Fund Account - 21150
For services and expenses of the enforcement
program (24793).
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 233,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 10,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,433,000
Program account subtotal ................... 1,676,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund
ENCON-Seized Assets Account - 21052
For services and expenses of the environ-
mental enforcement program in accordance
with a programmatic and financial plan to
be approved by the director of the budget.
The amounts appropriated herein may be
interchanged or transferred without limit
with any department of environmental
conservation asset seizure or asset
forfeiture special revenue account.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (24793).
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 53,000
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 79,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 182,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 314,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund
Environmental Regulatory Account - 21081
For services and expenses of the environ-
mental enforcement program, including
suballocation to other state departments
and agencies.
173 12650-03-0
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (24793).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 9,615,000
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 124,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 876,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................. 1,148,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 379,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 2,245,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 267,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 6,623,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 365,000
Program account subtotal .................. 21,642,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund
Public Safety Recovery Account - 21077
For services and expenses related to fire
suppression, homeland security and other
public safety activities. This includes
access to miscellaneous special revenue
receipts associated with the pass-thru of
funds from federal agencies/departments in
conjunction with public safety or homeland
security purposes. Specifically, access to
funds deposited into this account from the
Port Authority of New York/New Jersey, in
their capacity as fiduciary agency for
federal agencies/departments.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
174 12650-03-0
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (24793).
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 24,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 24,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 927,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 37,000
Program account subtotal ................... 1,012,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund
Utility Environmental Regulation Account - 21064
For services and expenses related to utility
regulatory work.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, direct and indirect
expenses relating to the department of
environmental conservation's participation
in state energy policy proceedings, or
certification proceedings pursuant to
articles 7 or 10 of the public service
law, shall be deemed expenses of the
department of public service within the
175 12650-03-0
meaning of section 18-a of the public
service law (24793).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 700,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 437,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 25,000
Program account subtotal ................... 1,162,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund
Waste Management and Cleanup Account - 21053
For services and expenses related to the
waste management and cleanup program
including suballocation to other state
departments and agencies. Notwithstanding
any other provision of law, the director
of the budget is hereby authorized to
transfer any or all of this appropriation
to local assistance to other state depart-
ments and agencies.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (24793).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 1,773,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 140,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 265,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 65,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 195,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 75,000
176 12650-03-0
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 1,194,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 66,000
Program account subtotal ................... 3,773,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
DEC Equitable Sharing Agreement - Justice Account -
For services and expenses of the environ-
mental enforcement program in accordance
with a programmatic and financial plan to
be approved by the director of the budget.
The amounts appropriated herein may be
interchanged or transferred without limit
with any department of environmental
conservation asset seizure or asset
forfeiture special revenue account.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (24793).
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 34,000
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 50,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 116,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 200,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
DEC Equitable Sharing Agreement - Treasury Account -
For services and expenses of the environ-
mental enforcement program in accordance
with a programmatic and financial plan to
be approved by the director of the budget.
The amounts appropriated herein may be
interchanged or transferred without limit
with any department of environmental
conservation asset seizure or asset
forfeiture special revenue account.
177 12650-03-0
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (24793).
Supplies and materials (57000) ..................... 9,000
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 12,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 29,000
Program account subtotal ...................... 50,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses of the fish, wild-
life and marine resources program, includ-
ing suballocation to other state depart-
ments and agencies.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
department of environmental conservation
contained in the aid to localities budget
bill, and (ii) the director of the budget
has determined that those aid to locali-
ties appropriations as finally acted on by
the legislature are sufficient for the
ensuing fiscal year.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
178 12650-03-0
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (24717).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 6,323,000
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 443,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 60,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................. 1,003,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 54,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 5,597,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 62,000
Total amount available ...................... 13,542,000
For services and expenses related to the
natural resource damages program, includ-
ing suballocation to other state depart-
ments and agencies.
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
department of environmental conservation
contained in the aid to localities budget
bill, and (ii) the director of the budget
has determined that those aid to locali-
ties appropriations as finally acted on by
the legislature are sufficient for the
ensuing fiscal year.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (24795).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 434,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .............. 6,000
Travel (54000) ..................................... 7,000
Contractual services (51000) ....................... 2,000
179 12650-03-0
Total amount available ......................... 449,000
Program account subtotal .................. 13,991,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Federal Environmental Conservation Fish, Wildlife, and
Marine Grants Account - 25334
For services and expenses related to fish
and wildlife purposes, including the Lake
Champlain sea lamprey control. A portion
of these funds may be transferred to aid
to localities and may be suballocated to
other state departments and agencies
Personal service (50000) ....................... 9,898,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) ................... 12,390,000
Fringe benefits (60090) ........................ 5,712,000
Program account subtotal .................. 28,000,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Conservation Fund
Conservation Fund Account - 21150
For services and expenses of the fish, wild-
life and marine resources program, includ-
ing suballocation to other state depart-
ments and agencies (24717).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 16,614,000
Temporary service (50200) ...................... 1,727,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 374,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................. 2,502,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 299,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 2,065,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 397,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ....................... 11,677,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 642,000
Total amount available ...................... 36,297,000
For services and expenses for return a gift
to wildlife program projects pursuant to
chapter 4 of the laws of 1982 (24796).
180 12650-03-0
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 500,000
For services and expenses related to the
operation and maintenance of the depart-
ment of environmental conservation's auto-
mated computer license system (24797).
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 700,000
For services and expenses related to the
federal electronic duck stamp act of 2005
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 480,000
Program account subtotal .................. 37,977,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Conservation Fund
Guides License Account - 21153
For services and expenses related to the
fish, wildlife and marine resources
program (24717).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................. 53,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .............. 8,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 22,000
Contractual services (51000) ....................... 7,000
Equipment (56000) .................................. 5,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................... 39,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................. 3,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 137,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Conservation Fund
Marine Resources Account - 21151
For services and expenses related to the
fish, wildlife and marine resources
program (24717).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 352,000
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 333,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 43,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 596,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 43,000
181 12650-03-0
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,574,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 70,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 455,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 25,000
Program account subtotal ................... 3,491,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Conservation Fund
Venison Donation Account - 21157
For services and expenses related to the
fish, wildlife and marine resources
program (24717).
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 116,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 116,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund
Environmental Regulatory Account - 21081
For services and expenses related to
stewardship of state lands and facilities.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (24717).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 306,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .............. 4,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 33,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 31,000
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 23,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 52,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 194,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 11,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 654,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund
182 12650-03-0
Marine and Coastal Account - 21055
For services and expenses related to conser-
vation, research, and education projects
relating to the marine and coastal
district of New York.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (24717).
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 100,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 100,000
FOREST AND LAND RESOURCES PROGRAM ........................... 66,174,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses of the forest and
land resources program, including suballo-
cation to other state departments and
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
department of environmental conservation
contained in the aid to localities budget
bill, and (ii) the director of the budget
has determined that those aid to locali-
ties appropriations as finally acted on by
183 12650-03-0
the legislature are sufficient for the
ensuing fiscal year.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (24799).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 24,058,000
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 215,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .......... 1,631,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 540,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 149,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,913,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 76,000
Program account subtotal .................. 28,582,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund
Federal Environmental Conservation USDA Account - 25007
For services and expenses related to the
federal environmental conservation lands
and forest grants. A portion of these
funds may be transferred to aid to locali-
ties and may be suballocated to other
state departments and agencies (24800).
Personal service (50000) ....................... 1,050,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) .................... 3,308,000
Fringe benefits (60090) .......................... 642,000
Program account subtotal ................... 5,000,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Conservation Fund
Outdoor Recreation and Trail Maintenance Account - 21158
For services and expenses of the forest and
land resources program, including trans-
fers to aid to localities or suballocation
to other state departments and agencies.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
184 12650-03-0
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (24799).
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 10,000
Program account subtotal ...................... 10,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund
ENCON-Seized Assets Account - 21052
For services and expenses of the environ-
mental enforcement program in accordance
with a programmatic and financial plan to
be approved by the director of the budget.
The amounts appropriated herein may be
interchanged or transferred without limit
with any department of environmental
conservation asset seizure or asset
forfeiture special revenue account.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (24799).
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 53,000
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 53,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 104,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 210,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund
Environmental Regulatory Account - 21081
For services and expenses related to
stewardship of state lands and facilities.
185 12650-03-0
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (24799).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 420,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .............. 4,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 54,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 39,000
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 26,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 61,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 265,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 15,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 884,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund
Mined Land Reclamation Account - 21084
For services and expenses related to the
forest and land resources program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (24799).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 2,213,000
Temporary service (50200) ......................... 71,000
186 12650-03-0
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 20,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 151,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 27,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 128,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 73,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 1,438,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 80,000
Program account subtotal ................... 4,201,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund
Natural Resources Account - 21082
For services and expenses of the forest and
land resources program, including suballo-
cation to other state departments and
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (24799).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 3,092,000
Temporary service (50200) ...................... 1,007,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 96,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 460,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 84,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 671,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 137,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 2,618,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 144,000
Program account subtotal ................... 8,309,000
187 12650-03-0
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund
Oil and Gas Account - 21054
For services and expenses related to the
forest and land resources program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (24799).
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 20,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 20,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 235,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 10,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 285,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund
Recreation Account - 21067
For services and expenses related to the
administration and operation of the forest
and land resources program, including
transfers to aid to localities or suballo-
cation to other state departments and
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, the amounts appropriated herein
shall be net of refunds, rebates,
reimbursements, credits, deductions,
repayments, and/or disallowances.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
188 12650-03-0
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (24799).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 1,267,000
Temporary service (50200) ...................... 7,923,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 846,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................. 3,022,000
Travel (54000) ..................................... 7,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 2,649,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 116,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 2,268,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 345,000
Program account subtotal .................. 18,443,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
DEC Equitable Sharing Agreement - Justice Account -
For services and expenses of the environ-
mental enforcement program in accordance
with a programmatic and financial plan to
be approved by the director of the budget.
The amounts appropriated herein may be
interchanged or transferred without limit
with any department of environmental
conservation asset seizure or asset
forfeiture special revenue account.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (24799).
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 50,000
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 50,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 100,000
189 12650-03-0
Program account subtotal ..................... 200,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
DEC Equitable Sharing Agreement - Treasury Account -
For services and expenses of the environ-
mental enforcement program in accordance
with a programmatic and financial plan to
be approved by the director of the budget.
The amounts appropriated herein may be
interchanged or transferred without limit
with any department of environmental
conservation asset seizure or asset
forfeiture special revenue account.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (24799).
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 13,000
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 12,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 25,000
Program account subtotal ...................... 50,000
OPERATIONS PROGRAM .......................................... 32,214,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses of the operations
program, including suballocation to other
state departments and agencies.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
190 12650-03-0
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
department of environmental conservation
contained in the aid to localities budget
bill, and (ii) the director of the budget
has determined that those aid to locali-
ties appropriations as finally acted on by
the legislature are sufficient for the
ensuing fiscal year.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (81003).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 9,232,000
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 423,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 187,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................. 3,574,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 289,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 3,139,000
Equipment (56000) .............................. 1,097,000
Program account subtotal .................. 17,941,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Conservation Fund
Conservation Fund Account - 21150
For services and expenses of the operations
program (81003).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 546,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .............. 4,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 965,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 34,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 871,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 344,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 19,000
191 12650-03-0
Program account subtotal ................... 2,783,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund
Energy Efficient Rebate Account - 21051
For services and expenses related to energy
rebate activities.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (81003).
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 105,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 105,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund
Environmental Regulatory Account - 21081
For services and expenses related to
stewardship of state lands and facilities.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (81003).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 174,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .............. 3,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 72,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 42,000
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 41,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 65,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 111,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................. 7,000
192 12650-03-0
Program account subtotal ..................... 515,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund
Indirect Charges Account - 21060
For services and expenses of the operations
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (81003).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 2,200,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 23,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 538,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 6,645,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 1,387,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 77,000
Program account subtotal .................. 10,870,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses of the solid and
hazardous waste management program,
including suballocation to other state
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
193 12650-03-0
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
department of environmental conservation
contained in the aid to localities budget
bill, and (ii) the director of the budget
has determined that those aid to locali-
ties appropriations as finally acted on by
the legislature are sufficient for the
ensuing fiscal year.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (81013).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 1,117,000
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 166,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 13,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 102,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 21,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 485,000
Equipment (56000) .................................. 5,000
Program account subtotal ................... 1,909,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Federal Environmental Conservation Solid Waste Grant
Account - 25334
For services and expenses related to solid
waste purposes. A portion of these funds
may be transferred to aid to localities
and may be suballocated to other state
departments and agencies (81013).
194 12650-03-0
Personal service (50000) ....................... 3,788,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) .................... 1,325,000
Fringe benefits (60090) ........................ 2,187,000
Program account subtotal ................... 7,300,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund
Environmental Monitoring Account - 21085
For services and expenses for the environ-
mental monitoring program including subal-
location to other state departments and
agencies and including research, analysis,
monitoring activities, natural resource
damages activities, activities of the Lake
Champlain management conference, activ-
ities of the Great Lakes commission,
activities of the joint dredging plan for
the port of New York and New Jersey, and
environmental monitoring at all facilities
subject to the jurisdiction of the depart-
ment of environmental conservation.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (81013).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 7,909,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 76,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................. 1,216,000
Travel (54000) ................................. 1,134,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 2,922,000
Equipment (56000) .............................. 1,212,000
195 12650-03-0
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 4,982,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 274,000
Program account subtotal .................. 19,725,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund
Environmental Regulatory Account - 21081
For services and expenses of the solid and
hazardous waste program including suballo-
cation to other state departments and
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (81013).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 3,353,000
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 294,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 14,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 490,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 241,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,631,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 416,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 2,285,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 126,000
Program account subtotal ................... 8,850,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund
Low Level Radioactive Waste Account - 21066
196 12650-03-0
For services and expenses of the solid and
hazardous waste management program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (81013).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 860,000
Temporary service (50200) ......................... 37,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 13,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 68,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 59,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 905,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 30,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 568,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 32,000
Program account subtotal ................... 2,572,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund
Waste Management and Cleanup Account - 21053
For services and expenses related to the
waste management and cleanup program
including suballocation to other state
departments and agencies. Notwithstanding
any other provision of law, the director
of the budget is hereby authorized to
transfer any or all of this appropriation
to local assistance to other state depart-
ments and agencies.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
197 12650-03-0
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (81013).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 10,586,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .............. 5,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 122,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 320,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 5,144,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 310,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 6,608,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 364,000
Program account subtotal .................. 23,459,000
198 12650-03-0
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund
Federal Grant Indirect Cost Recovery Account - 21065
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the administration of special
revenue funds - federal.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans-
fer Authority as defined in the 2019-20 state fiscal year state
operations appropriation for the budget division program of the
division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully stated (81001).
Personal service--regular (50100) ... 9,545,000 ..... (re. $4,670,000)
Temporary service (50200) ... 4,000 ..................... (re. $4,000)
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ... 16,000 ....... (re. $10,000)
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 176,000 ............ (re. $153,000)
Travel (54000) ... 12,000 .............................. (re. $12,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 753,000 .............. (re. $740,000)
Equipment (56000) ... 4,000 ............................. (re. $4,000)
Fringe benefits (60000) ... 6,109,000 ............... (re. $6,109,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011:
For services and expenses related to the administration of special
revenue funds - federal (81001).
Personal service--regular (50100) ... 9,382,000 ........ (re. $50,000)
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 32,000 .............. (re. $16,000)
Travel (54000) ... 8,000 ................................ (re. $8,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 810,000 .............. (re. $400,000)
Fringe benefits (60000) ... 4,152,000 ............... (re. $3,870,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Federal Environmental Conservation Air Resources Grants Account -
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to air resources purposes. A portion
of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be
suballocated to other state departments and agencies (24780).
Personal service (50000) ... 4,742,000 .............. (re. $2,589,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 1,366,000 ........... (re. $1,279,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 2,892,000 ............... (re. $1,676,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses related to air resources purposes. A portion
of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be
suballocated to other state departments and agencies (24780).
199 12650-03-0
Personal service (50000) ... 4,742,000 .............. (re. $1,760,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 1,294,000 ............. (re. $828,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 2,964,000 ............... (re. $1,142,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses related to air resources purposes. A portion
of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be
suballocated to other state departments and agencies (24780).
Personal service (50000) ... 4,629,000 ................ (re. $301,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 1,594,000 ............. (re. $941,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 2,777,000 ................. (re. $183,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For services and expenses related to air resources purposes. A portion
of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be
suballocated to other state departments and agencies (24780).
Personal service (50000) ... 4,782,000 ................ (re. $481,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 1,519,000 ............. (re. $856,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 2,699,000 ................. (re. $351,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2015:
For services and expenses related to air resources purposes. A portion
of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be
suballocated to other state departments and agencies (24780).
Personal service (50000) ... 4,455,000 ................ (re. $165,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 2,010,000 ........... (re. $1,172,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 2,535,000 ................. (re. $307,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014:
For services and expenses related to air resources purposes. A portion
of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be
suballocated to other state departments and agencies (24780).
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 2,094,000 .............. (re. $93,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Federal Environmental Conservation Spills Management Grant Account -
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to spills management purposes. A
portion of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and
may be suballocated to other state departments and agencies (24782).
Personal service (50000) ... 2,295,000 .............. (re. $2,295,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 3,306,000 ........... (re. $3,306,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 1,399,000 ............... (re. $1,399,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses related to spills management purposes. A
portion of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and
may be suballocated to other state departments and agencies (24782).
Personal service (50000) ... 2,295,000 .............. (re. $1,209,000)
200 12650-03-0
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 3,271,000 ........... (re. $3,271,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 1,434,000 ................. (re. $803,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses related to spills management purposes. A
portion of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and
may be suballocated to other state departments and agencies (24782).
Personal service (50000) ... 2,295,000 .............. (re. $2,295,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 3,328,000 ........... (re. $3,328,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 1,377,000 ............... (re. $1,377,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For services and expenses related to spills management purposes. A
portion of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and
may be suballocated to other state departments and agencies (24782).
Personal service (50000) ... 2,295,000 ................ (re. $176,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 3,425,000 ............. (re. $825,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 1,280,000 ................. (re. $123,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2015:
For services and expenses related to spills management purposes. A
portion of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and
may be suballocated to other state departments and agencies (24782).
Personal service (50000) ... 2,285,000 ................. (re. $17,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 3,416,000 ........... (re. $2,478,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 1,299,000 ................. (re. $331,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014:
For services and expenses related to spills management purposes. A
portion of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and
may be suballocated to other state departments and agencies (24782).
Personal service (50000) ... 2,260,000 ................ (re. $450,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 3,537,000 ........... (re. $1,746,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 1,203,000 ................. (re. $578,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Federal Environmental Conservation Water Grants Account - 25334
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to water resource purposes. A
portion of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and
may be suballocated to other state departments and agencies (24784).
Personal service (50000) ... 9,549,000 .............. (re. $9,149,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 9,327,000 ........... (re. $9,320,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 6,022,000 ............... (re. $5,812,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses related to water resource purposes. A
portion of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and
may be suballocated to other state departments and agencies (24784).
Personal service (50000) ... 10,032,000 ............. (re. $1,534,000)
201 12650-03-0
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 8,595,000 ........... (re. $8,291,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 6,271,000 ............... (re. $1,236,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses related to water resource purposes. A
portion of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and
may be suballocated to other state departments and agencies (24784).
Personal service (50000) ... 10,177,000 ............... (re. $745,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 8,614,000 ........... (re. $7,566,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 6,107,000 ................. (re. $553,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For services and expenses related to water resource purposes. A
portion of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and
may be suballocated to other state departments and agencies (24784).
Personal service (50000) ... 9,630,000 .............. (re. $1,779,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 9,892,000 ........... (re. $7,547,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 5,376,000 ................. (re. $937,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2015:
For services and expenses related to water resource purposes. A
portion of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and
may be suballocated to other state departments and agencies (24784).
Personal service (50000) ... 9,802,000 .............. (re. $3,397,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 9,517,000 ........... (re. $7,260,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 5,579,000 ............... (re. $2,186,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014:
For services and expenses related to water resource purposes. A
portion of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and
may be suballocated to other state departments and agencies (24784).
Personal service (50000) ... 10,155,000 ............... (re. $650,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 9,012,000 ........... (re. $2,356,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 5,731,000 ................. (re. $640,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013:
For services and expenses related to water resource purposes. A
portion of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and
may be suballocated to other state departments and agencies (24784).
Personal service (50000) ... 10,155,000 ............. (re. $3,500,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 8,778,000 ........... (re. $6,502,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 5,965,000 ............... (re. $2,144,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For services and expenses related to water resource purposes. A
portion of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and
may be suballocated to other state departments and agencies (24784).
Personal service (50000) ... 9,657,000 .............. (re. $2,802,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 10,392,000 .......... (re. $8,122,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 4,849,000 ............... (re. $1,337,000)
202 12650-03-0
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011:
For services and expenses related to water resource purposes, includ-
ing suballocation to other state departments and agencies (24784).
Personal service (50000) ... 9,340,000 .............. (re. $3,433,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 9,545,000 ........... (re. $4,495,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 4,566,000 ............... (re. $1,724,000)
By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2010:
For services and expenses related to water resource purposes, includ-
ing suballocation to other state departments and agencies (24784).
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 5,191,000 ........... (re. $1,654,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 3,738,000 ................... (re. $6,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Account - 25334
By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2010:
For services and expenses related to water resource purposes, includ-
ing suballocation to other state departments and agencies (24896)
... 59,000,000 ................................... (re. $51,073,000)
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses of the implementation of the New York city
watershed agreement for activities including, but not limited to
enforcement, water quality monitoring, technical assistance, estab-
lishing a master plan and zoning incentive award program, providing
grants to municipalities for reimbursement of planning and zoning
activities, and establishing a watershed inspector general's office,
including suballocation to the departments of health, state and law.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the
director of the budget is hereby authorized to transfer up to
$800,000 of this appropriation to local assistance to the department
of state for water quality planning and implementation of compet-
itive grants to municipalities within the New York City watershed
for the purpose of maintaining the filtration avoidance determi-
nation issued by the United States environmental protection agency.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans-
fer Authority as defined in the 2019-20 state fiscal year state
operations appropriation for the budget division program of the
division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully stated (24794).
Personal service--regular (50100) ... 3,771,000 ..... (re. $2,881,000)
Temporary service (50200) ... 73,000 ................... (re. $73,000)
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ... 3,000 ......... (re. $3,000)
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 33,000 .............. (re. $33,000)
203 12650-03-0
Travel (54000) ... 20,000 .............................. (re. $20,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 555,000 .............. (re. $555,000)
Equipment (56000) ... 10,000 ........................... (re. $10,000)
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses related to the marketing the outdoors
program or any programs implemented by state agencies, departments
or public benefit corporations to increase sporting and outdoors
tourism or increase public participation in hunting, fishing and
other outdoor recreational activities in the state. Funds shall be
made available pursuant to a plan developed by the commissioner of
the department of environmental conservation in consultation with
the commissioners of the office of parks, recreation and historic
preservation and the department of economic development and approved
by the director of the budget.
Funds appropriated herein may be suballocated or transferred to any
other state department, agency, or public benefit corporation, or
made available for transfer or deposit into any state fund, includ-
ing but not limited to the conservation fund to achieve this purpose
Contractual services (51000) ... 2,500,000 .......... (re. $2,500,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For services and expenses related to the marketing the outdoors
program or any programs implemented by state agencies, departments
or public benefit corporations to increase sporting and outdoors
tourism or increase public participation in hunting, fishing and
other outdoor recreational activities in the state. Funds shall be
made available pursuant to a plan developed by the commissioner of
the department of environmental conservation in consultation with
the commissioners of the office of parks, recreation and historic
preservation and the department of economic development and approved
by the director of the budget.
Funds appropriated herein may be suballocated or transferred to any
other state department, agency, or public benefit corporation, or
made available for transfer or deposit into any state fund, includ-
ing but not limited to the conservation fund to achieve this purpose
Contractual services (51000) ... 2,500,000 .......... (re. $2,500,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014:
For services and expenses related to the marketing the outdoors
program or any programs implemented by state agencies, departments
or public benefit corporations to increase sporting and outdoors
tourism or increase public participation in hunting, fishing and
other outdoor recreational activities in the state. Funds shall be
made available pursuant to a plan developed by the commissioner of
204 12650-03-0
the department of environmental conservation in consultation with
the commissioners of the office of parks, recreation and historic
preservation and the department of economic development and approved
by the director of the budget.
Funds appropriated herein may be suballocated or transferred to any
other state department, agency, or public benefit corporation, or
made available for transfer or deposit into any state fund, includ-
ing but not limited to the conservation fund to achieve this purpose
Contractual services (51000) ... 2,500,000 .......... (re. $1,300,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Federal Environmental Conservation Fish, Wildlife, and Marine Grants
Account - 25334
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to fish and wildlife purposes,
including the Lake Champlain sea lamprey control. A portion of these
funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be suballo-
cated to other state departments and agencies (24717).
Personal service (50000) ... 9,898,000 .............. (re. $6,050,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 12,068,000 .......... (re. $9,134,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 6,034,000 ............... (re. $3,905,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses related to fish and wildlife purposes,
including the Lake Champlain sea lamprey control. A portion of these
funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be suballo-
cated to other state departments and agencies (24717).
Personal service (50000) ... 10,423,000 ............. (re. $2,790,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 11,065,000 .......... (re. $4,305,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 6,512,000 ................. (re. $636,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses related to fish and wildlife purposes,
including the Lake Champlain sea lamprey control. A portion of these
funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be suballo-
cated to other state departments and agencies (24717).
Personal service (50000) ... 10,423,000 ............. (re. $1,380,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 11,326,000 .......... (re. $5,890,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 6,251,000 ............... (re. $2,297,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For services and expenses related to fish and wildlife purposes,
including the Lake Champlain sea lamprey control. A portion of these
funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be suballo-
cated to other state departments and agencies (24717).
Personal service (50000) ... 10,577,000 ............. (re. $1,564,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 11,524,000 .......... (re. $3,637,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 5,899,000 ............... (re. $1,876,000)
205 12650-03-0
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2015:
For services and expenses related to fish and wildlife purposes,
including the Lake Champlain sea lamprey control. A portion of these
funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be suballo-
cated to other state departments and agencies (24717).
Personal service (50000) ... 10,657,000 ............. (re. $3,415,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 11,635,000 .......... (re. $4,400,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 5,708,000 ............... (re. $1,172,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014:
For services and expenses related to fish and wildlife purposes,
including the Lake Champlain sea lamprey control. A portion of these
funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be suballo-
cated to other state departments and agencies (24717).
Personal service (50000) ... 9,274,000 .............. (re. $1,500,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 11,786,000 .......... (re. $4,886,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 4,940,000 ............... (re. $1,299,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013:
For services and expenses related to fish and wildlife purposes,
including the Lake Champlain sea lamprey control. A portion of these
funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be suballo-
cated to other state departments and agencies (24717).
Personal service (50000) ... 9,110,000 ................ (re. $888,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 11,538,000 .......... (re. $3,396,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 5,352,000 ................. (re. $363,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012:
For services and expenses related to fish and wildlife purposes,
including the Lake Champlain sea lamprey control program and subal-
location to other state departments and agencies.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (24717).
Personal service (50000) ... 9,384,000 ................ (re. $702,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 11,907,000 .......... (re. $3,421,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 4,709,000 ................. (re. $215,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011:
For services and expenses related to fish and wildlife purposes,
including the Lake Champlain sea lamprey control program and subal-
location to other state departments and agencies (24717).
Personal service (50000) ... 9,522,000 ................. (re. $90,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 12,374,000 .......... (re. $2,748,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 4,104,000 ................. (re. $362,000)
By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2010:
206 12650-03-0
For services and expenses related to fish and wildlife purposes,
including the Lake Champlain sea lamprey control program and subal-
location to other state departments and agencies (24717).
Personal service (50000) ... 9,350,000 ................ (re. $115,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 12,505,000 .......... (re. $6,272,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 4,145,000 .................. (re. $78,000)
By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2009:
For services and expenses related to fish and wildlife purposes,
including the Lake Champlain sea lamprey control program and subal-
location to other state departments and agencies (24717).
Personal service (50000) ... 8,800,000 ................ (re. $200,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 11,240,000 .......... (re. $2,495,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 3,960,000 .................. (re. $25,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund
Federal Environmental Conservation USDA Account - 25007
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the federal environmental conser-
vation lands and forest grants. A portion of these funds may be
transferred to aid to localities and may be suballocated to other
state departments and agencies (24800).
Personal service (50000) ... 1,050,000 ................ (re. $950,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 3,308,000 ........... (re. $3,205,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 642,000 ................... (re. $587,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses related to the federal environmental conser-
vation lands and forest grants. A portion of these funds may be
transferred to aid to localities and may be suballocated to other
state departments and agencies (24800).
Personal service (50000) ... 1,050,000 ................ (re. $429,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 3,292,000 ........... (re. $2,738,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 658,000 ................... (re. $288,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses related to the federal environmental conser-
vation lands and forest grants. A portion of these funds may be
transferred to aid to localities and may be suballocated to other
state departments and agencies (24800).
Personal service (50000) ... 1,050,000 ................ (re. $510,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 3,319,000 ........... (re. $1,388,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 631,000 ................... (re. $340,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For services and expenses related to the federal environmental conser-
vation lands and forest grants. A portion of these funds may be
207 12650-03-0
transferred to aid to localities and may be suballocated to other
state departments and agencies (24800).
Personal service (50000) ... 1,030,000 ................. (re. $43,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 3,394,000 ........... (re. $2,393,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 576,000 .................... (re. $16,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2015:
For services and expenses related to the federal environmental conser-
vation lands and forest grants. A portion of these funds may be
transferred to aid to localities and may be suballocated to other
state departments and agencies (24800).
Personal service (50000) ... 1,000,000 ................ (re. $107,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 3,430,000 ........... (re. $2,294,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 570,000 .................... (re. $56,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund
Indirect Charges Account - 21060
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses of the operations program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans-
fer Authority as defined in the 2019-20 state fiscal year state
operations appropriation for the budget division program of the
division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully stated (81003).
Personal service--regular (50100) ... 2,276,000 ..... (re. $1,227,000)
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ... 22,000 ....... (re. $22,000)
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 538,000 ............ (re. $435,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 6,645,000 .......... (re. $4,394,000)
Fringe benefits (60000) ... 1,532,000 ................. (re. $906,000)
Indirect costs (58800) ... 82,000 ...................... (re. $49,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses of the operations program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans-
fer Authority as defined in the 2018-19 state fiscal year state
operations appropriation for the budget division program of the
division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully stated (81003).
Personal service--regular (50100) ... 2,078,000 ....... (re. $426,000)
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ... 21,000 ....... (re. $20,000)
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 541,000 ............ (re. $317,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 6,645,000 .......... (re. $2,760,000)
Fringe benefits (60000) ... 1,342,000 ................. (re. $259,000)
Indirect costs (58800) ... 65,000 ....................... (re. $9,000)
208 12650-03-0
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses of the operations program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans-
fer Authority as defined in the 2017-18 state fiscal year state
operations appropriation for the budget division program of the
division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully stated (81003).
Personal service--regular (50100) ... 1,978,000 ........ (re. $64,000)
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ... 19,000 ....... (re. $16,000)
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 525,000 ............ (re. $304,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 6,533,000 .......... (re. $1,423,000)
Fringe benefits (60000) ... 1,228,000 .................. (re. $56,000)
Indirect costs (58800) ... 59,000 ....................... (re. $9,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses of the operations program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans-
fer Authority as defined in the 2016-17 state fiscal year state
operations appropriation for the budget division program of the
division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully stated (81003).
Personal service--regular (50100) ... 1,978,000 ....... (re. $136,000)
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ... 18,000 ....... (re. $17,000)
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 520,000 ............ (re. $329,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 6,481,000 .......... (re. $2,291,000)
Fringe benefits (60000) ... 1,161,000 .................. (re. $84,000)
Indirect costs (58800) ... 61,000 ...................... (re. $12,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2015, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses of the operations program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans-
fer Authority as defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year state
operations appropriation for the budget division program of the
division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully stated (81003).
Personal service--regular (50100) ... 1,920,000 ........ (re. $79,000)
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ... 17,000 ....... (re. $17,000)
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 518,000 ............ (re. $284,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 6,468,000 .......... (re. $1,878,000)
Fringe benefits (60000) ... 1,117,000 ................. (re. $102,000)
Indirect costs (58800) ... 64,000 ...................... (re. $19,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses of the operations program.
209 12650-03-0
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans-
fer Authority as defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state
operations appropriation for the budget division program of the
division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully stated (81003).
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ... 16,000 ........ (re. $2,000)
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 500,000 ............ (re. $239,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 6,347,000 .......... (re. $2,423,000)
Fringe benefits (60000) ... 1,101,000 ................... (re. $8,000)
Indirect costs (58800) ... 65,000 ...................... (re. $12,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses of the operations program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans-
fer Authority as defined in the 2013-14 state fiscal year state
operations appropriation for the budget division program of the
division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully stated (81003).
Personal service--regular (50100) ... 2,015,000 ....... (re. $132,000)
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ... 15,000 ....... (re. $13,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 6,847,000 .......... (re. $1,679,000)
Fringe benefits (60000) ... 1,127,000 .................. (re. $86,000)
Indirect costs (58800) ... 74,000 ...................... (re. $16,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses of the operations program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (81003).
Contractual services (51000) ... 6,719,000 ............ (re. $208,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses of the operations program (81003).
Contractual services (51000) ... 5,719,000 .......... (re. $1,108,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Federal Environmental Conservation Solid Waste Grant Account - 25334
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
210 12650-03-0
For services and expenses related to solid waste purposes. A portion
of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be
suballocated to other state departments and agencies (81013).
Personal service (50000) ... 3,788,000 .............. (re. $2,518,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 1,202,000 ........... (re. $1,202,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 2,310,000 ............... (re. $1,608,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses related to solid waste purposes. A portion
of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be
suballocated to other state departments and agencies (81013).
Personal service (50000) ... 3,788,000 ................ (re. $558,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 1,143,000 ........... (re. $1,143,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 2,369,000 ................. (re. $399,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses related to solid waste purposes. A portion
of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be
suballocated to other state departments and agencies (81013).
Personal service (50000) ... 3,788,000 ................ (re. $918,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 1,239,000 ............. (re. $739,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 2,273,000 ............... (re. $1,088,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For services and expenses related to solid waste purposes. A portion
of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be
suballocated to other state departments and agencies (81013).
Personal service (50000) ... 3,788,000 ................ (re. $433,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 1,482,000 ........... (re. $1,482,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 2,030,000 ................. (re. $363,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2015:
For services and expenses related to solid waste purposes. A portion
of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be
suballocated to other state departments and agencies (81013).
Personal service (50000) ... 3,785,000 ................ (re. $721,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 1,482,000 ........... (re. $1,482,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 2,033,000 ................. (re. $392,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014:
For services and expenses related to solid waste purposes. A portion
of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be
suballocated to other state departments and agencies (81013).
Personal service (50000) ... 3,786,000 ................. (re. $17,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 1,498,000 ........... (re. $1,434,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 2,016,000 ................. (re. $513,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund
S-Area Landfill Account - 21063
211 12650-03-0
By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 1996, as amended by chapter 55,
section 1, of the laws of 2006:
For services and expenses of the department of environmental conserva-
tion for oversight activities related to the clean up of the s-area
landfill originally authorized by appropriations and reappropri-
ations enacted prior to 1996 (24805) ... 423,400 ..... (re. $92,000)
212 12650-03-0
For payment according to the following schedule:
General Fund ....................... 17,854,000 0
---------------- ----------------
All Funds ........................ 17,854,000 0
================ ================
ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ...................................... 17,854,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses related to the
administration program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (81001).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 13,011,000
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 180,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 180,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 180,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 450,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 3,673,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 180,000
213 12650-03-0
For payment according to the following schedule:
General Fund ....................... 630,000 0
---------------- ----------------
All Funds ........................ 630,000 0
================ ================
ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ......................................... 630,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses related to the
administration program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (81001).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 488,000
Temporary service (50200) .......................... 4,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .............. 3,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ..................... 9,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 27,000
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 81,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 18,000
214 12650-03-0
For payment according to the following schedule:
General Fund ....................... 271,887,000 80,060,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 168,324,000 402,116,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 46,094,000 146,000,000
Enterprise Funds ................... 515,000 800,000
Internal Service Funds ............. 22,162,000 0
---------------- ----------------
All Funds ........................ 508,982,000 628,976,000
================ ================
CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM .............................. 56,652,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses related to the
central administration program.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state
finance law and any other provision of law
to the contrary, the director of the budg-
et may, upon the advice of the commission-
er of children and family services,
authorize the transfer or interchange of
moneys appropriated herein with any other
state operations - general fund appropri-
ation within the office of children and
family services except where transfer or
interchange of appropriations is prohibit-
ed or otherwise restricted by law.
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
office of children and family services
contained in the aid to localities budget
bill, and (ii) the director of the budget
has determined that those aid to locali-
ties appropriations as finally acted on by
the legislature are sufficient for the
ensuing fiscal year.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
215 12650-03-0
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (81001).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 22,539,000
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 308,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 73,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 462,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 181,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 4,455,000
Equipment (56000) .............................. 2,510,000
Program account subtotal .................. 30,528,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
Head Start Grant Account - 25181
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
For services and expenses related to the
head start collaboration project grant
program (14037).
Personal service (50000) ......................... 215,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) ...................... 211,000
Fringe benefits (60090) ........................... 94,000
Indirect costs (58850) ............................. 8,000
216 12650-03-0
Program account subtotal ..................... 528,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Combined Expendable Trust Fund
Grants and Bequests Account - 20145
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
For services and expenses related to
research, evaluation and demonstration
projects, including fringe benefits
Personal service--regular (50100) ................. 36,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 100,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 15,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 121,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 19,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................... 17,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................. 1,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 309,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Combined Expendable Trust Fund
Youth Gifts, Grants and Bequests Account - 20142
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
For services and expenses related to
studies, research, demonstration projects,
recreation programs and other activities
including payment for tuition, fees and
217 12650-03-0
books for approved post-secondary courses
and vocational programs directly related
to current or emerging vocations, for
youth in office of children and family
services facilities (81001).
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 60,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 2,880,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 60,000
Program account subtotal ................... 3,000,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Equipment Loan Fund for the Disabled
Equipment Loan Fund Account - 21351
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
For services and expenses related to the
implementation of an equipment loan fund
for the disabled pursuant to chapter 609
of the laws of 1985.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (81001).
Equipment (56000) ................................ 225,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 225,000
Internal Service Funds
Agencies Internal Service Account
Human Services Contact Center Account - 55072
218 12650-03-0
For payments related to the planning, devel-
opment and establishment of a new state-
wide contact center within the department
of tax and finance, the office of children
and family services and the department of
labor on behalf of customer state agen-
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, for the purpose of plan-
ning, developing and/or implementing the
consolidation of administration, business
services, procurement, information tech-
nology and/or other functions shared among
agencies to improve the efficiency and
effectiveness of government operations,
the amounts appropriated herein may be (i)
interchanged without limit, (ii) trans-
ferred between any other state operations
appropriations within this agency or to
any other state operations appropriations
of any state department, agency or public
authority, and/or (iii) suballocated to
any state department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget who shall file such
approval with the department of audit and
control and copies thereof with the chair-
man of the senate finance committee and
the chairman of the assembly ways and
means committee (81001).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 10,954,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 720,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 73,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 2,594,000
Equipment (56000) .............................. 1,053,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 6,323,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 345,000
Program account subtotal .................. 22,062,000
219 12650-03-0
CHILD CARE PROGRAM .......................................... 62,886,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
Federal Day Care Account - 25175
Funds appropriated herein shall be available
for aid to municipalities, for services
and expenses related to administering
activities under the child care block
grant and for payments to the federal
government for expenditures made pursuant
to the social services law and the state
plan for individual and family grant
program under the disaster relief act of
Such funds are to be available for payment
of aid, services and expenses heretofore
accrued or hereafter to accrue to munici-
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, the amounts appropriated herein
shall be net of refunds, rebates,
reimbursements, credits, repayments,
and/or disallowances.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, the amount herein appropriated may
be transferred to any other appropriation
within the office of children and family
services and/or the office of temporary
and disability assistance and/or suballo-
cated to the office of temporary and disa-
bility assistance for the purpose of
paying local social services districts'
costs of the above program and may be
increased or decreased by interchange with
any other appropriation or with any other
item or items within the amounts appropri-
ated within the office of children and
family services general fund - local
assistance account or special revenue
funds federal / aid to localities federal
day care account with the approval of the
director of the budget who shall file such
approval with the department of audit and
control and copies thereof with the chair-
man of the senate finance committee and
the chairman of the assembly ways and
means committee.
220 12650-03-0
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law,
the money hereby appropriated including
any funds transferred by the office of
temporary and disability assistance
special revenue funds - federal / aid to
localities federal health and human
services fund, federal temporary assist-
ance to needy families block grant funds
at the request of the local social
services districts and, upon approval of
the director of the budget, transfer of
federal temporary assistance for needy
families block grant funds made available
from the New York works compliance fund
program or otherwise specifically appro-
priated therefor, in combination with the
money appropriated in the general fund /
aid to localities local assistance
account, appropriated for the state block
grant for child care shall constitute the
state block grant for child care. Pursuant
to title 5-C of article 6 of the social
services law, the state block grant for
child care shall be used for child care
assistance and for activities to increase
the availability and/or quality of child
care programs (13950).
Personal service (50000) ...................... 24,102,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) ................... 22,514,000
Fringe benefits (60090) ....................... 14,693,000
Indirect costs (58850) ......................... 1,577,000
Program account subtotal .................. 62,886,000
FAMILY AND CHILDREN'S SERVICES PROGRAM ...................... 81,586,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
221 12650-03-0
For services and expenses related to the
family and children's services program.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state
finance law and any other provision of law
to the contrary, the director of the budg-
et may, upon the advice of the commission-
er of children and family services,
authorize the transfer or interchange of
moneys appropriated herein with any other
state operations - general fund appropri-
ation within the office of children and
family services except where transfer or
interchange of appropriations is prohibit-
ed or otherwise restricted by law.
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
office of children and family services
contained in the aid to localities budget
bill, and (ii) the director of the budget
has determined that those aid to locali-
ties appropriations as finally acted on by
the legislature are sufficient for the
ensuing fiscal year.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (13911).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 32,847,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .......... 2,448,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 635,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 215,000
222 12650-03-0
Contractual services (51000) ................... 6,065,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 60,000
Program account subtotal .................. 42,270,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
Discretionary Demonstration Account - 25103
For services and expenses related to admin-
istering federal health and human services
discretionary demonstration program grants
and grants from the national center on
child abuse and neglect.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the definition of "abused
child" contained in section 1012 of the
family court act shall be deemed to
include any child whose parent or person
legally responsible for their care permits
or encourages such child engage in any
act, or commits or allows to be committed
against such child any offense, that would
render such child either a victim of "sex
trafficking" or a victim of "severe forms
of trafficking in persons" pursuant to 22
U.S.C. 7102 as enacted by P.L. 106-386, or
any successor federal statute (13954).
Personal service (50000) ....................... 2,358,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) ................... 10,155,000
Fringe benefits (60090) ........................ 1,021,000
Indirect costs (58850) ............................ 25,000
Program account subtotal .................. 13,559,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
Early Childhood Development Account - 25135
223 12650-03-0
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
For services and expenses related to admin-
istering federal health and human services
grants related to early childhood develop-
ment (13911).
Personal service (50000) ......................... 500,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) ................... 14,159,200
Fringe benefits (60090) .......................... 315,100
Indirect costs (58850) ............................ 25,700
Program account subtotal .................. 15,000,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
Youth Rehabilitation Account - 25135
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
For services and expenses related to
studies, research, demonstration projects
and other activities in accordance with
articles 19-G and 19-H of the executive
law and articles 2 and 6 of the social
services law (14045).
Personal service (50000) ....................... 1,668,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) ...................... 896,000
Fringe benefits (60090) .......................... 722,000
Indirect costs (58850) ............................ 50,000
Program account subtotal ................... 3,336,000
224 12650-03-0
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Youth Projects Account - 25479
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
For services and expenses related to
studies, research, demonstration projects
and other activities in accordance with
articles 19-G and 19-H of the executive
law and articles 2 and 6 of the social
services law (13911).
Personal service (50000) ....................... 3,038,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) .................... 1,632,000
Fringe benefits (60090) ........................ 1,314,000
Indirect costs (58850) ............................ 91,000
Program account subtotal ................... 6,075,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
State Central Register Account - 22028
For services and expenses related to admin-
istration of the state central register
employment screening activities.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
225 12650-03-0
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, the amounts appropriated herein
shall be net of refunds, rebates,
reimbursements, credits, repayments,
and/or disallowances (13911).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 122,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 10,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,133,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................... 77,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................. 4,000
Program account subtotal ................... 1,346,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses of service and
training programs for the blind, includ-
ing, but not limited to, state match of
federal funds made available under various
provisions of the federal vocational reha-
bilitation act and the federal randolph
sheppard act and supportive services for
blind children and blind elderly persons.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state
finance law and any other provision of law
to the contrary, the director of the budg-
et may, upon the advice of the commission-
er of children and family services,
authorize the transfer or interchange of
moneys appropriated herein with any other
state operations - general fund appropri-
ation within the office of children and
family services except where transfer or
interchange of appropriations is prohibit-
ed or otherwise restricted by law.
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
226 12650-03-0
office of children and family services
contained in the aid to localities budget
bill, and (ii) the director of the budget
has determined that those aid to locali-
ties appropriations as finally acted on by
the legislature are sufficient for the
ensuing fiscal year.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (13953).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 2,197,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 12,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ..................... 8,000
Travel (54000) ..................................... 5,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 6,002,000
Program account subtotal ................... 8,224,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Education Fund
OCFS Vocational Rehabilitation Payments Account - 25207
For services and expenses related to the New
York state commission for the blind.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
227 12650-03-0
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the money hereby appro-
priated may be interchanged or trans-
ferred, without limit, to any special
revenue funds federal account and/or any
appropriation of the office of children
and family services, and may be increased
or decreased without limit by transfer
between these appropriated amounts and
appropriations (13953).
Nonpersonal service (57050) .................... 3,000,000
Program account subtotal ................... 3,000,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Education Fund
Rehabilitation Services/Basic Support Account - 25213
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
For services and expenses related to the New
York state commission for the blind
including transfer or suballocation to the
state education department. Notwithstand-
ing any other provision of law to the
contrary, the money hereby appropriated
may be interchanged or transferred, with-
out limit, to any special revenue funds
federal account and/or any appropriation
of the office of children and family
services, and may be increased or
decreased without limit by transfer
between these appropriated amounts and
appropriations. A portion of the funds
appropriated herein may be suballocated to
the dormitory authority of the state of
New York, in accordance with a plan
approved by the division of the budget, to
design, construct, reconstruct, rehabili-
228 12650-03-0
tate, renovate, furnish, equip or other-
wise improve vending stands for the blind
enterprise program pursuant to an agree-
ment between the New York state commission
for the blind and the dormitory authority,
which may contain such other terms and
conditions as may be agreed upon by the
parties thereto, including provisions
related to indemnities. All contracts for
construction awarded by the dormitory
authority pursuant to this appropriation
shall be governed by article 8 of the
labor law and shall be awarded in accord-
ance with the authority's procurement
contract guidelines adopted pursuant to
section 2879 of the public authorities law
Personal service (50000) ....................... 8,507,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) ................... 24,840,000
Program account subtotal .................. 33,347,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Combined Expendable Trust Fund
CBVH Gifts and Bequests Account - 20129
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
For services and expenses related to the New
York state commission for the blind
Supplies and materials (57000) ..................... 5,000
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 20,000
Equipment (56000) .................................. 2,000
Program account subtotal ...................... 27,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Combined Expendable Trust Fund
229 12650-03-0
CBVH-Vending Stand Account - 20119
For services and expenses related to the
vending stand program and pension plan and
establishing food service sites.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (13953).
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 543,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 543,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Combined Expendable Trust Fund
CBVH-Vending Stand Account-Federal - 20126
For services and expenses related to the
vending stand program and pension plan and
establishing food service sites.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
230 12650-03-0
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (13953).
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 200,000
Travel (54000) ..................................... 4,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 546,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 750,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Combined Expendable Trust Fund
CBVH-Vending Stand Account-State - 20146
For services and expenses related to the
vending stand program and pension plan and
establishing food service sites.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (13953).
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 100,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 100,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
CBVH Highway Revenue Account - 22108
231 12650-03-0
For services and expenses of programs that
support the blind.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (13953).
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 500,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 500,000
SYSTEMS SUPPORT PROGRAM ..................................... 43,054,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses related to the
systems support program.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state
finance law and any other provision of law
to the contrary, the director of the budg-
et may, upon the advice of the commission-
er of children and family services,
authorize the transfer or interchange of
moneys appropriated herein with any other
state operations - general fund appropri-
ation within the office of children and
family services except where transfer or
interchange of appropriations is prohibit-
ed or otherwise restricted by law.
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
232 12650-03-0
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
office of children and family services
contained in the aid to localities budget
bill, and (ii) the director of the budget
has determined that those aid to locali-
ties appropriations as finally acted on by
the legislature are sufficient for the
ensuing fiscal year.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (14020).
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 25,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 48,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 2,400,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 25,000
Total amount available ....................... 2,498,000
For the non-federal share of services and
expenses for the continued maintenance of
the statewide automated child welfare
information system; to operate the state-
wide automated child welfare information
system; and for the continued development
of the statewide automated child welfare
information system. Of the amounts appro-
priated herein, a portion may be available
for suballocation to the office of infor-
mation technology services for the admin-
istration of independent verification and
validation services for child welfare
233 12650-03-0
systems operated or developed by the
office of children and family services.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, funds appropriated herein shall
only be available upon approval of an
expenditure plan by the director of the
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state
finance law and any other provision of law
to the contrary, the director of the budg-
et may, upon the advice of the commission-
er of children and family services,
authorize the transfer or interchange of
moneys appropriated herein with any other
state operations - general fund appropri-
ation within the office of children and
family services except where transfer or
interchange of appropriations is prohibit-
ed or otherwise restricted by law.
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
office of children and family services
contained in the aid to localities budget
bill, and (ii) the director of the budget
has determined that those aid to locali-
ties appropriations as finally acted on by
the legislature are sufficient for the
ensuing fiscal year.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (13986).
234 12650-03-0
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 153,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 129,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 129,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 8,706,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 846,000
Total amount available ....................... 9,963,000
Program account subtotal .................. 12,461,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
Connections Account - 25175
For services and expenses for the statewide
automated child welfare information system
including related administrative expenses
provided pursuant to title IV-e of the
federal social security act.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget. Such funds are to be
available heretofore accrued and hereafter
to accrue for liabilities associated with
the continued maintenance, operation, and
development of the statewide automated
child welfare information system.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, the amounts appropriated herein
shall be net of refunds, rebates,
reimbursements, credits, repayments,
and/or disallowances (13986).
Personal service (50000).......................... 500,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) ................... 29,753,000
Fringe benefits (60090)........................... 305,000
Indirect costs (58850)............................. 35,000
Program account subtotal .................. 30,593,000
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ............................ 58,793,000
235 12650-03-0
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses related to the
training and development program, includ-
ing but not limited to, child welfare,
public assistance and medical assistance
training contracts with not-for-profit
agencies or other governmental entities.
Of the amount appropriated herein, a mini-
mum of $257,000 shall be used for the
prevention of domestic violence, of which
$135,000 may be used to contract with the
office for the prevention of domestic
violence to develop and implement a train-
ing program on the dynamics of domestic
violence and its relationship to child
abuse and neglect with particular emphasis
on alternatives to out-of-home placement.
For trainee travel reimbursement payments to
counties and voluntary agencies for
employees receiving training from the
office of children and family services, up
to the limits stated in the OCFS travel
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state
finance law and any other provision of law
to the contrary, the director of the budg-
et may, upon the advice of the commission-
er of the office of temporary and disabil-
ity assistance and the commissioner of the
office of children and family services,
transfer or suballocate any of the amounts
appropriated herein, or made available
through interchange to the office of
temporary and disability assistance.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state
finance law and any other provision of law
to the contrary, the director of the budg-
et may, upon the advice of the commission-
er of children and family services,
authorize the transfer or interchange of
moneys appropriated herein with any other
state operations - general fund or state
special revenue other fund appropriation
within the office of children and family
services except where transfer or inter-
change of appropriations is prohibited or
otherwise restricted by law.
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
236 12650-03-0
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
office of children and family services
contained in the aid to localities budget
bill, and (ii) the director of the budget
has determined that those aid to locali-
ties appropriations as finally acted on by
the legislature are sufficient for the
ensuing fiscal year.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (14075).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 770,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .............. 8,000
Contractual services (51000) .................. 10,296,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 274,000
Equipment(56000).................................. 369,000
Supplies and materials (57000)..................... 47,000
Total amount available ...................... 11,764,000
For services and expenses related to the
provision and administration of human
services training by Youth Research Incor-
porated pursuant to an agreement with the
office of children and family services.
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
237 12650-03-0
office of children and family services
contained in the aid to localities budget
bill, and (ii) the director of the budget
has determined that those aid to locali-
ties appropriations as finally acted on by
the legislature are sufficient for the
ensuing fiscal year.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state
finance law and any other provision of law
to the contrary, the director of the budg-
et may, upon the advice of the commission-
er of children and family services,
authorize the transfer or interchange of
moneys appropriated herein with any other
state operations or aid to localities -
general fund or state special revenue
other fund appropriation (15016).
Contractual services (51000) ................... 7,535,000
Program account subtotal .................. 19,299,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Multiagency Training Contract Account - 21989
For services and expenses related to the
operation of the training and development
program including, but not limited to,
personal service, fringe benefits and
nonpersonal service. To the extent that
costs incurred through payment from this
appropriation result from training activ-
ities performed on behalf of the office of
children and family services, the office
of temporary and disability assistance,
the department of health, the department
of labor or any other state or local agen-
cy, expenditures made from this appropri-
ation shall be reduced by any federal,
238 12650-03-0
state, or local funding available for such
purpose in accordance with a cost allo-
cation plan submitted to the federal
government. No expenditure shall be made
from this account until an expenditure
plan has been approved by the director of
the budget.
For trainee travel reimbursement payments to
counties and voluntary agencies for
employees receiving training from the
office of children and family services, up
to the limits stated in the OCFS travel
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
office of children and family services
contained in the aid to localities budget
bill, and (ii) the director of the budget
has determined that those aid to locali-
ties appropriations as finally acted on by
the legislature are sufficient for the
ensuing fiscal year.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (13984).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 2,346,000
Contractual services (51000) .................. 18,849,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 979,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 65,000
239 12650-03-0
Total amount available ...................... 22,239,000
For services and expenses related to the
provision and administration of human
services training by Youth Research Incor-
porated pursuant to an agreement with the
office of children and family services.
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
office of children and family services
contained in the aid to localities budget
bill, and (ii) the director of the budget
has determined that those aid to locali-
ties appropriations as finally acted on by
the legislature are sufficient for the
ensuing fiscal year.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state
finance law and any other provision of law
to the contrary, the director of the budg-
et may, upon the advice of the commission-
er of children and family services,
authorize the transfer or interchange of
moneys appropriated herein with any other
state operations or aid to localities -
general fund or state special revenue
other fund appropriation (15016).
Contractual services (51000) ................... 6,165,000
Program account subtotal .................. 28,404,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
State Match Account - 21967
240 12650-03-0
For services and expenses related to the
training and development program. Of the
amount appropriated herein, $1,500,000 may
be used only to provide state match for
federal training funds in accordance with
an agreement with social services
districts including, but not limited to,
the city of New York. Any agreement with a
social services district is subject to the
approval of the director of the budget. No
expenditure shall be made from this
account for personal service costs. No
expenditure shall be made from this
account until an expenditure plan for this
purpose has been approved by the director
of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (13984).
Contractual services (51000) ................... 4,000,000
Program account subtotal ................... 4,000,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Training, Management and Evaluation Account - 21961
For services and expenses related to the
training and development program. Of the
amount appropriated herein, the office
shall expend not less than $359,000 for
services and expenses of child abuse
241 12650-03-0
prevention training pursuant to chapters
676 and 677 of the laws of 1985. No
expenditure shall be made from this
account for any purpose until an expendi-
ture plan has been approved by the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (13984).
Personal service (50100) ....................... 3,245,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 20,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 12,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,854,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 92,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 1,565,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 102,000
Program account subtotal ................... 6,890,000
Enterprise Funds
Agencies Enterprise Fund
Training Materials Account - 50306
For services and expenses related to publi-
cation and sale of training materials.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
242 12650-03-0
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (13984).
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 200,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 200,000
YOUTH FACILITIES PROGRAM ................................... 159,520,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses related to the
youth facilities program including the New
York model treatment program for youth in
the care of the office of children and
family services, in office of children and
family services facilities and in the
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state
finance law and any other provision of law
to the contrary, the director of the budg-
et may, upon the advice of the commission-
er of children and family services,
authorize the transfer or interchange of
moneys appropriated herein with any other
state operations - general fund appropri-
ation within the office of children and
family services except where transfer or
interchange of appropriations is prohibit-
ed or otherwise restricted by law.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the director of the budg-
et is authorized to waive the 50 percent
local share of youth facility costs
required under subdivision 2 of section
529 of the executive law, as necessary,
for statements of obligations issued to
243 12650-03-0
limit the total amount owed from local
social services districts for services
provided in a calendar year to no more
than $55,000,000. Provided, however, that
for the city of New York, a waiver of any
reimbursement due to the state above the
city of New York's pro-rata share of the
$55,000,000 shall only be granted to the
extent that the director of the budget has
executed an agreement with the city of New
York that provides for a total additional
investment from the preceding year in
homeless assistance and services in the
amount of at least $440,000,000 for the
period commencing July 1, 2014 through
such date as shall be determined by the
director of the budget, of which the city
of New York shall directly fund
$220,000,000 and shall also fund the
remaining $220,000,000 with estimated
savings associated with the state's waiver
of the local share of youth facility costs
authorized herein, and provided that the
office of temporary and disability assist-
ance will commence its regular review and
audit to make sure the city of New York is
in compliance with all applicable state
and federal regulations in relation to the
appropriate care of the homeless, and
provided further that such funds shall not
be used to supplant any of the city of New
York's funds for such services, as deter-
mined by the director of the budget. Such
eligible homeless assistance and services
shall be limited to the city of New York's
costs for living in communities (LINC) 3,
LINC 4, and LINC 5 rental assistance
programs and/or any other new rental
assistance for the homeless program imple-
mented after July 1, 2014, pursuant to a
plan submitted by the city of New York and
approved by the office of temporary and
disability assistance and the director of
the budget. The city of New York shall
submit monthly reports to the director of
the budget and the office of temporary and
disability assistance indicating the
number of recipients served under each
program and the amount spent on each
program for the given month, and shall
244 12650-03-0
submit a year-end report with cumulative
calendar year costs by March 31, 2021.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
office of children and family services
contained in the aid to localities budget
bill, and (ii) the director of the budget
has determined that those aid to locali-
ties appropriations as finally acted on by
the legislature are sufficient for the
ensuing fiscal year.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, the amounts appropriated herein
shall be net of refunds, rebates,
reimbursements, credits, repayments,
and/or disallowances (13945).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............ 106,851,000
Temporary service (50200) ...................... 3,574,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .......... 9,652,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................ 13,892,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 670,000
Contractual services (51000) .................. 23,632,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 834,000
Program account subtotal ................. 159,105,000
245 12650-03-0
Enterprise Funds
Youth Commissary Account
DFY Account - 50000
For services and expenses related to facili-
ty commissary supplies and services and
expenses related to facility vocational
business enterprises.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (13945).
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 175,000
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 50,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 90,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 315,000
Internal Service Funds
Youth Vocational Education Account
DFY Account - 55150
For services and expenses related to voca-
tional programs at office facilities.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
246 12650-03-0
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (13945).
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 25,000
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 25,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 50,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 100,000
247 12650-03-0
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
Head Start Grant Account - 25181
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the head start collaboration
project grant program (14037).
Personal service (50000) ... 215,000 .................. (re. $203,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 211,000 ............... (re. $211,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 94,000 ..................... (re. $89,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 8,000 ........................ (re. $8,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Combined Expendable Trust Fund
Grants and Bequests Account - 20145
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to research, evaluation and demon-
stration projects, including fringe benefits (81001).
Personal service--regular (50100) ... 36,000 ........... (re. $36,000)
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 100,000 ............ (re. $100,000)
Travel (54000) ... 15,000 .............................. (re. $15,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 121,000 .............. (re. $121,000)
Equipment (56000) ... 19,000 ........................... (re. $19,000)
Fringe benefits (60000) ... 17,000 ..................... (re. $17,000)
Indirect costs (58800) ... 1,000 ........................ (re. $1,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
OCFS Program Account - 22111
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2008:
For services and expenses related to the support of health and social
services programs (81001).
Contractual services (51000) ... 5,000,000 ............ (re. $540,000)
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For services and expenses related to administering activities includ-
ing but not limited to the inspection of child care providers pursu-
ant to the child care and development block grant act of 2014.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, funds appropri-
ated herein shall only be available upon approval of an expenditure
plan by the director of the budget.
248 12650-03-0
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other
provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may,
upon the advice of the commissioner of children and family services,
authorize the transfer or interchange of moneys appropriated herein
with any other state operations - general fund appropriation within
the office of children and family services except where transfer or
interchange of appropriations is prohibited or otherwise restricted
by law.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the money hereby appropri-
ated may be interchanged or transferred, without limit, to local
assistance and/or any appropriation of the office of children and
family services, and may be increased or decreased without limit by
transfer or suballocation between these appropriated amounts and
appropriations of any department, agency or public authority related
to the operation of the justice center for the protection of people
with special needs with the approval of the director of the budget
who shall file such approval with the department of audit and
control and copies thereof with the chairman of the senate finance
committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the money hereby appropri-
ated including any funds transferred by the office of temporary and
disability assistance special revenue funds - federal / aid to
localities federal health and human services fund, federal temporary
assistance to needy families block grant funds at the request of the
local social services districts and, upon approval of the director
of the budget, transfer of federal temporary assistance for needy
families block grant funds made available from the New York works
compliance fund program or otherwise specifically appropriated
therefor, in combination with the money appropriated in the general
fund / aid to localities local assistance account, appropriated for
the state block grant for child care shall constitute the state
block grant for child care. Pursuant to title 5-C of article 6 of
the social services law, the state block grant for child care shall
be used for child care assistance and for activities to increase the
availability and/or quality of child care programs.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2016-17 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated.
Notwithstanding any provision of articles 153, 154 and 163 of the
education law, there shall be an exemption from the professional
licensure requirements of such articles, and nothing contained in
such articles, or in any other provisions of law related to the
licensure requirements of persons licensed under those articles,
shall prohibit or limit the activities or services of any person in
the employ of a program or service operated, certified, regulated,
funded, approved by, or under contract with the office of children
and family services, a local governmental unit as such term is
249 12650-03-0
defined in article 41 of the mental hygiene law, and/or a local
social services district as defined in section 61 of the social
services law, and all such entities shall be considered to be
approved settings for the receipt of supervised experience for the
professions governed by articles 153, 154 and 163 of the education
law, and furthermore, no such entity shall be required to apply for
nor be required to receive a waiver pursuant to section 6503-a of
the education law in order to perform any activities or provide any
services (13950).
Contractual services (51000) ... 10,000,000 ........ (re. $10,000,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
Federal Day Care Account - 25175
The appropriation made by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019, is
hereby amended and reappropriated to read:
Funds appropriated herein shall be available for aid to munici-
palities, for services and expenses related to administering activ-
ities under the child care block grant and for payments to the
federal government for expenditures made pursuant to the social
services law and the state plan for individual and family grant
program under the disaster relief act of 1974.
Such funds are to be available for payment of aid, services and
expenses heretofore accrued or hereafter to accrue to munici-
palities. [Subject to the approval of the director of the budget,
such funds shall be available to the office net of disallowances,
refunds, reimbursements, and credits] NOTWITHSTANDING ANY PROVISION
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the amount herein
appropriated may be transferred to any other appropriation within
the office of children and family services and/or the office of
temporary and disability assistance and/or suballocated to the
office of temporary and disability assistance for the purpose of
paying local social services districts' costs of the above program
and may be increased or decreased by interchange with any other
appropriation or with any other item or items within the amounts
appropriated within the office of children and family services
general fund - local assistance account or special revenue funds
federal / aid to localities federal day care account with the
approval of the director of the budget who shall file such approval
with the department of audit and control and copies thereof with the
chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the
assembly ways and means committee.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the money hereby appropri-
ated including any funds transferred by the office of temporary and
disability assistance special revenue funds - federal / aid to
localities federal health and human services fund, federal temporary
assistance to needy families block grant funds at the request of the
250 12650-03-0
local social services districts and, upon approval of the director
of the budget, transfer of federal temporary assistance for needy
families block grant funds made available from the New York works
compliance fund program or otherwise specifically appropriated
therefor, in combination with the money appropriated in the general
fund / aid to localities local assistance account, appropriated for
the state block grant for child care shall constitute the state
block grant for child care. Pursuant to title 5-C of article 6 of
the social services law, the state block grant for child care shall
be used for child care assistance and for activities to increase the
availability and/or quality of child care programs (13950).
Personal service (50000) ... 18,933,000 ............ (re. $18,256,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 22,133,000 ......... (re. $21,658,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 10,184,000 .............. (re. $5,174,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 527,000 ..................... (re. $25,000)
The appropriation made by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018, is
hereby amended and reappropriated to read:
Funds appropriated herein shall be available for aid to munici-
palities, for services and expenses related to administering activ-
ities under the child care block grant and for payments to the
federal government for expenditures made pursuant to the social
services law and the state plan for individual and family grant
program under the disaster relief act of 1974.
Such funds are to be available for payment of aid, services and
expenses heretofore accrued or hereafter to accrue to munici-
palities. [Subject to the approval of the director of the budget,
such funds shall be available to the office net of disallowances,
refunds, reimbursements, and credits] NOTWITHSTANDING ANY PROVISION
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the amount herein
appropriated may be transferred to any other appropriation within
the office of children and family services and/or the office of
temporary and disability assistance and/or suballocated to the
office of temporary and disability assistance for the purpose of
paying local social services districts' costs of the above program
and may be increased or decreased by interchange with any other
appropriation or with any other item or items within the amounts
appropriated within the office of children and family services
general fund - local assistance account or special revenue funds
federal / aid to localities federal day care account with the
approval of the director of the budget who shall file such approval
with the department of audit and control and copies thereof with the
chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the
assembly ways and means committee.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the money hereby appropri-
ated including any funds transferred by the office of temporary and
disability assistance special revenue funds - federal / aid to
localities federal health and human services fund, federal temporary
251 12650-03-0
assistance to needy families block grant funds at the request of the
local social services districts and, upon approval of the director
of the budget, transfer of federal temporary assistance for needy
families block grant funds made available from the New York works
compliance fund program or otherwise specifically appropriated
therefor, in combination with the money appropriated in the general
fund / aid to localities local assistance account, appropriated for
the state block grant for child care shall constitute the state
block grant for child care. Pursuant to title 5-C of article 6 of
the social services law, the state block grant for child care shall
be used for child care assistance and for activities to increase the
availability and/or quality of child care programs (13950).
Personal service (50000) ... 18,933,000 ............... (re. $105,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 22,133,000 ......... (re. $12,405,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 10,184,000 ................ (re. $946,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 527,000 ..................... (re. $23,000)
The appropriation made by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017, is
hereby amended and reappropriated to read:
Funds appropriated herein shall be available for aid to munici-
palities, for services and expenses related to administering activ-
ities under the child care block grant and for payments to the
federal government for expenditures made pursuant to the social
services law and the state plan for individual and family grant
program under the disaster relief act of 1974.
Such funds are to be available for payment of aid, services and
expenses heretofore accrued or hereafter to accrue to municipali-
ties.[Subject to the approval of the director of the budget, such
funds shall be available to the office net of disallowances,
refunds, reimbursements, and credits] NOTWITHSTANDING ANY PROVISION
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the amount herein
appropriated may be transferred to any other appropriation within
the office of children and family services and/or the office of
temporary and disability assistance and/or suballocated to the
office of temporary and disability assistance for the purpose of
paying local social services districts' costs of the above program
and may be increased or decreased by interchange with any other
appropriation or with any other item or items within the amounts
appropriated within the office of children and family services
general fund - local assistance account or special revenue funds
federal / aid to localities federal day care account with the
approval of the director of the budget who shall file such approval
with the department of audit and control and copies thereof with the
chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the
assembly ways and means committee.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the money hereby appropri-
ated including any funds transferred by the office of temporary and
disability assistance special revenue funds - federal / aid to
252 12650-03-0
localities federal health and human services fund, federal temporary
assistance to needy families block grant funds at the request of the
local social services districts and, upon approval of the director
of the budget, transfer of federal temporary assistance for needy
families block grant funds made available from the New York works
compliance fund program or otherwise specifically appropriated
therefor, in combination with the money appropriated in the general
fund / aid to localities local assistance account, appropriated for
the state block grant for child care shall constitute the state
block grant for child care. Pursuant to title 5-C of article 6 of
the social services law, the state block grant for child care shall
be used for child care assistance and for activities to increase the
availability and/or quality of child care programs.
Notwithstanding any provision of articles 153, 154 and 163 of the
education law, there shall be an exemption from the professional
licensure requirements of such articles, and nothing contained in
such articles, or in any other provisions of law related to the
licensure requirements of persons licensed under those articles,
shall prohibit or limit the activities or services of any person in
the employ of a program or service operated, certified, regulated,
funded, approved by, or under contract with the office of children
and family services, a local governmental unit as such term is
defined in article 41 of the mental hygiene law, and/or a local
social services district as defined in section 61 of the social
services law, and all such entities shall be considered to be
approved settings for the receipt of supervised experience for the
professions governed by articles 153, 154 and 163 of the education
law, and furthermore, no such entity shall be required to apply for
nor be required to receive a waiver pursuant to section 6503-a of
the education law in order to perform any activities or provide any
services (13950).
Personal service (50000) ... 18,933,000 ............. (re. $1,788,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 22,133,000 ......... (re. $11,190,000)
The appropriation made by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016, as
amended by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019, is hereby
amended and reappropriated to read:
Funds appropriated herein shall be available for aid to munici-
palities, for services and expenses related to administering activ-
ities under the child care block grant and for payments to the
federal government for expenditures made pursuant to the social
services law and the state plan for individual and family grant
program under the disaster relief act of 1974.
Such funds are to be available for payment of aid, services and
expenses heretofore accrued or hereafter to accrue to munici-
palities. [Subject to the approval of the director of the budget,
such funds shall be available to the office net of disallowances,
refunds, reimbursements, and credits] NOTWITHSTANDING ANY PROVISION
253 12650-03-0
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the amount herein
appropriated may be transferred to any other appropriation within
the office of children and family services and/or the office of
temporary and disability assistance and/or suballocated to the
office of temporary and disability assistance for the purpose of
paying local social services districts' costs of the above program
and may be increased or decreased by interchange with any other
appropriation or with any other item or items within the amounts
appropriated within the office of children and family services
general fund - local assistance account or special revenue funds
federal / aid to localities federal day care account with the
approval of the director of the budget who shall file such approval
with the department of audit and control and copies thereof with the
chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the
assembly ways and means committee.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the money hereby appropri-
ated including any funds transferred by the office of temporary and
disability assistance special revenue funds - federal / aid to
localities federal health and human services fund, federal temporary
assistance to needy families block grant funds at the request of the
local social services districts and, upon approval of the director
of the budget, transfer of federal temporary assistance for needy
families block grant funds made available from the New York works
compliance fund program or otherwise specifically appropriated
therefor, in combination with the money appropriated in the general
fund / aid to localities local assistance account, appropriated for
the state block grant for child care shall constitute the state
block grant for child care. Pursuant to title 5-C of article 6 of
the social services law, the state block grant for child care shall
be used for child care assistance and for activities to increase the
availability and/or quality of child care programs.
Notwithstanding any provision of articles 153, 154 and 163 of the
education law, there shall be an exemption from the professional
licensure requirements of such articles, and nothing contained in
such articles, or in any other provisions of law related to the
licensure requirements of persons licensed under those articles,
shall prohibit or limit the activities or services of any person in
the employ of a program or service operated, certified, regulated,
funded, approved by, or under contract with the office of children
and family services, a local governmental unit as such term is
defined in article 41 of the mental hygiene law, and/or a local
social services district as defined in section 61 of the social
services law, and all such entities shall be considered to be
approved settings for the receipt of supervised experience for the
professions governed by articles 153, 154 and 163 of the education
law, and furthermore, no such entity shall be required to apply for
nor be required to receive a waiver pursuant to section 6503-a of
the education law in order to perform any activities or provide any
services (13950).
Personal service (50000) ... 18,905,500 ............. (re. $1,034,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 22,133,000 ......... (re. $13,063,000)
254 12650-03-0
The appropriation made by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2015, is
hereby amended and reappropriated to read:
Funds appropriated herein shall be available for aid to munici-
palities, for services and expenses related to administering activ-
ities under the child care block grant and for payments to the
federal government for expenditures made pursuant to the social
services law and the state plan for individual and family grant
program under the disaster relief act of 1974.
Such funds are to be available for payment of aid, services and
expenses heretofore accrued or hereafter to accrue to munici-
palities. [Subject to the approval of the director of the budget,
such funds shall be available to the office net of disallowances,
refunds, reimbursements, and credits] NOTWITHSTANDING ANY PROVISION
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the amount herein
appropriated may be transferred to any other appropriation within
the office of children and family services and/or the office of
temporary and disability assistance and/or suballocated to the
office of temporary and disability assistance for the purpose of
paying local social services districts' costs of the above program
and may be increased or decreased by interchange with any other
appropriation or with any other item or items within the amounts
appropriated within the office of children and family services
general fund - local assistance account or special revenue funds
federal / aid to localities federal day care account with the
approval of the director of the budget who shall file such approval
with the department of audit and control and copies thereof with the
chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the
assembly ways and means committee.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the money hereby appropri-
ated including any funds transferred by the office of temporary and
disability assistance special revenue funds - federal / aid to
localities federal health and human services fund, federal temporary
assistance to needy families block grant funds at the request of the
local social services districts and, upon approval of the director
of the budget, transfer of federal temporary assistance for needy
families block grant funds made available from the New York works
compliance fund program or otherwise specifically appropriated
therefor, in combination with the money appropriated in the general
fund / aid to localities local assistance account, appropriated for
the state block grant for child care shall constitute the state
block grant for child care. Pursuant to title 5-C of article 6 of
the social services law, the state block grant for child care shall
be used for child care assistance and for activities to increase the
availability and/or quality of child care programs (13950).
Personal service (50000) ... 16,780,000 ............... (re. $739,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 24,785,300 ......... (re. $13,386,000)
255 12650-03-0
The appropriation made by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014, is
hereby amended and reappropriated to read:
Funds appropriated herein shall be available for aid to munici-
palities, for services and expenses related to administering activ-
ities under the child care block grant and for payments to the
federal government for expenditures made pursuant to the social
services law and the state plan for individual and family grant
program under the disaster relief act of 1974.
Such funds are to be available for payment of aid, services and
expenses heretofore accrued or hereafter to accrue to munici-
palities. [Subject to the approval of the director of the budget,
such funds shall be available to the office net of disallowances,
refunds, reimbursements, and credits] NOTWITHSTANDING ANY PROVISION
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the amount herein
appropriated may be transferred to any other appropriation within
the office of children and family services and/or the office of
temporary and disability assistance and/or suballocated to the
office of temporary and disability assistance for the purpose of
paying local social services districts' costs of the above program
and may be increased or decreased by interchange with any other
appropriation or with any other item or items within the amounts
appropriated within the office of children and family services
general fund - local assistance account or special revenue funds
federal / aid to localities federal day care account with the
approval of the director of the budget who shall file such approval
with the department of audit and control and copies thereof with the
chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the
assembly ways and means committee.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the money hereby appropri-
ated including any funds transferred by the office of temporary and
disability assistance special revenue funds - federal / aid to
localities federal health and human services fund, federal temporary
assistance to needy families block grant funds at the request of the
local social services districts and, upon approval of the director
of the budget, transfer of federal temporary assistance for needy
families block grant funds made available from the New York works
compliance fund program or otherwise specifically appropriated
therefor, in combination with the money appropriated in the general
fund / aid to localities local assistance account, appropriated for
the state block grant for child care shall constitute the state
block grant for child care. Pursuant to title 5-C of article 6 of
the social services law, the state block grant for child care shall
be used for child care assistance and for activities to increase the
availability and/or quality of child care programs (13950).
Personal service (50000) ... 16,780,000 ............. (re. $1,245,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 26,911,300 ......... (re. $16,332,000)
256 12650-03-0
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses related to personal services, related
fringe, indirect, and non-personal service associated to extending
the Adult Protective Services line to accept calls for a minimum of
three additional hours per day. Such hours shall be from 5 pm to 8pm
Monday through Friday for the purpose of addressing elder abuse
(15259) ... 326,000 ................................. (re. $312,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
Discretionary Demonstration Account - 25103
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to administering federal health and
human services discretionary demonstration program grants and grants
from the national center on child abuse and neglect.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the defi-
nition of "abused child" contained in section 1012 of the family
court act shall be deemed to include any child whose parent or
person legally responsible for their care permits or encourages such
child engage in any act, or commits or allows to be committed
against such child any offense, that would render such child either
a victim of "sex trafficking" or a victim of "severe forms of traf-
ficking in persons" pursuant to 22 U.S.C. 7102 as enacted by P.L.
106-386, or any successor federal statute(13954).
Personal service (50000) ... 2,358,000 .............. (re. $2,332,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 10,155,000 ......... (re. $10,154,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 1,021,000 ............... (re. $1,007,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 25,000 ...................... (re. $24,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses related to administering federal health and
human services discretionary demonstration program grants and grants
from the national center on child abuse and neglect.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the defi-
nition of "abused child" contained in section 1012 of the family
court act shall be deemed to include any child whose parent or
person legally responsible for their care permits or encourages such
child engage in any act, or commits or allows to be committed
against such child any offense, that would render such child either
a victim of "sex trafficking" or a victim of "severe forms of traf-
ficking in persons" pursuant to 22 U.S.C. 7102 as enacted by P.L.
106-386, or any successor federal statute (13954).
Personal service (50000) ... 2,358,000 .............. (re. $2,217,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 10,155,000 .......... (re. $9,819,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 1,021,000 ................. (re. $936,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 25,000 ...................... (re. $18,000)
257 12650-03-0
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses related to administering federal health and
human services discretionary demonstration program grants and grants
from the national center on child abuse and neglect.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the defi-
nition of "abused child" contained in section 1012 of the family
court act shall be deemed to include any child whose parent or
person legally responsible for their care permits or encourages such
child engage in any act, or commits or allows to be committed
against such child any offense, that would render such child either
a victim of "sex trafficking" or a victim of "severe forms of traf-
ficking in persons" pursuant to 22 U.S.C. 7102 as enacted by P.L.
106-386, or any successor federal statute (13954).
Personal service (50000) ... 2,358,000 .............. (re. $2,066,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 10,155,000 .......... (re. $7,083,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 1,021,000 ................. (re. $845,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 25,000 ...................... (re. $11,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For services and expenses related to administering federal health and
human services discretionary demonstration program grants and grants
from the national center on child abuse and neglect (13954).
Personal service (50000) ... 2,350,000 .............. (re. $2,148,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 10,155,000 .......... (re. $6,584,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 1,017,000 ................. (re. $896,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 25,000 ...................... (re. $18,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2015:
For services and expenses related to administering federal health and
human services discretionary demonstration program grants and grants
from the national center on child abuse and neglect (13954).
Personal service (50000) ... 2,350,000 .............. (re. $2,061,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 10,155,000 .......... (re. $5,639,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 1,017,000 ................. (re. $775,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 25,000 ...................... (re. $10,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014:
For services and expenses related to administering federal health and
human services discretionary demonstration program grants and grants
from the national center on child abuse and neglect (13954).
Personal service (50000) ... 2,350,000 .............. (re. $2,300,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013:
For services and expenses related to administering federal health and
human services discretionary demonstration program grants and grants
from the national center on child abuse and neglect (13954).
Personal service (50000) ... 2,350,000 .............. (re. $1,946,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 10,155,000 .......... (re. $5,364,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
258 12650-03-0
Early Childhood Development Account - 25135
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to administering federal health and
human services grants related to early childhood development
Personal service (50000) ... 500,000 .................. (re. $480,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 14,159,200 ......... (re. $12,487,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 315,100 ................... (re. $304,000)
Indirect costs (58850) 25,700 .......................... (re. $25,000)
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses of service and training programs for the
blind, including, but not limited to, state match of federal funds
made available under various provisions of the federal vocational
rehabilitation act and the federal randolph sheppard act and
supportive services for blind children and blind elderly persons.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other
provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may,
upon the advice of the commissioner of children and family services,
authorize the transfer or interchange of moneys appropriated herein
with any other state operations - general fund appropriation within
the office of children and family services except where transfer or
interchange of appropriations is prohibited or otherwise restricted
by law.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2019-20 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13953).
Personal service--regular (50100) ... 2,197,000 ....... (re. $634,000)
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ... 12,000 ........ (re. $9,000)
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 8,000 ................ (re. $7,000)
Travel (54000) ... 5,000 ................................ (re. $3,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 6,002,000 .......... (re. $5,861,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses of service and training programs for the
blind, including, but not limited to, state match of federal funds
made available under various provisions of the federal vocational
rehabilitation act and the federal randolph sheppard act and
supportive services for blind children and blind elderly persons.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other
provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may,
259 12650-03-0
upon the advice of the commissioner of children and family services,
authorize the transfer or interchange of moneys appropriated herein
with any other state operations - general fund appropriation within
the office of children and family services except where transfer or
interchange of appropriations is prohibited or otherwise restricted
by law.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2018-19 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13953).
Personal service--regular (50100) ... 2,197,000 ....... (re. $107,000)
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ... 12,000 ........ (re. $6,000)
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 8,000 ................ (re. $1,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 6,002,000 .......... (re. $2,503,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses of service and training programs for the
blind, including, but not limited to, state match of federal funds
made available under various provisions of the federal vocational
rehabilitation act and the federal randolph sheppard act and
supportive services for blind children and blind elderly persons.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other
provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may,
upon the advice of the commissioner of children and family services,
authorize the transfer or interchange of moneys appropriated herein
with any other state operations - general fund appropriation within
the office of children and family services except where transfer or
interchange of appropriations is prohibited or otherwise restricted
by law.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2017-18 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13953).
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ... 12,000 ........ (re. $6,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 6,002,000 ............. (re. $64,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses of service and training programs for the
blind, including, but not limited to, state match of federal funds
made available under various provisions of the federal vocational
rehabilitation act and the federal randolph sheppard act and
supportive services for blind children and blind elderly persons.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other
provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may,
260 12650-03-0
upon the advice of the commissioner of children and family services,
authorize the transfer or interchange of moneys appropriated herein
with any other state operations - general fund appropriation within
the office of children and family services except where transfer or
interchange of appropriations is prohibited or otherwise restricted
by law.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2016-17 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13953).
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 8,000 ................ (re. $3,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 6,502,000 ............ (re. $251,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Education Fund
OCFS Vocational Rehabilitation Payments Account - 25207
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the New York state commission for
the blind.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the money
hereby appropriated may be interchanged or transferred, without
limit, to any special revenue funds federal account and/or any
appropriation of the office of children and family services, and may
be increased or decreased without limit by transfer between these
appropriated amounts and appropriations (13953).
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 1,200,000 ............. (re. $287,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Education Fund
Rehabilitation Services/Basic Support Account - 25213
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the New York state commission for
the blind including transfer or suballocation to the state education
department. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the
contrary, the money hereby appropriated may be interchanged or
transferred, without limit, to any special revenue funds federal
account and/or any appropriation of the office of children and fami-
ly services, and may be increased or decreased without limit by
transfer between these appropriated amounts and appropriations. A
portion of the funds appropriated herein may be suballocated to the
dormitory authority of the state of New York, in accordance with a
plan approved by the division of the budget, to design, construct,
reconstruct, rehabilitate, renovate, furnish, equip or otherwise
improve vending stands for the blind enterprise program pursuant to
an agreement between the New York state commission for the blind and
the dormitory authority, which may contain such other terms and
261 12650-03-0
conditions as may be agreed upon by the parties thereto, including
provisions related to indemnities. All contracts for construction
awarded by the dormitory authority pursuant to this appropriation
shall be governed by article 8 of the labor law and shall be awarded
in accordance with the authority's procurement contract guidelines
adopted pursuant to section 2879 of the public authorities law
Personal service (50000) ... 8,507,000 .............. (re. $8,507,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 22,840,000 ......... (re. $22,840,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses related to the New York state commission for
the blind including transfer or suballocation to the state education
department. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the
contrary, the money hereby appropriated may be interchanged or
transferred, without limit, to any special revenue funds federal
account and/or any appropriation of the office of children and fami-
ly services, and may be increased or decreased without limit by
transfer between these appropriated amounts and appropriations. A
portion of the funds appropriated herein may be suballocated to the
dormitory authority of the state of New York, in accordance with a
plan approved by the division of the budget, to design, construct,
reconstruct, rehabilitate, renovate, furnish, equip or otherwise
improve vending stands for the blind enterprise program pursuant to
an agreement between the New York state commission for the blind and
the dormitory authority, which may contain such other terms and
conditions as may be agreed upon by the parties thereto, including
provisions related to indemnities. All contracts for construction
awarded by the dormitory authority pursuant to this appropriation
shall be governed by article 8 of the labor law and shall be awarded
in accordance with the authority's procurement contract guidelines
adopted pursuant to section 2879 of the public authorities law
Personal service (50000) ... 8,507,000 .............. (re. $2,439,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 22,840,000 ......... (re. $17,974,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses related to the New York state commission for
the blind including transfer or suballocation to the state education
department. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the
contrary, the money hereby appropriated may be interchanged or
transferred, without limit, to any special revenue funds federal
account and/or any appropriation of the office of children and fami-
ly services, and may be increased or decreased without limit by
transfer between these appropriated amounts and appropriations. A
portion of the funds appropriated herein may be suballocated to the
dormitory authority of the state of New York, in accordance with a
plan approved by the division of the budget, to design, construct,
reconstruct, rehabilitate, renovate, furnish, equip or otherwise
improve vending stands for the blind enterprise program pursuant to
an agreement between the New York state commission for the blind and
262 12650-03-0
the dormitory authority, which may contain such other terms and
conditions as may be agreed upon by the parties thereto, including
provisions related to indemnities. All contracts for construction
awarded by the dormitory authority pursuant to this appropriation
shall be governed by article 8 of the labor law and shall be awarded
in accordance with the authority's procurement contract guidelines
adopted pursuant to section 2879 of the public authorities law
Personal service (50000) ... 8,507,000 .............. (re. $1,336,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 22,840,000 .......... (re. $1,317,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For services and expenses related to the New York state commission for
the blind including transfer or suballocation to the state education
department. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the
contrary, the money hereby appropriated may be interchanged or
transferred, without limit, to any special revenue funds federal
account and/or any appropriation of the office of children and fami-
ly services, and may be increased or decreased without limit by
transfer between these appropriated amounts and appropriations. A
portion of the funds appropriated herein may be suballocated to the
dormitory authority of the state of New York, in accordance with a
plan approved by the division of the budget, to design, construct,
reconstruct, rehabilitate, renovate, furnish, equip or otherwise
improve vending stands for the blind enterprise program pursuant to
an agreement between the New York state commission for the blind and
the dormitory authority, which may contain such other terms and
conditions as may be agreed upon by the parties thereto, including
provisions related to indemnities. All contracts for construction
awarded by the dormitory authority pursuant to this appropriation
shall be governed by article 8 of the labor law and shall be awarded
in accordance with the authority's procurement contract guidelines
adopted pursuant to section 2879 of the public authorities law
Personal service (50000) ... 8,396,000 ................ (re. $720,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 22,840,000 .......... (re. $5,838,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2015, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For services and expenses related to the New York state commission for
the blind including transfer or suballocation to the state education
department. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the
contrary, the money hereby appropriated may be interchanged or
transferred, without limit, to any special revenue funds federal
account and/or any appropriation of the office of children and fami-
ly services, and may be increased or decreased without limit by
transfer between these appropriated amounts and appropriations. A
portion of the funds appropriated herein may be suballocated to the
dormitory authority of the state of New York, in accordance with a
plan approved by the division of the budget, to design, construct,
reconstruct, rehabilitate, renovate, furnish, equip or otherwise
263 12650-03-0
improve vending stands for the blind enterprise program pursuant to
an agreement between the New York state commission for the blind and
the dormitory authority, which may contain such other terms and
conditions as may be agreed upon by the parties thereto, including
provisions related to indemnities. All contracts for construction
awarded by the dormitory authority pursuant to this appropriation
shall be governed by article 8 of the labor law and shall be awarded
in accordance with the authority's procurement contract guidelines
adopted pursuant to section 2879 of the public authorities law
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 20,079,000 ............ (re. $829,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Combined Expendable Trust Fund
CBVH Gifts and Bequests Account - 20129
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the New York state commission for
the blind (13953).
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 5,000 ................ (re. $5,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 20,000 ................ (re. $20,000)
Equipment (56000) ... 2,000 ............................. (re. $2,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses related to the New York state commission for
the blind (13953).
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 5,000 ................ (re. $5,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 20,000 ................ (re. $20,000)
Equipment (56000) ... 2,000 ............................. (re. $2,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses related to the New York state commission for
the blind (13953).
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 5,000 ................ (re. $5,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 20,000 ................ (re. $20,000)
Equipment (56000) ... 2,000 ............................. (re. $2,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Combined Expendable Trust Fund
CBVH-Vending Stand Account - 20119
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the vending stand program and
pension plan and establishing food service sites.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2019-20 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13953).
264 12650-03-0
Contractual services (51000) ... 543,000 .............. (re. $543,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses related to the vending stand program and
pension plan and establishing food service sites.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2018-19 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13953).
Contractual services (51000) ... 543,000 .............. (re. $543,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses related to the vending stand program and
pension plan and establishing food service sites.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2017-18 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13953).
Contractual services (51000) ... 100,000 ............... (re. $55,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2015, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For services and expenses related to the vending stand program and
pension plan and establishing food service sites.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13953).
Contractual services (51000) ... 100,000 ............... (re. $12,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Combined Expendable Trust Fund
CBVH-Vending Stand Account-Federal - 20126
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the vending stand program and
pension plan and establishing food service sites.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2019-20 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
265 12650-03-0
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13953).
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 200,000 ............ (re. $200,000)
Travel (54000) ... 4,000 ................................ (re. $4,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 546,000 .............. (re. $546,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses related to the vending stand program and
pension plan and establishing food service sites.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2018-19 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13953).
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 200,000 ............ (re. $200,000)
Travel (54000) ... 4,000 ................................ (re. $4,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 546,000 .............. (re. $539,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses related to the vending stand program and
pension plan and establishing food service sites.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2017-18 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13953).
Personal service--regular (50100) ... 50,000 ........... (re. $50,000)
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ... 1,000 ......... (re. $1,000)
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 215,000 ............ (re. $215,000)
Travel (54000) ... 4,000 ................................ (re. $4,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 518,000 ............... (re. $79,000)
Fringe benefits (60000) ... 400,000 ................... (re. $400,000)
Indirect costs (58800) ... 55,000 ...................... (re. $55,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For services and expenses related to the vending stand program and
pension plan and establishing food service sites.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2016-17 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13953).
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ... 1,000 ......... (re. $1,000)
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 215,000 ............ (re. $215,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 518,000 ............... (re. $36,000)
266 12650-03-0
Fringe benefits (60000) ... 400,000 ................... (re. $386,000)
Indirect costs (58800) ... 55,000 ...................... (re. $55,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Combined Expendable Trust Fund
CBVH-Vending Stand Account-State - 20146
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the vending stand program and
pension plan and establishing food service sites.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2019-20 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13953).
Contractual services (51000) ... 100,000 .............. (re. $100,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses related to the vending stand program and
pension plan and establishing food service sites.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2018-19 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13953).
Contractual services (51000) ... 100,000 ................ (re. $5,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses related to the vending stand program and
pension plan and establishing food service sites.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2017-18 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13953).
Contractual services (51000) ... 50,000 ................. (re. $3,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For services and expenses related to the vending stand program and
pension plan and establishing food service sites.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2016-17 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
267 12650-03-0
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13953).
Contractual services (51000) ... 50,000 ................. (re. $5,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
CBVH Highway Revenue Account - 22108
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses of programs that support the blind.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2019-20 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13953).
Contractual services (51000) ... 500,000 .............. (re. $500,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses of programs that support the blind.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2018-19 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13953).
Contractual services (51000) ... 500,000 .............. (re. $496,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses of programs that support the blind.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2017-18 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13953).
Contractual services (51000) ... 500,000 .............. (re. $494,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For services and expenses of programs that support the blind.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2016-17 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13953).
Contractual services (51000) ... 500,000 .............. (re. $374,000)
268 12650-03-0
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the systems support program.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other
provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may,
upon the advice of the commissioner of children and family services,
authorize the transfer or interchange of moneys appropriated herein
with any other state operations - general fund appropriation within
the office of children and family services except where transfer or
interchange of appropriations is prohibited or otherwise restricted
by law.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2019-20 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (14020).
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 25,000 .............. (re. $13,000)
Travel (54000) ... 48,000 .............................. (re. $48,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 2,400,000 .......... (re. $1,696,000)
Equipment (56000) ... 25,000 ........................... (re. $25,000)
For the non-federal share of services and expenses for the continued
maintenance of the statewide automated child welfare information
system; to operate the statewide automated child welfare information
system; and for the continued development of the statewide automated
child welfare information system. Of the amounts appropriated here-
in, a portion may be available for suballocation to the office of
information technology services for the administration of independ-
ent verification and validation services for child welfare systems
operated or developed by the office of children and family services.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, funds appropri-
ated herein shall only be available upon approval of an expenditure
plan by the director of the budget.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other
provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may,
upon the advice of the commissioner of children and family services,
authorize the transfer or interchange of moneys appropriated herein
with any other state operations - general fund appropriation within
the office of children and family services except where transfer or
interchange of appropriations is prohibited or otherwise restricted
by law.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2019-20 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
269 12650-03-0
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13986).
Personal service--regular (50100) ... 153,000 .......... (re. $52,000)
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 129,000 ............ (re. $120,000)
Travel (54000) ... 129,000 ............................. (re. $78,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 8,706,000 .......... (re. $7,459,000)
Equipment (56000) ... 846,000 ......................... (re. $846,000)
The appropriation made by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018, is
hereby amended and reappropriated to read:
For the non-federal share of services and expenses for the continued
maintenance of the statewide automated child welfare information
system; to operate the statewide automated child welfare information
system; and for the continued development of the statewide automated
child welfare information system. Of the amounts appropriated here-
in, a portion may be available for suballocation to the office of
information technology services for the administration of independ-
ent verification and validation services for child welfare systems
operated or developed by the office of children and family services.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, funds appropri-
ated herein shall only be available upon approval of an expenditure
plan by the director of the budget.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other
provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may,
upon the advice of the commissioner of children and family services,
authorize the transfer or interchange of moneys appropriated herein
with any other state operations - general fund appropriation within
the office of children and family services except where transfer or
interchange of appropriations is prohibited or otherwise restricted
by law.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2018-19 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13986).
PERSONAL SERVICE--REGULAR (50100) ... 70,000 ........... (re. $70,000)
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 129,000 ............. (re. $94,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 8,706,000 .......... (re. $4,935,000)
Equipment (56000) ... 846,000 ......................... (re. $846,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the systems support program.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other
provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may,
upon the advice of the commissioner of children and family services,
authorize the transfer or interchange of moneys appropriated herein
with any other state operations - general fund appropriation within
the office of children and family services except where transfer or
270 12650-03-0
interchange of appropriations is prohibited or otherwise restricted
by law.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2018-19 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (14020).
Travel (54000) ... 48,000 .............................. (re. $48,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 2,400,000 ............ (re. $240,000)
Equipment (56000) ... 25,000 ........................... (re. $25,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
Connections Account - 25175
The appropriation made by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019, is
hereby amended and reappropriated to read:
For services and expenses for the statewide automated child welfare
information system including related administrative expenses
provided pursuant to title IV-e of the federal social security act.
Such funds are to be available heretofore accrued and hereafter to
accrue for liabilities associated with the continued maintenance,
operation, and development of the statewide automated child welfare
information system. [Subject to the approval of the director of the
budget, such funds shall be available to the office net of disallow-
ances, refunds, reimbursements, and credits] NOTWITHSTANDING ANY
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 30,593,000 ......... (re. $30,593,000)
The appropriation made by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018, is
hereby amended and reappropriated to read:
For services and expenses for the statewide automated child welfare
information system including related administrative expenses
provided pursuant to title IV-e of the federal social security act.
Such funds are to be available heretofore accrued and hereafter to
accrue for liabilities associated with the continued maintenance,
operation, and development of the statewide automated child welfare
information system. [Subject to the approval of the director of the
budget, such funds shall be available to the office net of disallow-
ances, refunds, reimbursements, and credits] NOTWITHSTANDING ANY
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 30,593,000 ......... (re. $30,593,000)
The appropriation made by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017, is
hereby amended and reappropriated to read:
271 12650-03-0
For services and expenses for the statewide automated child welfare
information system including related administrative expenses
provided pursuant to title IV-e of the federal social security act.
Such funds are to be available heretofore accrued and hereafter to
accrue for liabilities associated with the continued maintenance,
operation, and development of the statewide automated child welfare
information system. [Subject to the approval of the director of the
budget, such funds shall be available to the office net of disallow-
ances, refunds, reimbursements, and credits] NOTWITHSTANDING ANY
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 30,593,000 ......... (re. $29,022,000)
The appropriation made by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016, is
hereby amended and reappropriated to read:
For services and expenses for the statewide automated child welfare
information system including related administrative expenses
provided pursuant to title IV-e of the federal social security act.
Such funds are to be available heretofore accrued and hereafter to
accrue for liabilities associated with the continued maintenance,
operation, and development of the statewide automated child welfare
information system. [Subject to the approval of the director of the
budget, such funds shall be available to the office net of disallow-
ances, refunds, reimbursements, and credits] NOTWITHSTANDING ANY
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 30,593,000 ......... (re. $27,790,000)
The appropriation made by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2015, is
hereby amended and reappropriated to read:
For services and expenses for the statewide automated child welfare
information system including related administrative expenses
provided pursuant to title IV-e of the federal social security act.
Such funds are to be available heretofore accrued and hereafter to
accrue for liabilities associated with the continued maintenance,
operation, and development of the statewide automated child welfare
information system. [Subject to the approval of the director of the
budget, such funds shall be available to the office net of disallow-
ances, refunds, reimbursements, and credits] NOTWITHSTANDING ANY
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 30,593,000 ......... (re. $26,602,000)
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
272 12650-03-0
The appropriation made by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019, is
hereby amended and reappropriated to read:
For services and expenses related to the training and development
program, including but not limited to, child welfare, public assist-
ance and medical assistance training contracts with not-for-profit
agencies or other governmental entities. Of the amount appropriated
herein, a minimum of $257,000 shall be used for the prevention of
domestic violence, of which $135,000 may be used to contract with
the office for the prevention of domestic violence to develop and
implement a training program on the dynamics of domestic violence
and its relationship to child abuse and neglect with particular
emphasis on alternatives to out-of-home placement.
For trainee travel reimbursement payments to counties and voluntary
agencies for employees receiving training from the office of chil-
dren and family services, up to the limits stated in the OCFS travel
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other
provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may,
upon the advice of the commissioner of the office of temporary and
disability assistance and the commissioner of the office of children
and family services, transfer or suballocate any of the amounts
appropriated herein, or made available through interchange to the
office of temporary and disability assistance.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other
provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may,
upon the advice of the commissioner of children and family services,
authorize the transfer or interchange of moneys appropriated herein
with any other state operations - general fund or state special
revenue other fund appropriation within the office of children and
family services except where transfer or interchange of appropri-
ations is prohibited or otherwise restricted by law.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2019-20 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (14075).
Contractual services (51000) .........................................
[15,119,000] 11,946,650 .......................... (re. $10,860,000)
PERSONAL SERVICE--REGULAR (50100) ... 990,000 ........... (re. 81,000)
HOLIDAY/OVERTIME COMPENSATION (50300) ... 10,000 ........ (re. 10,000)
TRAVEL (54000) ... 1,637,350 ......................... (re. 1,446,000)
EQUIPMENT (56000) ... 475,000 .......................... (re. 465,000)
SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS (57000) ... 60,000 ............... (re. 18,000)
For services and expenses related to the provision and administration
of human services training by Youth Research Incorporated pursuant
to an agreement with the office of children and family services.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other
provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may,
upon the advice of the commissioner of children and family services,
273 12650-03-0
authorize the transfer or interchange of moneys appropriated herein
with any other state operations or aid to localities - general fund
or state special revenue other fund appropriation (15016).
Contractual services (51000) ... 4,180,000 .......... (re. $4,180,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the training and development
program, including but not limited to, child welfare, public assist-
ance and medical assistance training contracts with not-for-profit
agencies or other governmental entities. Of the amount appropriated
herein, a minimum of $257,000 shall be used for the prevention of
domestic violence, of which $135,000 may be used to contract with
the office for the prevention of domestic violence to develop and
implement a training program on the dynamics of domestic violence
and its relationship to child abuse and neglect with particular
emphasis on alternatives to out-of-home placement.
For trainee travel reimbursement payments to counties and voluntary
agencies for employees receiving training from the office of chil-
dren and family services, up to the limits stated in the OCFS travel
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other
provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may,
upon the advice of the commissioner of the office of temporary and
disability assistance and the commissioner of the office of children
and family services, transfer or suballocate any of the amounts
appropriated herein, or made available through interchange to the
office of temporary and disability assistance.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other
provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may,
upon the advice of the commissioner of children and family services,
authorize the transfer or interchange of moneys appropriated herein
with any other state operations - general fund or state special
revenue other fund appropriation within the office of children and
family services except where transfer or interchange of appropri-
ations is prohibited or otherwise restricted by law.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2018-19 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (14075).
Contractual services (51000) ... 17,799,000 ........ (re. $17,007,000)
Equipment (56000) ... 1,500,000 ....................... (re. $572,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses related to the training and development
program, including but not limited to, child welfare, public assist-
ance and medical assistance training contracts with not-for-profit
agencies or other governmental entities. Of the amount appropriated
274 12650-03-0
herein, a minimum of $257,000 shall be used for the prevention of
domestic violence, of which $135,000 may be used to contract with
the office for the prevention of domestic violence to develop and
implement a training program on the dynamics of domestic violence
and its relationship to child abuse and neglect with particular
emphasis on alternatives to out-of home-placement.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other
provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may,
upon the advice of the commissioner of the office of temporary and
disability assistance and the commissioner of the office of children
and family services, transfer or suballocate any of the amounts
appropriated herein, or made available through interchange to the
office of temporary and disability assistance.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other
provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may,
upon the advice of the commissioner of children and family services,
authorize the transfer or interchange of moneys appropriated herein
with any other state operations - general fund appropriation within
the office of children and family services except where transfer or
interchange of appropriations is prohibited or otherwise restricted
by law.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2017-18 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (14075).
Contractual services (51000) ... 19,299,000 ......... (re. $2,671,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For services and expenses related to the training and development
program, including but not limited to, child welfare, public assist-
ance and medical assistance training contracts with not-for-profit
agencies or other governmental entities. Of the amount appropriated
herein, a minimum of $257,000 shall be used for the prevention of
domestic violence, of which $135,000 may be used to contract with
the office for the prevention of domestic violence to develop and
implement a training program on the dynamics of domestic violence
and its relationship to child abuse and neglect with particular
emphasis on alternatives to out-of home-placement.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other
provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may,
upon the advice of the commissioner of the office of temporary and
disability assistance and the commissioner of the office of children
and family services, transfer or suballocate any of the amounts
appropriated herein, or made available through interchange to the
office of temporary and disability assistance.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other
provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may,
upon the advice of the commissioner of children and family services,
275 12650-03-0
authorize the transfer or interchange of moneys appropriated herein
with any other state operations - general fund appropriation within
the office of children and family services except where transfer or
interchange of appropriations is prohibited or otherwise restricted
by law.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the money hereby appropri-
ated may be interchanged or transferred, without limit, to local
assistance and/or any appropriation of the office of children and
family services, and may be increased or decreased without limit by
transfer or suballocation between these appropriated amounts and
appropriations of any department, agency or public authority related
to the operation of the justice center for the protection of people
with special needs with the approval of the director of the budget
who shall file such approval with the department of audit and
control and copies thereof with the chairman of the senate finance
committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2016-17 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (14075).
Contractual services (51000) ... 19,299,000 ......... (re. $3,218,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2015:
For the non-federal share of training contracts, including but not
limited to, child welfare, public assistance and medical assistance
training contracts with not-for-profit agencies or other govern-
mental entities. Funds available under this appropriation may be
used only after all available funding from other revenue sources, as
determined by the director of the budget and including, but not
limited to the special revenue funds - other office of children and
family services training, management and evaluation account and the
special revenue fund - other office of children and family services
state match account have been fully expended.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other
provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may,
upon the advice of the commissioner of the office of temporary and
disability assistance and the commissioner of the office of children
and family services, transfer or suballocate any of the amounts
appropriated herein, or made available through interchange to the
office of temporary and disability assistance for the non-federal
share of training contracts.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other
provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may,
upon the advice of the commissioner of children and family services,
authorize the transfer or interchange of moneys appropriated herein
with any other state operations - general fund appropriation within
the office of children and family services except where transfer or
276 12650-03-0
interchange of appropriations is prohibited or otherwise restricted
by law.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the money hereby appropri-
ated may be interchanged or transferred, without limit, to local
assistance and/or any appropriation of the office of children and
family services, and may be increased or decreased without limit by
transfer or suballocation between these appropriated amounts and
appropriations of any department, agency or public authority related
to the operation of the justice center for the protection of people
with special needs with the approval of the director of the budget
who shall file such approval with the department of audit and
control and copies thereof with the chairman of the senate finance
committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (14075).
Contractual services (51000) ... 2,960,000 ............ (re. $864,000)
For the required state match of training contracts including, but not
limited to, child welfare and public assistance training contracts
with not-for-profit agencies or other governmental entities. This
appropriation shall only be used to reduce the required state match
incurred by the office of children and family services, the office
of temporary and disability assistance, the department of health and
the department of labor funded through other sources, provided,
however, that the state match requirement of each agency shall be
reduced in an amount proportional to the use of these moneys to
reduce the overall state match requirement. Funds appropriated here-
in shall not be available for personal services costs of the office
of children and family services, the office of temporary and disa-
bility assistance, the department of health and the department of
labor. Funds available pursuant to this appropriation may be used
only after all available funding from other revenue sources, as
determined by the director of the budget, and including, but not
limited to, the special revenue fund - other office of children and
family services training, management, and evaluation account and the
special revenue fund - other office of children and family services
state match account have been fully expended. Notwithstanding
section 51 of the state finance law and any other provision of law
to the contrary, the director of the budget may upon the advice of
the commissioner of the office of temporary and disability assist-
ance and the commissioner of the office of children and family
services, transfer or suballocate any of the amounts appropriated
herein, or made available through interchange to the office of
temporary and disability assistance for the required state match of
training contracts.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other
provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may,
277 12650-03-0
upon the advice of the commissioner of children and family services,
authorize the transfer or interchange of moneys appropriated herein
with any other state operations - general fund appropriation within
the office of children and family services except where transfer or
interchange of appropriations is prohibited or otherwise restricted
by law.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the money hereby appropri-
ated may be interchanged or transferred, without limit, to local
assistance and/or any appropriation of the office of children and
family services, and may be increased or decreased without limit by
transfer or suballocation between these appropriated amounts and
appropriations of any department, agency or public authority related
to the operation of the justice center for the protection of people
with special needs with the approval of the director of the budget
who shall file such approval with the department of audit and
control and copies thereof with the chairman of the senate finance
committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (14076).
Contractual services (51000) ... 2,082,000 .......... (re. $2,082,000)
For services and expenses for the prevention of domestic violence and
expenses related hereto. Of the amount appropriated, $135,000 may be
used to contract with the office for the prevention of domestic
violence to develop and implement a training program on the dynamics
of domestic violence and its relationship to child abuse and neglect
with particular emphasis on alternatives to out-of home-placement.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other
provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may,
upon the advice of the commissioner of children and family services,
authorize the transfer or interchange of moneys appropriated herein
with any other state operations - general fund appropriation within
the office of children and family services except where transfer or
interchange of appropriations is prohibited or otherwise restricted
by law.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the money hereby appropri-
ated may be interchanged or transferred, without limit, to local
assistance and/or any appropriation of the office of children and
family services, and may be increased or decreased without limit by
transfer or suballocation between these appropriated amounts and
appropriations of any department, agency or public authority related
to the operation of the justice center for the protection of people
with special needs with the approval of the director of the budget
who shall file such approval with the department of audit and
control and copies thereof with the chairman of the senate finance
committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee.
278 12650-03-0
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (14038).
Contractual services (51000) ... 257,000 .............. (re. $224,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Multiagency Training Contract Account - 21989
The appropriation made by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019, is
hereby amended and reappropriated to read:
For services and expenses related to the operation of the training and
development program including, but not limited to, personal service,
fringe benefits and nonpersonal service. To the extent that costs
incurred through payment from this appropriation result from train-
ing activities performed on behalf of the office of children and
family services, the office of temporary and disability assistance,
the department of health, the department of labor or any other state
or local agency, expenditures made from this appropriation shall be
reduced by any federal, state, or local funding available for such
purpose in accordance with a cost allocation plan submitted to the
federal government. No expenditure shall be made from this account
until an expenditure plan has been approved by the director of the
For trainee travel reimbursement payments to counties and voluntary
agencies for employees receiving training from the office of chil-
dren and family services, up to the limits stated in the OCFS travel
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2019-20 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13984).
Personal service--regular (50100) ....................................
[2,346,000] 2,336,000 ............................. (re. $1,272,000)
HOLIDAY/OVERTIME COMPENSATION (50300) ... 10,000 ......... (re. 6,000)
Contractual services (51000) .........................................
[21,594,000] 20,254,350 .......................... (re. $20,179,000)
TRAVEL (54000) ... 1,399,650 ......................... (re. 1,120,000)
Fringe benefits (60000) ... 979,000 .................... (re. $12,000)
Indirect costs (58800) ... 65,000 ....................... (re. $9,000)
For services and expenses related to the provision and administration
of human services training by Youth Research Incorporated pursuant
to an agreement with the office of children and family services.
279 12650-03-0
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other
provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may,
upon the advice of the commissioner of children and family services,
authorize the transfer or interchange of moneys appropriated herein
with any other state operations or aid to localities - general fund
or state special revenue other fund appropriation (15016).
Contractual services (51000) ... 3,420,000 .......... (re. $2,740,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the operation of the training and
development program including, but not limited to, personal service,
fringe benefits and nonpersonal service. To the extent that costs
incurred through payment from this appropriation result from train-
ing activities performed on behalf of the office of children and
family services, the office of temporary and disability assistance,
the department of health, the department of labor or any other state
or local agency, expenditures made from this appropriation shall be
reduced by any federal, state, or local funding available for such
purpose in accordance with a cost allocation plan submitted to the
federal government. No expenditure shall be made from this account
until an expenditure plan has been approved by the director of the
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2018-19 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13984).
Personal service--regular (50100) ... 2,341,000 ....... (re. $406,000)
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ... 5,000 ......... (re. $2,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 25,014,000 ........ (re. $22,660,000)
Fringe benefits (60000) ... 979,000 ................... (re. $267,000)
Indirect costs (58800) ... 65,000 ...................... (re. $13,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the operation of the training and
development program including, but not limited to, personal service,
fringe benefits and nonpersonal service. To the extent that costs
incurred through payment from this appropriation result from train-
ing activities performed on behalf of the office of children and
family services, the office of temporary and disability assistance,
the department of health, the department of labor or any other state
or local agency, expenditures made from this appropriation shall be
reduced by any federal, state, or local funding available for such
purpose in accordance with a cost allocation plan submitted to the
federal government. No expenditure shall be made from this account
until an expenditure plan has been approved by the director of the
280 12650-03-0
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2017-18 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13984).
Personal service--regular (50100) ... 2,341,000 ....... (re. $942,000)
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ... 5,000 ......... (re. $3,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 25,014,000 ........ (re. $17,185,000)
Fringe benefits (60000) ... 979,000 ................... (re. $136,000)
Indirect costs (58800) ... 65,000 ...................... (re. $29,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the operation of the training and
development program including, but not limited to, personal service,
fringe benefits and nonpersonal service. To the extent that costs
incurred through payment from this appropriation result from train-
ing activities performed on behalf of the office of children and
family services, the office of temporary and disability assistance,
the department of health, the department of labor or any other state
or local agency, expenditures made from this appropriation shall be
reduced by any federal, state, or local funding available for such
purpose in accordance with a cost allocation plan submitted to the
federal government. No expenditure shall be made from this account
until an expenditure plan has been approved by the director of the
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2016-17 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13984).
Personal service--regular (50100) ... 2,340,200 ..... (re. $1,093,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 25,014,000 ........ (re. $12,339,000)
Fringe benefits (60000) ... 976,000 ................... (re. $824,000)
Indirect costs (58800) ... 65,300 ...................... (re. $59,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2015:
For services and expenses related to the operation of the training and
development program including, but not limited to, personal service,
fringe benefits and nonpersonal service. To the extent that costs
incurred through payment from this appropriation result from train-
ing activities performed on behalf of the office of children and
family services, the office of temporary and disability assistance,
the department of health, the department of labor or any other state
or local agency, expenditures made from this appropriation shall be
reduced by any federal, state, or local funding available for such
purpose in accordance with a cost allocation plan submitted to the
281 12650-03-0
federal government. No expenditure shall be made from this account
until an expenditure plan has been approved by the director of the
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13984).
Personal service--regular (50100) ... 2,330,000 ..... (re. $1,163,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 36,014,000 ........ (re. $15,558,000)
Fringe benefits (60000) ... 970,000 ................... (re. $121,000)
Indirect costs (58800) ... 65,000 ...................... (re. $19,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
State Match Account - 21967
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the training and development
program. Of the amount appropriated herein, $1,500,000 may be used
only to provide state match for federal training funds in accordance
with an agreement with social services districts including, but not
limited to, the city of New York. Any agreement with a social
services district is subject to the approval of the director of the
budget. No expenditure shall be made from this account for personal
service costs. No expenditure shall be made from this account until
an expenditure plan for this purpose has been approved by the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2019-20 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13984).
Contractual services (51000) ... 4,000,000 .......... (re. $4,000,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses related to the training and development
program. Of the amount appropriated herein, $1,500,000 may be used
only to provide state match for federal training funds in accordance
with an agreement with social services districts including, but not
limited to, the city of New York. Any agreement with a social
services district is subject to the approval of the director of the
budget. No expenditure shall be made from this account for personal
service costs. No expenditure shall be made from this account until
an expenditure plan for this purpose has been approved by the direc-
tor of the budget.
282 12650-03-0
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2018-19 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13984).
Contractual services (51000) ... 4,000,000 .......... (re. $3,975,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses related to the training and development
program. Of the amount appropriated herein, $1,500,000 may be used
only to provide state match for federal training funds in accordance
with an agreement with social services districts including, but not
limited to, the city of New York. Any agreement with a social
services district is subject to the approval of the director of the
budget. No expenditure shall be made from this account for personal
service costs. No expenditure shall be made from this account until
an expenditure plan for this purpose has been approved by the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2017-18 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13984).
Contractual services (51000) ... 4,000,000 .......... (re. $3,574,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For services and expenses related to the training and development
program. Of the amount appropriated herein, $1,500,000 may be used
only to provide state match for federal training funds in accordance
with an agreement with social services districts including, but not
limited to, the city of New York. Any agreement with a social
services district is subject to the approval of the director of the
budget. No expenditure shall be made from this account for personal
service costs. No expenditure shall be made from this account until
an expenditure plan for this purpose has been approved by the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2016-17 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13984).
Contractual services (51000) ... 4,000,000 .......... (re. $3,924,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2015:
283 12650-03-0
For services and expenses related to the training and development
program. Of the amount appropriated herein, $1,500,000 may be used
only to provide state match for federal training funds in accordance
with an agreement with social services districts including, but not
limited to, the city of New York. Any agreement with a social
services district is subject to the approval of the director of the
budget. No expenditure shall be made from this account for personal
service costs. No expenditure shall be made from this account until
an expenditure plan for this purpose has been approved by the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13984).
Contractual services (51000) ... 7,000,000 ............. (re. $92,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Training, Management and Evaluation Account - 21961
The appropriation made by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019, is
hereby amended and reappropriated to read:
For services and expenses related to the training and development
program. Of the amount appropriated herein, the office shall expend
not less than $359,000 for services and expenses of child abuse
prevention training pursuant to chapters 676 and 677 of the laws of
1985. No expenditure shall be made from this account for any purpose
until an expenditure plan has been approved by the director of the
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2019-20 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13984).
Personal service (50100) ... [3,245,000] 3,237,000 .. (re. $2,400,000)
HOLIDAY/OVERTIME COMPENSATION (50300) ... 8,000 ......... (re. $4,000)
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 20,000 .............. (re. $20,000)
Travel (54000) ... 12,000 .............................. (re. $11,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 1,854,000 .......... (re. $1,854,000)
Equipment (56000) ... 92,000 ........................... (re. $92,000)
Fringe benefits (60000) ... 1,565,000 ................. (re. $973,000)
Indirect costs (58800) ... 102,000 ..................... (re. $71,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2019:
284 12650-03-0
For services and expenses related to the training and development
program. Of the amount appropriated herein, the office shall expend
not less than $359,000 for services and expenses of child abuse
prevention training pursuant to chapters 676 and 677 of the laws of
1985. No expenditure shall be made from this account for any purpose
until an expenditure plan has been approved by the director of the
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2018-19 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13984).
Personal service (50100) ... 3,240,000 .............. (re. $2,470,000)
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ... 5,000 ......... (re. $2,000)
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 20,000 ............... (re. $2,000)
Travel (54000) ... 12,000 ............................... (re. $4,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 1,854,000 .......... (re. $1,850,000)
Equipment (56000) ... 92,000 ........................... (re. $92,000)
Fringe benefits (60000) ... 1,565,000 ................. (re. $462,000)
Indirect costs (58800) ... 102,000 ..................... (re. $45,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the training and development
program. Of the amount appropriated herein, the office shall expend
not less than $359,000 for services and expenses of child abuse
prevention training pursuant to chapters 676 and 677 of the laws of
1985. No expenditure shall be made from this account for any purpose
until an expenditure plan has been approved by the director of the
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2017-18 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13984).
Personal service (50100) ... 3,240,000 .............. (re. $2,065,000)
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ... 5,000 ......... (re. $3,000)
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 20,000 ............... (re. $4,000)
Travel (54000) ... 12,000 .............................. (re. $12,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 1,854,000 .......... (re. $1,854,000)
Equipment (56000) ... 92,000 ........................... (re. $92,000)
Fringe benefits (60000) ... 1,565,000 ................. (re. $852,000)
Indirect costs (58800) ... 102,000 ..................... (re. $72,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016, as amended by chapter 50,
section 1, of the laws of 2019:
285 12650-03-0
For services and expenses related to the training and development
program. Of the amount appropriated herein, the office shall expend
not less than $359,000 for services and expenses of child abuse
prevention training pursuant to chapters 676 and 677 of the laws of
1985. No expenditure shall be made from this account for any purpose
until an expenditure plan has been approved by the director of the
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2016-17 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13984).
Personal service (50100) ... 3,237,200 .............. (re. $1,918,000)
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 20,000 .............. (re. $20,000)
Travel (54000) ... 12,000 .............................. (re. $12,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 1,854,000 .......... (re. $1,848,000)
Equipment (56000) ... 92,000 ........................... (re. $92,000)
Fringe benefits (60000) ... 1,561,000 ............... (re. $1,400,000)
Indirect costs (58800) ... 102,300 ..................... (re. $95,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2015:
For services and expenses related to the training and development
program. Of the amount appropriated herein, the office shall expend
not less than $359,000 for services and expenses of child abuse
prevention training pursuant to chapters 676 and 677 of the laws of
1985. No expenditure shall be made from this account for any purpose
until an expenditure plan has been approved by the director of the
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13984).
Personal service (50100) ... 3,227,000 .............. (re. $1,988,000)
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 20,000 .............. (re. $20,000)
Travel (54000) ... 12,000 .............................. (re. $12,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 1,854,000 .......... (re. $1,854,000)
Equipment (56000) ... 100,000 ......................... (re. $100,000)
Fringe benefits (60000) ... 1,555,000 ................. (re. $501,000)
Indirect costs (58800) ... 102,000 ..................... (re. $62,000)
Enterprise Funds
Agencies Enterprise Fund
Training Materials Account - 50306
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
286 12650-03-0
For services and expenses related to publication and sale of training
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2019-20 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13984).
Contractual services (51000) ... 200,000 .............. (re. $200,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses related to publication and sale of training
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2018-19 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13984).
Contractual services (51000) ... 200,000 .............. (re. $200,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses related to publication and sale of training
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2017-18 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13984).
Contractual services (51000) ... 200,000 .............. (re. $200,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For services and expenses related to publication and sale of training
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer
Authority and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as
defined in the 2016-17 state fiscal year state operations appropri-
ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget,
are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri-
ation as if fully stated (13984).
Contractual services (51000) ... 200,000 .............. (re. $200,000)
287 12650-03-0
For payment according to the following schedule:
General Fund ....................... 168,541,000 43,934,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 275,558,000 207,564,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 2,500,000 2,439,000
---------------- ----------------
All Funds ........................ 446,599,000 253,937,000
================ ================
ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ...................................... 54,918,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses of the adminis-
tration program including the payment of
liabilities incurred prior to April 1,
2020. The office is authorized to charge-
back New York city human resources admin-
istration for their contributed share of
costs for the training resource system.
Notwithstanding section 153 of the social
services law or any other inconsistent
provision of law, the office shall reduce
reimbursement otherwise payable to social
services districts to recover 50 percent
of the non-federal share of costs incurred
by the office for the operation of the
automated finger imaging system (AFIS).
Notwithstanding any other inconsistent
provision of law, the office shall reduce
reimbursement otherwise payable to social
services districts to recover 100 percent
of the costs incurred by the office for
employment verification services. Notwith-
standing any provision of law to the
contrary, and subject to the approval of
the director of the budget, the city of
New York shall be charged back for costs
related to Mapper. The office is author-
ized to chargeback New York city human
resources administration for their
contributed share of occupancy costs at 14
Boerum Place.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state
finance law and any other provision of law
288 12650-03-0
to the contrary, the director of the budg-
et may, upon the advice of the commission-
er of the office of temporary and disabil-
ity assistance, authorize the transfer or
interchange of moneys appropriated herein
with any other state operations - general
fund appropriation within the office of
temporary and disability assistance except
where transfer or interchange of appropri-
ations is prohibited or otherwise
restricted by law.
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
office of temporary and disability assist-
ance contained in the aid to localities
budget bill, and (ii) the director of the
budget has determined that those aid to
localities appropriations as finally acted
on by the legislature are sufficient for
the ensuing fiscal year.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (81001).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 24,739,000
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 100,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 44,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................. 1,529,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 353,000
289 12650-03-0
Contractual services (51000) .................. 25,388,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 265,000
Program account subtotal .................. 52,418,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
OTDA Program Account - 21980
For services and expenses related to the
support of health and social services
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
office of temporary and disability assist-
ance contained in the aid to localities
budget bill, and (ii) the director of the
budget has determined that those aid to
localities appropriations as finally acted
on by the legislature are sufficient for
the ensuing fiscal year.
Notwithstanding section 153 of the social
services law or any other inconsistent
provision of law, the office shall reduce
reimbursement otherwise payable to social
services districts to recover 100 percent
of costs incurred by the office on behalf
of social services districts, including
the costs incurred for electronic access
to federal systems to verify alien status
for entitlements (81001).
Contractual services (51000) ................... 2,400,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 100,000
Program account subtotal ................... 2,500,000
ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS PROGRAM ............................. 30,446,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses of the administra-
tive hearings program including the
290 12650-03-0
payment of liabilities incurred prior to
April 1, 2020.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state
finance law and any other provision of law
to the contrary, the director of the budg-
et may, upon the advice of the commission-
er of the office of temporary and disabil-
ity assistance, authorize the transfer or
interchange of moneys appropriated herein
with any other state operations - general
fund appropriation within the office of
temporary and disability assistance except
where transfer or interchange of appropri-
ations is prohibited or otherwise
restricted by law.
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
office of temporary and disability assist-
ance contained in the aid to localities
budget bill, and (ii) the director of the
budget has determined that those aid to
localities appropriations as finally acted
on by the legislature are sufficient for
the ensuing fiscal year.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (52306).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 25,136,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 400,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 355,000
291 12650-03-0
Travel (54000) ................................... 250,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 4,010,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 295,000
CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES PROGRAM .............................. 47,865,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses of the child
support services program including the
payment of liabilities incurred prior to
April 1, 2020.
Amounts appropriated herein may be matched
with available federal funds and without
local financial participation. Subject to
the approval of the director of the budg-
et, funds may be used by the office either
directly or through one or more contracts
with private or public organizations, for
services designed to strengthen child
support enforcement activities including
but not necessarily limited to instate
bank match services; a paternity media
campaign; a medical support unit; payments
to hospitals and other eligible entities
for obtaining voluntary paternity acknowl-
edgments; joint enforcement teams; remedi-
ation of hard-to-collect cases; location
services; website services; child support
guidelines review; and operation of a
centralized support collection unit,
including the cost of banking services and
an automated voice response system and
customer service unit.
Notwithstanding section 153 of the social
services law or any other inconsistent
provision of law, the office shall reduce
reimbursement otherwise payable to social
services districts to recover 50 percent
of the non-federal share of costs incurred
by the office for the operation of a
centralized support collection unit,
including the cost of banking services and
an automated voice response system and
customer service unit. Such reduction
shall be prorated among districts based on
the number of collections and disburse-
ments processed or on an alternative meth-
292 12650-03-0
odology deemed appropriate by the commis-
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, amounts appropriated herein may be
used, as matched by federal funds, pursu-
ant to a plan approved by the director of
the budget, for the planning, development
and operation of an automated system
designed to meet the requirements of the
family support act of 1988, the personal
responsibility and work opportunity recon-
ciliation act of 1996 and to facilitate
and improve local districts operations
related to child support enforcement.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of the law to the contrary, pursuant to
memoranda of understanding and subject to
the approval of the director of the budg-
et, a portion of the amount appropriated
herein may be available for expenditures
of the department of taxation and finance,
the department of motor vehicles, and the
department of labor for reimbursement of
administrative costs of these departments
associated with efforts to increase child
support collections.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state
finance law and any other provision of law
to the contrary, the director of the budg-
et may, upon the advice of the commission-
er of the office of temporary and disabil-
ity assistance, authorize the transfer or
interchange of moneys appropriated herein
with any other state operations - general
fund appropriation within the office of
temporary and disability assistance except
where transfer or interchange of appropri-
ations is prohibited or otherwise
restricted by law.
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
office of temporary and disability assist-
ance contained in the aid to localities
budget bill, and (ii) the director of the
budget has determined that those aid to
localities appropriations as finally acted
on by the legislature are sufficient for
the ensuing fiscal year.
293 12650-03-0
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (52200).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 2,425,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 86,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 201,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 100,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 8,019,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 46,000
Program account subtotal .................. 10,877,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
Child Support Account - 25178
For services and expenses related to the
administration of the child support
enforcement program.
A portion of the funds appropriated herein,
subject to the approval of the director of
the budget, may be used as the federal
match for services designed to strengthen
child support enforcement activities
including but not necessarily limited to
instate bank match services; a paternity
media campaign; a medical support unit;
payments to hospitals and other eligible
entities for obtaining voluntary paternity
acknowledgments; joint enforcement teams;
remediation of hard-to-collect cases;
location services; website services; child
294 12650-03-0
support guidelines review; and operation
of a centralized support collection unit,
including the cost of banking services and
an automated voice response system and
customer service unit.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, amounts appropriated herein may be
used, pursuant to a plan approved by the
director of the budget, for the planning,
development and operation of an automated
system designed to meet the requirements
of the family support act of 1988, the
personal responsibility and work opportu-
nity reconciliation act of 1996 and to
facilitate and improve local districts
operations related to child support
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of the law to the contrary, pursuant to
memoranda of understanding and subject to
the approval of the director of the budg-
et, a portion of the amount appropriated
herein may be available for expenditures
of the department of taxation and finance,
the department of motor vehicles, and the
department of labor for reimbursement of
administrative costs of these departments
associated with efforts to increase child
support collections (52200).
Personal service (50000) ....................... 7,000,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) ................... 24,588,000
Fringe benefits (60090) ........................ 4,500,000
Indirect costs (58850) ........................... 900,000
Program account subtotal .................. 36,988,000
DISABILITY DETERMINATIONS PROGRAM .......................... 194,500,000
295 12650-03-0
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
Disability Determinations Account - 25153
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
For services and expenses related to the
office of disability determinations
Personal service (50000) ...................... 86,500,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) ................... 53,000,000
Fringe benefits (60090) ....................... 55,000,000
EMPLOYMENT AND INCOME SUPPORT PROGRAM ....................... 84,029,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses of the employment
and income support program including the
payment of liabilities incurred prior to
April 1, 2020.
The agency is authorized to chargeback
social services districts for 100 percent
of costs incurred by the agency on their
behalf for disability related consultative
examination contracts.
Notwithstanding section 153 of the social
services law or any other inconsistent
provision of law, the office shall reduce
reimbursement otherwise payable to social
services districts to recover 50 percent
of the non-federal share of costs incurred
by the office for the operation of the
statewide electronic benefit transfer
(EBT) system and the common benefit iden-
tification card (CBIC).
For services and expenses of client notices
including but not limited to personal
service costs, postage, other nonpersonal
296 12650-03-0
services costs, and contractor costs paid
directly by the office including but not
limited to costs for mail processing.
Notwithstanding any other inconsistent
provision of law, the office shall reduce
reimbursement otherwise payable to social
services districts to recover 50 percent
of the non-federal share of costs, includ-
ing prior period costs, incurred by the
office for these purposes.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state
finance law and any other provision of law
to the contrary, the director of the budg-
et may, upon the advice of the commission-
er of the office of temporary and disabil-
ity assistance, authorize the transfer or
interchange of moneys appropriated herein
with any other state operations - general
fund appropriation within the office of
temporary and disability assistance except
where transfer or interchange of appropri-
ations is prohibited or otherwise
restricted by law.
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
office of temporary and disability assist-
ance contained in the aid to localities
budget bill, and (ii) the director of the
budget has determined that those aid to
localities appropriations as finally acted
on by the legislature are sufficient for
the ensuing fiscal year.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
297 12650-03-0
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (52202).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 16,454,000
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 160,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 100,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................. 9,397,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 165,000
Contractual services (51000) .................. 21,128,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 50,000
Total amount available ...................... 47,454,000
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
office of temporary and disability assist-
ance contained in the aid to localities
budget bill, and (ii) the director of the
budget has determined that those aid to
localities appropriations as finally acted
on by the legislature are sufficient for
the ensuing fiscal year.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
For services and expenses incurred by the
office's division of disability determi-
nations, including payments to the social
security administration, in making deter-
minations and re-determinations regarding
blindness and disability in accordance
with title XVI of the social security act
for the New York state supplement program
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 600,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 600,000
298 12650-03-0
Total amount available ....................... 1,200,000
Program account subtotal .................. 48,654,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
Home Energy Assistance Program Account - 25123
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
For services and expenses related to the
administration of the low income home
energy assistance program. Pursuant to
provisions of the federal omnibus budget
reconciliation act of 1981, and with the
approval of the director of the budget, a
portion of the funds appropriated herein
may be transferred or suballocated to
other state agencies for administration of
the home energy assistance program
Personal service (50000) ....................... 2,791,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) .................... 1,442,000
Fringe benefits (60090) ........................ 1,941,000
Indirect costs (58850) ........................... 826,000
Program account subtotal ................... 7,000,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund
Federal Food and Nutrition Services Account - 25024
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, the money hereby appropriated may,
with the approval of the director of the
budget, be increased or decreased by
interchange or transfer with amounts
appropriated within the office of tempo-
rary and disability assistance federal
299 12650-03-0
food and nutrition services local assist-
ance account.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
For services and expenses related to the
administration of the supplemental nutri-
tion assistance program. Amounts appropri-
ated herein may be used for the expenses
associated with the operation of the
statewide electronic benefit transfer
(EBT) system; the common benefit identifi-
cation card (CBIC); the automated finger
imaging system (AFIS); and an integrated
eligibility system. With the approval of
the director of budget, a portion of the
funds appropriated herein may be trans-
ferred or suballocated to other state
agencies for the administration of supple-
mental nutrition assistance program or for
purposes related to the implementation of
an integrated eligibility system (52224).
Personal service (50000) ....................... 7,500,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) ................... 15,375,000
Fringe benefits (60090) ........................ 5,000,000
Indirect costs (58850) ........................... 500,000
Program account subtotal .................. 28,375,000
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM .............................. 13,383,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For the design and implementation of modifi-
cations and enhancements to the welfare-
to-work case management system, the
welfare management system, the child
support management system and other
related systems operated by the office of
temporary and disability assistance, the
300 12650-03-0
office of children and family services,
the department of labor, or the department
of health necessary for the successful
implementation of the personal responsi-
bility and work opportunity reconciliation
act of 1996 (P.L. 104-193) and the New
York state welfare reform act of 1997
(chapter 436 of the laws of 1997) includ-
ing the payment of liabilities incurred
prior to April 1, 2020. Funds may only be
made available pursuant to a cost allo-
cation plan submitted to the department of
health and human services, the United
States department of agriculture and any
other applicable federal agency to the
extent that such approvals are required by
federal statute or regulations or upon
determination by the director of the budg-
et that expenditure of these funds is
necessary to meet the purposes defined
herein. This appropriation shall only be
available upon approval of an expenditure
plan by the director of the budget.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state
finance law and any other provision of law
to the contrary, the director of the budg-
et may, upon the advice of the commission-
er of the office of temporary and disabil-
ity assistance, authorize the transfer or
interchange of moneys appropriated herein
with any other state operations - general
fund appropriation within the office of
temporary and disability assistance except
where transfer or interchange of appropri-
ations is prohibited or otherwise
restricted by law.
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
office of temporary and disability assist-
ance contained in the aid to localities
budget bill, and (ii) the director of the
budget has determined that those aid to
localities appropriations as finally acted
on by the legislature are sufficient for
the ensuing fiscal year.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
301 12650-03-0
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (52295).
Contractual services (51000) ................... 8,383,000
Program account subtotal ................... 8,383,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund
Federal Food and Nutrition Services Account - 25024
For the federal share of the design and
implementation of modifications and
enhancements to the welfare-to-work case
management system, the welfare management
system, the child support management
system, the electronic benefit transfer
system, costs associated with New York
city facilities management, and other
related systems operated by the office of
temporary and disability assistance, the
office of children and family services,
the department of labor, or the department
of health necessary for the successful
implementation of the personal responsi-
bility and work opportunity reconciliation
act of 1996 (P.L. 104-193) and the New
York state welfare reform act of 1997
(chapter 436 of the laws of 1997).
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
302 12650-03-0
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, this appropriation shall be avail-
able for costs heretofore and hereafter to
be accrued and to be supported with feder-
al funds including any department of agri-
culture food and nutrition services grant
award properly received by the state
during or for a federal fiscal year in
which costs can be properly submitted for
reimbursement to the department of agri-
culture. A portion of the amount appropri-
ated herein may be transferred or inter-
changed with any office of temporary and
disability assistance federal department
of agriculture food and nutrition services
funds. Funds may only be made available
pursuant to a cost allocation plan submit-
ted to the department of health and human
services, the United States department of
agriculture and any other applicable
federal agency to the extent that such
approvals are required by federal statute
or regulations. This appropriation shall
only be available upon approval of an
expenditure plan by the director of the
budget for the purposes defined herein
Nonpersonal service (57050) .................... 5,000,000
Program account subtotal ................... 5,000,000
SPECIALIZED SERVICES PROGRAM ................................ 21,458,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses of the specialized
services program including the payment of
liabilities incurred prior to April 1,
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state
finance law and any other provision of law
to the contrary, the director of the budg-
et may, upon the advice of the commission-
303 12650-03-0
er of the office of temporary and disabil-
ity assistance, authorize the transfer or
interchange of moneys appropriated herein
with any other state operations - general
fund appropriation within the office of
temporary and disability assistance except
where transfer or interchange of appropri-
ations is prohibited or otherwise
restricted by law.
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
office of temporary and disability assist-
ance contained in the aid to localities
budget bill, and (ii) the director of the
budget has determined that those aid to
localities appropriations as finally acted
on by the legislature are sufficient for
the ensuing fiscal year.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (52219).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 15,642,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 61,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 30,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 185,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,825,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 20,000
Program account subtotal .................. 17,763,000
304 12650-03-0
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
Refugee Resettlement Account - 25160
For services and expenses related to the
administration of refugee programs includ-
ing but not limited to the Cuban-Haitian
and refugee resettlement program and the
Cuban-Haitian and refugee targeted assist-
ance program.
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
office of temporary and disability assist-
ance contained in the aid to localities
budget bill, and (ii) the director of the
budget has determined that those aid to
localities appropriations as finally acted
on by the legislature are sufficient for
the ensuing fiscal year.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, and subject to the approval of the
director of the budget, funds appropriated
herein may be transferred or suballocated
to the department of health for services
and expenses related to the administration
of the refugee resettlement health assess-
ment program (52304).
Personal service (50000) ....................... 1,555,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) ...................... 550,000
Fringe benefits (60090) .......................... 980,000
Indirect costs (58850) ........................... 100,000
Program account subtotal ................... 3,185,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Homeless Housing Account - 25390
For services and expenses related to the
administration of federal homeless and
other support services grants.
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
305 12650-03-0
office of temporary and disability assist-
ance contained in the aid to localities
budget bill, and (ii) the director of the
budget has determined that those aid to
localities appropriations as finally acted
on by the legislature are sufficient for
the ensuing fiscal year.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state
finance law and any other provision of law
to the contrary, the director of the budg-
et may, upon the advice of the commission-
er of the office of temporary and disabil-
ity assistance, make an amount
appropriated herein available through
interchange to any other fund in which
federal homeless grants are received, for
services and expenses related to federal
homeless and other federal support
services grants (52219).
Personal service (50000) ......................... 262,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) ....................... 66,000
Fringe benefits (60090) .......................... 165,000
Indirect costs (58850) ............................ 17,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 510,000
306 12650-03-0
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses of the administration program including the
payment of liabilities incurred prior to April 1, 2019. The office
is authorized to charge-back New York city human resources adminis-
tration for their contributed share of costs for the training
resource system.
Notwithstanding section 153 of the social services law or any other
inconsistent provision of law, the office shall reduce reimbursement
otherwise payable to social services districts to recover 50 percent
of the non-federal share of costs incurred by the office for the
operation of the automated finger imaging system (AFIS).
Notwithstanding any other inconsistent provision of law, the office
shall reduce reimbursement otherwise payable to social services
districts to recover 100 percent of the costs incurred by the office
for employment verification services. Notwithstanding any provision
of law to the contrary, and subject to the approval of the director
of the budget, the city of New York shall be charged back for costs
related to Mapper. The office is authorized to chargeback New York
city human resources administration for their contributed share of
occupancy costs at 14 Boerum Place.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other
provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may,
upon the advice of the commissioner of the office of temporary and
disability assistance, authorize the transfer or interchange of
moneys appropriated herein with any other state operations - general
fund appropriation within the office of temporary and disability
assistance except where transfer or interchange of appropriations is
prohibited or otherwise restricted by law.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans-
fer Authority as defined in the 2019-20 state fiscal year state
operations appropriation for the budget division program of the
division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully stated (81001).
Contractual services (51000) ... 25,388,000 ........ (re. $16,702,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
OTDA Program Account - 21980
The appropriation made by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019, is
hereby amended and reappropriated to read:
For services and expenses related to the support of health and social
services programs.
Notwithstanding section 153 of the social services law or any other
inconsistent provision of law, the office shall reduce reimbursement
307 12650-03-0
otherwise payable to social services districts to recover 100
percent of costs incurred by the office on behalf of social services
districts, including the costs incurred for electronic access to
federal systems to verify alien status for entitlements (81001).
Contractual services (51000) .........................................
[2,500,000] 2,426,494 ............................. (re. $2,424,000)
FRINGE BENEFITS (60000) ... 73,506 ..................... (re. $15,000)
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses of the administrative hearings program
including the payment of liabilities incurred prior to April 1,
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other
provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may,
upon the advice of the commissioner of the office of temporary and
disability assistance, authorize the transfer or interchange of
moneys appropriated herein with any other state operations - general
fund appropriation within the office of temporary and disability
assistance except where transfer or interchange of appropriations is
prohibited or otherwise restricted by law.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans-
fer Authority as defined in the 2019-20 state fiscal year state
operations appropriation for the budget division program of the
division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully stated (52306).
Contractual services (51000) ... 4,010,000 .......... (re. $2,724,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
Child Support Account - 25178
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the administration of the child
support enforcement program.
A portion of the funds appropriated herein, subject to the approval of
the director of the budget, may be used as the federal match for
services designed to strengthen child support enforcement activities
including but not necessarily limited to instate bank match
services; a paternity media campaign; a medical support unit;
payments to hospitals and other eligible entities for obtaining
voluntary paternity acknowledgments; joint enforcement teams; reme-
diation of hard-to-collect cases; location services; website
services; child support guidelines review; and operation of a
308 12650-03-0
centralized support collection unit, including the cost of banking
services and an automated voice response system and customer service
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, amounts appropri-
ated herein may be used, pursuant to a plan approved by the director
of the budget, for the planning, development and operation of an
automated system designed to meet the requirements of the family
support act of 1988, the personal responsibility and work opportu-
nity reconciliation act of 1996 and to facilitate and improve local
districts operations related to child support enforcement.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of the law to the contrary,
pursuant to memoranda of understanding and subject to the approval
of the director of the budget, a portion of the amount appropriated
herein may be available for expenditures of the department of taxa-
tion and finance, the department of motor vehicles, and the depart-
ment of labor for reimbursement of administrative costs of these
departments associated with efforts to increase child support
collections (52200).
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 24,588,000 ......... (re. $19,156,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
Disability Determinations Account - 25153
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the office of disability determi-
nations (52201).
Personal service (50000) ... 86,500,000 ............ (re. $44,050,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 53,000,000 ......... (re. $34,078,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 55,000,000 ............. (re. $31,161,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses related to the office of disability determi-
nations (52201).
Personal service (50000) ... 76,000,000 ............ (re. $10,723,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 50,000,000 ......... (re. $17,825,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 47,500,000 ................. (re. $67,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses related to the office of disability determi-
nations (52201).
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 46,975,000 .......... (re. $6,959,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For services and expenses related to the office of disability determi-
nations (52201).
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 52,000,000 .......... (re. $6,992,000)
309 12650-03-0
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses of the employment and income support program
including the payment of liabilities incurred prior to April 1,
The agency is authorized to chargeback social services districts for
100 percent of costs incurred by the agency on their behalf for
disability related consultative examination contracts.
Notwithstanding section 153 of the social services law or any other
inconsistent provision of law, the office shall reduce reimbursement
otherwise payable to social services districts to recover 50 percent
of the non-federal share of costs incurred by the office for the
operation of the statewide electronic benefit transfer (EBT) system
and the common benefit identification card (CBIC).
For services and expenses of client notices including but not limited
to personal service costs, postage, other nonpersonal services
costs, and contractor costs paid directly by the office including
but not limited to costs for mail processing. Notwithstanding any
other inconsistent provision of law, the office shall reduce
reimbursement otherwise payable to social services districts to
recover 50 percent of the non-federal share of costs, including
prior period costs, incurred by the office for these purposes.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other
provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may,
upon the advice of the commissioner of the office of temporary and
disability assistance, authorize the transfer or interchange of
moneys appropriated herein with any other state operations - general
fund appropriation within the office of temporary and disability
assistance except where transfer or interchange of appropriations is
prohibited or otherwise restricted by law.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans-
fer Authority as defined in the 2019-20 state fiscal year state
operations appropriation for the budget division program of the
division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully stated (52202).
Contractual services (51000) ... 21,128,000 ........ (re. $13,669,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
Home Energy Assistance Program Account - 25123
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the administration of the low
income home energy assistance program. Pursuant to provisions of the
federal omnibus budget reconciliation act of 1981, and with the
approval of the director of the budget, a portion of the funds
appropriated herein may be transferred or suballocated to other
310 12650-03-0
state agencies for administration of the home energy assistance
program (52215).
Personal service (50000) ... 2,125,000 .............. (re. $1,352,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 1,442,000 ........... (re. $1,424,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 1,274,000 ................. (re. $855,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 159,000 .................... (re. $112,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund
Federal Food and Nutrition Services Account - 25024
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the money hereby
appropriated may, with the approval of the director of the budget,
be increased or decreased by interchange or transfer with amounts
appropriated within the office of temporary and disability assist-
ance federal food and nutrition services local assistance account.
For services and expenses related to the administration of the supple-
mental nutrition assistance program. Amounts appropriated herein may
be used for the expenses associated with the operation of the state-
wide electronic benefit transfer (EBT) system; the common benefit
identification card (CBIC); the automated finger imaging system
(AFIS); and an integrated eligibility system. With the approval of
the director of budget, a portion of the funds appropriated herein
may be transferred or suballocated to other state agencies for the
administration of supplemental nutrition assistance program or for
purposes related to the implementation of an integrated eligibility
system (52224).
Personal service (50000) ... 5,000,000 .............. (re. $4,926,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 20,000,000 ......... (re. $17,215,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 3,000,000 ............... (re. $2,941,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 375,000 .................... (re. $360,000)
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For the design and implementation of modifications and enhancements to
the welfare-to-work case management system, the welfare management
system, the child support management system and other related
systems operated by the office of temporary and disability assist-
ance, the office of children and family services, the department of
labor, or the department of health necessary for the successful
implementation of the personal responsibility and work opportunity
reconciliation act of 1996 (P.L. 104-193) and the New York state
welfare reform act of 1997 (chapter 436 of the laws of 1997) includ-
ing the payment of liabilities incurred prior to April 1, 2019.
Funds may only be made available pursuant to a cost allocation plan
submitted to the department of health and human services, the United
311 12650-03-0
States department of agriculture and any other applicable federal
agency to the extent that such approvals are required by federal
statute or regulations or upon determination by the director of the
budget that expenditure of these funds is necessary to meet the
purposes defined herein. This appropriation shall only be available
upon approval of an expenditure plan by the director of the budget.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other
provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may,
upon the advice of the commissioner of the office of temporary and
disability assistance, authorize the transfer or interchange of
moneys appropriated herein with any other state operations - general
fund appropriation within the office of temporary and disability
assistance except where transfer or interchange of appropriations is
prohibited or otherwise restricted by law.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans-
fer Authority as defined in the 2019-20 state fiscal year state
operations appropriation for the budget division program of the
division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully stated (52295).
Contractual services (51000) ... 8,383,000 .......... (re. $6,022,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For the design and implementation of modifications and enhancements to
the welfare-to-work case management system, the welfare management
system, the child support management system and other related
systems operated by the office of temporary and disability assist-
ance, the office of children and family services, the department of
labor, or the department of health necessary for the successful
implementation of the personal responsibility and work opportunity
reconciliation act of 1996 (P.L. 104-193) and the New York state
welfare reform act of 1997 (chapter 436 of the laws of 1997) includ-
ing the payment of liabilities incurred prior to April 1, 2018.
Funds may only be made available pursuant to a cost allocation plan
submitted to the department of health and human services, the United
States department of agriculture and any other applicable federal
agency to the extent that such approvals are required by federal
statute or regulations or upon determination by the director of the
budget that expenditure of these funds is necessary to meet the
purposes defined herein. This appropriation shall only be available
upon approval of an expenditure plan by the director of the budget.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other
provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may,
upon the advice of the commissioner of the office of temporary and
disability assistance, authorize the transfer or interchange of
moneys appropriated herein with any other state operations - general
fund appropriation within the office of temporary and disability
assistance except where transfer or interchange of appropriations is
prohibited or otherwise restricted by law.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans-
312 12650-03-0
fer Authority as defined in the 2018-19 state fiscal year state
operations appropriation for the budget division program of the
division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully stated (52295).
Contractual services (51000) ... 8,383,000 .......... (re. $3,020,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund
Federal Food and Nutrition Services Account - 25024
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For the federal share of the design and implementation of modifica-
tions and enhancements to the welfare-to-work case management
system, the welfare management system, the child support management
system, the electronic benefit transfer system, costs associated
with New York city facilities management, and other related systems
operated by the office of temporary and disability assistance, the
office of children and family services, the department of labor, or
the department of health necessary for the successful implementation
of the personal responsibility and work opportunity reconciliation
act of 1996 (P.L. 104-193) and the New York state welfare reform act
of 1997 (chapter 436 of the laws of 1997).
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, this appropriation
shall be available for costs heretofore and hereafter to be accrued
and to be supported with federal funds including any department of
agriculture food and nutrition services grant award properly
received by the state during or for a federal fiscal year in which
costs can be properly submitted for reimbursement to the department
of agriculture. A portion of the amount appropriated herein may be
transferred or interchanged with any office of temporary and disa-
bility assistance federal department of agriculture food and nutri-
tion services funds. Funds may only be made available pursuant to a
cost allocation plan submitted to the department of health and human
services, the United States department of agriculture and any other
applicable federal agency to the extent that such approvals are
required by federal statute or regulations. This appropriation shall
only be available upon approval of an expenditure plan by the direc-
tor of the budget for the purposes defined herein (52295).
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 5,000,000 ........... (re. $5,000,000)
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses of the specialized services program includ-
ing the payment of liabilities incurred prior to April 1, 2019.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other
provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may,
upon the advice of the commissioner of the office of temporary and
313 12650-03-0
disability assistance, authorize the transfer or interchange of
moneys appropriated herein with any other state operations - general
fund appropriation within the office of temporary and disability
assistance except where transfer or interchange of appropriations is
prohibited or otherwise restricted by law.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS
Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans-
fer Authority as defined in the 2019-20 state fiscal year state
operations appropriation for the budget division program of the
division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully stated (52219).
Contractual services (51000) ... 1,825,000 .......... (re. $1,797,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
Refugee Resettlement Account - 25160
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the administration of refugee
programs including but not limited to the Cuban-Haitian and refugee
resettlement program and the Cuban-Haitian and refugee targeted
assistance program. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of
law, and subject to the approval of the director of the budget,
funds appropriated herein may be transferred or suballocated to the
department of health for services and expenses related to the admin-
istration of the refugee resettlement health assessment program
Personal service (50000) ... 1,555,000 .............. (re. $1,058,000)
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 550,000 ............... (re. $530,000)
Fringe benefits (60090) ... 980,000 ................... (re. $720,000)
Indirect costs (58850) ... 100,000 ..................... (re. $60,000)
314 12650-03-0
For payment according to the following schedule:
Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 3,497,000 0
---------------- ----------------
All Funds ........................ 3,497,000 0
================ ================
NEW YORK STATE FINANCIAL CONTROL BOARD ....................... 3,497,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
NYS Financial Control Board Account - 21911
This amount is appropriated to pay for
financial control board personal service
and nonpersonal service expenses including
the payment of liabilities incurred prior
to April 1, 2020.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority, and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (55801).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 1,520,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 100,000
Travel (54000) ..................................... 3,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 830,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 25,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 967,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 52,000
315 12650-03-0
For payment according to the following schedule:
Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 1,400,000 1,614,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 377,443,963 32,021,000
---------------- ----------------
All Funds ........................ 378,843,963 33,635,000
================ ================
ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ...................................... 82,865,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Combined Expendable Trust Fund
State Transmitter of Money Insurance Fund Account -
For services and expenses related to the
state transmitter of money insurance fund
in accordance with article 13-C of the
banking law (81001).
Contractual services (51000) .................. 14,000,000
Program account subtotal .................. 14,000,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Banking Department Account - 21970
For services and expenses related to the
administration and operation of the
department of financial services. Notwith-
standing section 51 of the state finance
law, the money hereby appropriated may be
increased or decreased by interchange with
any other appropriation within the depart-
ment of financial services. Such annual
interchanges made between banking depart-
ment account appropriations and insurance
department account appropriations may not,
in the aggregate, total more than
$5,000,000. The superintendent of the
department of financial services shall
report quarterly to the governor, the
speaker of the assembly and the majority
leader of the senate regarding any inter-
changes made pursuant to this provision.
316 12650-03-0
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Such report shall specify the amount of
moneys so interchanged and detail the
expenditures funded as a result of such
interchange (81001).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 8,080,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 14,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 985,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 221,000
Contractual services (51000) .................. 12,115,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 430,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 5,153,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 262,000
Program account subtotal .................. 27,260,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Financial Services Equitable Sharing Agreement - Justice
Account - 22241
For services and expenses related to the
administration program (81001).
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 25,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 475,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 500,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Financial Services Equitable Sharing Agreement - Treas-
ury Account - 22242
For services and expenses related to the
administration program (81001).
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 25,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 475,000
317 12650-03-0
Program account subtotal ..................... 500,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Financial Services Seized Assets Account - 21973
For services and expenses related to the
administration program (81001).
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 25,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 475,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 500,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Insurance Department Account - 21994
For services and expenses related to the
administration and operation of the
department of financial services.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state
finance law, the money hereby appropriated
may be increased or decreased by inter-
change with any other appropriation within
the department of financial services. Such
annual interchanges made between banking
department account appropriations and
insurance department account appropri-
ations may not, in the aggregate, total
more than $5,000,000. The superintendent
of the department of financial services
shall report quarterly to the governor,
the speaker of the assembly and the major-
ity leader of the senate regarding any
interchanges made pursuant to this
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Such report shall specify the amount of
moneys so interchanged and detail the
318 12650-03-0
expenditures funded as a result of such
interchange (81001).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 12,032,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 21,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................. 1,477,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 331,000
Contractual services (51000) .................. 17,508,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 646,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 7,653,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 387,000
Program account subtotal .................. 40,055,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Settlement Account - 22045
For services and expenses related to the
enforcement actions in accordance with the
purpose outlined in the settlement under
which funding is obtained. Notwithstanding
any inconsistent provision of law, all or
a portion of this appropriation may,
subject to the approval of the director of
the budget, be transferred to the special
revenue funds - other / aid to localities,
miscellaneous special revenue fund - other
/ aid to localities, banking department
settlement account. Notwithstanding any
inconsistent provision of law, the direc-
tor of the budget may suballocate up to
the full amount of this appropriation to
any department, agency or authority
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 50,000
Program account subtotal ...................... 50,000
BANKING PROGRAM ............................................. 88,183,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Banking Department Account - 21970
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
319 12650-03-0
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
For services and expenses related to consum-
er protection activities. Notwithstanding
section 51 of the state finance law, the
money hereby appropriated may be increased
or decreased by interchange with any other
appropriation within the department of
financial services. Such annual inter-
changes made between banking department
account appropriations and insurance
department account appropriations may not,
in the aggregate, total more than
$5,000,000. The superintendent of the
department of financial services shall
report quarterly to the governor, the
speaker of the assembly and the majority
leader of the senate regarding any inter-
changes made pursuant to this provision.
Such report shall specify the amount of
moneys so interchanged and detail the
expenditures funded as a result of such
interchange (32435).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 10,837,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 13,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 19,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 224,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 348,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 10,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 6,783,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 339,000
Total amount available ...................... 18,573,000
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
320 12650-03-0
For services and expenses related to the
regulatory activities of the department of
financial services. Notwithstanding
section 51 of the state finance law, the
money hereby appropriated may be increased
or decreased by interchange with any other
appropriation within the department of
financial services. Such annual inter-
changes made between banking department
account appropriations and insurance
department account appropriations may not,
in the aggregate, total more than
$5,000,000. The superintendent of the
department of financial services shall
report quarterly to the governor, the
speaker of the assembly and the majority
leader of the senate regarding any inter-
changes made pursuant to this provision.
Such report shall specify the amount of
moneys so interchanged and detail the
expenditures funded as a result of such
interchange (32436).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 38,978,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 68,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 11,000
Travel (54000) ................................. 1,649,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 2,389,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 100,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ....................... 24,077,000
Indirect costs (58800) ......................... 1,173,000
Total amount available ...................... 68,445,000
For suballocation to the office of the
inspector general for services and
expenses (32437).
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 55,000
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 55,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 55,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 62,000
Total amount available ......................... 227,000
For services and expenses related to the
crime proceeds task force. All or a
portion of these funds may be suballocated
to the departments of law and taxation and
finance for services and expenses incurred
321 12650-03-0
on behalf of the crime proceeds task force
pursuant to an allocation plan developed
by the superintendent of the department of
financial services, the attorney general
and the commissioner of taxation and
finance, as appropriate, subject to the
approval of the director of the budget
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 400,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 340,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 182,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 16,000
Total amount available ......................... 938,000
INSURANCE PROGRAM .......................................... 207,795,963
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
Insurance Department Account - 25172
For services and expenses related to the
enforcement of parity in mental health and
substance abuse disorder benefits as part
of the affordable care act implementation
Nonpersonal service (57050) .................... 1,400,000
Program account subtotal ................... 1,400,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Insurance Department Account - 21994
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
For services and expenses related to consum-
er services activities. Notwithstanding
section 51 of the state finance law, the
322 12650-03-0
money hereby appropriated may be increased
or decreased by interchange with any other
appropriation within the department of
financial services. Such annual inter-
changes may not, in the aggregate, total
more than five million dollars. The super-
intendent of the department of financial
services shall report quarterly to the
governor, the speaker of the assembly and
the majority leader of the senate regard-
ing any interchanges made pursuant to this
provision. Such report shall specify the
amount of moneys so interchanged and
detail the expenditures funded as a result
of such interchange (32405).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 11,816,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 19,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 29,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 336,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 522,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 16,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 6,742,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 400,000
Total amount available ...................... 19,880,000
For services and expenses related to the
regulatory activities of the department of
financial services. Notwithstanding
section 51 of the state finance law, the
money hereby appropriated may be increased
or decreased by interchange with any other
appropriation within the department of
financial services. Such annual inter-
changes may not, in the aggregate, total
more than five million dollars. The super-
intendent of the department of financial
services shall report quarterly to the
governor, the speaker of the assembly and
the majority leader of the senate regard-
ing any interchanges made pursuant to this
provision. Such report shall specify the
amount of moneys so interchanged and
detail the expenditures funded as a result
of such interchange (32406).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 56,880,000
Temporary service (50200) ......................... 18,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 135,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 372,000
323 12650-03-0
Travel (54000) ................................. 2,488,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 5,286,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 129,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ....................... 32,915,000
Indirect costs (58800) ......................... 1,765,000
Total amount available ...................... 99,988,000
For suballocation to the department of state
for expenses incurred in the enforcement,
development and maintenance of the state
building code (32408).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 5,779,222
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 571,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 300,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,026,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 201,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 2,676,291
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 197,000
Total amount available ...................... 10,750,513
For suballocation to the division of home-
land security and emergency services for
expenses related to the urban search and
rescue program (32412).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 165,596
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 75,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 50,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 100,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 61,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................... 48,705
Indirect costs (58800) ............................. 4,000
Total amount available ......................... 504,301
For suballocation to the division of home-
land security and emergency services for
services and expenses related to the fire
prevention and control program and the
state fire reporting system (32413).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 10,553,274
Temporary service (50200)....................... 2,350,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 143,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................. 1,069,000
Travel (54000) ................................. 1,335,000
324 12650-03-0
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,034,000
Equipment (56000) .............................. 1,860,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 5,400,465
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 354,000
Total amount available ...................... 24,098,739
For suballocation to the office of the
inspector general for services and
expenses (32414).
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 60,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 60,000
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 60,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 70,000
Total amount available ......................... 250,000
For suballocation to the division of home-
land security and emergency services for
services and expenses of developing and
promulgating fire safety standards for
cigarettes pursuant to section 156-c of
the executive law (32415).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 325,647
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 232,658
Travel (54000) ................................... 157,658
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 139,595
Equipment (56000) ................................. 62,818
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 125,405
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 20,000
Total amount available ....................... 1,063,781
For suballocation to the division of home-
land security and emergency services for
services and expenses related to the
repair and rehabilitation of the state
fire training academy (32416).
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 500,000
For suballocation to the division of home-
land security and emergency services for
expenses related to fire inspections and
fire safety training programs at privately
325 12650-03-0
operated colleges and universities in New
York state (32417).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 564,939
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 126,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 25,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 100,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 179,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 200,826
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 16,000
Total amount available ....................... 1,211,765
For suballocation to the department of law
for services and expenses associated with
the implementation of executive order 109
appointing the attorney general as special
prosecutor for no-fault auto insurance
fraud (32418).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 2,599,396
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 324,705
Travel (54000) ................................... 324,705
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 324,705
Equipment (56000) ................................ 360,426
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 1,194,476
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 125,000
Total amount available ....................... 5,253,413
For suballocation to the department of
health for services and expenses of the
center for community health program
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 5,230,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................. 1,250,000
Travel (54000) ................................. 1,500,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 900,000
Equipment (56000) .............................. 1,386,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 2,733,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 231,000
Total amount available ...................... 13,230,000
For suballocation to the department of law
for services and expenses associated with
investigating broker/insurer practices in
the insurance industry (32419).
326 12650-03-0
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 585,938
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 178,419
Travel (54000) ................................... 327,102
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 178,419
Equipment (56000) ................................ 211,131
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 269,442
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 39,000
Total amount available ....................... 1,789,451
For suballocation to the department of
health for services and expenses incurred
for implementation of a forge-proof phar-
maceutical prescription program (32421).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 2,288,372
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 375,293
Travel (54000) ................................... 209,767
Contractual services (51000) .................. 10,304,651
Equipment (56000) ................................ 190,698
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 1,042,735
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 88,484
Total amount available ...................... 14,500,000
For suballocation to the department of
health for services and expenses related
to the enhanced newborn screening program.
All or a portion of this appropriation may
be reduced, transferred, or interchanged
to the department of health federal health
and human services fund children's health
insurance account for services and expend-
itures for health services initiatives for
improving the health of children, includ-
ing targeted low-income children and other
low-income children, as permitted under
section 2105(a)(1)(D)(ii) of the social
security act and defined in the regu-
lations at 42 CFR 457.10. Such reduction,
transfer, and or interchange shall be in
accordance with an approved state plan
amendment submitted by the commissioner of
health and approved by the federal centers
for medicare and medicaid services
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 4,199,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................. 5,051,000
Travel (54000) ..................................... 1,000
327 12650-03-0
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,223,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 208,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 2,581,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 113,000
Total amount available ...................... 13,376,000
Program account subtotal ................. 207,795,963
328 12650-03-0
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Banking Department Account - 21970
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the administration and operation
of the department of financial services. Notwithstanding section 51
of the state finance law, the money hereby appropriated may be
increased or decreased by interchange with any other appropriation
within the department of financial services. Such annual inter-
changes made between banking department account appropriations and
insurance department account appropriations may not, in the aggre-
gate, total more than $5,000,000. The superintendent of the depart-
ment of financial services shall report quarterly to the governor,
the speaker of the assembly and the majority leader of the senate
regarding any interchanges made pursuant to this provision.
Such report shall specify the amount of moneys so interchanged and
detail the expenditures funded as a result of such interchange
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 985,000 ............ (re. $724,000)
Travel (54000) ... 221,000 ............................ (re. $208,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 12,115,000 ......... (re. $7,989,000)
Equipment (56000) ... 430,000 ......................... (re. $430,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Insurance Department Account - 21994
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the administration and operation
of the department of financial services. Notwithstanding section 51
of the state finance law, the money hereby appropriated may be
increased or decreased by interchange with any other appropriation
within the department of financial services. Such annual inter-
changes made between banking department account appropriations and
insurance department account appropriations may not, in the aggre-
gate, total more than $5,000,000. The superintendent of the depart-
ment of financial services shall report quarterly to the governor,
the speaker of the assembly and the majority leader of the senate
regarding any interchanges made pursuant to this provision.
Such report shall specify the amount of moneys so interchanged and
detail the expenditures funded as a result of such interchange
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 1,477,000 ........ (re. $1,066,000)
Travel (54000) ... 331,000 ............................ (re. $205,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 17,508,000 ........ (re. $11,286,000)
Equipment (56000) ... 646,000 ......................... (re. $646,000)
329 12650-03-0
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Banking Department Account - 21970
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the regulatory activities of the
department of financial services. Notwithstanding section 51 of the
state finance law, the money hereby appropriated may be increased or
decreased by interchange with any other appropriation within the
department of financial services. Such annual interchanges made
between banking department account appropriations and insurance
department account appropriations may not, in the aggregate, total
more than $5,000,000. The superintendent of the department of finan-
cial services shall report quarterly to the governor, the speaker of
the assembly and the majority leader of the senate regarding any
interchanges made pursuant to this provision. Such report shall
specify the amount of moneys so interchanged and detail the expendi-
tures funded as a result of such interchange (32436).
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 11,000 ............... (re. $9,000)
Travel (54000) ... 1,649,000 .......................... (re. $853,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 2,389,000 .......... (re. $2,106,000)
Equipment (56000) ... 100,000 .......................... (re. $98,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
Insurance Department Account - 25172
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the enforcement of parity in
mental health and substance abuse disorder benefits as part of the
affordable care act implementation (32440).
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 1,400,000 ........... (re. $1,400,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses related to the enforcement of parity in
mental health and substance abuse disorder benefits as part of the
affordable care act implementation (32440).
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 1,400,000 ............. (re. $214,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Insurance Department Account - 21994
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the regulatory activities of the
department of financial services. Notwithstanding section 51 of the
state finance law, the money hereby appropriated may be increased or
decreased by interchange with any other appropriation within the
department of financial services. Such annual interchanges may not,
in the aggregate, total more than five million dollars. The super-
330 12650-03-0
intendent of the department of financial services shall report quar-
terly to the governor, the speaker of the assembly and the majority
leader of the senate regarding any interchanges made pursuant to
this provision. Such report shall specify the amount of moneys so
interchanged and detail the expenditures funded as a result of such
interchange (32406).
Supplies and materials (57000) ... 372,000 ............ (re. $364,000)
Travel (54000) ... 2,488,000 .......................... (re. $822,000)
Contractual services (51000) ... 5,286,000 .......... (re. $4,641,000)
Equipment (56000) ... 129,000 ......................... (re. $125,000)
For suballocation to the division of homeland security and emergency
services for services and expenses related to the repair and reha-
bilitation of the state fire training academy (32416).
Contractual services (51000) ... 500,000 .............. (re. $297,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For suballocation to the division of homeland security and emergency
services for services and expenses related to the repair and reha-
bilitation of the state fire training academy (32416).
Contractual services (51000) ... 500,000 ............... (re. $97,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For suballocation to the division of homeland security and emergency
services for services and expenses related to the repair and reha-
bilitation of the state fire training academy (32416).
Contractual services (51000) ... 500,000 ............... (re. $41,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For suballocation to the division of homeland security and emergency
services for services and expenses related to the repair and reha-
bilitation of the state fire training academy (32416).
Contractual services (51000) ... 500,000 ............... (re. $14,000)
331 12650-03-0
For payment according to the following schedule:
General Fund ....................... 6,431,000 0
Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 107,083,000 0
---------------- ----------------
All Funds ........................ 113,514,000 0
================ ================
ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ....................................... 6,431,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses related to the
administration program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (81001).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 3,420,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .............. 5,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 405,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 55,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 2,491,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 55,000
ADMINISTRATION OF THE LOTTERY PROGRAM ....................... 62,437,500
332 12650-03-0
Special Revenue Funds - Other
State Lottery Fund
State Lottery Account - 20902
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, for services and expenses
related to the administration and opera-
tion of the lottery program, providing
that moneys hereby appropriated shall be
available to the program net of refunds,
rebates, reimbursements, credits, repay-
ments, and/or disallowances.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, the money hereby appropriated
may not be, in whole or in part, inter-
changed with any other appropriation with-
in the state gaming commission, except
those appropriations that fund activities
related to the state lottery program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated, provided, however, that any such
transfer or interchange made pursuant to
such authority shall be in accordance with
article I, section 9 of the state consti-
tution (81001).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 18,625,000
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 600,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 400,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 875,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 275,000
Contractual services (51000) .................. 27,172,500
Equipment (56000) .............................. 1,550,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ....................... 12,250,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 690,000
CHARITABLE GAMING PROGRAM .................................... 2,435,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Bell Jar Collection Account - 22003
333 12650-03-0
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, for services and expenses
related to the administration and opera-
tion of the charitable gaming program,
providing that moneys hereby appropriated
shall be available to the program net of
refunds, rebates, reimbursements, credits,
repayments, and/or disallowances.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, the money hereby appropriated
may not be, in whole or in part, inter-
changed with any other appropriation with-
in the state gaming commission, except
those appropriations that fund activities
related to the state charitable gaming
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (47702).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 825,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 10,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 35,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 35,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 950,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 25,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 525,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 30,000
GAMING PROGRAM .............................................. 23,175,500
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
334 12650-03-0
Regulation of Indian Gaming Account - 22046
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, for services and expenses
related to the administration and opera-
tion of the regulation of the Indian
gaming program, providing that moneys
hereby appropriated shall be available to
the program net of refunds, rebates,
reimbursements, credits, repayments,
and/or disallowances.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, the money hereby appropriated
may not be, in whole or in part, inter-
changed with any other appropriation with-
in the state gaming commission, except
those appropriations that fund activities
related to the regulation of the Indian
gaming program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (47703).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 4,800,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 125,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 30,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 30,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 350,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 25,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 3,100,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 175,000
Program account subtotal ................... 8,635,000
335 12650-03-0
Special Revenue Funds - Other
NYS Commercial Gaming Fund
Commercial Gaming Regulation Account - 23702
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, for services and expenses
related to the administration and opera-
tion of the commercial gaming revenue
account, providing that moneys hereby
appropriated shall be available to the
program net of refunds, rebates,
reimbursements, credits, repayments,
and/or disallowances.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, the money hereby appropriated
may not be, in whole or in part, inter-
changed with any other appropriation with-
in the state gaming commission, except
those appropriations that fund activities
related to the administration of the
gaming commission program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (81001).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 3,950,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 200,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 30,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 35,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 500,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 25,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 2,600,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 150,000
336 12650-03-0
Program account subtotal ................... 7,490,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
State Lottery Fund
VLT Administration Account - 20903
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, for services and expenses
related to the state's administration of
the video lottery gaming program, provid-
ing that such moneys appropriated herein
shall be available to the program net of
refunds, rebates, reimbursements, credits,
repayments, and/or disallowances.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, the money hereby appropriated
may not be, in whole or in part, inter-
changed with any other appropriation with-
in the state gaming commission, except
those appropriations that fund activities
related to the state video lottery gaming
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (47703).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 2,900,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 40,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 25,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 15,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,865,500
Equipment (56000) ................................ 250,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 1,850,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 105,000
Program account subtotal ................... 7,050,500
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Regulation of Racing Account - 21912
337 12650-03-0
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, for services and expenses
related to the administration and opera-
tion of the regulation of horse racing and
pari-mutuel wagering program, providing
that moneys hereby appropriated shall be
available to the program net of refunds,
rebates, reimbursements, credits, repay-
ments, and/or disallowances.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, the money hereby appropriated
may not be, in whole or in part, inter-
changed with any other appropriation with-
in the state gaming commission, except
those appropriations that fund activities
related to the horse racing and pari-mutu-
el wagering program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (49202).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 2,650,000
Temporary service (50200) ...................... 5,250,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 10,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 165,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 375,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 7,525,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 50,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 2,310,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 280,000
Total amount available ...................... 18,615,000
338 12650-03-0
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, for services and expenses
related to the administration and opera-
tion of the New York state racing fan
advisory council, providing that moneys
hereby appropriated shall be available to
the program net of refunds, rebates,
reimbursements, credits, repayments,
and/or disallowances (47711).
Supplies and materials (57000) ..................... 5,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 10,000
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 85,000
Total amount available ......................... 100,000
INTERACTIVE FANTASY SPORTS PROGRAM ............................. 320,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Interactive Fantasy Sports Fund
Fantasy Sports Administration Account - 24951
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, for services and expenses
related to the administration and opera-
tion of the regulation of interactive
fantasy sports program, providing that
moneys hereby appropriated shall be avail-
able to the program net of refunds,
rebates, reimbursements, credits, repay-
ments, and/or disallowances.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, the money hereby appropriated
may not be, in whole or in part, inter-
changed with any other appropriation with-
in the state gaming commission, except
those appropriations that fund activities
related to the state regulation of inter-
active fantasy sports program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
339 12650-03-0
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (47713).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 100,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 150,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................... 65,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................. 5,000
340 12650-03-0
For payment according to the following schedule:
General Fund ....................... 103,722,000 0
Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 14,230,000 21,438,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 18,252,000 0
Enterprise Funds ................... 17,828,000 0
Internal Service Funds ............. 862,440,000 0
Fiduciary Funds .................... 750,000 0
---------------- ----------------
All Funds ........................ 1,017,222,000 21,438,000
================ ================
BUSINESS SERVICES CENTER PROGRAM ............................ 37,795,000
Internal Service Funds
Centralized Services Account
Business Services Center Account - 55022
For services and expenses related to the
business services center program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (26238).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 32,455,000
Temporary service (50200) ......................... 40,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 300,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 25,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 10,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 4,930,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 35,000
Program account subtotal .................. 37,795,000
CURATORIAL SERVICES PROGRAM .................................... 750,000
Fiduciary Funds
Miscellaneous New York State Agency Fund
341 12650-03-0
Empire State Plaza Art Commission Account - 60600
For services and expenses related to the
operation of the empire state plaza art
commission in accordance with article 4 of
the arts and cultural affairs law (26227).
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 500,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 500,000
Fiduciary Funds
Miscellaneous New York State Agency Fund
Executive Mansion Trust Account - 60600
For services and expenses related to the
operation of the executive mansion trust
in accordance with article 54 of the arts
and cultural affairs law (26228).
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 250,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 250,000
DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM ............................. 80,484,000
Internal Service Funds
Centralized Services Account
Design and Construction Account - 55010
For services and expenses related to the
design and construction program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (26211).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 28,262,000
Temporary service (50200) ......................... 14,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 223,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 494,000
Travel (54000) ................................. 1,285,000
Contractual services (51000) .................. 32,566,000
342 12650-03-0
Equipment (56000) ................................ 621,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ....................... 16,222,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 797,000
EXECUTIVE DIRECTION PROGRAM ................................ 220,751,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses related to the
executive direction program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (81031).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 14,545,000
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 109,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 100,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 95,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 50,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 5,934,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 265,000
Total amount available ...................... 21,098,000
For payments related to the new headquarters
for the department of audit and control,
the New York state and local employees'
retirement system and the New York state
and local police and fire retirement
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (26231).
343 12650-03-0
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,168,000
For services and expenses related to a
centralized risk management function with-
in state government (26239).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 471,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 100,000
Total amount available ......................... 571,000
Program account subtotal .................. 22,837,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Cuba Lake Management Account - 22124
For services and expenses related to the
executive direction program (81031).
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 386,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 386,000
Enterprise Funds
Agencies Enterprise Fund
Asset Preservation Account - 50322
For services and expenses related to the
executive direction program (81031).
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 16,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 509,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 525,000
Enterprise Funds
Agencies Enterprise Fund
Plaza Special Events Account
For services and expenses related to the
executive direction program (81031).
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 200,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 12,000
Travel (54000) ..................................... 8,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,713,000
Equipment (56000) .................................. 9,000
344 12650-03-0
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 114,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................. 6,000
Program account subtotal ................... 2,062,000
Internal Service Funds
Centralized Services Account
Energy Account - 55008
For services and expenses related to the
purchase and delivery of energy for state
agencies, pursuant to chapter 410 of the
laws of 2009 (26229).
Supplies and materials (57000) ................ 90,000,000
Program account subtotal .................. 90,000,000
Internal Service Funds
Centralized Services Account
Executive Direction Account - 55001
For services and expenses related to the
executive direction program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (81031).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 4,842,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................ 52,389,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 247,000
Contractual services (51000) .................. 44,543,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 107,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 2,675,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 138,000
Program account subtotal ................. 104,941,000
PROCUREMENT PROGRAM ........................................ 534,300,000
General Fund
345 12650-03-0
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses related to the
procurement program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (26212).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 8,832,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 27,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 28,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 39,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 311,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 60,000
Program account subtotal ................... 9,297,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Funds
Environmental Projects Account - 25300
For services and expenses related to envi-
ronmental projects, including but not
limited to training, research and techni-
cal assistance and demonstration projects,
personal services, fringe benefits and
indirect costs (26212).
Nonpersonal service (57050) ...................... 500,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 500,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund
Emergency Assistance-OGS-9461 Account - 25025
For services and expenses related to the
temporary emergency feeding assistance
program (26213).
Nonpersonal service (57050) ................... 10,865,000
346 12650-03-0
Program account subtotal .................. 10,865,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund
Federal Food and Nutrition Services Account - 25025
For services and expenses related to state
administrative costs for the national
lunch program (26214).
Nonpersonal service (57050) .................... 2,865,000
Program account subtotal ................... 2,865,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Standards and Purchase Account - 22019
For services and expenses related to the
procurement program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (26212).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 751,000
Temporary service (50200) ......................... 10,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 10,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 320,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 87,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 4,101,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 20,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 439,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 21,000
Program account subtotal ................... 5,759,000
Internal Service Funds
Centralized Services Account
Enterprise Contracting Account - 55020
For services and expenses related to the
procurement program.
347 12650-03-0
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (26212).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 600,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................. 1,000,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 250,000
Contractual services (51000) ................. 476,824,000
Equipment (56000) .............................. 2,000,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 341,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 17,000
Program account subtotal ................. 481,032,000
Internal Service Funds
Centralized Services Account
Standards and Purchase Account - 55002
For services and expenses related to the
procurement program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (26212).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 3,100,000
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 180,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 58,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................. 1,215,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 156,000
Contractual services (51000) .................. 14,910,000
Equipment (56000) .............................. 2,562,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 1,717,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 84,000
Program account subtotal .................. 23,982,000
348 12650-03-0
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
For services and expenses related to the
real property management and development
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (26201).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............. 16,211,000
Temporary service (50200) ...................... 2,221,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .......... 1,319,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................ 37,677,000
Travel (54000) ................................... 109,000
Contractual services (51000) .................. 13,505,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 546,000
Program account subtotal .................. 71,588,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Building Administration Account - 22005
For services and expenses related to the
real property management and development
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
349 12650-03-0
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (26201).
Supplies and materials (57000) ..................... 4,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 22,000
Contractual services (51000) .................. 12,081,000
Program account subtotal .................. 12,107,000
Enterprise Funds
Agencies Enterprise Fund
Convention Center Account - 50318
For services and expenses related to the
real property management and development
program (26201).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 664,000
Temporary service (50200) ......................... 60,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 65,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 96,000
Travel (54000) ..................................... 9,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 868,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 24,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 332,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 16,000
Program account subtotal ................... 2,134,000
Enterprise Funds
Agencies Enterprise Fund
Empire State Plaza Visitors Center and Gift Shop Account
- 50327
For services and expenses related to the
real property management and development
program (26201).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................. 42,000
Temporary service (50200) ......................... 65,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ..................... 1,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 330,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................... 62,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................. 3,000
350 12650-03-0
Program account subtotal ..................... 503,000
Enterprise Funds
Agencies Enterprise Fund
Parking Services Account
For services and expenses related to the
real property management and development
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (26201).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 2,697,000
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 765,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 348,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................... 154,000
Travel (54000) ..................................... 2,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 5,400,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 169,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 2,706,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 200,000
Program account subtotal .................. 12,441,000
Enterprise Funds
Agencies Enterprise Fund
Solid Waste Account
For services and expenses related to the
real property management and development
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (26201).
351 12650-03-0
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 100,000
Contractual services (51000) ....................... 5,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................... 55,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................. 3,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 163,000
Internal Service Funds
Centralized Services Account
Building Administration Account - 55004
For services and expenses related to the
real property management and development
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (26201).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 1,946,000
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 119,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............ 213,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................. 2,783,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 10,000
Contractual services (51000) .................. 37,616,000
Equipment (56000) ................................ 161,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 1,295,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 63,000
Program account subtotal .................. 44,206,000
352 12650-03-0
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund
Emergency Assistance-OGS-9461 Account - 25025
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the temporary emergency feeding
assistance program (26213).
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 10,865,000 ......... (re. $10,865,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses related to the temporary emergency feeding
assistance program (26213).
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 10,865,000 .......... (re. $5,527,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses related to the temporary emergency feeding
assistance program (26213).
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 10,865,000 .......... (re. $3,809,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund
Federal Food and Nutrition Services Account - 25025
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to state administrative costs for
the national lunch program (26214).
Nonpersonal service (57050) ... 2,865,000 ........... (re. $1,237,000)
353 12650-03-0
For payment according to the following schedule:
General Fund ....................... 475,555,000 0
Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 1,626,246,000 3,483,391,438
Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 404,669,000 300,955,000
---------------- ----------------
All Funds ........................ 2,506,470,000 3,784,346,438
================ ================
ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ..................................... 199,622,000
General Fund
State Purposes Account - 10050
Notwithstanding any other provision of law,
the money hereby appropriated may be
increased or decreased by interchange,
with any appropriation of the department
of health, and may be increased or
decreased by transfer or suballocation
between these appropriated amounts and
appropriations of the medicaid inspector
general, office of mental health, office
for people with developmental disabilities
and office of addiction services and
supports with the approval of the director
of the budget, who shall file such
approval with the department of audit and
control and copies thereof with the chair-
man of the senate finance committee and
the chairman of the assembly ways and
means committee. For services and expenses
for payment of liabilities accrued hereto-
fore and hereafter to accrue. Up to
$375,000 of this amount may be used for
the department of health's share of costs
related to the services of a monitor
appointed pursuant to a remedial order of
a federal district court, in the 2009
case, Disability Advocates, Inc. v. Pater-
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
funds under this appropriation shall be
available for certification or payment
until (i) the legislature has finally
acted upon the appropriations for the
department of health contained in the aid
354 12650-03-0
to localities budget bill, and (ii) the
director of the budget has determined that
those aid to localities appropriations as
finally acted on by the legislature are
sufficient for the ensuing fiscal year.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (81001).
Personal service--regular (50100) ............ 110,938,000
Temporary service (50200) ........................ 329,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .......... 1,893,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ................. 6,498,000
Travel (54000) ................................. 1,898,000
Contractual services (51000) .................. 30,411,000
Equipment (56000) .............................. 2,024,000
Total amount available ..................... 153,991,000
For services and expenses related to the New
York state donor registry (26633).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................. 82,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 40,000
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 28,000
Total amount available ......................... 150,000
For suballocation to the office of children
and family services through a memorandum
of understanding with the AIDS institute,
for services and expenses related to HIV
policy development and training (29683).
355 12650-03-0
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 135,000
For suballocation to the state education
department through a memorandum of under-
standing with the AIDS institute, for
services and expenses of the provision of
HIV/AIDS/sexual health education by
regional training coordinators for staff
in elementary and secondary schools
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 180,000
For services and expenses related to the
emergency preparedness - stockpile
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,200,000
For services and expenses related to osteo-
porosis prevention (26630).
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 31,000
For services and expenses related to health
information technology program (26632).
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 167,000
For services and expenses for a statewide
campaign to promote awareness of the New
York state donor registry to increase
organ and tissue donation (26943).
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 116,000
For services and expenses related to the
operation of the incident reporting system
(NYPORTS) (26634).
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 591,000
For services and expenses for patient health
information and quality improvement initi-
atives (26635).
356 12650-03-0
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 174,000
For services and expenses related to testing
for adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) (26636).
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 110,000
For suballocation to the office of mental
health for services and expenses for
surveys of psychiatric residential treat-
ment facilities (29678).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 115,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 16,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 45,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 70,000
Total amount available ......................... 246,000
For services and expenses related to the
home health aide registry (29677).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 270,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ..................... 1,000
Travel (54000) ..................................... 1,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,512,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 16,000
Total amount available ....................... 1,800,000
For services and expenses related to crimi-
nal history background checks for adult
care facilities (26899).
Contractual services (51000) ................... 1,300,000
Program account subtotal ................. 160,191,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
Federal Block Grant Account - 25183
For various health prevention, diagnostic,
detection and treatment services (26983).
Personal service (50000) ....................... 3,195,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) .................... 1,703,000
357 12650-03-0
Fringe benefits (60090) ........................ 1,758,000
Indirect costs (58850) ........................... 224,000
Program account subtotal ................... 6,880,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund
Child and Adult Care Food Account - 25022
For various food and nutritional services
Personal service (50000) ......................... 500,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) ...................... 300,000
Fringe benefits (60090) .......................... 325,000
Indirect costs (58850) ............................ 50,000
Program account subtotal ................... 1,175,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund
Federal Food and Nutrition Services Account - 25022
For various food and nutritional services
Personal service (50000) ....................... 1,500,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) ...................... 640,000
Fringe benefits (60090) .......................... 909,000
Indirect costs (58850) ............................ 84,000
Program account subtotal ................... 3,133,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Combined Expendable Trust Fund
Technology Transfer Account - 20118
For services and expenses related to the
department of health's patent and technol-
ogy transfer program. The department of
health may receive and deposit revenue
from the sale and licensing of inventions
pursuant to a technology and patent trans-
fer policy established in accordance with
section 64-a of the public officers law.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law,
these funds may be used for payments to
Health Research, Inc. as reimbursement for
expenses incurred in its patent and tech-
358 12650-03-0
nology transfer operations, to support
research, training, and infrastructure
development in the department's research
facilities, and for payments to inventors.
The moneys hereby appropriated shall be
available for liabilities heretofore and
hereafter to accrue (81001).
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 28,000
Program account subtotal ...................... 28,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Administration Program Account - 21982
For services and expenses, including indi-
rect costs, related to the administration
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (81001).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 4,318,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 50,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ..................... 3,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 10,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 6,924,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 2,840,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 136,000
Program account subtotal .................. 14,281,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Health-SPARCS Account - 21902
For all services and expenses, including
indirect costs, related to the statewide
planning and research cooperative system.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
359 12650-03-0
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (81001).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 1,119,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 10,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 35,000
Travel (54000) ..................................... 7,000
Contractual services (51000) ................... 3,627,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 10,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 716,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 34,000
Program account subtotal ................... 5,558,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Professional Medical Conduct Account - 22088
For services and expenses, including indi-
rect costs, related to the professional
medical conduct program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (81001).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 3,780,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 10,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 45,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 35,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 388,000
Equipment (56000) .................................. 1,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 2,230,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 103,000
Program account subtotal ................... 6,592,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
360 12650-03-0
Vital Records Management Account - 22103
For services and expenses including the
collection of increased fees related to
the vital records program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (81001).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 744,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) ............. 10,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 55,000
Travel (54000) ..................................... 3,000
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 465,000
Equipment (56000) .................................. 8,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 476,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 23,000
Program account subtotal ................... 1,784,000
AIDS INSTITUTE PROGRAM ......................................... 600,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
SAMHSA Account - 25170
For services and expenses to provide train-
ing and resources to first responders and
members of other key community sectors at
the state, tribal and local governmental
levels related to emergency treatment of
suspected opioid overdose (26847).
Nonpersonal service (57050) ...................... 600,000
CENTER FOR COMMUNITY HEALTH PROGRAM ........................ 175,547,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Education Fund
Individuals with Disabilities-Part C Account - 25214
361 12650-03-0
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
For activities related to a handicapped
infants and toddlers program (26837).
Personal service (50000) ....................... 5,000,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) ................... 18,449,000
Fringe benefits (60090) ........................ 2,700,000
Indirect costs (58850) ......................... 1,100,000
Program account subtotal .................. 27,249,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
Federal Block Grant Account - 25183
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
For various health prevention, diagnostic,
detection and treatment services. The
amounts appropriated pursuant to such
appropriation may be suballocated to other
state agencies or accounts for expendi-
tures incurred in the operation of
programs funded by such appropriation
subject to the approval of the director of
the budget (26989).
Personal service (50000) ...................... 11,702,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) .................... 6,147,000
Fringe benefits (60090) ........................ 6,635,000
Indirect costs (58850) ........................... 807,000
Program account subtotal .................. 25,291,000
362 12650-03-0
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
Federal Health, Education and Human Services Account -
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
For various health prevention, diagnostic,
detection and treatment services. The
amounts appropriated pursuant to such
appropriation may be suballocated to other
state agencies or accounts for expendi-
tures incurred in the operation of
programs funded by such appropriation
subject to the approval of the director of
the budget (26988).
Personal service (50000) ...................... 12,790,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) ................... 10,470,000
Fringe benefits (60090) ........................ 7,765,000
Indirect costs (58850) ......................... 3,050,000
Program account subtotal .................. 34,075,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund
Child and Adult Care Food Account - 25022
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
For various food and nutritional services
Personal service (50000) ....................... 4,848,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) .................... 2,921,000
363 12650-03-0
Fringe benefits (60090) ........................ 2,667,000
Indirect costs (58850) ........................... 639,000
Program account subtotal .................. 11,075,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund
Federal Food and Nutrition Services Account - 25022
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, any of the amounts appro-
priated herein may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer,
without limit, with any appropriation of
any other department, agency or public
authority or by transfer or suballocation
to any department, agency or public
authority with the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget.
For various food and nutritional services.
A portion of this appropriation may be
suballocated to other state agencies
Personal service (50000) ...................... 26,284,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) ................... 25,104,000
Fringe benefits (60090) ....................... 14,457,000
Indirect costs (58850) ......................... 1,982,000
Program account subtotal .................. 67,827,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Civil Monetary
Account - 25035
For services and expenses of the department
of health related to the special supple-
mental nutrition program for women,
infants and children (29974).
Nonpersonal service (57050) .................... 5,000,000
Program account subtotal ................... 5,000,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
HCRA Resources Fund
Tobacco Control and Cancer Services Account - 20801
364 12650-03-0
For services and expenses related to the
tobacco control and cancer services
programs authorized pursuant to sections
2807-r and 1399-ii of the public health
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (26813).
Personal service--regular (50100) .............. 2,159,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .............. 6,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 10,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 45,000
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 76,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 30,000
Fringe benefits (60000) ........................ 1,370,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 680,000
Program account subtotal ................... 4,376,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Cable Television Account - 21971
For services and expenses related to public
service education, with specific emphasis
on public health issues.
Notwithstanding any other law, rule or regu-
lation to the contrary, expenses of the
department of health public service educa-
tion program incurred pursuant to appro-
priations from the cable television
account of the state miscellaneous special
revenue funds shall be deemed expenses of
the department of public service. No later
than August 15, 2019, the commissioner of
the department of health shall submit an
accounting of expenses in the 2018-19
fiscal year to the chair of the public
service commission for the chair's review
pursuant to the provisions of section 217
of the public service law.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
365 12650-03-0
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (26813).
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 454,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 454,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
CSFP Salvage Account - 22159
For services and expenses of the department
of health related to the commodity supple-
mental food program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (26813).
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 25,000
Program account subtotal ...................... 25,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Drive Out Diabetes Research and Education Account -
For diabetes research and education pursuant
to chapter 339 of the laws of 2001.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
366 12650-03-0
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (26813).
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 100,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 100,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Tobacco Enforcement and Education Account - 22105
For services and expenses related to tobacco
enforcement, education and related activ-
ities, pursuant to chapter 162 of the laws
of 2002.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (26813).
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 75,000
Program account subtotal ...................... 75,000
CENTER FOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM ..................... 26,873,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
Federal Block Grant CEH Account - 25170
For various health prevention, diagnostic,
detection and treatment services (26990).
Personal service (50000) ......................... 600,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) ...................... 265,000
Fringe benefits (60090) .......................... 752,000
Indirect costs (58850) ............................ 56,000
Program account subtotal ................... 1,673,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
367 12650-03-0
Federal Block Grant Account - 25183
For services and expenses of various health
prevention, diagnostic, detection and
treatment services (26991).
Personal service (50000) ....................... 3,268,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) .................... 1,742,000
Fringe benefits (60090) ........................ 1,873,000
Indirect costs (58850) ........................... 229,000
Program account subtotal ................... 7,112,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Federal Environmental Protection Agency Grants Account -
For various environmental projects including
suballocation for the department of envi-
ronmental conservation (26992).
Personal service (50000) ....................... 4,657,000
Nonpersonal service (57050) .................... 2,485,000
Fringe benefits (60090) ........................ 2,235,000
Indirect costs (58850) ........................... 326,000
Program account subtotal ................... 9,703,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Clean Air Fund
Operating Permit Program Account - 21451
For services and expenses of the department
of health in developing, implementing and
operating the operating permit program
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 416,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .............. 5,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ..................... 4,000
Travel (54000) ..................................... 5,000
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 25,000
Equipment (56000) .................................. 8,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 185,000
Indirect costs (58800) ........................... 126,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 774,000
368 12650-03-0
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund
Low Level Radioactive Waste Account - 21066
For services and expenses of the low-level
radioactive waste siting program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (26844).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 543,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .............. 6,000
Supplies and materials (57000) .................... 32,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 30,000
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 95,000
Equipment (56000) ................................. 40,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 353,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................ 17,000
Total amount available ....................... 1,116,000
For suballocation to the energy research and
development authority, pursuant to chapter
673 of the laws of 1986, as amended by
chapters 368 and 913 of the laws of 1990.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (29776).
Contractual services (51000) ..................... 150,000
Program account subtotal ................... 1,266,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Environmental Protection and Oil Spill Compensation Fund
369 12650-03-0
Environmental Protection and Oil Spill Compensation
Account - 21202
For services and expenses related to the oil
spill relocation network program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (26844).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 209,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .............. 2,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ..................... 6,000
Travel (54000) ..................................... 1,000
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 14,000
Equipment (56000) .................................. 1,000
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 140,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................. 6,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 379,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Asbestos Safety Training Account - 22009
For services and expenses of the asbestos
safety training program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (26844).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 324,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .............. 6,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ..................... 1,000
Travel (54000) .................................... 15,000
Contractual services (51000) ...................... 20,000
Equipment (56000) .................................. 1,000
370 12650-03-0
Fringe benefits (60000) .......................... 207,000
Indirect costs (58800) ............................. 8,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 582,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Occupational Health Clinics Account - 22177
For services and expenses of implementing
and operating a statewide network of occu-
pational health clinics for diagnostic,
screening, treatment, referral, and educa-
tion services.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and
Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange
and Transfer Authority as defined in the
2020-21 state fiscal year state operations
appropriation for the budget division
program of the division of the budget, are
deemed fully incorporated herein and a
part of this appropriation as if fully
stated (26844).
Personal service--regular (50100) ................ 423,000
Holiday/overtime compensation (50300) .............. 1,000
Supplies and materials (57000) ..................... 2,000
Travel (54000) ...........