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This entry was published on 2021-07-09
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Branding and labeling of maple, birch, walnut or beech sugar and syrup mixtures
Agriculture & Markets (AGM) CHAPTER 69, ARTICLE 17
§ 204. Branding and labeling of maple, birch, walnut or beech sugar
and syrup mixtures. No person shall manufacture, sell or expose for
sale, any compound or mixture as and for sugar which shall be made up of
maple, birch, walnut or beech sugar mixed with any other sugar or any
other substance without branding or labeling the said sugar with a
statement giving the ingredients of which it is made up. No person shall
manufacture, sell, expose for sale or offer for sale any compound or
mixture as syrup which shall be made up of maple, birch, walnut or beech
syrup mixed with any other syrup or ingredient without branding or
labeling said syrup with a statement giving the ingredients of which it
is made up. This shall not be construed to apply to a syrup or syrups
manufactured and sold for medicinal purposes only.