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Definition of vinegars and adulterated vinegars
Agriculture & Markets (AGM) CHAPTER 69, ARTICLE 17
§ 207. Definition of vinegars and adulterated vinegars.

1. The terms "cider vinegar," "apple cider vinegar," or words of
similar import, shall be construed to mean the product made exclusively
from the expressed juice of clean, sound, fresh apples, or parts of such
apples, by alcoholic and subsequent acetous fermentations without
distillation. The term "dried apple vinegar," or words of similar
import, shall be construed to mean the product resulting from the
alcoholic and subsequent acetous fermentations without distillation of
the juice produced from clean, sound, dried apples, clean, sound, dried
chopped apples, clean, sound, dried apple skins or cores, or clean,
sound dried pomace.

2. The term "sugar vinegar" shall be construed to mean the product
made by the alcoholic and subsequent acetous fermentations without
distillation of solutions of sugar, syrup, molasses or refiner's syrup.

3. The term "malt vinegar" shall be construed to mean the product made
by the alcoholic and subsequent acetous fermentations of an infusion of
barley malt and/or cereals or a concentrate thereof which has been
enzymatically converted by the malting process.

4. The terms "wine vinegar," "grape vinegar," shall be construed to
mean the product made by the alcoholic and subsequent acetous
fermentations of the juice of grapes or the acetous fermentation of
wine, produced according to federal regulations.

5. The term "glucose vinegar" shall be construed to mean the product
made by the alcoholic and subsequent acetous fermentations of sugar,
molasses and/or other nutritive carbohydrate sweeteners.

6. The terms "spirit vinegar," "distilled vinegar," "grain vinegar,"
"white distilled vinegar," "white vinegar," shall be construed to mean
the product made by the acetous fermentations of dilute ethyl alcohol.

7. All vinegars which contain less than four grams of acetic acid in
one hundred cubic centimeters of the vinegar at twenty degrees
centigrade, shall be deemed adulterated. Nothing herein shall be deemed
to prohibit the manufacture of vinegar for consumption elsewhere than
within this state, of such acid content as may be elsewhere required.

8. The product made by the destructive distillation of wood, known as
pyroligneous acid, shall not be sold, offered, exposed or had in
possession for sale, for food.

9. The terms blended vinegar, mixed vinegar, compound vinegar shall be
construed to mean the product made by acetous fermentation of a blend of
raw materials or a blend of two or more vinegars, suitably labeled
according to law. The product may also be described as "_________
vinegar," the blank being filled in by any suitable and non-deceptive
term that does not represent or suggest that the product consists solely
of a vinegar described in subdivisions one through six of this section.

9-a. Manufacture and sale of vinegar and vinegar products defined in
subdivisions one through six of this section shall not be deemed to be
misbranded provided the product so defined is labeled in compliance with
subdivision three of section two hundred one of this article.

10. Vinegar products other than those defined in subdivisions one
through six of this section shall not be deemed to be misbranded or
adulterated provided that the product source of the raw material shall
be identified on the label by its common or usual name. This includes
other fruit vinegars which shall be entitled "________ vinegar," the
blank being filled in by the name of the fruit or fruit juices. Packages
containing vinegars made from wine or fruits which have been reduced
with water must be plainly marked or branded "reduced to ......... per
centum acid strength," indicating the acidity to which they have been so
reduced, or words equivalent thereto.

11. The manufacture and sale of the products made by the addition of
safe and suitable flavorings and/or coloring ingredients to vinegars
described in subdivisions one through ten of this section, and suitably
labeled according to law shall not be deemed to be misbranded.