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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Labeling of certain food products
Agriculture & Markets (AGM) CHAPTER 69, ARTICLE 17
§ 214-m. Labeling of certain food products. If any person, firm,
corporation, partnership, association or any other business association
which processes, manufactures or imports food products has placed upon
or accompanying the shipping container, shipping case, pallet or invoice
of such food products, any information, whether in coded form or
otherwise, which specifies the expiration, "use by" date or similar
date; or the lot, batch, date of manufacture or processing or other
information regarding the identity of the food product; it shall be
unlawful to willfully alter, mutilate, destroy, obliterate or remove
such information other than in connection with the destruction of the
entire shipping container, shipping case, pallet or invoice. The
provisions of this section and any regulations promulgated hereunder
shall not be deemed to require any manufacturer, processor or importer
of food products to so label any food product prior to distribution in
the state or to prevent a manufacturer, processor or importer of food
products from correcting or causing to be corrected any of the
information accompanying the shipping container, shipping case, pallet
or invoice. The provisions of this section shall not affect any
provision of federal, state or local law, ordinance, rule or regulation
regarding the placing of an expiration or "use by" date on the retail
container of any food product.