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Interstate and federal compacts
Agriculture & Markets (AGM) CHAPTER 69, ARTICLE 21
§ 258-n. Interstate and federal compacts. The commissioner is hereby
authorized to confer with legally constituted authorities of other
states and of the United States with respect to uniform milk control,
including sanitary requirements with states and/or as between states,
and with the federal government in its control of milk handled in
interstate commerce, and may exercise his powers hereunder to effect
such uniform milk control. He may join with such other authorities
federal and state in conducting joint investigations, holding joint
hearings and issue joint or concurrent orders, or orders supplementary
to those of the federal government, and shall have the power to employ
or designate a joint agent or joint agencies to carry out and enforce
such joint, concurrent or supplementary orders.

In order to carry out the policies set forth in sections two hundred
fifty-eight-k and two hundred fifty-eight-p, the commissioner is hereby
vested with the authority to enter into a compact or compacts or other
types of agreements, with the legally constituted authorities of other
states and/or the United States to provide for uniform milk control and,
in order to effectuate such uniform milk control, he may join with an
agent or agencies to exercise under such compact or compacts or other
types of agreements the powers conferred upon him by this article with
respect to the administration of uniform milk control. In the case of
market orders including those covering prices, any such compact or
compacts or other types of agreements may provide for necessary
assessments upon the handlers regulated thereunder, in order to cover
the cost of administering such uniform milk control, including, without
limitation, the cost of auditing milk dealers' classifications.

The commissioner may effectuate this section by any type of agreement
other than a formal compact if a formal compact is not constitutionally