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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Agriculture & Markets (AGM) CHAPTER 69, ARTICLE 2-C
§ 31-g. Definitions. As used in this article, unless another meaning
is clearly indicated:

1. "Community garden" shall mean public or private lands upon which
citizens of the state have the opportunity to garden on lands which they
do not individually own.

2. "Garden" shall mean a piece or parcel of land appropriate for the
cultivation of herbs, fruits, flowers, nuts, honey, poultry for egg
production, maple syrup, ornamental or vegetable plants, nursery
products, or vegetables.

3. "Municipality" shall mean any county, town, village, city, school
district, board of cooperative educational services, other special
district, or any office or agency thereof.

4. "Office" shall mean the office of community gardens.

4-a. "State agency" shall mean any department, bureau, commission,
board, public authority or other agency of the state, including any
public benefit corporation of which any member of whose board is
appointed by the governor.

5. "Use" shall mean to avail oneself of or to employ without
conveyance of title gardens on vacant public lands by any individual or

6. "Vacant public land" shall mean any land owned by the state or a
public corporation including a municipality that is not in use for a
public purpose, is otherwise unoccupied, idle or not being actively
utilized for a period of at least six months and is suitable for garden