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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Deposits by custodian designated by administrator of veterans' affairs, or by person certified by social security administration
§ 8. Deposits by custodian designated by administrator of veterans'
affairs, or by person certified by social security administration. When
any deposit shall be made for the benefit of an individual by the person
who has been designated the custodian of such individual by the
administrator of veterans' affairs pursuant to the provisions of title
thirty-eight, United States code, "Veterans' Benefits", as amended, or
when a deposit shall be made for the benefit of an individual by a
person who has been certified by the social security administration as
the person to whom payment for the benefit of such individual should be
made pursuant to the provisions of an act of congress entitled the
"Social Security Act", the deposit, together with any interest or
dividends credited thereon, may be paid to such custodian or his
successor designated by the administrator of veterans' affairs or to
such person or his successor certified by the social security
administration, and the receipt or acquittance of such custodian or
person or such successor shall be a valid and sufficient release and
discharge to the depositary for any payment so made.