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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Assembly Rules (CMA) CHAPTER , RULE 4
§ 3. Sub-committees. A sub-committee of a standing committee created
pursuant to paragraph four of subdivision c of section one of Rule I
shall be comprised of at least three members of the standing committee;
provided, however that there shall be at least one minority member on
each subcommittee. The chairperson of such standing committee may
request that a sub-committee report back to the committee within a
specified period of time with respect to the following: analysis and
recommendations regarding a bill referred to the standing committee;
recommendations for proposed legislative action; and the findings and
recommendations of the sub-committee resulting from any hearings,
studies or investigations relating to matter within the jurisdiction of
the standing committee. Any report issued by a sub-committee to a
standing committee must be in writing and indicate any dissenting
opinion. Meetings of sub-committees shall be subject to the provisions
of article seven of the Public Officers Law known as the "Open Meetings