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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Assembly Rules (CMA) CHAPTER , RULE 4
§ 4. Hearings. a. During each legislative session, chairpersons of
standing committees may call public hearings to permit interested
persons, groups or organizations the opportunity to testify orally or in
writing on legislation or other matters pending before such standing
committee provided, however, that each chairperson shall call such
public hearings upon a petition signed by a majority of the members of
the committee.

b. Consistent with the provisions of subdivision d of section one of
Rule IV hereof, the chairperson of each standing committee shall call at
least one public hearing after the adoption of the state budget
regarding the implementation and administration of programs of
departments, agencies, divisions, authorities, boards, commissions,
public benefit corporations and other entities within the jurisdiction
of such committee. The purpose of such public hearing shall include, but
not be limited to, the impact, if any, of the state budget on the
implementation and administration of the programs within such entities'

c. Other public hearings may be called by committee chairpersons with
prior consent of the Speaker and in accordance with procedure
established by law.

d. Each chairperson shall prepare a schedule setting forth the date
and place for hearings and the subject matter to be considered thereat.
Copies of such schedule shall be made available to the general public
and representatives of the news media at least seven days prior to the
date of such hearing and filed with the Assembly Public Information