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This entry was published on 2021-08-13
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Absence of incarcerated individual for funeral and deathbed visits authorized
Correction (COR) CHAPTER 43, ARTICLE 6
§ 113. Absence of incarcerated individual for funeral and deathbed
visits authorized. The commissioner may permit any incarcerated
individual confined by the department except one awaiting the sentence
of death to attend the funeral of his or her father, mother, guardian or
former guardian, child, brother, sister, husband, wife, grandparent,
grandchild, ancestral uncle or ancestral aunt within the state, or to
visit such individual during his or her illness if death be imminent;
but the exercise of such power shall be subject to such rules and
regulations as the commissioner shall prescribe, respecting the granting
of such permission, duration of absence from the institution, custody,
transportation and care of the incarcerated individual, and guarding
against escape. Any expense incurred under the provisions of this
section, with respect to any incarcerated individual permitted to attend
a funeral or visit a relative during last illness, shall be deemed an
expense of maintenance of the institution and be paid from moneys
available therefor; but the superintendent, if the rules and regulations
of the commissioner shall so provide, may allow the incarcerated
individual or anyone in his or her behalf to reimburse the state for
such expense.