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This entry was published on 2024-02-16
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Religious dietary requirements
Correction (COR) CHAPTER 43, ARTICLE 6
* § 134. Religious dietary requirements. 1. The commissary at each
correctional facility shall provide food options for purchase through
the facility commissary that satisfy the requirements of religious
dietary needs of the incarcerated individuals housed at the facility,
including, but not limited to halal foods and kosher foods. Food options
available pursuant to this subdivision shall conform to the standards
typically associated with the particular religious dietary requirements;
provided, however, that if one or more incarcerated individuals housed
at the facility requires food products that conform to a higher
religious dietary standard, such products shall also be made available
through the commissary upon request of the individual requiring such

2. Each correctional facility shall provide food options for purchase
from vending machines located in the visitor's area of the facility that
satisfy the requirements of religious dietary needs of the incarcerated
individuals housed at the facility, including, but not limited to halal
foods and kosher foods.

3. For food options available through both the commissary and from
vending machines, the prices for food options that conform to the
requirements of this section shall be comparable to the cost of food
options that do not conform to the requirements of this section.

* NB Effective September 3, 2024