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Confirmation of award for public sector arbitrations
Civil Practice Law & Rules (CVP) CHAPTER 8, ARTICLE 75
§ 7510-a. Confirmation of award for public sector arbitrations. (a)
The court shall confirm an award in a public sector arbitration
proceeding upon application of a party made within one year after its
delivery to the party, unless an application to vacate or modify the
award upon a ground specified in section seventy-five hundred eleven of
this article is made within ninety days after the delivery of the award
to the party seeking to modify or vacate.

(b) This section shall only apply to awards from an arbitration
between a public employer and an employee of the public employer.

(c) For the purposes of this section, "public employer" means (i) the
state of New York, (ii) a county, city, town, village or any other
political subdivision or civil division of the state, (iii) a school
district or any governmental entity operating a public school, college
or university, (iv) a public improvement or special district, (v) a
public authority, commission, or public benefit corporation, (vi) any
other public corporation, agency or instrumentality or unit of
government which exercises governmental powers under the laws of the
state, or (vii) in the case of a county sheriff's office in those
counties where the office of sheriff is an elected position, both the
county and the sheriff, shall be designated as a joint public employer
for all purposes of this article.