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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Teachers' record of attendance
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 6, ARTICLE 83
§ 4109. Teachers' record of attendance. An accurate record of
attendance of all Indian children between six and sixteen years of age
shall be kept by the teacher of every Indian school, showing each day,
by the year, month, day of the month and day of the week, such
attendance, and the number of hours in each day thereof; and each
teacher upon whose instruction such Indian child shall attend elsewhere
than at the school in the community or district of the reservation where
he resides, shall keep a like record of such attendance. Such records
shall at all times be open to the principal teacher of the reservation
and its attendance officers or to such person or persons as shall be
designated by the commissioner of education who may inspect and copy the
same and any teacher shall answer all lawful inquiries made by them. A
wilful neglect or refusal to keep such a record or answer such inquiries
shall be a misdemeanor.