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Attendance officers
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 6, ARTICLE 83
§ 4110. Attendance officers. 1. The principal teacher of the Indian
schools on each reservation shall supervise the enforcement of this
article within said reservation and shall appoint, subject to the
approval of the commissioner of education, and remove at pleasure such
number of attendance officers as the commissioner of education shall
deem necessary, whose jurisdictions shall extend over all school
districts on the reservation for which they shall be appointed. Such
principal teachers are also vested with the same power and authority as
the attendance officers appointed by them.

2. If the education of Indian children of the reservation shall be
provided pursuant to the provisions of subdivision two of section
forty-one hundred one of this chapter, the attendance officer or
officers of the school district providing such education shall have
jurisdiction over all Indian children on the reservation. Such
attendance officers shall not, however, be entitled to receive from the
commissioner of education the payment for services provided in section
forty-one hundred fourteen of this chapter.

3. The commissioner of education may appoint and remove at pleasure
such attendance officers as he shall deem necessary, who shall have
jurisdiction over all children other than Indian children on the
reservation for which they shall be appointed. Such attendance officers
shall receive such sum per day or part thereof as shall be fixed by the
commissioner of education for each day or part thereof necessarily
employed as such attendance officers. Compensation of attendance
officers herein provided for shall be audited by the commissioner of
education and paid in the same manner as other expenses incurred
pursuant to this article.