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Requirements for a professional license
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 8, ARTICLE 137
§ 6805. Requirements for a professional license. 1. To qualify for a
pharmacist's license, an applicant shall fulfill the following

(1) Application: file an application with the department;

(2) Education: have received an education, including a bachelor's or
equivalent degree in pharmacy, in accordance with the commissioner's

(3) Experience: have experience satisfactory to the board and in
accordance with the commissioner's regulations;

(4) Examination: pass an examination satisfactory to the board and in
accordance with the commissioner's regulations;

(5) Age: be at least twenty-one years of age;

(6) Citizenship or immigration status: be a United States citizen or a
noncitizen lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United

(7) Character: be of good moral character as determined by the
department; and

(8) Fees: pay a fee of one hundred seventy-five dollars to the
department for admission to a department conducted examination and for
an initial license, a fee of eighty-five dollars for each
re-examination, a fee of one hundred fifteen dollars for an initial
license for persons not requiring admission to a department conducted
examination, and a fee of one hundred fifty-five dollars for each
triennial registration period.

2. On or before April first, nineteen hundred seventy-two, any person
who holds a valid license as "druggist" in this state shall make
application and on the payment of fees specified in this title be
licensed by the department as a pharmacist. Such person shall have all
of the rights, privileges, duties and responsibilities of a pharmacist.