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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Green jobs-green New York on-bill recovery
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 5, TITLE 1-A
§ 1020-hh. Green jobs-green New York on-bill recovery. 1. Within three
hundred days of the effective date of this section, the authority shall
establish a program to provide for the billing and collection of on-bill
recovery charges for payment of obligations of its customers to the
green jobs-green New York revolving loan fund established pursuant to
title nine-A of article eight of the public authorities law. Such
program shall be consistent with the standards set forth in subdivision
three of section forty-two and section sixty-six-m of the public service
law. To the maximum extent practicable, funding available from the New
York state energy research and development authority shall be utilized
to defray any costs associated with electronic data interchange
improvements or other costs of initiating and implementing this program.
Billing and collection services under such tariffs shall commence as
soon as practicable after establishment of the program.

2. The authority may suspend its offering of the on-bill recovery
charge provided that the authority makes a finding that there is a
significant increase in arrears or utility service disconnections that
the authority determines is directly related to such charge, or a
finding of other good cause.