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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Special powers of the authority
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 5, TITLE 9
§ 1204-d. Special powers of the authority. 1. The authority may enter
into a joint service arrangement with a bi-state agency, the state of
New Jersey, any state agency, authority, municipality or instrumentality
of the state of New Jersey, the federal government and any common
carrier for the purpose of establishing bus transportation between the
borough of Staten Island and locations in the state of New Jersey. A
joint service arrangement between the authority and such entities shall
mean an agreement or agreements relating to property, buildings,
structures, facilities, services, rates, classifications, fares,
divisions, allowances, charges, rules and regulations pertaining to or
incidental to establishing and maintaining such bus transportation.

2. Any such joint service arrangement shall be authorized only by
resolution of the authority approved by not less than a majority vote of
the whole number of members of the board of the authority then in
office, except that in the event of a tie vote the chairman shall cast
one additional vote.

3. All general powers of the authority shall be applicable to joint
service arrangements.