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This entry was published on 2020-08-07
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Ice cream or other frozen desserts made with liquor, wine, beer or cider
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 13, TITLE 8
§ 1352-c. Ice cream or other frozen desserts made with liquor, wine,
beer or cider. No person shall sell at retail individual servings of ice
cream or other frozen desserts made with liquor, wine, beer or cider
bearing or containing more than one-half of one percent but not more
than five percent of alcohol by volume, unless the following statements
are prominently displayed on the printed menu (or, if no printed menus
are used, on the menu board or sign setting forth the bill of fare)
immediately adjacent to the listing of the item or items of ice cream or
other frozen desserts made with liquor, wine, beer or cider being
offered provided that such statements may refer to liquor, wine, beer or
cider or a combination thereof:

1. The sale of (insert liquor, wine, beer and/or cider) ice cream or
other frozen desserts to individuals under the age of twenty-one is

2. (Insert liquor, wine, beer and/or cider) ice cream or other frozen
desserts contain alcohol up to five percent by volume.

3. Notice: (Insert liquor, wine, beer and/or cider) ice cream or other
frozen desserts contain alcohol used as a flavoring and, as with any
product that contains alcohol:

(a) women should not consume alcohol during pregnancy because of the
risk of birth defects, and

(b) consumption of alcohol impairs your ability to drive a car or
operate machinery, and may cause health problems.