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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Actions against persons rendering professional services at the request of the department; defense and indemnification
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 1, TITLE 2
§ 14. Actions against persons rendering professional services at the
request of the department; defense and indemnification. The provisions
of section seventeen of the public officers law shall apply to any
physician, dentist, nurse or other health care professional who: (i) is
licensed to practice pursuant to article one hundred thirty-one, one
hundred thirty-one-B, one hundred thirty-three, one hundred thirty-six,
one hundred thirty-seven, one hundred thirty-nine, one hundred
forty-three, one hundred fifty-six, one hundred fifty-seven, one hundred
fifty-nine or one hundred sixty-four of the education law and who is
rendering professional treatment or consultation in connection with
professional treatment authorized under such license at the request of
the department, or at a departmental facility, including clinical
practice provided pursuant to a clinical practice plan established
pursuant to subdivision fourteen of section two hundred six of this
chapter, to patients receiving care or professional consultation from
the department while rendering such professional treatment or
consultation; (ii) is rendering consultation in connection with an audit
or prepayment review of claims or treatment requests under the medical
assistance program; or (iii) assists the department as consultants or
expert witnesses in the investigation or prosecution of alleged
violations of article twenty-eight, thirty-six, forty-four or
forty-seven of this chapter or rules and regulations adopted pursuant